Reviewers confirm 4th-gen iPad is merely an incremental refresh



  • Reply 101 of 132

    Originally Posted by igriv View Post

    "Most versatile port on a tablet"? In what way is it more versatile than the 30pin port?


    Lighting is probably just a modified Thunderbolt. That means that unlike Dock Connector, it'll probably be able to connect via Thunderbolt and at Thunderbolt speeds (yes, yes, NAND r/w…), as well as all the other ports for which it already has accessories.

  • Reply 102 of 132
    igrivigriv Posts: 1,177member


    Originally Posted by Tallest Skil View Post


    Lighting is probably just a modified Thunderbolt. That means that unlike Dock Connector, it'll probably be able to connect via Thunderbolt and at Thunderbolt speeds (yes, yes, NAND r/w…), as well as all the other ports for which it already has accessories.


    #next_pages_container { width: 5px; hight: 5px; position: absolute; top: -100px; left: -100px; z-index: 2147483647 !important; }

    You are an optimist, but I hope you are right.

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  • Reply 103 of 132

    Originally Posted by igriv View Post

    You are an optimist…


    Now I know I'm doing something wrong. image

  • Reply 104 of 132
    igrivigriv Posts: 1,177member


    Originally Posted by AZREOSpecialist View Post

    I don't understand your logic. It doesn't matter if a tablet has a better screen, is faster and is more open when there are very few apps available and all of the exciting app development is happening on a different platform. Google can sell a transparent tablet made of diamonds for only $399 but it won't sell because you can't enjoy any good apps on that platform, or the rest of Apple's superior ecosystem. With Apple, you aren't just buying the hardware - you are also buying a robust ecosystem.


    #next_pages_container { width: 5px; hight: 5px; position: absolute; top: -100px; left: -100px; z-index: 2147483647 !important; }


    #next_pages_container { width: 5px; hight: 5px; position: absolute; top: -100px; left: -100px; z-index: 2147483647 !important; }

    I am guessing that the vast majority of people out there use their tablets to (a) browse the web (b) read ebooks (c) play games (d) watch movies (not necessarily in that order). Very good apps for all of the above are available on Android. For all of the above, better screen, faster, and cheaper is better. I have no idea if Nexus is indeed better in any of these categories (well, it is cheaper for a similarly configured device), but if yes, Apple should be worried, no matter how robust its ecosystem is.

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  • Reply 105 of 132
    igrivigriv Posts: 1,177member


    Originally Posted by Tallest Skil View Post


    Now I know I'm doing something wrong. image


    #next_pages_container { width: 5px; hight: 5px; position: absolute; top: -100px; left: -100px; z-index: 2147483647 !important; }


    #next_pages_container { width: 5px; hight: 5px; position: absolute; top: -100px; left: -100px; z-index: 2147483647 !important; }

    Happens to the best of us image

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  • Reply 106 of 132
    andysolandysol Posts: 2,506member


    Originally Posted by Gatorguy View Post


    Arguing over which tablet has the fastest processor and best display, and making believe it's factual, when neither are in users hands yet and one (the Nexus10) not even available for detailed review for another few days. Someone's not sharing their time machine with the rest of us.



    Originally Posted by Tallest Skil


    Already have the iPad to judge the display… 

    But not the Nexus 10- that's Gator's point.



    Originally Posted by jragosta View Post

    The Mini is in people's hands. Read the reviews.

    The specs of the Nexus 10 are available - and they don't come close to the claims made by the troll I was responding to.

    We're not talking about the Mini- we're talking about the iPad 4.  But it's typical for you to just change arguments and topics and make up stuff to- key word- try to be right... which you clearly aren't. 


    Gator isn't claiming one is better or the other until he can actually see products that no one has been able to compare yet.  You're just as much of a troll as the Android guy is- just opposite ends of the spectrum- you have no data and no experience, and yet you speak as if you're an authority.

  • Reply 107 of 132
    charlitunacharlituna Posts: 7,217member
    drealoth wrote: »
    Alright, by no means am I disappointed in the iPad Mini or the iPad, but I think this is a pretty uncharacteristic refresh for the company.

    For the company when Steve Jobs was making the rules sure. But this is Tim Cook's Apple and if he wants to release the iPad in the Fall or even a baby step every six months or so, they will. What was 'characteristic, doesn't apply anymore
  • Reply 108 of 132
    haarhaar Posts: 563member
    nathillien wrote: »
    Come on.
    OK here is something we can actually count - pixels.

    Last time I checked:

    2560 > 2048

    1600 > 1536

    It is really a simple math.

    Except if it's a pentile display... and then you need to count subpixels ...if So then the effective resolution is less than the apparent resolution...

    a pentile display has approximately 2 1/2 pixels per pixel because the red subpixel is shared with two pixels Thus 5 subpixels in total per 2 pixels. (blue-green-red-blue-green or is it green-blue-red-green-blue for 2 pixels)
    Thus is the color resolution is lower or. Possibly blurry... might be moot point at this Resolution... but It does mean it is not a true 2560 screen resolution.

    Furthermore Apple had a real problem getting 2048 pixels on their screen which equates to three times the number of sub pixels which means it's approximately 6144 sub pixels across... so Long story short the effective resolution of the Nexus 10 looks higher but it's the same

    So Samsung by going to a Pentel display gets to play a numbers game and makes to screen resolution superior when in fact they gimped sorry they reduced the number of subpixels in order to increase the resolution...

    so samsung has increased the number of subpixels by 4.167 percent...
  • Reply 109 of 132
    igrivigriv Posts: 1,177member


    Originally Posted by haar View Post

    Except if it's a pentile display... and then you need to count subpixels ...if So then the effective resolution is less than the apparent resolution...

    a pentile display has approximately 2 1/2 pixels per pixel because the red subpixel is shared with two pixels Thus 5 subpixels in total per 2 pixels. (blue-green-red-blue-green or is it green-blue-red-green-blue for 2 pixels)

    Thus is the color resolution is lower or. Possibly blurry... might be moot point at this Resolution... but It does mean it is not a true 2560 screen resolution.

    Furthermore Apple had a real problem getting 2048 pixels on their screen which equates to three times the number of sub pixels which means it's approximately 6144 sub pixels across... so Long story short the effective resolution of the Nexus 10 looks higher but it's the same

    So Samsung by going to a Pentel display gets to play a numbers game and makes to screen resolution superior when in fact they gimped sorry they reduced the number of subpixels in order to increase the resolution...

    so samsung has increased the number of subpixels by 4.167 percent...


    #next_pages_container { width: 5px; hight: 5px; position: absolute; top: -100px; left: -100px; z-index: 2147483647 !important; }

    This is a very informative post, but notice that the number of subpixels of the Nexus 10 is, indeed, greater than that of the iPad 3/4, so the claims that the the Nexus screen is higher res cannot be denied. Since none of us have seen the thing, we don't know how well all this actually works, of course.

    #next_pages_container { width: 5px; hight: 5px; position: absolute; top: -100px; left: -100px; z-index: 2147483647 !important; }


  • Reply 110 of 132
    gatorguygatorguy Posts: 24,564member


    Originally Posted by haar View Post

    Except if it's a pentile display... and then you need to count subpixels ...if So then the effective resolution is less than the apparent resolution...

    a pentile display has approximately 2 1/2 pixels per pixel because the red subpixel is shared with two pixels Thus 5 subpixels in total per 2 pixels. (blue-green-red-blue-green or is it green-blue-red-green-blue for 2 pixels)

    Thus is the color resolution is lower or. Possibly blurry... might be moot point at this Resolution... but It does mean it is not a true 2560 screen resolution.

    Furthermore Apple had a real problem getting 2048 pixels on their screen which equates to three times the number of sub pixels which means it's approximately 6144 sub pixels across... so Long story short the effective resolution of the Nexus 10 looks higher but it's the same

    So Samsung by going to a Pentel display gets to play a numbers game and makes to screen resolution superior when in fact they gimped sorry they reduced the number of subpixels in order to increase the resolution...

    so samsung has increased the number of subpixels by 4.167 percent...

    Except it's not a Pentile screen on the Nexus10, so a moot point. It uses a 10.055 PLS (Plane to Line Switching) LCD at 2560x1600, which makes it truly 300ppi (plus a smidge)

  • Reply 111 of 132
  • Reply 112 of 132
    jragostajragosta Posts: 10,473member
    gatorguy wrote: »
    Except it's [SIZE=14px]not[/SIZE] a Pentile screen on the Nexus10, so a moot point. It uses a 10.055 PLS (Plane to Line Switching) LCD at 2560x1600, which makes it truly 300ppi (plus a smidge)

    I thought you were arguing that no one should comment on the product until it has been released?

    Oh, you meant that no one should comment on the product unless they're shilling for Google. Got it.

    In the end, though, this is typical of the kind of nonsense that the iHaters do. They argue over pointless specs. The iPad has a retina display. That means that your eyes can't discern individual pixels, so a finer resolution would be of zero value. In that case, color accuracy, viewing angle, brightness, etc will be far more relevant than the pointless resolution spec.
  • Reply 113 of 132
    gatorguygatorguy Posts: 24,564member


    Originally Posted by jragosta View Post

    I thought you were arguing that no one should comment on the product until it has been released?

    Oh, you meant that no one should comment on the product unless they're shilling for Google. Got it.

    In the end, though, this is typical of the kind of nonsense that the iHaters do. They argue over pointless specs. The iPad has a retina display. That means that your eyes can't discern individual pixels, so a finer resolution would be of zero value. In that case, color accuracy, viewing angle, brightness, etc will be far more relevant than the pointless resolution spec

    Typical Joseph. You're the one claiming one is better/outperforms the other based on "pointless specs", not I.


    BTW I missed your explanation for why you claim that Apple's stated resolution is real, while the one for the Nexus10 is fake, "significantly overstated" to use your words.


    Originally Posted by jragosta View Post

    No, it's not. You're comparing the Nexus' fake resolution to Apple's real resolution. Their resolution figures are significantly overstated because of the way they calculate them. Try putting the iPad 4 next to a Nexus 10 if you want to compare screens. Oh, wait. you can't - the Nexus 10 is vapor.

  • Reply 114 of 132
    nikon133nikon133 Posts: 2,600member
    Yep. They give us the fastest tablet ever made with the best screen on a tablet and the most versatile port on a tablet… 

    And all people can do is whine.

    Best screen part is challenged by what is on new Nexus 10. It has higher resolution/dpi than iPad, though we will have to wait for some good in-depth review to see about other aspects of the screen and CPU/GPU performance.

    Regardless of that, I don't think that Apple really needed this mid-cycle refresh. I think a lot of people liked previous Apple release predictability - it is just that, when some people buy latest and greatest, they like to know how long will it be that (I'm not defending this attitude, just stating it). Re speed up, how many people will really notice it? At the end, it is nice to have all current devices with unified connector, but then - if iPad 3 (and any previous iPhone) are still being made and sold, you don't have unified connector anyway.

    Stealing the thunder from competitors on their big release dates? Feels a bit un-Apple, or at least un-SJ-Apple. But then, almost everyone else is doing it (trying it, actually), so. Why not Apple, too.
  • Reply 115 of 132
    nikon133nikon133 Posts: 2,600member
    jragosta wrote: »
    I thought you were arguing that no one should comment on the product until it has been released?
    Oh, you meant that no one should comment on the product unless they're shilling for Google. Got it.
    In the end, though, this is typical of the kind of nonsense that the iHaters do. They argue over pointless specs. The iPad has a retina display. That means that your eyes can't discern individual pixels, so a finer resolution would be of zero value. In that case, color accuracy, viewing angle, brightness, etc will be far more relevant than the pointless resolution spec.

    Retina display is a moniker, not a scientific term. Retina on iPad hasn't got the same DPI as retina on iPhone (or MBP). It is also below 300dpi which, I think, is claimed to be resolving limit of human eye.

    Regardless, iPad's Retina display was - to my knowledge - made by Samsung (among other manufacturers). Why is it so hard to believe that Samsung can make the same or better display for their products..?
  • Reply 116 of 132
    andysolandysol Posts: 2,506member
    jragosta wrote: »
    I thought you were arguing that no one should comment on the product until it has been released?
    Oh, you meant that no one should comment on the product unless they're shilling for Google. Got it.
    In the end, though, this is typical of the kind of nonsense that the iHaters do. They argue over pointless specs. The iPad has a retina display. That means that your eyes can't discern individual pixels, so a finer resolution would be of zero value. In that case, color accuracy, viewing angle, brightness, etc will be far more relevant than the pointless resolution spec.

    You can comment that the iPad mini has an A5. You can comment on what type of screen the nexus has- like not being a pentile one. Because those are facts. Google "fact".

    Saying one is faster, one has better viewing angles, etc, can't happen because you can't compare them yet. This concept I would think a middle schooler could grasp. Although that would make everything you've said so far incorrect, so of course you'll try to argue even further. Google "troll".
  • Reply 117 of 132
    jragostajragosta Posts: 10,473member
    gatorguy wrote: »
    Typical Joseph. You're the one claiming one is better/outperforms the other based on "pointless specs", not I.

    Typical response from you. Absolutely fabricated. I never claimed that the iPad outperforms anything. Someone else claimed that the Nexus 10 had higher resolution and I said that it doesn't. And, as you've admitted, since the product isn't on the market, no one can possibly say that it is better in any regard.
    gatorguy wrote: »
    BTW I missed your explanation for why you claim that Apple's stated resolution is real, while the one for the Nexus10 is fake, "significantly overstated" to use your words.

    The reason is that if the resolution of this Nexus tablet is what they claim, it will be the first time ever. On every previous Nexus, they've used Pentile displays which has a much lower real resolution than the stated resolution.

    Since there's no published information that says otherwise, why wouldn't people assume that they'll do what they've always done.

    Furthermore, history shows convincingly that Apple's tablets and phones have significantly outperformed competitors' products even when their specs are comparable. Android tablets tend to focus on specs and then provide crappy, washed out or oversaturated screens with terrible viewing angles. Apple's screens have always been rated as the best available.
  • Reply 118 of 132
    gatorguygatorguy Posts: 24,564member


    Originally Posted by jragosta View Post

    The trolls just don't stop.....

    Fastest CPU? On paper - maybe. In real life, the iPad blows the Nexus away.

    Highest resolution? Not even close.

    ... Nothing else comes close in performance.



    Originally Posted by jragosta View Post

    Typical response from you. Absolutely fabricated. I never claimed that the iPad outperforms anything. Someone else claimed that the Nexus 10 had higher resolution and I said that it doesn't. And, as you've admitted, since the product isn't on the market, no one can possibly say that it is better in any regard.

    'nuff said

  • Reply 119 of 132
    gatorguygatorguy Posts: 24,564member


    Originally Posted by jragosta View Post

     On every previous Nexus, they've used Pentile displays which has a much lower real resolution than the stated resolution.

    Since there's no published information that says otherwise, why wouldn't people assume that they'll do what they've always done.

    It been fairly widely reported by blogs like the Verge, Engadget and Wired that the display is a PLS-LCD display, not AMOLED.

  • Reply 120 of 132
    igrivigriv Posts: 1,177member
    nikon133 wrote: »
    Retina display is a moniker, not a scientific term. Retina on iPad hasn't got the same DPI as retina on iPhone (or MBP). It is also below 300dpi which, I think, is claimed to be resolving limit of human eye.
    Regardless, iPad's Retina display was - to my knowledge - made by Samsung (among other manufacturers). Why is it so hard to believe that Samsung can make the same or better display for their products..?

    Samsung fabs the iPad display, which is designed by apple and protected by a bazillion apple patents, so no, Samsung cannot make it for anyone else.
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