Apple viewed as unlikely to launch 7-inch iPad in 2012

in iPad edited January 2014
Though Apple is believed to have built prototypes for a 7-inch iPad, and rumors of such a device launching persist, one Wall Street watcher doesn't believe Apple will release a 7-inch tablet in 2012.

Analyst Brian Blair with Wedge Partners said in a note to investors this week that he doesn't think Apple will release anything with a 7-inch screen size in 2012, whether it's an "iPad mini" or a jumbo iPod touch.

"Jobs was emphatic in his view that 7-inch tablets were dead on arrival," Blair wrote, "and we believe it would be unlikely to see the company test the waters in this category anytime soon."

Instead of a new screen size, Blair thinks it's more likely that Apple will keep its current iPad 2 on the production line after the launch of a third-generation iPad. This would allow Apple to reach a lower price point and address demand at the mid-tier range.

"We believe iPad 2's price drop could drop to the $349 to $399 range with Apple offering a single 16GB model," he said.

As for the third-generation iPad, Blair expects that to arrive in the late March or early April timeframe. He sees key features being a retina display, 4G compatibility and Siri functionality, along with higher-resolution cameras in a 1-megapixel front-facing camera and a 3-to-5-megapixel rear-facing camera.

Blair's prediction that Apple will expand the iPad lineup was shared earlier this week by another analyst. Gene Munster with Piper Jaffray said Apple could increase its sales if the company were to offer the iPad at both higher and lower price points.

And last month, still another analyst predicted that Apple will sell a third-generation iPad with a high-resolution Retina Display in addition to a faster "iPad 2S." Ben A. Reitzes said he believes Apple's "iPad 2S" could have the same screen resolution as the current iPad 2, but sport a faster processor and Siri integration. He also suggested Apple will continue to sell the current iPad 2 at a lower price, much like the company already does with the iPhone 3GS.

As for the rumors of a 7-inch iPad, they have persisted for years, and a new claim surfaced as recently as last week. A story from the Far East said that Apple is "likely" to launch a smaller iPad several months after the next-generation iPad, at some point in 2012, in order to fend off increasing competition from Amazon's 7-inch Kindle Fire tablet.

Jobs slammed 7-inch tablets that compete with Apple's iPad in a surprise appearance on his company's quarterly earnings conference call in October of 2010. Jobs said Apple would not make a 7-inch tablet because the company did not feel the need to hit a lower price point, and he felt the smaller screen size was "too small to express the software."

He even quipped that the manufacturers of 7-inch tablets would need to ship sandpaper with their hardware, so users could file down their fingers to the point where they could hit smaller targets on the screen.

"We know developers aren't going to deal well with these different sizes and they have to change their software every time the screen size changes," the late Apple co-founder said. "When we make decisions on 7-inch tablets it's not about cost, it's about the value of the product when you factor in the software."


  • Reply 1 of 93
    Originally Posted by AppleInsider View Post

    Analyst Brian Blair with Wedge Partners said in a note to investors this week that he doesn't think Apple will release anything with a 7-inch screen size in 2012, whether it's an "iPad mini" or a jumbo iPod touch.

    Hmmmm... all this does is increase the likelihood of a 7 inch device appearing from Apple...
  • Reply 2 of 93
    Originally Posted by island hermit View Post

    Hmmmm... all this does is increase the likelihood of a 7 inch device appearing from Apple...

    I doubt they will. I just don't see it doing anything but cannibalizing the regular iPad sales. Apple would need a strategic reason for going down that path, and I just don't see one other than cost to the consumer.
  • Reply 3 of 93
    The 7" inch screen if for an infotainment system Apple is making for the VW Group. It will debut in the 2013 Audi A3. It will include Siri, Apple Maps and Directed Audio for private calls. Audi has been chompin at the bit for years to have a partnership with Apple. Another industry changer.
  • Reply 4 of 93
    Originally Posted by ruel24 View Post

    I doubt they will. I just don't see it doing anything but cannibalizing the regular iPad sales. Apple would need a strategic reason for going down that path, and I just don't see one other than cost to the consumer.

    Agreed. And they can achieve that reason with the idea that the analyst suggested. Following in the footsteps of the iPhone by retaining the lowest model of the current line at a reduced price.
  • Reply 5 of 93
    Originally Posted by ruel24 View Post

    I doubt they will. I just don't see it doing anything but cannibalizing the regular iPad sales. Apple would need a strategic reason for going down that path, and I just don't see one other than cost to the consumer.

    The game is this...

    For every analyst that says that a 7 inch device will be released you put a "1" in the negative column (will not be released).

    For every analyst that says that a 7 inch device will not be released you put a "1" in the positive column (will be released).

    If it's either Munster, Huberty or Wu you have to add "2" to whichever column.
  • Reply 6 of 93
    lkrupplkrupp Posts: 10,557member
    My personal opinion is that Steve Jobs was right all along. The seven inch tablet is too small and not much better for viewing than a standard smartphone. One of the consumer coimplaints about the Kindle Fire is that the screen is too small. Seven inch tablets have not sold all that well either as Dell has dropped the Streak recently.

    I personally don't see Apple coming out with a seven inch iPad anytime soon. I know I wouldn't buy one no matter what the cost was. But Tim Cook might see things differently and he's running the show now.
  • Reply 7 of 93
    paxmanpaxman Posts: 4,729member
    The headline should read:

    Apple viewed as unlikely to launch 7-inch iPad in 2012 by one Wall Street watcher

    Kind of puts the 'rumour' in perspective
  • Reply 8 of 93
    Sounds like some pretty cool stuff. I hope its true. It would be nice if Apple did iPad's like they do iPhones, with different models and price points.
  • Reply 9 of 93
    No~. Re~ally.
  • Reply 10 of 93
    When did an "Apple watcher on Wall Street" become a "Wall Street watcher"?
  • Reply 11 of 93
    Originally Posted by HyteProsector View Post

    The 7" inch screen if for an infotainment system Apple is making for the VW Group. It will debut in the 2013 Audi A3. It will include Siri, Apple Maps and Directed Audio for private calls. Audi has been chompin at the bit for years to have a partnership with Apple. Another industry changer.

    Given that this is a rumor site, I'll go along.

    I think something like this - don't know if it's Audi, BMW or both - is most certainly on the cards, and will be massive. Do tell us more if you know more.

    The living room, followed by the car!

    Hang on to your AAPL.....
  • Reply 12 of 93
    sheffsheff Posts: 1,407member
    no real need for it. I think the current size is pretty close to ideal, though making it a bit wider would make for a better movie watching experience. The only reason to release a smaller version would be to compete on price with Amazon, say 7 inch for 349 but that is not something apple would or should do.

    I say spend some energy on a matte ipad, that would boost sales for sure.
  • Reply 13 of 93
    I want a 7.85" iPad. I want it, I want it, I want it. Kindle Fire sucks, but it's the perfect size for moi. I would not line up to buy iPad Mini, but as soon as the heaving throng of rabid morons - which would include many proclaimers that a 7" model would never happen - dissipated, I would waltz into an Apple Store - and I mean that, I would put Strauss on my iPod and waltz in - and snap one up.
  • Reply 14 of 93
    The 8" (7.85") mockups that MR had created look like a usable size but I see nothing but trouble from that size when you have a 10". Note that Apple still only a 3.5" smartphone after 5 generations despite the apparent winning from Android with larger displays.

    PS: Speaking of Android, this is just pathetic:
  • Reply 15 of 93
    Originally Posted by AppleInsider View Post

    ... still another analyst predicted that Apple will sell a third-generation iPad with a high-resolution Retina Display in addition to a faster "iPad 2S." Ben A. Reitzes said he believes Apple's "iPad 2S" could have the same screen resolution as the current iPad 2, but sport a faster processor and Siri integration. ...

    This (iPad 2s), is the dumbest idea I've heard all week.

    As for the 7" iPad, I don't see Apple doing it unless it's a special use device. A 7" iPad with stylus integration for use as a sort of digital steno pad might sell, but then why wouldn't they just add the stylus integration to the baseline iPad? It's really hard to see any good reason for a smaller iPad other than price and Apple doesn't design it's gear around the sale price and never has.

    Possibly the faltering sales of the iPod touch might encourage them to make a slightly bigger gaming focussed touch but if that's the case then 7" is too big. Something more like the 5" Dell streak would be the upper limit there IMO. But then you have to consider that the Dell streak was a dud and didn't sell at all.
  • Reply 16 of 93
    1. So Apple did months of internal testing of all different sizes of iPad and they came up with 9" being the perfect size.

    2. When they released the iPad competitors start blathering about 7" tablets that will rule them all and they say that in internal testing 7" tablets were too small and they think they're basically dead on arrival.

    3. 7" tablets finally come out, but nobody buys them.

    4. Everything Apple thought was true, turned out to be true.

    Now they think Apple is going to come out with a 7" tablet? On the surface, that sounds mentally retarded. Maybe there's some crazy plan to make developer's lives more difficult while providing no value to the customer, business, or developer. I just find that highly unlikely.

    For this to make sense, Apple would have to be thinking that the reason these 7" tablets aren't selling is because they have Android on them instead of iOS. I actually do buy that, but Apple knew before the 7"'ers ever came out that they were too small in their internal testing. So they would have to forget the past to make that reasoning stick.

    I'm just not buying it. The nav system for Audi has been a rumor for several years now. I think that use of 7" displays makes way more sense than them making a 7" iPad to sell alongside a 9" one.
  • Reply 17 of 93
    wizard69wizard69 Posts: 13,377member
    Thia is what I don't get about these threads, do people really think this is the end of iOS device innovation?
  • Reply 18 of 93
    gatorguygatorguy Posts: 24,554member
    Originally Posted by HyteProsector View Post

    The 7" inch screen if for an infotainment system Apple is making for the VW Group. It will debut in the 2013 Audi A3. It will include Siri, Apple Maps and Directed Audio for private calls. Audi has been chompin at the bit for years to have a partnership with Apple. Another industry changer.

    that's the second time you've said the same thing with no source for the claim. Is this an opinion or do you know something for a fact that others here are unaware of. There's been rumors of a partnership for years but I've never seen anything concrete. If you have, please reference it.
  • Reply 19 of 93
    apple ][apple ][ Posts: 9,233member
    When the next iPad gets released, the iPad 2 will be cheaper and only a moron would choose an Android 7" tablet over a 9.7" iPad 2.

    I see no use for 7" tablets, and I couldn't care less if Apple makes them or not. I think that it would be a waste. If somebody wants portability, there's the iPod Touch or iPhone.

    7" is too big to fit into somebody pocket, so it's not like people are walking around with 7" tablets in their pocket, and if somebody is going to put their tablet into a bag, then the 9.7" is far better, as it's more than double the display size and far better to use.

    So in conclusion, screw all 7" tablets. People who buy them are too poor to afford the real deal.
  • Reply 20 of 93
    Originally Posted by iluomo View Post

    I want a 7.85" iPad. I want it, I want it, I want it. Kindle Fire sucks, but it's the perfect size for moi. I would not line up to buy iPad Mini, but as soon as the heaving throng of rabid morons - which would include many proclaimers that a 7" model would never happen - dissipated, I would waltz into an Apple Store - and I mean that, I would put Strauss on my iPod and waltz in - and snap one up.

    How can a 7.85" 1.33 aspect ratio iPad and a 7" 1.71 aspect ratio Kindle Fire both be the perfect size?

    Kindle Fire. . .iPad mini

    .w = 3.53". . . w = 4.72"

    .h = 6.04". . . h = 6.27"

    .a = 21.35". . .a = 29.60"

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