21% of iOS users say they wouldn't leave Apple at any price



  • Reply 61 of 155
    freediverxfreediverx Posts: 1,424member


    Originally Posted by Apple v. Samsung View Post


    Phone is a galaxy nexus. I love the larger screen and stock google experience got an iPad last month. My computer is a custom made box with an Asus motherboard, Amd processor (Best performance for you buck) and video card, Western digital hard drive, Cooler master case, with a rosewell power supply. I run unbuto most of the time except for games and netflix, then its windows 7. I give my money to who ever has the superior product when I walk into the store.


    You seem to fit the classic profile of an Android/Linux user. Your purchase choices are primarily driven by configuration flexibility and a basic cost-to-spec ratio. You chose the iPad because essentially there's nothing else on the market that can even pretend to offer comparable features or value.


    Apple fans seek out products that deliver a superior user experience and generally couldn't care less about what specific components were used to build their devices or whether or not they can tweak and customize every aspect of the product. They value design, quality of build and materials, attention to detail. They couldn't care less if a competing product offers a few more megaherts, gigaherz, or pixels.

  • Reply 62 of 155
    umrk_labumrk_lab Posts: 550member

    The more you crunch the Apple, the more you want it !

  • Reply 63 of 155
    fredaroonyfredaroony Posts: 619member


    Originally Posted by EricTheHalfBee View Post


    Easy question to answer. Your claim that all your Apps are available on both systems is meaningless since it's only what "you use". As others have mentioned, it has been proven time and again that iOS has a far better selection of Apps. Go to the tablet side and it gets even worse. iOS Apps usually appear first as iOS has more than twice the developer interest that Android does. iOS Apps are consistently higher quality and this is easily proven with a quick google search of reviews. I'm not sure how you can berate others for "not being able to answer the question" when it seems you are the one who is clueless about the differences between Android and iOS when it comes to Apps and their ecosystems.


    In my city, there are lots of small businesses who have Apps. On iOS. They feel it's the next logical step after having a web page. You know, Apps go far beyond the "top ten" that people always talk about. Sports teams, financial institutions, schools, clubs and more are starting to use Apps and these are the ones you'll never see in the App Store. But when I walk down the street to my local Italian Deli, I see he has a sign in the window saying "Now in the App Store". You don't see this with Android.


    Then there's media. The reason I can use iTunes Match to get legal copies of music is because Apple has secured the rights to do so. Apple has always been ahead of Google in terms of their relationship to record companies or movie studios and this is reflected both in the content and what Apple is allowed to do with it.


    What about hardware? How many docks have you ever seen where you can drop in your phone and have it work without having to worry about whether or notthe USB port or 3.5mm jack is in the right position. How many cars do you know that have "Samsung Docks"? iPod/iPhone specific features are available in a lot of cars. And in cars they aren't, I can still use my iPhone with a USB port or AUX in. So my iPhone is actually compatible with MORE vehicles than your Android device is. Home theatre receivers are including Airplay as are many speakers.


    Accessories/cases? Again it's not even close. Walk into any Best Buy and compare the amount of retail space they have set aside for Apple accessories vs everyone else. I have choices of hundreds (even thousands) of products that work with the iPhone simply because iPhones are all standardized (dock connector in same place, for example).


    Shall I go on?

    I agree with the tablet apps as that was my experience when I tried a Motorola Xoom but I don't believe that is the case with Android phone. Obviously, I'm talking from personal experience but I will admit that a couple of the apps I have on my iPhone and my One X the iPhone version is superior. For me though, it's only literally a couple and I have a couple great apps on my One X that you can't even get on iOS.


    You are also totally correct regarding the accessories and it's not even close. I don't really use any accessories so probably never put much thought into it and was really putting it down to the user experience at a software level.

  • Reply 64 of 155
    freediverxfreediverx Posts: 1,424member

    I haven't owned a competing mobile phone since the first iPhone came out, and I'm not inclined to buy one just for the heck of it. I have used various Android and other phones since then and have seen features I liked and some that I didn't like. I have not seen anything that tempted me to switch and in general I did not care for the products' build quality, design, user interface, or the general quality of the app selection. I also dislike their ecosystem as I am unwilling to embrace Google Docs, Calendar and their other services.


    Also, on principle, I have no desire to purchase a product from a company that cares more about their relationship with mobile carriers than with their customers...

  • Reply 65 of 155
    fredaroonyfredaroony Posts: 619member


    Originally Posted by freediverx View Post

    I haven't owned a competing mobile phone since the first iPhone came out, and I'm not inclined to buy one just for the heck of it. I have used various Android and other phones since then and have seen features I liked and some that I didn't like. I have not seen anything that tempted me to switch and in general I did not care for the products' build quality, design, user interface, or the general quality of the app selection. I also dislike their ecosystem as I am unwilling to embrace Google Docs, Calendar and their other services.


    Also, on principle, I have no desire to purchase a product from a company that cares more about their relationship with mobile carriers than with their customers...

    Fair enough and obviously you are entitled to your opinion and will vote with your purchases. I will be happy enough to move to another product if it suits me, brand loyalty is really for children, it's about what product suits your purpose at the time.


    Not sure what you mean by your last sentence though. Companies really only care about one thing from my point of view.

  • Reply 66 of 155
    zroger73 wrote: »
    I am out and proud as of 2008 - I pretended to be a PC when all along I was a Mac. I actually prefer their "ecosystem" as it makes my life simpler. I have more important things to worry about in daily life than crashes, fragmentation, viruses, hardware failures, gaudy chrome plating, dead batteries, and cracked plastic. I want a durable product that feels good, is beautiful to look at, and "just works". I previously spent my life constantly tinkering, tweaking, upgrading, repairing PCs with Windows. I'm glad to have finally rid myself of all that. Then again, there are people who are extremely loyal to products on the other end of the scale. Just look at the people who repeatedly purchase Sansui brand televisions from the like of Wal-Mart and those who purchase Dodge trucks instead of Ford or Toyota. :)

    Exactly how I feel. Once I payed 60$ for HP tech support and the nice Indian fellow was giving me commands in alpha delta speech and I still couldn't understand him due to his thick accent.

    We raced for 30 minutes on solving the problem on my old pc. I was nervously counting the minutes as we approached the 30 min mark. He was feverishly spouting off things to check and do when I heard a "click" ...sigh....please insert another 60$ to continue tech support.

    This was the straw that broke my back.

    Gotta mention Apple's very well executed tech support. Apple care worth every penny. Although I've never had any severe issues, but it's nice to be able to just call them up and ask simple things like,

    "how do I duplicate audio in iMovie "

    It's nice to be able to set up an appointment at the Genius bar to have someone talk to you in person and see what's going on and their secret "we're awesome" policy.

    If you don't know what that means, simply put, they have supported and replaced items for me they have no right or obligation to be doing so. Just because they try to help and understand.
  • Reply 67 of 155
    fredaroonyfredaroony Posts: 619member


    Originally Posted by StephanJobs View Post

    It's nice to be able to set up an appointment at the Genius bar to have someone talk to you in person and see what's going on and their secret "we're awesome" policy.

    If you don't know what that means, simply put, they have supported and replaced items for me they have no right or obligation to be doing so. Just because they try to help and understand.

    Actually I see this as a double edged sword. On one hand you get the service you need but on the other you have to make an appointment to get your devices even swapped out and if they are busy this can be days. I would prefer just to be able to walk in and get serviced.


    The last time I booked at appointment was to get a iPad swapped out and they kept me waiting 45 mins past my appointment time. I saw so many of them having casual conversations with people and having no good place to stand in the shop it was getting quite annoying. When my time finally came it only took 5 mins...

  • Reply 68 of 155
    radjinradjin Posts: 165member
    sflocal wrote: »
    Any androids lambasting Apple users for this are being hypocritical.  They would LOVE for Android to have this kind of dedication and loyalty, but are too tightwadded to admit it..

    Android users are loyal until the next gee-whiz android device that comes out. 

    Or they would like to upgrade their OS.
  • Reply 69 of 155
    fredaroonyfredaroony Posts: 619member


    Originally Posted by sflocal View Post

    Any androids lambasting Apple users for this are being hypocritical.  They would LOVE for Android to have this kind of dedication and loyalty, but are too tightwadded to admit to it.

    Apple has created a fantastic all-in-one ecosystem.  Unless there is a huge screwup of biblical proportions, count me as one of the loyal folks as well.

    Android users are loyal until the next gee-whiz android device that comes out. 

    I'm dedicated and loyal to my family and friends, not to any company lol. 

  • Reply 70 of 155
    DaekwanDaekwan Posts: 175member


    Originally Posted by Apple ][ View Post

    The chances that my next laptop will be Apple is 100%.


    The chances that my next tablet will be Apple is 100%.


    The chances that my next phone will be Apple is 100%.


    For any of those to not come true, Apple would have to screw up so badly, we're talking about a fuckup of RIM or NOKIA proportions, and I see that as extremely unlikely. 


    110% agreed.


    My time is worth as much as my money.  You couldnt pay me to go back to using cheaper, more frustrating devices that have questionable build quality.  The reason why I made the switch to Apple is because of all the things I did not have to worry about.  From my wifi router to my Macbook Air.. I've switched to Apple.. and gotten rid of so many technical headaches and gremlins.   There is something so incredibly satisfying about a well built product, that looks awesome and most importantly just works.. and doesnt cause any frustrations.  As long as they continue the path they are on, they have earned my loyalty for all of these products.  It also helps that the resale value of Apple products remain high.. making it less of a pain to upgrade when necessary.  My 2 year old iPhone4 has a trade-in value of $300 on Amazon.. while a Samsung Galaxy SII has a tradein value of $68.. lol!!


    I'm always amazed at the people who use non-Apple products and how often they seem to be having problems, trading them in or always chasing the latest & greatest Android announcement.  They never seem satisfied.. and thats the only sign I need to stay away.

  • Reply 71 of 155
    rainrain Posts: 538member


    Originally Posted by Cinder6 View Post

    "Wouldn't leave Apple at any price" is a bit deceptive, as the article is talking about discounts applied to competing devices. I wouldn't take a free Galaxy S III if I could get my next iPhone for $200 (though I would take a free Nexus 7), but at the same time, I wouldn't pay $1000 for my next iPhone.


    Your logical statements have no place here... be gone troll

  • Reply 72 of 155
    fredaroonyfredaroony Posts: 619member


    Originally Posted by Daekwan View Post


    110% agreed.


    My time is worth as much as my money.  You couldnt pay me to go back to using cheaper, more frustrating devices that have questionable build quality.  The reason why I made the switch to Apple is because of all the things I did not have to worry about.  There is something so incredibly satisfying about a well built product that just works.. and doesnt cause any frustrations.  As long as they continue the path they are on, they have earned my loyalty for all of these products.


    I'm always amazed at the people who use non-Apple products and how often they seem to be having problems, trading them in or always chasing the latest and greatest.  They never seem satisfied.. and thats the only sign I need to stay away.

    What about all the Apple users that upgrade when a new model comes out, isn't that exactly the same thing?

  • Reply 73 of 155
    mstonemstone Posts: 11,510member


    Originally Posted by Hiro View Post


    That is an uneducated statement.  Apple could completely screw up the maps app and there would still be the online Google maps fallback.  So even in the unlikely possibility that Apple's maps are so unsatisfactory that I would bury them in a dead apps directory on page 6, I would still have reasonable mapping on the platform. 


    Since the possibility of Apples maps being even 1% of that bad is roughly nil, and there is a lot more most folks use the phone for than that one app, the chances are more accurately that your personal crusade against Apple Maps has is blowing your credibility.

    Thanks for the suggestion. I was unaware how well the Google Maps mobile web app actually worked. The last time I tried it it was virtually unnavigable but now it works almost as well as the default  iPhone Map app. As long as I don't lose my transit schedules and route overlay in the Google Map web app I be fine. It doesn't seem to have street view but it is better than nothing. At least I have the transit info.

  • Reply 74 of 155
    jcozjcoz Posts: 251member


    Originally Posted by fredaroony View Post

    What about all the Apple users that upgrade when a new model comes out, isn't that exactly the same thing?

    ALL those? I think you are far from what is the reality of the situation if you really believe there are a large percentage of iPhone users who upgrade every cycle. The VAST majority upgrade only when offered a full subsidy from their carrier.


    Thats probably true of all smartphone users really.

  • Reply 75 of 155
    jcozjcoz Posts: 251member

    Personally I love my Macbook, iPad and iPhone. Only the iPhone has competition worth considering right now IMO. I think that these days sticking with the iPhone doesn't always mean that I'll have the best phone, but its software update support keeps it the clear better value on its own. If the right Nexus came along, it would be something that, being totally honest, would start to tempt me for the first time in 5 years. ICS and now JB are pretty nice offerings and if the right hardware came along in a Nexus form then I'd probably go for it, except that having mac hardware really does come with nice benifits that are tangible and add to value. So in the end, apple has to screw up pretty bad on one product or have real competitors at better prices for all three areas for it to make sense for me to switch.


    If there was ever a time where I felt the total package of electronics value was less than what I could have some other way I would def change my set up. But Mac+iPad+iPhone = best experience for my money right now in my view. When that changes I will change.

  • Reply 76 of 155
    mbfan85mbfan85 Posts: 11member


    Originally Posted by Apple ][ View Post

    The chances that my next laptop will be Apple is 100%.


    The chances that my next tablet will be Apple is 100%.


    The chances that my next phone will be Apple is 100%.


    For any of those to not come true, Apple would have to screw up so badly, we're talking about a fuckup of RIM or NOKIA proportions, and I see that as extremely unlikely. 


    Same here.


    Got my first Mac in early 2010 (Mid 2009 13" MBP) and haven't looked back.  I also have an original iPad, an iPhone 4S and Mac Mini (Mid 2011).  I'm not one of those who is prone to jumping and upgrading at each new product announcement, but like many others, can appreciate the streamlined simplicity that OS X (Snow Leopard on the MBP, Lion on the Mini) provides.


    In the interests of keeping things balanced, my 5 y/o DIY rig still finds use here too - mainly for DVD Burning/Video Encoding & Folding @home though.

  • Reply 77 of 155
    solipsismxsolipsismx Posts: 19,566member
    I'm too tired to read the article or all the posts — just skimmed them — but is this implying right now or at any time in the future? If the former then I'd say I wouldn't leave Apple at any price because the TCO, user experience, and quality of the HW and SW is better on Apple products. But if they mean [I]ever[/I] then I can't imagine a rational person could make such a claim.
  • Reply 78 of 155
    fredaroony wrote: »
    Great post! Thank you for taking the time to actually explain your points.

    Thank you for your kind words. :)

    fredaroony wrote: »
    I use OSX extensively for most of reasons you mentioned but I also use Google Apps services which also work very well in OSX. This is also one of the reasons I use a Android phone and it suits me well but I use the iPad as a tablet because it just works better. Having said that, my phone is a HTC One X which is really not standard Android so many of the features I like are actually from HTC.

    For me it's about having the best of both worlds I guess.

    Interestingly, I actually know a pretty good number of people who use an iPad and an Android phone. Most of them are Windows developers, or otherwise invested in Windows professionally, so they're in a position where they can't fully commit to the Macintosh platform. To be honest, it seems a little unusual to me. I actually spend quite a bit of money in the App Store (I've probably spent over $500 since it first launched) and I am quite fond of the ability to share my investment and systems between the iPhone and the iPad. If I used an Android phone, I'd have to maintain two different systems for keeping everything in sync and work with two different application sources (or more, if I want to expand beyond Google Play). If I want Reeder I'll have to buy it for both platforms. Instapaper? Buy it on both platforms. But then again, I can admit that I have a very low tolerance for devoting time to my products to make them do what I want them to do (even though I could if I wanted). In that respect, I'm probably a pretty ideal customer for Apple's pro level. I want everything to work as consistently and predictably as it possibly can so I can actually get things done or put the technology away. I suppose that's an element which helps to keep me tied in to Apple's ecosystem while some of my tech buddies mix-and-match more.

    I do use Google services, though. Even though it doesn't work as smoothly on the Mac as it does on Windows (and certainly not as smoothly on iOS as it does on Android) it is easy enough to tie some of them in. I'm quite fond of Google Voice.
  • Reply 79 of 155
    john.bjohn.b Posts: 2,742member

    I don't know that I wouldn't leave Apple "at any price", but my crappy Sprint EVO certainly wouldn't convince me to get a personal phone running Android.

  • Reply 80 of 155
    mbmcavoymbmcavoy Posts: 157member

    Just last night, I mentioned to my wife that the new Google tablet looks intriguing, and is quite cheap (hint, hint). She responded that she's so happy how all of our stuff works so well together since we switched to Apple that she'd rather wait until we can justify buying an iPad.


    Yeah, she's right.

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