Apple's redesigned iMac is 5mm thin with edge-to-edge glass



  • Reply 41 of 189
    MacProMacPro Posts: 19,815member
    stageron wrote: »
    Fusion drive is also 5400RPM. Unbelievable!

    That's pretty silly IMHO. There should at least be a choice. Perhaps next year they will add a 7200 rpm hybrid option, heck they have been available on the market for some time now sans Apple's software intelligence.

    I'd love to see tests done for video capture rates on these drives.
  • Reply 42 of 189
    bdblackbdblack Posts: 146member


    Originally Posted by Stageron View Post

    Fusion drive is also 5400RPM. Unbelievable!


    Probably to keep the heat and noise down. Probably laptop drives in the 21.5 inch. 27 inch has 7200 rpm.

  • Reply 43 of 189
    drblankdrblank Posts: 3,385member


    Originally Posted by BDBLACK View Post


    I ripped mine out and put an SSD in my 2008 iMac. I have an external drive but I have never used it. I guess most people just download their software now.

    IF you use (or need in this case) to use something like DIskWarrior, one must be able to boot from a DVD or another drive. So, if we need to use utilities, optical drives are kind of still needed.  Plus, some people like to make archival DVD/CD copies of audio/video/data and there are a LOT of people, like myself, that STILL buy CDs and transfer their music to HD for lossless audio rather than dl from iTunes like content suppliers.  Some of use can hear the difference between compressed and uncompressed audio.

  • Reply 44 of 189


    Originally Posted by dfiler View Post


    What happens when ... ?


    Same thing that happens when someone shows up with an audio or vhs cassette. First we mock and laugh uncontrollably. Then we hold a mini intervention.


    Not only is it analogous to the floppy removal, optical media is actually less common today than floppies were back when the imac first came out. For example, students today almost never use optical disks. Back when the imac was released, many students still used floppies. It was truly the only option if you didn't have a computer and were doing assignment on lab computers. Same thing with turning in assignments. Kids these days, they don't even want to touch a CD. Most wouldn't even care if their car didn't have a CD player. But tell them that they can't plug in the ipod or smart phone... now that is a tragedy.




    And as for grandma. She's already on facebook if she cares about seeing photos of the grandkids.

    Gee, thanks for clearing that up. It's nice to have someone that can speak for EVERYONE.

  • Reply 45 of 189


    Originally Posted by tonyweston View Post

    […] final X release 10.9 […]

    That's not how software versioning works.



  • Reply 46 of 189
    dfilerdfiler Posts: 3,420member


    Originally Posted by drblank View Post

    See, Apple does listen sometimes.  I guess buying Anobit was a MAJOR part in it.  I guess the other companies are gonna have tough time figuring that one out without Anobit controller chips.  Maybe they have a TON of patents protecting them from being copied by the PC mfg. 


    I am wondering what everyone is gonna do if they get the iMac screen and make TVs.  I think they might have cracked the TV screen problem at the same time. Maybe CES won't be the same........


    There's no indication of Apple listening or not listening.


    Remember, pretty much every imaginable feature has been demanded by at least some percentage of their customers. Ironically, that percentage is quite low in regard to fusion drives. Yes, us geeks and forum mongers are interested in ssd storage. But the general public doesn't even know what that is.


    So in this case, if I were to hazard a guess, it would be that apple ignored the stated wishes of customers and instead chose to pursue a technology that they anticipated that customers would want, even though customers don't know it yet.

  • Reply 47 of 189
    auxioauxio Posts: 2,751member


    Originally Posted by digitalclips View Post

    But where can I get a SCSI to Thunderbolt adapter? image


    SCSI -> Firewire -> Thunderbolt (and prey that nothing is lost in translation) :)

  • Reply 48 of 189


    Originally Posted by drblank View Post

    IF you use (or need in this case) to use something like DIskWarrior, one must be able to boot from a DVD or another drive. So, if we need to use utilities, optical drives are kind of still needed.  Plus, some people like to make archival DVD/CD copies of audio/video/data and there are a LOT of people, like myself, that STILL buy CDs and transfer their music to HD for lossless audio rather than dl from iTunes like content suppliers.  Some of use can hear the difference between compressed and uncompressed audio.

    Agreed. But, according to some here, you should just buy an external drive and quit complaining. I don't agree with that at all.

  • Reply 49 of 189
    dfilerdfiler Posts: 3,420member


    Originally Posted by initiator View Post


    Originally Posted by dfiler View Post


    What happens when ... ?


    Same thing that happens when someone shows up with an audio or vhs cassette. First we mock and laugh uncontrollably. Then we hold a mini intervention.


    Not only is it analogous to the floppy removal, optical media is actually less common today than floppies were back when the imac first came out. For example, students today almost never use optical disks. Back when the imac was released, many students still used floppies. It was truly the only option if you didn't have a computer and were doing assignment on lab computers. Same thing with turning in assignments. Kids these days, they don't even want to touch a CD. Most wouldn't even care if their car didn't have a CD player. But tell them that they can't plug in the ipod or smart phone... now that is a tragedy.




    And as for grandma. She's already on facebook if she cares about seeing photos of the grandkids.

    Gee, thanks for clearing that up. It's nice to have someone that can speak for EVERYONE.


    Feel free to offer a differing opinion.

    (And then hit up amazon to spec out a new sense of humor) image

  • Reply 50 of 189
    MacProMacPro Posts: 19,815member
    auxio wrote: »
    SCSI -> Firewire -> Thunderbolt (and prey that nothing is lost in translation) :)

    OMG ROFL what a nightmare. OK try AppleTalk ... :D
  • Reply 51 of 189
    bdblackbdblack Posts: 146member


    Originally Posted by drblank View Post

    IF you use (or need in this case) to use something like DIskWarrior, one must be able to boot from a DVD or another drive. So, if we need to use utilities, optical drives are kind of still needed.  Plus, some people like to make archival DVD/CD copies of audio/video/data and there are a LOT of people, like myself, that STILL buy CDs and transfer their music to HD for lossless audio rather than dl from iTunes like content suppliers.  Some of use can hear the difference between compressed and uncompressed audio.


    You can boot from USB now. Apple added that boot option with lion.


    Perhaps you have a point with CD's as compressed audio has an increased amount of distortion,


    although iTunes offers higher bit-rates now, and some artists sell directly in lossless format... 


    However I am willing to bet that the overall distortion generated by the iMacs sound outputs would be much greater than that in which case one would require a professional grade external sound card with cleaner output, coupled with some very high end headphones or studio grade speakers.



    Not an issue that would affect many of us I would think.

  • Reply 52 of 189
    newbeenewbee Posts: 2,055member


    Originally Posted by Evilution View Post


     ..... I thought the 24" iMac was hard and uncomfortable to carry to the Apple store for repairs, this new one will really cut into your fingers! lol.

    That's why you should save the box .... no ?

  • Reply 53 of 189
    jeffdmjeffdm Posts: 12,953member
    rain wrote: »
    75% less glare. Sounds fudged and misleading and i'm not buying this marketing jib at their word. Sounds like a steaming load of crap.
    I'm reminded of Canmore Mike on Canadian Air Farce talking about a McDonalds burger;
    "It has 90% less fat... then a bowl of fat".
    I'll have to see it for myself - but considering that the previous iMac was 100% glossy and useless - I'm skeptical. (will it be 75% less useless - or 25% useable).
    75% less glare is still 100% not matte.
    I'm extremely hopeful - but not holding my breath.
    I expect iFixit will give it a zero. HDD's fail all the time - how are they replaceable in this thing?

    Actually, iMac 2011 does have a mild antiglare coating. I can tell by the color shifts and by comparing it with a real, untreated glossy glass surface. By bonding the front glass to the panel, you are reducing the number of reflective surfaces by two thirds.

    The Retina MBP did indeed get a significant reduction in glare. To the point where I don't think it's a big deal anymore. Even matte surfaces get reflection, in reality, it's just blurred.

    drblank wrote: »
    IF you use (or need in this case) to use something like DIskWarrior, one must be able to boot from a DVD or another drive. So, if we need to use utilities, optical drives are kind of still needed.  Plus, some people like to make archival DVD/CD copies of audio/video/data and there are a LOT of people, like myself, that STILL buy CDs and transfer their music to HD for lossless audio rather than dl from iTunes like content suppliers.  Some of use can hear the difference between compressed and uncompressed audio.

    It's trivial to boot from an external drive. I think it's a non-problem. I bought an external optical drive for an old iMac with a dying optical drive. A $30 external drive beat buying a $100 part and getting inside.
  • Reply 54 of 189
    MacProMacPro Posts: 19,815member
    dfiler wrote: »
    Feel free to offer a differing opinion.
    (And then hit up amazon to spec out a new sense of humor) ;)

    Loved the 'come back'. :D
    Some folks really have a nice on line attitude don't they?
  • Reply 55 of 189
    sennensennen Posts: 1,472member
    initiator wrote: »
    Gee, thanks for clearing that up. It's nice to have someone that can speak for EVERYONE.

    Works both ways.
  • Reply 56 of 189
    19831983 Posts: 1,225member
    Sweet redesign (especially the hybrid drive!), but I was expecting them to make the new iMac a lot thinner overall than they did - HaHa!
  • Reply 57 of 189





    Kepler G680MX.  WHAT A BEAST!!!  SEXY, SEXY BEAST!!!


    Ivy Bridge 3.4 i7 turbo to 3.9!


    8 gigs of ram.  


    Oh man...oh man.  iMac-gasm.  


    What a machine.  run 2560 x 1440 native np with a gpu like that.  No crap gpu?  WOW!


    Surprised we don't have a 256 SSD as standard.  They're so cheap now.


    (The only fly in the ointment?  Haswell!  and the Radeon 8xxxx.   ...and Retina!?)   Do you pull the trigger or wait.

   iMac...all that power in 80% less thickness...oh....oh....oh....:OOOOOOOO




    Lemon Bon Bon.

  • Reply 58 of 189
    irelandireland Posts: 17,799member


    Originally Posted by Tallest Skil View Post

    Absolutely stunning. 


    Phil goes, "we actually merge the molecules"


    And I immediately think, "yeah, welding".

  • Reply 59 of 189
    maestro64maestro64 Posts: 5,043member

    I know it looks like the removed the Optical drive but in some of the picture it is showing a slot. as if it still has the drive.


    For those who said the optical drive is not needed, i would tend to agree, but having things back up to a CD or DVD is a fail safe, HDD fail and why pay for month storage in the cloud. They other issue is downloading program form the cloud has issue since if you have a problem with a new release and you can not tell me that it does not happen may times one the new release is out you can no longer get the older version so unless you have back up locally or somewhere else it hard to down grade. 


    I have most all my programs on an HDD backup, but I also have them on DVD/CD just in case and they have come in handy from time to time. 


    Also, without an optical drive you can no longer rip CD of you personal stuff. Probably what the industry wants anyway.


    I am still weighing in on this decision.

  • Reply 60 of 189
    sflocalsflocal Posts: 6,121member


    Originally Posted by initiator View Post


    So what happens when you get (buy, given, etc.) a CD with music on it? Or want to give Grandma a DVD of the grandson's first step on video?


    I agree, I use my optical drive infrequently, but it's hardly a superfluous appendage. It's not quite a the floppy drive...yet.

    Easy... I do what I've always been doing.  I use an external superdrive for those 1-2 times a year I need to use it.  After that, I pack it up and put it in my drawer.  Case closed.  :)

    Just because some folks are stuck in the 90's or early 2K means my system has to natively support old stuff?

    Here's a link to buy Apple's superdrive.  $79.00.

    Works like a charm.  I think a regular no-name brand will work too but I haven't checked that.


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