Apple jumps 9 spots to become 8th most valuable brand in the world



  • Reply 121 of 128
    slurpyslurpy Posts: 5,393member
    Originally Posted by Apple ][ View Post

    For poor people? Absolutely nothing, as I'm not fond of poor people and I am anti-charity. People are poor because of a variety of reasons, but the main ones in my view are laziness, lack of intelligence, lack of education, poor parenting and a pathetic sense of entitlement combined with an ignorant political outlook which causes many poor people to remain dirt poor. Basically, it's their own fault and I don't really give a shit about them.

    One of the most despicable and sickening posts I've seen not just on this forum, but on the internet. And that's saying a lot. Thank God I've never been poor, but I'm not narcissistic, naive, and arrogant enough to believe it's all based on my own merits/intelligence/success/etc. If you honestly believe everyone on this planet has an equal opportunity at success, you have more than a few screws loose and need to get out of your basement and learn a bit about the world. If you were born into poverty (ie. the majority of people on this planet) I'm sure you wouldn't have the same misguided, insane opinion that you have. 'Ignorant political outlook'? What irony. You must be the epitome of ignorance, not to mention the epitome of 'entitlement', to say the things you just said. But hey, I'm sure the millions of people born into conditions of starvation, abject poverty, war, & broken socio-economic conditions can just roll up their sleeves, plant some magical money trees, pay tens if not hundreds of thousands for an education, get a decent paying and stable job and become successful and comfortable. There are no words to describe the vitriol you just spouted, and the soul-less person you seem to be. Shameful.

    I noticed you clarified you meant only the US, but all my points still stand. No, not everyone has 'the same opportunities' available to them, and that their chances of success are completely under their control no matter their circumstances. To even suggest that displays a scary and unbelievable level of naivety and ignorance. I don't think I've ever met anyone in my life who would describe themselves as 'anti-charity', and I hope I never do. Even the most right wing would never say that. Reading your follow-up posts confirms your hypocrisy, contradicting yourself from one post to the next in trying to maintain your untenable and illogical position, and shows an amazing level of venom and nastiness towards those less fortunate than you. People with views like yours (ie. the poor deserve the be poor') are ironically the people who have had the most comfortable, easiest, and most entitled life, disconnected from reality, most things handed to them on a platter, yet convince themselves they somehow 'made it big' solely with with their own intelligence and hard-work. I don't consider myself a liberal, a socialist, or a leftist. I'm pretty conservative. But you utterly disgust me to the point of nausea. I actually feel dirty just posting on the same board as you.

    PS- I personally know a couple highly intelligent pand motivated people who work multiple jobs (2-3) and 12-16+ hr days who are in borderline poverty, because of factors completely out of their control. I'm pretty sure they don't have time to rack up 1,800+ posts on an apple forum, unlike such a hard-working person like yourself, who spits on the poor. If only they were as hard-working and intelligent as you, they would be in a much better position. I should introduce you, so you can give them a motivational talk about laziness and the need to work harder so they can be as awesome as you.
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  • Reply 122 of 128
    Funnily enough I could tell how despicable he was based solely on his anti-Android posts but I was wrong then according to posters here. Change the subject from them to something else and so many see what a lowlife he is.

    Good day.
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  • Reply 123 of 128
    pendergastpendergast Posts: 1,358member
    Originally Posted by Apple ][ View Post

    For poor people? Absolutely nothing, as I'm not fond of poor people and I am anti-charity. People are poor because of a variety of reasons, but the main ones in my view are laziness, lack of intelligence, lack of education, poor parenting and a pathetic sense of entitlement combined with an ignorant political outlook which causes many poor people to remain dirt poor. Basically, it's their own fault and I don't really give a shit about them.

    Say that to all the hardworking factory workers who, because of an economic paradigm shift, find themselves in a country that no longer values their skills. Try getting a job when you're over 50, and being a Walmart greeter doesn't pay the bills.

    Or how about people who have a baby that has severe health problems? Hospital bills are a quick way to the poverty line. Is that their fault?

    Some people do bring it on themselves, and loads abuse the system. Their is a culture of laziness, and many children are raised to look for ways to rob Uncle Sam.

    But to sit on your highchair and look down on all poor people... Well I hope you never have a reversal of fortune.
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  • Reply 124 of 128
    pendergastpendergast Posts: 1,358member
    Originally Posted by realwarder View Post

    Apple did loose out to Amazon in Brand Loyalty in 2011 though:

    Originally Posted by Radar View Post

    You fail to grasp the reality of the big picture, which is founded on one of the biggest myths ever devoured by man. Suppose that in America we can all make it, a-la Horatio Alger style (a myth you seem to subscribe to); who's gonna be left to shine my shoes and mine my coal?

    So does that make the "American Dream" a pyramid scheme?
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  • Reply 125 of 128
    ktappektappe Posts: 825member
    Originally Posted by DrDoppio View Post

    I believe it has something to do with the fact that google is now a verb, while apple is still just a fruit.

    But "iPhone" is on its way to becoming synonymous with "cell phone." That's some serious branding right there. I looked at the article on how the rankings were arrived at and they did nothing to convince me Apple should not be above at least GE and IBM.
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  • Reply 126 of 128
    Originally Posted by Aizmov View Post

    How do they calculate brand value? How is Microsoft or IBM more valuable than Apple Inc?

    How is Coca-Cola more valuable than Apple? ROFL!!! Apple #1
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  • Reply 127 of 128
    solipsismxsolipsismx Posts: 19,566member
    Originally Posted by tooltalk View Post

    How is Coca-Cola more valuable than Apple? ROFL!!! Apple #1

    It's a reference to the brand, not to the company. While we may use these synonymously the brand is the identifier of something tangible. That is what is they are measuring. Now I don't agree with their results but they are ultimately subjective so they can write them as they please.
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  • Reply 128 of 128
    synpsynp Posts: 248member
    Originally Posted by tooltalk View Post

    How is Coca-Cola more valuable than Apple? ROFL!!! Apple #1

    What this is supposed to measure is the brand value, not the company value. If Coca Cola could no longer use their brand and were forced to sell clear bottles or white cans with a sticker that says "cola", how much less would they sell as compared to now.

    In other words, how much extra sales is the name worth. IBM makes a lot of sales to businesses, because IT departments love to work with them, and the brand generates a lot of extra income. Sure, 14 year-olds don't recognize the name, but they're not the ones doing the big spending. Same with GE - it's not the consumer lightbulbs. It's the heavy machinery.
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