Google's new 3D Maps destroy Manhattan in the wake of Apple's Flyover



  • Reply 41 of 148
    rkevwillrkevwill Posts: 224member
    OMG, where's the outrage, the headlines in the WSJ, etc!
  • Reply 42 of 148
    runbuhrunbuh Posts: 315member


    Originally Posted by Dick Applebaum View Post

    Have a look at Hoover Dam in Bird's Eye view...

    The bridge sags down the canyon walls.

    There are only 4 compass points.

    There is only 1 3D angle.

    No comparison to Apple maps.

    I just checked that out - disappointing.  However, you have obviously not used Bing maps from an iOS device in Safari.  Full rotation, not just points of the compass.  Even though the perspective is fixed, I find it really helpful for quickly navigating a neighborhood where Apple and Google only show me rooftops (until you get down to a Google street view, but it's hard to quickly navigate around a larger area in street view).


    (edited to fix where I was mistaken - you can rotate the view, but it "snaps" to one of the four points of the compass)

  • Reply 43 of 148
    If you ask Google Maps to get you to the Pax entertainment venue in Miami, which is directly below I-95 under the overpass, it actually asks you to go to 95 and stop in the middle of the freeway, thinking you have reached your destination! Actually doing this would be fatal.

    Apple Maps gets you to Pax accurately.

    On the other hand, Apple Maps completely messed up a specific address I typed in. It didn't find it but didn't make that clear, and I wound up miles away from my destination. I then switched to Google Maps and it took me there perfectly.

    So both maps have bugs, but really, that's to be expected with such a complex task. I'm glad the mapping software is as good as it is :).

    My tie breaker is that I prefer the Apple design and user interface, so that's what I'm using 99% of the time. Interestingly enough, both Apple and Google beat the software design of my standalone GPS so comprehensively that I gave it away to a smartphone and GPS-free friend.


  • Reply 44 of 148
    mrrodriguezmrrodriguez Posts: 215member
    Apple maps is fine but siri's voice is so annoying and robotic.
  • Reply 45 of 148
    isaidsoisaidso Posts: 750member


    Originally Posted by Tallest Skil View Post

    Originally Posted by isaidso View Post

    "...where roads turn into waterfalls and parked cars slide up the side of of a building as if trying to escape from a rolling wave of energy twisting buildings and bulging roads into the air."


    And yet no "Matrix" reference though, huh?   "Whoa..."


    Folding topography, I'd have thought Inception.

    Forgot about that one.

    Maybe "Dark City".

  • Reply 46 of 148
    slurpy wrote: »
    I was hoping someone would make an article like this. I noticed a shit load of messed up 3D after browsing around with my invite, but unlike with the launch of Apple maps, when a million blogs were stup specifically to showcase these, as well the screenshots captured and used as headlines on all major news outlets and tech blogs, for weeks and weeks, I haven't seen a fucking PEEP about this, anywhere. The same people that spent hours scouring for such imagery over which to mock Apple, and used it as "evidence" that Apple had "lost it" and is now in a downwards spiral, aren't saying a fucking word now. Why? Because they don't give a shit.

    These same Google-worshipping fanatics were not willing to give Apple, a company who has never been in the maps business, a pass over imperfections in a feature that Google didn't even have, will now make excuses for Google and will give them a pass for even worse distortions a year later, from a company who has been in the maps business for over a decade and is one of their core products. Just goes to show the utter vapidity and emptiness of these attacks, and the vile hypocrisy involved.

    Will anyone bother setting up tumblr blogs showcasing these? Of course not.

    I'm not going to say that apple deserves all of the blown up criticism. I will say that the criticism seems to give them a drive to improve their products. For that reason, I think we will see google start producing more and more garbage while the quality of apple products only increase.
  • Reply 47 of 148
    constable odoconstable odo Posts: 1,041member
    Google Maps will always be seen as way better than anything Apple Maps has to offer. Google is good, Apple is bad. Everyone knows this much. Apple charges too much for its products, doesn't reward shareholders and avoids paying taxes. Apple is the most hated company in America and on Wall Street. Even if Google 3D flyover sucks monkey gonads, it's still better than Apple Maps based on general principle alone. This is why Apple is said not to have a future and is always seen as a doomed company. Everyone wishes Apple would just go away and let things return to their own natural order of free and cheap products for consumers. There will always be smear campaigns against Apple because the company is hated by the news media and tech pundits alike. All are hoping to see Apple fail. Goodbye, Apple. It was nice knowing ya... or maybe not.
  • Reply 48 of 148
    steven n.steven n. Posts: 1,229member
    darkvader wrote: »
    Let's see, 3d flyover or street view, which is more useful?

    I'm sorry, Apple just isn't there with useful mapping.

    Given I have never used Street View, never needed Street View and only know 1 person that has actually ever used Street View for a purpose I would say Fly Over.
  • Reply 49 of 148
    steven n.steven n. Posts: 1,229member
    josha wrote: »
    On iOS iPhone:
    For my use, Apple Maps is more accurate than Google Maps.  I frequently ran into serious Google Maps errors, so I  now seldom use GM for map location.
    Now I only use Google Maps when I occasionally need a street view!

    You have actually used street view? Can I ask why? I travel extensively (200 days/year average) and have never once needed, or even seen a use for, Street View. I am curious why some people find it so needed.
  • Reply 50 of 148
    ringoringo Posts: 329member

    I haven't been on AppleInsider in a while, so I must say that I'm impressed by the quality of this article, and how different it is from what I saw in the past. So well done. When did AI start doing satire?

  • Reply 51 of 148
    ecsecs Posts: 307member
    darkvader wrote: »
    Let's see, 3d flyover or street view, which is more useful?
    That's the point. Flyover is useless, although it's a nice eye candy. I can see why Google is copying it, just for the "wow" factor.

    However, it's ridiculous how the article forgets that Google has both now: yes, a useless (yet cool) flyover mode, and, of course, street view (useful, and also cool).

    That's what happens when you try to compete with somebody who has either more resources than you, or that invests them in a more smart way: they'll advance faster than you.

    Apple is too tied to iOS development, and they become more and more tied to it with the time. On the other hand, Google is more diversified: they don't forget their historically key markets as they enter new ones. Google is being smarter than Apple.
  • Reply 52 of 148
    ecsecs Posts: 307member
    steven n. wrote: »
    You have actually used street view? Can I ask why? I travel extensively (200 days/year average) and have never once needed, or even seen a use for, Street View. I am curious why some people find it so needed.
    Situations I often use street view for:

    -I'm an architect: street view doesn't replace good photographs, nor a real visit to the place, but in the same minute a client talks you of a location, you can have a good sight of that place, instantly. You'll have to go to the place, but this first look helps a lot, since you can advance important questions even before doing the real visit.

    -When looking for a new home: discarding some houses, and focus in other houses because of their surroundings, before visiting places: this helps plan your visits, and travel only to houses that are good candidates.

    -When going to some unknown place by car, where I've never been before and I'll be with limited time, doing a virtual trip with street view helps me know how to go there.
    I often don't depend so much on the GPS if I do this virtual trip before, and I'll arrive it quicker, and knowing what's the next move even before the GPS tells it.

    -The same applies when I don't travel by car: if I know I'm going to be with limited time in some moment of the trip (ex: 20 minutes for going from the bus station to the train station), I always move much faster if I've done it with street view at home before. Usually, when doing this at home, I no longer feel like a doubting stranger at the place, but like if I were a local, moving as fast as the locals in their place.

    -I collect old photographs as a hobby. When I've a new photo of a place that has changed a lot with the years, street view helps locate the place, from the buildings that still exist.

    -When I feel melancholic, doing a virtual visit to some place that has a special meaning for me.
  • Reply 53 of 148

    most of the criticism from me and I guess the public in general was about incorrect locations and bad directions. Pointing locations to wierd places around the world. Transit to wrong places.


    The tech press tore into apple because it lampooned other map services, when introducing 3D service, even when it was with lot of trouble.


    3D is useless, its more gimmicky than utility.


    But if people want 3D then give 3D.


    One thing about being Apple and Google fans is, nobody cares about improvements for users and their utility, but sticking to their companies. GET sense, you don't get any love from apple or Google, pit them against each other and benefit. Don't love one as if its your loved one, even after ripping off in services and products.

  • Reply 54 of 148
    freerangefreerange Posts: 1,597member


    Originally Posted by NexusPhan View Post

    "A year after Apple launched iOS 6 with Flyover, neither Google nor Nokia have a similar, integrated 3D visualization feature for their own mobile platforms"


    Not true. This has been available in Google earth on mobile for about a year. You can view all this now without an invitation by using Google Earth for desktop, as you have been able to do for a year. The invitation is only for the new Google maps which combined earth and maps (finally).


    I've always thought the criticism at Apple's (and Google's) 3D technology was misguided. It's a tremendously cool feature and I applaud both companies for this kind of innovation, as I have been from the first time Google introduced it.

    Mr. Nexus - How did you do in school with reading comprehension? Apparently not to well... what part of "integrated" and "mobile platforms" did you not understand?

  • Reply 55 of 148
    philboogiephilboogie Posts: 7,675member
    "But but but but but but who would want to see the world like this? Apple is so stupid for their 3D models of the world."

    Even trolls infringe by copying earlier statements, even if said previously by themselves.
  • Reply 56 of 148
    philboogiephilboogie Posts: 7,675member
    darkvader wrote: »
    Let's see, 3d flyover or street view, which is more useful?

    I'm sorry, Apple just isn't there with useful mapping.

  • Reply 57 of 148
    saareksaarek Posts: 1,563member
    Apple deserved the reaction they got. They hyped Apple maps to stratospheric heights only for users to find out that at best it was a beta product.

    Although one year on it is much better and of course continues to improve they would have benefitted from being a bit humble.

    No one said that making maps was easy, but even today (especially outside of the US) Apple Maps is severely lacking in the POI area.

    One example would be that a mile from my house there is an Asda (Wallmart to most people here) & it's a huge supermarket. Now it's missing from Apple maps, upon the release I filled in a form for Apple including full address details etc & it's still not been added.

    I can think if many more examples & it's just frustrating.

    Now Google is giving 3D a go & are having similar issues, but they aren't telling everyone that it's going to be better than unicorns flying over rainbows. It's effectively an invite only beta.

    Once it's released for everyone to use then feel free to pick holes, I'm sure some will still be there.
  • Reply 58 of 148
    A shame to see such a childish and biased approach to what is simply a great service getting better. Both services have merits and flaws, but at the end of the day we as the consumers have a choice now between two fantastic services; why does it always have to fall back to Apple/Google-bashing?
  • Reply 59 of 148
    richlrichl Posts: 2,213member

    So we're comparing an invite-only beta to a product that launched with spectacular hyperbole, are we?


    I wonder why the press hasn't castigated Google for this yet? image

  • Reply 60 of 148
    dick applebaumdick applebaum Posts: 12,527member
    ringo wrote: »
    I haven't been on AppleInsider in a while, so I must say that I'm impressed by the quality of this article, and how different it is from what I saw in the past. So well done. When did AI start doing satire?

    @Ringo... @Wrongo

    @Bingo, @Bango, @Bongo -- I don't want to leave the @Congo...
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