HTC One features 4.7" 1080p display, quad-core CPU, Android 4.1.2 with Sense 5 UI



  • Reply 101 of 232


    Originally Posted by Suddenly Newton View Post

    Well, I didn't ask you to do anything here. (Certainly not to try to convert me to an Android user).

    i thought this was a place for conversation - but i see it gets immature quickly here on AI - if you don't love everything apple does. (and as I said earlier - I've been using Macs for the last 15 years exclusively).

  • Reply 102 of 232
    cnocbuicnocbui Posts: 3,613member


    Originally Posted by Neo42 View Post

    Familiar casing eh? Framentation crap. Malware. Google Evil. Big as my car, you look dumb holding it to your head cause phone are fashion. 1080p too much. Prob explodes after eating batteries.

    And you are jealous, and it shows.

  • Reply 103 of 232
    solipsismxsolipsismx Posts: 19,566member
    mazda 3s wrote: »
    But that's not the point that I was responding to. The other posters were saying that 468ppi was overkill. <span style="line-height:1.231;">And there lies the rub, there's no question that Apple will release a higher resolution display at some point. The current iPhone 5 is 326ppi, this is 468ppi. At what point does the increased ppi not become "overkill"? 375ppi, 400ppi?</span>

    To say it's overkill in and of itself is over the top but to not acknowledge how a significantly higher PPI affects the ASIC, the GPU, or power requirements is shortsighted. Apple is the only company that consistently considers all aspects of usability and doesn't put it before being able to win a gold medal at the Spec-ial Olympics.

    I think 326 PPI will be with us awhile because it's already higher than nearly all people in the world can differentiate and to double it again to 652 PPI would put it in the range of the iPad (3)'s pixel count which already has a much larger ASIC, more power GPU, and much larger battery over the iPad 2 to make that display work. Eventually this will be feasible (note I didn't say possible) but today is not that day.
  • Reply 104 of 232
    jragostajragosta Posts: 10,473member
    gwmac wrote: »
    How many of you have actually held and used a 1080P phone in person? All these theories mean nothing until you actually view the screen. Since my friend has the HTC Droid DNA I have held and viewed the display and it is absolutely gorgeous.

    Funny, when Apple introduced the retina iPhone and retina MBP, all the complainers were saying just the opposite.
  • Reply 105 of 232
    jungmarkjungmark Posts: 6,927member
    So... Apple is happy to see 200 million plus sales a year go to its competitors...

    Thank you for the most stupid answer of the day.

    Many Androiders wouldn't have bought an iPhone any way. There are still more that were pushed to an android. Then there were others that bought into the BOGO events.
  • Reply 106 of 232
    dasanman69dasanman69 Posts: 13,002member
    This phone while very nice will fail. Instead of making the DNA for VZW and the One for all other carriers they should have streamlined their offering to one device across all carriers. I would've even avoided ATT since over 80% of smartphone sales are iPhones.
  • Reply 107 of 232
    dasanman69dasanman69 Posts: 13,002member
    solipsismx wrote: »
    You're just getting it¡ 1080p on a phone means that your Blu-ray disks can play pixel-for-pixel on the phone. Surely they have a Blu-ray accessory for this device.

    It's called a HDMI cord.
  • Reply 108 of 232
    mazda 3smazda 3s Posts: 1,613member


    Originally Posted by SolipsismX View Post

    To say it's overkill in and of itself is over the top but to not acknowledge how a significantly higher PPI affects the ASIC, the GPU, or power requirements is shortsighted. Apple is the only company that consistently considers all aspects of usability and doesn't put it before being able to win a gold medal at the Spec-ial Olympics.

    I think 326 PPI will be with us awhile because it's already higher than nearly all people in the world can differentiate and to double it again to 652 PPI would put it in the range of the iPad (3)'s pixel count which already has a much larger ASIC, more power GPU, and much larger battery over the iPad 2 to make that display work. Eventually this will be feasible (note I didn't say possible) but today is not that day.


    I think you make valid points here. However, this thing has a next generation quad-core ARM design running at 1.7GHz coupled with 2GB of RAM. For comparison, the iPhone 5 is dual-core, ~1GHz I believe with 1GB of RAM. It definitely has the horsepower. Also, it has a 2300 mAh battery compared to 1440 mAh for the iPhone 5. Qualcomm is also touting a lot of power savings with this new design and the ability to throttle or turn off cores. It's also 28nm versus 32nm for the A6.


    I'm not saying that it will be perfect (no smartphone is), but I'm willing to give them benefit... for now.


    I just get annoyed when people talk in absolutes image

  • Reply 109 of 232

    Originally Posted by dasanman69 View Post

    It's called a HDMI cord.


    Oh, right, because some of these phones actually have MiniHDMI… image

  • Reply 110 of 232
    solipsismxsolipsismx Posts: 19,566member
    jragosta wrote: »
    Funny, when Apple introduced the retina iPhone and retina MBP, all the complainers were saying just the opposite.

    Remember when they were saying how Samsung's PenTile displays were just as good and had a higher number of pixels. Remember when they were saying that Retina was overkill despite not being that much over what someone with 20/20(6/6) vision could see from a normal viewing distance…and yet now the iPhone has a crap display.
  • Reply 111 of 232


    Originally Posted by macxpress View Post


    Well la-te-da...You found 2 great apps for Android. Yay! Nobody has to use iTunes anymore. iPhones aren't tied to iTunes. 


    Actually, I can name two more fantastic apps that you will never get on iOS.  Tasker and Cyberus.  Tasker was the reason why I left iOS because it allowed me to have complete control over my phone based on geographical position and that was 3 years ago.


    As for iTunes, can you browse iTunes on the web and buy things without actually having to install it?  I have tried and I cannot do it.  With Google play, I can surf iOS at work, buy apps and then remotely install them on whatever device I want (Nexus 7, Galaxy Nexus, etc..).  Very cool feature and I do not need to install and constantly updated a piece of software to do it (like iTunes seems to do).

  • Reply 112 of 232


    Originally Posted by jungmark View Post

    Many Androiders wouldn't have bought an iPhone any way. There are still more that were pushed to an android. Then there were others that bought into the BOGO events.


    So you've given up on them and are satisfied to let all 200+ million people per year use another OS.


    Hmmm... not the way I'd do business and you can be damn sure not the way that Tim Cook does business either.

  • Reply 113 of 232
    cnocbuicnocbui Posts: 3,613member


    Originally Posted by dasanman69 View Post

    This phone while very nice will fail. Instead of making the DNA for VZW and the One for all other carriers they should have streamlined their offering to one device across all carriers. I would've even avoided ATT since over 80% of smartphone sales are iPhones.

    Who are VZW and ATT, and why should I care?  In what way do they determine the success or failure of this phone in the global marketplace?

  • Reply 114 of 232

    Originally Posted by zippy2shoes View Post

    …and constantly updated a piece of software to do it (like iTunes seems to do).


    An average of about one update every two months is "constantly"? Why don't you want updated software? Why do you think you need to have the software updated?

  • Reply 115 of 232
    So, is it basically the usual HTC with some hardware updates and "BlinkFeed" (what an awful name)? I don't see a software upgrade in this that makes me want to buy it over another Android device with similar hardware. These phones seem to have no differentiation, so buyers will just choose based on hardware specs.
  • Reply 116 of 232
    solipsismxsolipsismx Posts: 19,566member
    mazda 3s wrote: »
    I think you make valid points here. However, this thing has a next generation quad-core ARM design running at 1.7GHz coupled with 2GB of RAM. For comparison, the iPhone 5 is dual-core, ~1GHz I believe with 1GB of RAM. It definitely has the horsepower. Also, it has a 2300 mAh battery compared to 1440 mAh for the iPhone 5. Qualcomm is also touting a lot of power savings with this new design and the ability to throttle or turn off cores. It's also 28nm versus 32nm for the A6.

    I'm not saying that it will be perfect (no smartphone is), but I'm willing to give them benefit... for now.

    I just get annoyed when people talk in absolutes <img alt="1wink.gif" id="user_yui_3_7_3_1_1361303419247_1096" src="" style="line-height:1.231;" name="user_yui_3_7_3_1_1361303419247_1096">

    The number of cores and cycle speed of the ARM processor are meaningless when it comes to the display. Same goes with the amount of RAM here because we're not talking about GPU RAM and if we were a lot still has to do with the memory bandwidth. We're also talking about disparate OSes and, at least with Apple, a custom SoC which means that it can do more with less RAM which helps the battery life. Check out AnandTech's review of the iPad (3). He clearly shows what Apple did to the ASIC to make it push over 3 million pixels to the display well.

    Now this LG only has 2 million pixels to push so it doesn't need the same range but it's closer to the iPad than to the iPhone so can it get away without having a 128-bit quad-channel memory controller?

    Clearly it's possible to add a larger this and that but how does it affect the other components and the overall usability? I'm not a gamer but I know that you can alter the game resolution to make the frame rates better or worse. We also know that Apple increased the battery by about 70% over the iPad 2 so it could maintain about the same battery life as before. You say that it has a 2400 mAh battery but that means nothing in and of itself.

    So what is the performance and battery life of this device? IOW, was it smart for them to go so high up so they could maintain a 1920x1080 display on a phone? What is the cost for this one spec list item? My guess is that it won't be shown as a good trade off.

    Yes, people should never talk in absolutes.
  • Reply 117 of 232
    rogifanrogifan Posts: 10,669member


    Originally Posted by mausz View Post


    My first reaction when seeing the Iphone5  2-tone back was that they'd taken this specific design cue from HTC which has been doing these 2-tone designs for a couple of generations (one of the reason I did not like them)

    Is there a specific HTC model the iPhone 5 reminds you of?  I don't think this new HTC phone is a complete iPhone 5 ripoff (some would argue it looks Iike the new Blackberry) but aluminum with what appears to be chamfered edges does seem to take cues from the 5.

  • Reply 118 of 232
    thttht Posts: 5,608member


    Originally Posted by hill60 View Post


    More cores CAN result in better power efficiency, if you mix low and high power cores and switch the high power ones off when not required.


    Is there any evidence for this whatsoever? In a real live device?


    Tegra 3 did this. Did Tegra 3 devices end up being the longest lasting devices in the market?


    If it is really useful, why doesn't Intel do this in their mobile processors?

  • Reply 119 of 232
    dasanman69dasanman69 Posts: 13,002member
    cnocbui wrote: »

    Who are VZW and ATT, and why should I care?  In what way do they determine the seucces or failure of this phone in the global marketplace?

    Just the 2 biggest carriers in the biggest and growing smartphone market in the world. One can argue that VZW singlehandedly propelled Android to where it is today, and the same can be said of ATT and the iPhone. Can the same be said of any other carrier in the world?
  • Reply 120 of 232
    dasanman69dasanman69 Posts: 13,002member
    ifij775 wrote: »
    So, is it basically the usual HTC with some hardware updates and "BlinkFeed" (what an awful name)? I don't see a software upgrade in this that makes me want to buy it over another Android device with similar hardware. These phones seem to have no differentiation, so buyers will just choose based on hardware specs.

    Well the Sense UI adds a lot of functionality not common found on Android devices and with the agreement with Apple have functions that were removed from others.
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