Samsung Galaxy S II ad mocks iPhone line-waiters



  • Reply 241 of 273
    gatorguygatorguy Posts: 24,324member
  • Reply 242 of 273
    Originally Posted by Gatorguy View Post

    Posted without further comment

    Yeah, according to a host of people on this site: a. You just trolled b. that is an invalid source c. they didn't survey every iphone owner 4. Apple is invincbile. This is a lie and is just a bunch of Fandroids.<-----These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA or PETA.
  • Reply 243 of 273
    Originally Posted by Tallest Skil View Post

    Why? n

    Use a Wp7 device for an hour or try out a Galaxy Nexus with Ice Cream Sandwich. Both are innovating by taking interaction and intuitive design to a level beyond ios5.
  • Reply 244 of 273
    Wow! 7 comment pages
  • Reply 245 of 273
    Originally Posted by Boogerman2000 View Post

    Use a Wp7 device for an hour

    Oh, I have. Unless they've done a major UI update in the last nine months, I know what they're all about.

    Windows Phone 7 is elegant. I appreciate what they're doing there. There's just no soul.


    ?or try out a Galaxy Nexus with Ice Cream Sandwich. Both are innovating by taking interaction and intuitive design to a level beyond ios5.

    Cool. I think I will. I haven't played with Android since Froyo and maybe an early Gingerbread, so it's high time I take another look. Thanks for the tip.
  • Reply 246 of 273
    Originally Posted by Gatorguy View Post

    Posted without further comment

    It's not limited to the UK. South Korea is also having iPhone 4S woes - (and notice that that's from an Apple news site).
  • Reply 247 of 273
    Originally Posted by Tallest Skil View Post

    Windows Phone 7 is elegant. I appreciate what they're doing there. There's just no soul.

    Wow. Just... wow.

  • Reply 248 of 273
    Originally Posted by Tallest Skil View Post

    Windows Phone 7 is elegant. I appreciate what they're doing there. There's just no soul.

    Can't disagree with you there.

    I honestly think it's the most elegant looking of the OSes...but it is utterly boring IMO.
  • Reply 249 of 273
    Originally Posted by AbsoluteDesignz View Post

    Can't disagree with you there.

    I honestly think it's the most elegant looking of the OSes...but it is utterly boring IMO.

    It's a bit stark, but the user experience is actually very good.

    MSFT has done a fair job of mating software to hardware as well, which is where android falls short big time.

    I am running a GSII. Awesome phone. I don't have any real complaints in fact. I wouldn't trade it for an i4S. The biggest issue is screen size.

    If the i4S had at least a 4" screen it would make a huge difference.
  • Reply 250 of 273
    Originally Posted by Technarchy View Post

    It's a bit stark, but the user experience is actually very good.

    MSFT has done a fair job of mating software to hardware as well, which is where android falls short big time.

    I am running a GSII. Awesome phone. I don't have any real complaints in fact. I wouldn't trade it for an i4S. The biggest issue is screen size.

    If the i4S had at least a 4" screen it would make a huge difference.

    yea I wish Google would exercise some (maybe even half) of the control Microsoft has over their OS.

    At this time they have the content, they have the software going in the right direction...etc.

    They could tighten up at least as far as carrier control and OEM customization goes and still be relatively open.
  • Reply 251 of 273
    gongon Posts: 2,437member
    The ad could have been a bit tighter, but it was pretty funny and I think also effective.

    People do a whole lot of buying based on subconscious imagery, just like the "creative" guy in the ad does, but poking at that behavior a bit and turning conscious thought toward it makes it fizzle. Samsung is doing exactly that and asking, "do you want to pick stuff based on its actual merits?". Most would answer yes to that.
  • Reply 252 of 273
    mr. hmr. h Posts: 4,870member
    Originally Posted by Gon View Post

    Samsung is doing exactly that and asking, "do you want to pick stuff based on its actual merits?". Most would answer yes to that.

    Indeed, but the assumption of the ad is that a huge screen and 4G are both "merits" and that they trump all other considerations.

    I honestly do not understand the recent obsession with larger screens. Not so many years ago, before smartphones took off, folks were bragging about how small their phones were! After all, a phone is meant to be a portable device that fits in your pocket/purse and that you can hold in your hand comfortably. If Apple were ever to offer more than one iPhone form-factor, I would hope that the additional one would be smaller than the current one, not bigger.

    4G requires first-generation chipsets with higher power consumption than 3G chipsets; personally I prefer the better battery life versus higher speeds. And anyway, what the hell is the point of having a phone that can do 40 Mbps or whatever if your data allowance for a whole month is only 1 GB? The limiting factor for a lot of web-browsing on mobiles is rendering speed and latency, not downlink speed.

    Finally, what about all the other considerations for a smartphone, such as the overall user experience, how long your phone is likely to be supported w.r.t. software updates, sound quality, screen quality, overall build quality etc. etc.?
  • Reply 253 of 273
    gongon Posts: 2,437member
    Originally Posted by Mr. H View Post

    Indeed, but the assumption of the ad is that a huge screen and 4G are both "merits" and that they trump all other considerations. 4G requires first-generation chipsets with higher power consumption than 3G chipsets; personally I prefer the better battery life versus higher speeds.

    It's plainly obvious that those features are merits for some users. Samsung has other phones with different features. Even the SII itself is also available with a 3G chipset. Is choice bad?

    Pointing out "hey, we offer these cool features and Apple doesn't" doesn't even remotely imply those features "trump all other considerations". When Apple makes an ad that only talks about Siri, does that imply Apple doesn't give a shit about screen quality?

    And anyway, what the hell is the point of having a phone that can do 40 Mbps or whatever if your data allowance for a whole month is only 1 GB? The limiting factor for a lot of web-browsing on mobiles is rendering speed and latency, not downlink speed.

    1 GB cap with 4G is absurd. Is it Samsung's fault if you have a niggardly data plan?

    Finally, what about all the other considerations for a smartphone, such as the overall user experience, how long your phone is likely to be supported w.r.t. software updates, sound quality, screen quality, overall build quality etc. etc.?

    What about them? We're talking about a short ad here.
  • Reply 254 of 273
    Originally Posted by Tallest Skil View Post

    Oh, I have. Unless they've done a major UI update in the last nine months, I know what they're all about.

    Windows Phone 7 is elegant. I appreciate what they're doing there. There's just no soul.

    Originally Posted by AbsoluteDesignz View Post

    Can't disagree with you there.

    I honestly think it's the most elegant looking of the OSes...but it is utterly boring IMO.

    It feels anything but soulless to me. That said, Microsoft has yet to build an arsenal of Apps that have the same smooth functionality and sheer enjoyability as iOS. This may be one reason why Wp7 feels less robust, or slightly boring. There many things I see Microsoft not doing that are bothersome; App development, or the lack thereof, for example.
  • Reply 255 of 273
    No one is waiting in line to buy a stupid Samsung knockoff phone
  • Reply 256 of 273
    solipsismxsolipsismx Posts: 19,566member
    Originally Posted by Mr. H View Post

    I honestly do not understand the recent obsession with larger screens. Not so many years ago, before smartphones took off, folks were bragging about how small their phones were! After all, a phone is meant to be a portable device that fits in your pocket/purse and that you can hold in your hand comfortably. If Apple were ever to offer more than one iPhone form-factor, I would hope that the additional one would be smaller than the current one, not bigger.

    That was before the primary I/O were one and same. Personally, I want the iPhone display to move to 4", but only if that can be achieved without losing any of it's single-handed usability. That means a thinner overall case and/or a display closer to the edge so my hand can cusp comfortably any my thumb can still sweep easily.

    Originally Posted by Gon View Post


    Finally, what about all the other considerations for a smartphone, such as the overall user experience, how long your phone is likely to be supported w.r.t. software updates, sound quality, screen quality, overall build quality etc. etc.?

    What about them? We're talking about a short ad here.

    Apple has done great job at capturing a feeling when using their iPhone and iPad so it's possible to put them in a 30 second spot. While this is the best Android-based vendor ad it's still very superficial.
  • Reply 257 of 273
    galbigalbi Posts: 968member
    Originally Posted by Tallest Skil View Post

    Windows Phone 7 is elegant. I appreciate what they're doing there. There's just no soul.


    Apple supporter --> Apple fan --> Apple fanatic --> Apple lunatic.

    That is your progress.

    Originally Posted by dcolley View Post

    No one is waiting in line to buy a stupid Samsung knockoff phone

    If that makes you feel better.
  • Reply 258 of 273
    Originally Posted by Galbi View Post


    Apple supporter --> Apple fan --> Apple fanatic --> Apple lunatic.

    That is your progress.

    You're completely and utterly wrong. You should revise your view of me before continuing to make baseless accusations.
  • Reply 259 of 273
    hill60hill60 Posts: 6,992member
    Originally Posted by linkgx1 View Post

    My ears don't belong to GSM Arena.

    I hope you know reviews are subjective and aren't to be taken as fact. Most people think Superman 64 is the worst game ever. There is one person that think it's the greatest thing to grace the earth.

    GSMArena base their reviews on audio tests they aim to make as objective as possible, the method they use is outlined here.

    This is the reason I chose them as a source, to remove the subjectivity, although as I stated it is easy to test if you have a Galaxy S II variant, an iPhone 4 or 4S and a set of high end headphones (which are available to try in Apple stores).

    Originally Posted by ConradJoe View Post

    There are no high end headphones for sale at any Apple store..

    I'm talking headphones from manufacturers such as Bose, Etymotics, Beats by Dre etc. that cost more than many Android phone's currently being sold.

    In Australian Apple store's they are available to try.

    Originally Posted by bloggerblog View Post

    Wasn't it Samsung who hired a flock of people to stand outside a store pretending to wait for one their phones?

    They sold 10 $2 Galaxy S II's per day to a small line of mainly backpackers, in a pop up store they set up a couple of doors down from the Apple store in George Street, Sydney.
  • Reply 260 of 273
    Originally Posted by Galbi View Post


    Apple supporter --> Apple fan --> Apple fanatic --> Apple lunatic.

    That is your progress.

    I think it's just that he is a unique kind of guy.
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