4" screens for Apple's next iPhone will be built as soon as June



  • Reply 41 of 118
    paulmjohnsonpaulmjohnson Posts: 1,380member

    A mate of mine turned up at the pub with one of the Galaxy S IIs, which Amazon tells me had a 4.3" screen.  The screen, and actually the form factor of the phone was AWESOME!  The OS was still shitty, and looked awful because he'd added all manner of crap to the screens making it look cluttered, but with a decent OS, it would have been a decent phone.

    It certainly didn't seem to be too big to put in your pocket, nor did it look like you would look silly with it against your face (though I admit, I always use headphones with my iPhone, so never hold the phone up anyway).


    I'll be sticking with whatever Apple do for the time being, since I find iOS far superior to Android, but I thought Samsung had shown a larger form factor would work well, if only it had a good OS.

  • Reply 42 of 118
    ankleskaterankleskater Posts: 1,287member


    Originally Posted by Tallest Skil View Post



    AppleInsider: Don't you dare express your own opinions or thoughts, particularly if you present them as ONLY your own opinions or thoughts, because we couldn't care less and will mock you for them


    Not the catchiest subtitle in the world, but it's accurate, apparently. image


    To be fair, aren't you pretty prone to mocking other people's opinions too? That seems to be how everyone rolls around here ... Too bad.

  • Reply 43 of 118
    ankleskaterankleskater Posts: 1,287member


    Originally Posted by extremeskater View Post

    I believe the iPhone has enough room to make the screen larger without increasing the size of the overall phone. If we didn't have Siri and voice text I would like an larger screen for texting, however with those two functions I really have no need for a larger screen, and I certainly have no need for a larger phone.


    I agree, and not because you're a fellow skater.


    In fact, Gruber and a few others have pontificated (leaked?) how this would be done.

  • Reply 44 of 118
    island hermitisland hermit Posts: 6,217member


    Originally Posted by Tallest Skil View Post


    No, the idea that Apple would update two phones at once. They didn't update the iPhone 3GS or the iPhone 4 when the iPhone 4S came out, as some rumors said.


    If they're moving to a two-size world, that's absolutely a different story, but I can't believe they'd do that.


    Well, okay... then Apple keeps the 4S the same but sells it at $99 with a plan.


    Same dif... the idea is really to give people a choice between screen sizes.


    I personally think it would be a smart move to update the 4S at the same time. If a 4" screen size does appear then the physical difference between it and the 4S would be much greater than the difference between the 4 and 4S... which, yes, would have been a stupid move on Apple's part (what the hell was the 4S other than an updated 4)... but any fool can see that.

  • Reply 45 of 118
    s4mb4 wrote: »
    i think the current size is perfect. bigger is not better. i hate those monster Samsung devices. its like carrying around a VCR tape in your pocket.

    That's what Goldilocks said...
    It's still just a rumor though.
  • Reply 46 of 118
    tallest skiltallest skil Posts: 43,388member


    Originally Posted by island hermit View Post

    If a 4" screen size does appear then the physical difference between it and the 4S would be much greater than the difference between the 4 and 4S… which, yes, would have been a stupid move on Apple's part…


    Well, that was back when people thought the 5th iPhone was getting a case redesign to be bigger.


    EDIT: right part quoted now.

  • Reply 47 of 118
    dbeatsdbeats Posts: 26member

    I really don't care about the size of the screen, as long as the size of the PHONE is the same size or smaller. I've held a Note in my hand and after I stopped laughing at the ridiculousness of two handing everything, I realized how incredibly stupid it is to have a huge two-handed only phone. Remember the original cell phone in Wall St? Yeah *that* crazy stupid...

  • Reply 48 of 118
    island hermitisland hermit Posts: 6,217member


    Originally Posted by Tallest Skil View Post


    Well, that was back when people thought the 5th iPhone was getting a case redesign to be bigger.


    Are you kidding me... you're now using rumours as your empirical evidence that something was proven to be a stupid idea.


    Hint - something that is proven to be a stupid idea is something that was actually implemented and then subsequently failed.

  • Reply 49 of 118
    tallest skiltallest skil Posts: 43,388member


    Originally Posted by island hermit View Post

    Are you kidding me... you're now using rumours as your empirical evidence that something was proven to be a stupid idea.


    Hint - something that is proven to be a stupid idea is something that was actually implemented and then subsequently failed.


    Look… what? Oh, sorry, quoted the wrong part. 

  • Reply 50 of 118
    island hermitisland hermit Posts: 6,217member


    Originally Posted by Tallest Skil View Post


    Look… what? Oh, sorry, quoted the wrong part. 


    Oh.  image

  • Reply 51 of 118
    slurpyslurpy Posts: 5,385member


    Originally Posted by Tallest Skil View Post



    AppleInsider: Don't you dare express your own opinions or thoughts, particularly if you present them as ONLY your own opinions or thoughts, because we couldn't care less and will mock you for them


    Not the catchiest subtitle in the world, but it's accurate, apparently. image


    You couldn't have expressed your 'opinion' in a more childish or sensational way. My point is you routinely mock and attack others on this board for saying the exact same thing you said, ie. 'If Apple does X I will never own their product again'.  Instead using phrasing like 'I would prefer a 3.5" screen size", you state I guess Apple doesn't want me to own an iPhone ever again.'


    What ridiculous behavior for a moderator. It has nothing to do with 'opinion' but with acting in such a whiny, childish, sensational, and self-entitled way. The fact that you can't see that fact is even more depressing. 'Moderator' indeed. Try to set the same standards on yourself that you lecture others on, would go along way in preventing this level of hypocrisy. With 11,000 posts one would expect better. It also raises questions about what your like of Apple is even fundamentally based on, and how little trust you give the company if 0.5 inches is all it would take for you to never buy an iPhone again. Is the size the only redeeming factor of the iPhone for you? So things like iOS, software, iCloud, build quality, support, appstore, battery life, etc aren't even factors anymore? And please tell me, what would you switch to? I don't even think I've seen a 3.5" Android/Win/whatever phone in the past couple years. I'm trying to understanding your train of thought, but I figure one can't understand something thats fundamentally irrational. Just like your threats to drop iPhone if the next one is called iPhone 5. Really odd, OCD type behavior. 

  • Reply 52 of 118
    gwmacgwmac Posts: 1,807member


    Originally Posted by Slurpy View Post


    You couldn't have expressed your 'opinion' in a more childish or sensational way. My point is you routinely mock and attack others on this board for saying the exact same thing you said, ie. 'If Apple does X I will never own their product again'.  Instead using phrasing like 'I would prefer a 3.5" screen size", you state I guess Apple doesn't want me to own an iPhone ever again.'


    What ridiculous behavior for a moderator. It has nothing to do with 'opinion' but with acting in such a whiny, childish, sensational, and self-entitled way. The fact that you can't see that fact is even more depressing. 'Moderator' indeed. Try to set the same standards on yourself that you lecture others on, would go along way in preventing this level of hypocrisy. With 11,000 posts one would expect better. It also raises questions about what your like of Apple is even fundamentally based on, and how little trust you give the company if 0.5 inches is all it would take for you to never buy an iPhone again. Is the size the only redeeming factor of the iPhone for you? So things like iOS, software, iCloud, build quality, support, appstore, battery life, etc aren't even factors anymore? And please tell me, what would you switch to? I don't even think I've seen a 3.5" Android/Win/whatever phone in the past couple years. I'm trying to understanding your train of thought, but I figure one can't understand something thats fundamentally irrational. 

    Great post. I understand that some people prefer the current screen size for whatever reason and I can respect their opinion. But if anyone expresses an opinion that counters their preference we are labeled as trolls, idiots, or a tiny minority. The fact is in almsot every poll taken, far more people prefer a screen larger than 3.5". When the iPhone first came out 3.5" was huge at the time with most other phones only being around 2.5" to 3". But as a current iPhone owner I would like to be able to view website without zooming quite so much. In fact every aspect of using my iPhone would improve with a larger screen with the exception of phone calls. People use all this hyperbole about 4.5" being some huge monstrosity that won't even fit in your pocket and I have to wonder what size pockets do these people have. My best friend is a small guy at only 5' 5" tall and 145lbs and he doesn't have any problems using his 4.65" Samsung phone or fitting it in his pocket. He loves it and this is a guy that is an Apple fanatic in every other respect from several Apple computers, Apple TV, iPad, Airport, iPds, you name it. He would happily buy an iPhone when they make one with a usable screen size. 

  • Reply 53 of 118
    freediverxfreediverx Posts: 1,424member


    Originally Posted by gwmac View Post

    4" would have been nice a year or two ago but even that seems smallish now. Most of the top selling Android phone are 4.5 and larger like the 4.8" Samsung, Don't get me wrong, I am all for a larger screen on the iPhone and if I have to settle for only a slightly larger 4" screen then I guess I will. This is all about personal choice and preference and I know some people are perfectly fine with 3.5", but if I had my druthers I would love to see a 4.5" iPhone. I know Apple would probably never do this, but if they made the next iPhone in 2 versions, one with a 3.5" screen and the other with a 4.5" screen, and in all other respects identical. I have to believe the 4.5" would sell in far greater numbers. 


    Why stop at 4.5"? How about a 6" display to top Samsung? /s

  • Reply 54 of 118

    Samsung's Market Cap Takes $10 Billion Hit Amid Rumors of Apple DRAM Deal with Elpida





    you **** with Apple. Apple will **** you back. HARD.

  • Reply 55 of 118
    nhtnht Posts: 4,522member


    Originally Posted by Pooch View Post

    just for comparison, how quickly was June built?


    37 to 42 weeks...anything shorter would strike me as premature anything longer would induce me to believe it late.

  • Reply 56 of 118
    tallest skiltallest skil Posts: 43,388member


    Originally Posted by Slurpy View Post

    It also raises questions about what your like of Apple is even fundamentally based on, and how little trust you give the company if 0.5 inches is all it would take for you to never buy an iPhone again.


    Really? You don't see a problem with Apple moving their flagship device and profit source outside their proven market range? 



    Is the size the only redeeming factor of the iPhone for you? So things like iOS, software, iCloud, build quality, support, appstore, battery life, etc aren't even factors anymore?


    When size determines the usability of the rest, yes, it becomes the preeminent factor in actually buying a device. If Tesla stopped making electric cars and only made electric limousines, you bet your biscuit I'm not just going to say, "Well, it's bigger than I wanted or find usable in any sense, but it's electric, and apparently that's more important."



     And please tell me, what would you switch to?


    Well, I have an LG VX5300 that I've been using for six years. I think I'll just keep that. And when its battery finally dies, I won't be able to find another one, so I'll just move to my 1st-gen iPhone. 



    …but I figure one can't understand something thats fundamentally irrational. Just like your threats to drop iPhone if the next one is called iPhone 5. Really odd, OCD type behavior. 


    I'm sure it is. I'm also sure you're not certain what OCD means. I've explained multiple times the reasoning behind that. It's your choice to ignore it. 



    Originally Posted by FriedLobster View Post

    Samsung's Market Cap Takes $10 Billion Hit Amid Rumors of Apple DRAM Deal with Elpida


    you **** with Apple. Apple will **** you back. HARD.

    That's not even the worst part. That was a DIGITIMES rumor that did that to them! image

    So it's likely not even TRUE, but it cost someone ten bil. 

    Hopefully this will be the catalyst for an Internet-wide DigiTimes boycott.

  • Reply 57 of 118
    gwmacgwmac Posts: 1,807member


    Originally Posted by freediverx View Post


    Why stop at 4.5"? How about a 6" display to top Samsung? /s

    Great Idea! Even though you are being sarcastic I would love a 6" iPhone. With a good bluetooth headset it would enable me to ditch my iPad and only carry one device. Of course Apple would never make that since it would kill iPad sales, but a 5" to 6" iPhone would be perfect for my needs. But thanks for making my case about hyperbole. No one besides you mentioned anything about 6". I realize that would be a niche product at best. But an iPhone in the 4" to 4.5" size will easily fit in your pocket. If you like tiny screens, why stop at 3.5", why not a 1.5" screen? 


    You sound almost as ridiculous as people that are opposed to same sex marriages by arguing if you allow that why stop there, next people will be marrying their pets. Can I borrow some of that straw you like to use for your argument since you seem to have an abundance. 

  • Reply 58 of 118
    tipootipoo Posts: 1,149member

    I think 4" is perfect, still small enough to use with one hand, but not as cramped on content. Put an iPhone next to even a "small" Android phone like the Nexus S (4"), and go to any web page, the difference in how much content can be displayed is huge. 

  • Reply 59 of 118
    DaekwanDaekwan Posts: 175member

    4" sounds like a good middleground to me.


    3.5" is too small for me.  Anything close to 5" looks like a tablet and lights up the whole damn house.  4" seems just about right.


    Chances are I'll be buying it regardless, but my main concerns are:


    1) Bigger screen

    2) 4G/LTE

    3) Complete redesign

  • Reply 60 of 118
    tallest skiltallest skil Posts: 43,388member


    Originally Posted by Daekwan View Post

    Chances are I'll be buying it regardless, but my main concerns are:

    1) Bigger screen

    2) 4G/LTE

    3) Complete redesign


    What don't you trust about the current design? Not that I believe it'll stick around, but what's wrong with it that it needs a 'complete' redesign?

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