Apple CEO Tim Cook apologizes to customers for Maps in iOS 6



  • Reply 341 of 381
    berp wrote: »
    Rough edges don't play well with Apple's attuned geometry. Straight forward humility and purity of intentions do. Leave aggressiveness to the naughty 'coming-from-behind' ones.
    Apple ought to behave in a way consistent with the nobility perspiring from the absolutely magnificent iPhone 5. And so they do.
    You, sir or madam, turn a phrase quite nicely. I'm almost embarrassed that we are using the same language.
  • Reply 342 of 381
    charlituna wrote: »
    Potentially damaging. The plus is that anyone that gets too hyperbolic with their rants will look like a dick for picking on Apple who is working on the issue etc. So Media are more likely to tone it down and even change tactics. Instead of 'Apple Maps suck' 24/7 they might move to 'how you can help improve' or even admitting that no map service has been perfect from day one.
    This isn't so different than after the iPhone 4. Once Steve said 'all cell phones have this issue' many of the same blogs that were yelling about Apple's major design flaw where posting articles about those other phones etc.
    What's this got to do with Applebaum?
  • Reply 343 of 381
    igrivigriv Posts: 1,177member


    Originally Posted by MacCentric View Post

    Classy. But oh so sad for Google as most iOS users will still be gone forever. I am happy with Apple's maps, and even happier that they will get better over time.


    Classy? "Sorry, our product is not perfect, go look at the competitors, who are not perfect either, but are not expected to be, unlike ours"? Seems more spineless than classy to me...

  • Reply 344 of 381
    igrivigriv Posts: 1,177member


    Originally Posted by Berp View Post

    Never tarnish your brand with a moxy-draining fistfight, ... when you can put some extra shine on it with the humble bending of your might.

    That being said, shrewd timing and a forward looking move by Apple. At a price.


    "Antennagate" was NOT a non-issue. The iPhone 4 was almost unusable as a phone (though was a nice pocket computer otherwise. The "bumpers" solution made the matter slightly better, but for me, the only reason to upgrade to 4S was that the 4 was almost unusable as a voice device. Steve's way of dealing with it was to apply the reality distortion field, and wish the problem away. Amazingly, it worked.

  • Reply 345 of 381
    antkm1 wrote: »
    His point was that streetview is how PEOPLE visualize the world.  Flyover is how a Gamer or an evil dictator visualizes the world. :P
    I think that's a pretty broad statement. While I'm sure that many people do visualize the world as sort of a "walking tour", a series of connections that follow one after the other, I personally see the world as more of a map, where all of the connections are visible simultaneously. I can assure you that I am neither gamer nor dictator - evil or otherwise. However I am left-handed in many tasks, so I will cop to being "sinister"!

    Just curious. How do the rest of you see the world? After thinking about it, before I just assumed it was the same as me.
  • Reply 346 of 381

    You know we're spoiled, when our biggest problem is a map app.


    Others can barely get a mobile platform off the ground. Consumers have been hoodwinked with Android and Windows junk-tablets. The biggest scam of all was the PlayBook. 


    Meanwhile competitors can barely touch Apple, either in unit share or consumer satisfaction. There simply does an exist a more cohesive, integrated, and fleshed out suite of hardware and software than what Apple offers. And its been this way for years now. 


    And we're crying bloody murder over a map app. 


    While I disagree with the way Cook handled himself, let's not lose perspective here. 


    When the biggest weapon the competition can wield against Apple is a map app, you know the industry outside of Cupertino has far more serious problems.

  • Reply 347 of 381

    Geez Tim.  You are the CEO of the worlds most valuable company!  All that money and power and you're groveling, and folding like a cheap lawn chair?  Have a little backbone and some dignity and stand up for your company.  Even if heads roll behind closed doors, do not give off the appearance of weakness.  Apple did the right thing and ditched Google Maps.  People will get over the little issues as long as you constantly improve upon your software.  A few people whine and blow things out of proportion and this is what you do?  Embarassing.  

  • Reply 348 of 381
    hill60hill60 Posts: 6,992member
    Easy!  I am in New York, and I want to figure out how (and how long) to get from SFO (San Francisco Airport) to Apple Headquarters... Why does the map app need to know or care where I currently am?

    So you'd be quite happy to do that with a blank screen, sans maps?

    Simple, ask Siri.
  • Reply 349 of 381
    When people say you're wrong without offering a counter-argument, it usually means that you were right but bring themselves to admit it.

    So what's your theory then?


    Originally Posted by charlituna View Post

    You can keep saying that but it doesn't make it true.

    A video of Tim Cook saying they hate Google and all choices are made to screw Google, now that would be proof.
  • Reply 350 of 381
    igriv wrote: »
    "Antennagate" was NOT a non-issue. The iPhone 4 was almost unusable as a phone (though was a nice pocket computer otherwise. The "bumpers" solution made the matter slightly better, but for me, the only reason to upgrade to 4S was that the 4 was almost unusable as a voice device. Steve's way of dealing with it was to apply the reality distortion field, and wish the problem away. Amazingly, it worked.

    Antennagate was a non-issue. The iPhone 4 had a lower product return rate than any competing smartphone.
  • Reply 351 of 381
    Actually, you're embarrassing. It's you and apologists like you that makes everyone hate Apple and call it an arrogant cult that's likened to Scientology.

    REALITY CHECK: Apple no longer makes the best smartphone and they seem to be headed in the wrong direction with their hubris, as well as their Maps. I was a satisfied user of Apple products and a happy investor in Apple stock, but no longer on both counts. The steady stream of Apple lawsuits and heavy-handedness towards competitors is so reminiscent of the Microsoft of old that it leads me to the conclusion that Apple is now the evil empire they eschewed in their classic 1984 TV commercial introducing the Mac. They are no longer the admirable underdog they once were. Instead, they are a one-trick pony telling the world that the iPhone is best and to take what they offer like a lemming.

    I've dumped the iPhone for a Windows Phone after I saw the iPhone 5 and won't look back. Apple still has enough fanboys and snob appeal to continue to the attract the masses. And what a market shift that is: Apple being the company for the masses! I prefer a rational choice based on price and functionality, not industrial design, and the iPhone no longer seems to be a rational choice.

    Samsung's latest commercial really nails the ridiculousness of it all. Kudos to them for saying what everyone outside the bubble is thinking.

    I challenge any of you to make a rational argument as to why I'm wrong, but that would be like asking religious fanatics to not believe in their deity, even though science has already proven it doesn't exist except in the mind of man.


    Originally Posted by iSteelers View Post

    Geez Tim.  You are the CEO of the worlds most valuable company!  All that money and power and you're groveling, and folding like a cheap lawn chair?  Have a little backbone and some dignity and stand up for your company.  Even if heads roll behind closed doors, do not give off the appearance of weakness.  Apple did the right thing and ditched Google Maps.  People will get over the little issues as long as you constantly improve upon your software.  A few people whine and blow things out of proportion and this is what you do?  Embarassing.  

  • Reply 352 of 381
    [quote name="Waverunnr" url="/t/152959/apple-ceo-tim-cook-apologizes-to-customers-for-maps-in-ios-6/320#post_2201322"]Actually, you're embarrassing. It's you and apologists like you that makes everyone hate Apple and call it an arrogant cult that's likened to Scientology.

    REALITY CHECK: Apple no longer makes the best smartphone and they seem to be headed in the wrong direction with their hubris, as well as their Maps. I was a satisfied user of Apple products and a happy investor in Apple stock, but no longer on both counts. The steady stream of Apple lawsuits and heavy-handedness towards competitors is so reminiscent of the Microsoft of old that it leads me to the conclusion that Apple is now the evil empire they eschewed in their classic 1984 TV commercial introducing the Mac. They are no longer the admirable underdog they once were. Instead, they are a one-trick pony telling the world that the iPhone is best and to take what they offer like a lemming.

    I've dumped the iPhone for a Windows Phone after I saw the iPhone 5 and won't look back. Apple still has enough fanboys and snob appeal to continue to the attract the masses. And what a market shift that is: Apple being the company for the masses! I prefer a rational choice based on price and functionality, not industrial design, and the iPhone no longer seems to be a rational choice.

    Samsung's latest commercial really nails the ridiculousness of it all. Kudos to them for saying what everyone outside the bubble is thinking.


    I challenge any of you to make a rational argument as to why I'm wrong, but that would be like asking religious fanatics to not believe in their deity, even though science has already proven it doesn't exist except in the mind of man.

    Nobody cares!
  • Reply 353 of 381
    arthur123 wrote: »
    Your wrong, actually stock holders have a lot to say in Apples plans.
    What's trust got to do with this issue? They made a big mistake. Now they need to act quickly and offer a satisfying correction. ASAP.
    You must be one of those people who doesn't put his money where his mouth is. Me on the other hand I have done very nicely investing in Apple in spite of the lousy economy.
    Apple stock has gone down this week partly because of the negative press associated with this Apples limited mapping choices.
    I know of 3 people who planned to upgrade to the new phone but are holding off because of this app issue.
    Tim's apology is not adequate he needs to get the Google app available for OS 6 now. 

    Hasn't that Apple VIP - the one with creepy smile - sold majority of his stocks a few months back? Makes you wonder.

    Really sad some people are hitting on Tim for being man enough to admit problems with new maps. He has my respect for that. He'd have to be cheap, smug bastard to pretend everything is rosey. And Apple is more than strong to go through this setback without any long term damage. Don't be panicky, people. Respect honesty. No one want a douche to lead their favourite company.
  • Reply 354 of 381
    antkm1 wrote: »
    This comment makes no sense.  you wouldn't use Street View or Flyover while driving anyway.  So what's your point?
    His point was that streetview is how PEOPLE visualize the world.  Flyover is how a Gamer or an evil dictator visualizes the world. :P I'm Hitler and I play Sim City. So what's your point?
  • Reply 355 of 381
    slurpyslurpy Posts: 5,386member


    Originally Posted by Waverunnr View Post

    Actually, you're embarrassing. It's you and apologists like you that makes everyone hate Apple and call it an arrogant cult that's likened to Scientology.

    REALITY CHECK: Apple no longer makes the best smartphone and they seem to be headed in the wrong direction with their hubris, as well as their Maps. I was a satisfied user of Apple products and a happy investor in Apple stock, but no longer on both counts. The steady stream of Apple lawsuits and heavy-handedness towards competitors is so reminiscent of the Microsoft of old that it leads me to the conclusion that Apple is now the evil empire they eschewed in their classic 1984 TV commercial introducing the Mac. They are no longer the admirable underdog they once were. Instead, they are a one-trick pony telling the world that the iPhone is best and to take what they offer like a lemming.

    I've dumped the iPhone for a Windows Phone after I saw the iPhone 5 and won't look back. Apple still has enough fanboys and snob appeal to continue to the attract the masses. And what a market shift that is: Apple being the company for the masses! I prefer a rational choice based on price and functionality, not industrial design, and the iPhone no longer seems to be a rational choice.

    Samsung's latest commercial really nails the ridiculousness of it all. Kudos to them for saying what everyone outside the bubble is thinking.

    I challenge any of you to make a rational argument as to why I'm wrong, but that would be like asking religious fanatics to not believe in their deity, even though science has already proven it doesn't exist except in the mind of man.




    What a disgusting, vitriolic, despicable post. Oh wait, you were Apple's biggest fan right, and loved their products? And in the next breath you claim that Apple's consumers consist of "fanboys and snob appeal"? What's their 'one trick pony' as you so eloquently state? The iPhone? Or the iPad? Or iOS? or the Appstore? Their Mac line? iPod line? That's alot of ponies. What were you a fan of, exactly? You claim you switched to a "windows phone" yet don't even bother to mention which specific phone? Then you giddily congratulate a Samsung ad, that even Android fans admit is ridiculous? Next, you "challenge" people to make a rational argument as to why you're "wrong" even though you haven't spouted a shred of a fact, but simply foaming-at-the-mouth vitriol? Then you go off on all the religious-cult-deity horse-shit that trolls desperately fall back on when nothing lese they say makes sense?


    Here's a theory: You were never an Apple fan, you never liked the company or their products. You're a troll, a liar, and your post proves that, which is full of sensationalism, vicious vitriol against the company and its products, AND all its customers (religious fanatics) and irrational hatred- but not a shred of fact. You don't need to be "challenged", because you've proven yourself to be a shitty human being who's content in pre-emptively attacking everyone on this board like the hate-filled troll that you are. Nobody cares about your bullshit lies, just use whatever product you want, I've never directed hatred towards users of another platform like you so vehemently do against anyone who apparently uses and has a good experience with Apple products. 

  • Reply 356 of 381
    Obviously YOU care. And is that honestly the best you can do?

    You lot are sad.


    Originally Posted by Dick Applebaum View Post


    Nobody cares!
  • Reply 357 of 381
    You're just further proving my point that Apple has become a religion. Because if someone DARED leave the flock, they were never true to begin with. And since you don't seem to understand this concept, it's possible to like a platform and hate the cult that goes with it.

    There's other reasons I'm pissed at Apple. I'm tired of hearing about the factory suicides. Apple claims to want to own the end-to-end experience, but that's clearly a bunch of BS. They have more money than the US government. They could kill four birds with one stone and (1) bring manufacturing back to the US which would (2) create jobs which are desperately needed resulting in (3) vast reduction of factory suicides while (4) creating an example for the rest of the industry to follow. They need to use that war chest of theirs to do some good, and pansy-ass Tim Cook is just sitting on much more money required to run the company (his words).

    But yes, I was one of Apple's biggest fans. I've spent tens of thousands of dollars on their products over the years. I could tell you anything you want to know about the classic Mac OS because I used to support it professional and personally. Who cares what phone I switched to? The point is, I left the ecosystem because I had enough. By the way, Live Tiles are the future. They kick the crap out of the static rows of icons Apple has been using for, what, 6 years now? Everyone in the tech press says iOS has gotten stale and they're right. I congratulated the Samsung ad because (1) it's hilarious (2) it's true (3) it's hilarious BECAUSE it's true and (4) the points they made in their feature-by-feature comparison were valid. Nowhere in your reply did you explain where I was wrong. So I guess I'm correct on all points.

    As a sysadmin for the military, I learned a LONG time ago that loyalty to ANY platform is pointless because they ALL suck. Just because I'm not blindly loyal doesn't make me a liar, troll, or anything else you're accusing me of, without any justification for your claims.


    Originally Posted by Slurpy View Post


    What a disgusting, vitriolic, despicable post. Oh wait, you were Apple's biggest fan right, and loved their products? And in the next breath you claim that Apple's consumers consist of "fanboys and snob appeal"? What's their 'one trick pony' as you so eloquently state? The iPhone? Or the iPad? Or iOS? or the Appstore? Their Mac line? iPod line? That's alot of ponies. What were you a fan of, exactly? You claim you switched to a "windows phone" yet don't even bother to mention which specific phone? Then you giddily congratulate a Samsung ad, that even Android fans admit is ridiculous? Next, you "challenge" people to make a rational argument as to why you're "wrong" even though you haven't spouted a shred of a fact, but simply foaming-at-the-mouth vitriol? Then you go off on all the religious-cult-deity horse-shit that trolls desperately fall back on when nothing lese they say makes sense?


    Here's a theory: You were never an Apple fan, you never liked the company or their products. You're a troll, a liar, and your post proves that, which is full of sensationalism, vicious vitriol against the company and its products, AND all its customers (religious fanatics) and irrational hatred- but not a shred of fact. You don't need to be "challenged", because you've proven yourself to be a shitty human being who's content in pre-emptively attacking everyone on this board like the hate-filled troll that you are. Nobody cares about your bullshit lies, just use whatever product you want, I've never directed hatred towards users of another platform like you so vehemently do against anyone who apparently uses and has a good experience with Apple products. 

  • Reply 358 of 381
    The fact that you are even attempting to compare the two means you are not a rational individual and I'm not wasting time arguing with people that either don't understand or blatantly ignore facts.


    Originally Posted by icoco3 View Post


    And the point is, Google Maps STILL has some issues and is not perfect and the "iLost" mockvertisement was a fraud.

  • Reply 359 of 381
    clemynxclemynx Posts: 1,552member
    waverunnr wrote: »
    The fact that you are even attempting to compare the two means you are not a rational individual and I'm not wasting time arguing with people that either don't understand or blatantly ignore facts.

    Many people here will agree with you on the stupidity of religious attachment to a brand. But it doesn't only apply to apple. Of course you'll find tons of people behaving the same way as some posters here but defending android with their soul. And you seem to fall in that argument with your talk about the S3. To use your religious metaphor, you are trying to impose your way of thinking on something that is subjective. If the iPhone was a dumbphone and nobody bought it, it would be obvious that the S3 is superior. But the iPhone has comparable features to the S3, and millions of people buy it. Some of its specs are better than the S3, the screen especially, journalists acknowledge it. It's insulting to think that millions of people are stupid to buy an iPhone just like it's insulting to say that all journalists are dumb for saying that the new maps app needs a lot of work and is pretty crappy sometimes, and sometimes shines.
  • Reply 360 of 381
    hill60hill60 Posts: 6,992member


    Originally Posted by Waverunnr View Post

    A load of crap that is terribly hard to swallow.


    So you heading to Finland for the funeral?


    The funeral of Nokia who put their faith in Windows Mobile, they are soon to be as dead as "live" tiles only they don't know it.


    You are so wrong about "live" tiles being the future, they are the past, the stone, cold dead Zune past, the reason it's dead is that no-one at all wants Windows "live" tiles apart from a very small minority, a very small minority of tech site zealots who preach their message to people pretending to listen but who are inwardly groaning and wishing you'd just go away.

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