Apple launches 0.71" thick next-generation MacBook Pro with 15" Retina display



  • Reply 41 of 254
    sdw2001sdw2001 Posts: 18,026member


    Originally Posted by Jetz View Post


    Exactly what I was thinking.  My gf is in the market for a new laptop.  I've convinced her to give Mac a try.  She likes using my iMac.  So I thought it'd be nice to hold off on a new MBA or MBP till the refresh.  I wanted a better screen.  She needs solid resolution because she's coming down from a huge 17 incher....


    At these prices even the 15incher will be unaffordable.  Might have to go back to shopping for a Windows machine....


    Dude...then you shouldn't be buying a Macbook PRO at all.  You should be buying a Macbook instead.  Anyone that thinks he can get a "pro" level laptop for less <$2,000 should have his head examined.  The machine looks great.  If I was in the market, I'd jump on it.  Then again, I have a job.  :) 

  • Reply 42 of 254
    This laptop looks awesome. I wanted an iMac as my update, but I'll get this if no iMac is there to wow me this week.
  • Reply 43 of 254

    "Like the iPhone and iPad before it, the new Retina display has pixels so small that Apple says your eyes cannot discern them."


    I've never seen A pixel on any display when viewed from a reasonable distance.


    200dpi! Do you have any idea how an email sent at 12pt is going to be read. It can't be read! An image in a do it your self website will be the size of a postage stamp! IfSafari tries to blow it up -- it will just be blurry.


    And ONLY Mac applications will work. Try using an Adobe or Avid editor. Sure you'll get a whole lot more of the editor on the screen. But, every button -- every bit of text -- will be 4 times smaller!


    Who want's 1080p in a tiny window!


    All during the presentation I watched the stock fall over $5!



  • Reply 44 of 254
    ankleskaterankleskater Posts: 1,287member


    Originally Posted by BahHumbug View Post

    "Like the iPhone and iPad before it, the new Retina display has pixels so small that Apple says your eyes cannot discern them."


    I've never seen A pixel on any display when viewed from a reasonable distance.


    200dpi! Do you have any idea how an email sent at 12pt is going to be read. It can't be read! An image in a do it your self website will be the size of a postage stamp! IfSafari tries to blow it up -- it will just be blurry.


    And ONLY Mac applications will work. Try using an Adobe or Avid editor. Sure you'll get a whole lot more of the editor on the screen. But, every button -- every bit of text -- will be 4 times smaller!


    Who want's 1080p in a tiny window!


    All during the presentation I watched the stock fall over $5!




    You don't get it

  • Reply 45 of 254
    tallest skiltallest skil Posts: 43,388member


    Originally Posted by BahHumbug View Post

    200dpi! Do you have any idea how an email sent at 12pt is going to be read. It can't be read!


    Sound the "I don't get it" alarm!


    OS X will use pixel doubling to make text readable, just as it does in iOS on the iPhone, iPod touch, and iPad. Have you ever seen one of those devices?



    And ONLY Mac applications will work. Try using an Adobe or Avid editor.


    Other than the fact that no, that isn't the case, and they specifically said otherwise.



    All during the presentation I watched the stock fall over $5!


    Which happens at every. single. keynote. ever.


    Keep that "I don't get it" alarm going, folks.

  • Reply 46 of 254
    wizard69wizard69 Posts: 13,377member


    Originally Posted by Tallest Skil View Post


    Nonexistent*, like the MacBook Air, I'm guessing.





    The AIRs are upgradable.   Though I would imagine Apple is using a different card format here.

  • Reply 47 of 254


    Originally Posted by BahHumbug View Post

    "Like the iPhone and iPad before it, the new Retina display has pixels so small that Apple says your eyes cannot discern them."


    I've never seen A pixel on any display when viewed from a reasonable distance.


    200dpi! Do you have any idea how an email sent at 12pt is going to be read. It can't be read! An image in a do it your self website will be the size of a postage stamp! IfSafari tries to blow it up -- it will just be blurry.


    And ONLY Mac applications will work. Try using an Adobe or Avid editor. Sure you'll get a whole lot more of the editor on the screen. But, every button -- every bit of text -- will be 4 times smaller!


    Who want's 1080p in a tiny window!


    All during the presentation I watched the stock fall over $5!


    If you can't discern pixels on a normal computer screen you're not looking or don't know what to look for.


    And you don't seem to understand how resolution independent graphics work in OS X or you wouldn't be commenting on the text size.


    Did you really register just to troll about technology you haven't bothered researching?

  • Reply 48 of 254
    wovelwovel Posts: 956member
    bahhumbug wrote: »

    Did you create an account so you could tell the world you have no idea what your talking about?
  • Reply 49 of 254
    wizard69wizard69 Posts: 13,377member


    Originally Posted by Xian Zhu Xuande View Post


    If you can't discern pixels on a normal computer screen you're not looking or don't know what to look for.


    And you don't seem to understand how resolution independent graphics work in OS X or you wouldn't be commenting on the text size.


    Did you really register just to troll about technology you haven't bothered researching?


    Lets see, he is likely a Samsung, HP or Dell employee.   Anybody that has even heard of iPad should understand how this will work out on the Mac.   There is certainly going to be legacy issues with software but I expect a flurry of app updates in the next couple of weeks.


    I'M actually fairly impressed with the new laptop.    I'm not at all happy that Ethernet took a hike but three USB ports and two TB ports makes up for that a bit.

  • Reply 50 of 254

    "The next-generation MacBook Pro starts at $2,199 for the 15.4-inch model."  Whoops.  I am far from poor, but this is WAY out of my price range for a laptop--no matter how cool it is.

  • Reply 51 of 254
    wovelwovel Posts: 956member
    jason98 wrote: »
    Since when is 0.71 inches / 1.8 cm considered "Extremely thin" ?
    I mean in pre-mba/ultrabook era this kind of thickness was a norm for laptops.

    bahhumbug wrote: »

    ??? thanks for sharing? Not sure what your point was. You can't afford a laptop that is an unbelievable value? Ok.
  • Reply 52 of 254
    tallest skiltallest skil Posts: 43,388member


    Originally Posted by alpha10711 View Post

    …this is WAY out of my price range for a laptop—no matter how cool it is.


    You're new to Apple, huh.

  • Reply 53 of 254
    hmmhmm Posts: 3,405member


    Originally Posted by Tallest Skil View Post


    Nonexistent*, like the MacBook Air, I'm guessing.



    I like  the asterisk + small font. It was funny.


    Originally Posted by wizard69 View Post



    The AIRs are upgradable.   Though I would imagine Apple is using a different card format here.

    It's pretty costly to upgrade the Air's storage. Not many options are available. You missed the asterisk on his post, and it doesn't mention any post edits to place it there.


    Originally Posted by wizard69 View Post


    Lets see he is likely a Samsun, HP or Dell employee.   Anybody that has even heard of iPad should understand how this will work out on the Mac.   There is certainly going to be legacy issues with software but I expect a flurry of app updates in the next couple of weeks.


    I'M actually fairly impressed with the new laptop.    I'm not at all happy that Ethernet took a hike but three USB ports and two TB ports makes up for that a bit.


    I too expect application updates relative to this. I didn't notice two TB ports mentioned anywhere. It sounds like a much better solution for notebook peripherals as you are less likely to hit a daisy chaining gotcha.

  • Reply 54 of 254
    wovelwovel Posts: 956member
    bahhumbug wrote: »

    New to laptops.. 13" dell with same ram and same size sad costs more.
  • Reply 55 of 254
    mariowincomariowinco Posts: 113member

    Whenever I buy things Apple (and I do that relatively often) I feel that the price is high. Whenever I compare my choices with the people that does not buy Apple things, I feel that I did the right thing.


    My call: My 2009 MB Pro will continue to be my main computer, but will probably buy a 13" MB Air ... I was expecting for a 15" MB Air, it seems is not coming ...

  • Reply 56 of 254
    junkyard dawgjunkyard dawg Posts: 2,801member



    I want one.  Those specs are awesome, I can't wait to see the display in person.  The price is nuts but that was expected with the Retina display technology, it will probably be years before volume ramps up to where Apple can offer a Retina laptop at the same price point as the current non-Retina laptops.  


    My only complaint is, it looks like Apple is going to make me buy another 17" MacBook on eBay.  WTF?  Some people edit photos and video on their laptops, Apple.  Large displays are a must for such uses.  Lose the optical bay on the 17" and add a couple more HD bays in it's place, drop a faster quad-core i7 in it, boost the maximum RAM to 32MB, offer a 6870 Radeon, and it will totally rock.

  • Reply 57 of 254
    jumejume Posts: 209member


    Originally Posted by Tallest Skil View Post

    $2,199 base price?!


    They've just killed their old 15". Why did they bother updating it at all?!


    I don't think so. Maybe for some of you $2200 is not a lot of money but for most is. And if you think that included 256GB SSD is not something I want today you need to take at list one that will be 2.5k which is A LOT. So I guess a lot of us wont be able to afford it at this price.

  • Reply 58 of 254

    I do get it. Of course, a Mac's GPU can double the resolution. Now everything will be the same size as it always has been.


    But, making 1 pixel become 4 pixels has done nothing since the ORIGINAL still has the same resolution. You do not get more of anything. All Apple has done is make each of the 4 pixels smaller. One fourth the size. But, since the pixel couldn't be seen before, making it more invisible does nothing for the user. Nothing! You've been had. Nothing has been improved -- Apple simply gets to claim a higher resolution.


    They said Adobe was working on Photoshop. Is it shipping? NO! Up-scaling all the current applications only makes them look more fuzzy. UPscaling always reduces quality!


    An iPhone or iPad is different because of the tiny screen that you can hold it too close and -- some say see pixels. Hell, you'll see pixels on any device if you stick your nose against the screen. So Retina is a joke that does nothing because you can't make something better by zooming it up. Jut pull your nose back a few inches.


    The real key is bigger screen. A new 17" is what's need for pro work.

  • Reply 59 of 254
    bergermeisterbergermeister Posts: 6,784member


    Originally Posted by hmm View Post

    I like  the asterisk + small font. It was funny.

    It's pretty costly to upgrade the Air's storage. Not many options are available. You missed the asterisk on his post, and it doesn't mention any post edits to place it there.


    I too expect application updates relative to this. I didn't notice two TB ports mentioned anywhere. It sounds like a much better solution for notebook peripherals as you are less likely to hit a daisy chaining gotcha.


    Methinks me saw two in the photo of the new machine...


    Yep.  Looked back and there are certainly TWO Thunderbolt ports.

  • Reply 60 of 254
    tallest skiltallest skil Posts: 43,388member


    Originally Posted by Bergermeister View Post

    Methinks me saw two in the photo of the new machine...

    Yep, it's two. Hang on, I'll grab the photo.



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