Google's new 3D Maps destroy Manhattan in the wake of Apple's Flyover



  • Reply 101 of 148
    wakefinancewakefinance Posts: 855member
    No, I don't remember an inability to access Google Maps on iPhones. Maybe you don't live on the same planet as me.

    So by your own admission, the many, MANY flaws that Google Maps proper has aren't okay. Because that isn't beta.

    Just shut up. This didn't happen. You have always been able to access Google Maps on an iDevice.

    Way to not respond to what I wrote. I never said you couldn't access Google maps. You could always access them by going to the website. I said they forcibly removed the default app to replace it with their own attempt at mapping.
  • Reply 102 of 148
    wakefinancewakefinance Posts: 855member
    jungmark wrote: »
    Is backwash worse than backlash? Besides Google Maps is just a little more accurate than Apple Maps. GM will return results whether they are right it not. AM will return correct results or no results at all.
    Forcibly? I didn't upgrade immediately and I could still use Google Maps. In addition you could still get Waze and other mapping solutions.

    So in order to not have Google maps replaced by Apple maps as the default system mapping app, you avoided upgrading your entire operating system? How does that not constitute a forced change on Apple's part? And as for your claim about still being able to access Google maps, you're referring to a webpage.
  • Reply 103 of 148
    jungmarkjungmark Posts: 6,927member
    So in order to not have Google maps replaced by Apple maps as the default system mapping app, you avoided upgrading your entire operating system? How does that not constitute a forced change on Apple's part? And as for your claim about still being able to access Google maps, you're referring to a webpage.

    Easy, unlike android, Apple gives you a choice to upgrade or not. I chose not to upgrade fir a couple months in case their were bugs. And Google has a Maps app too.
  • Reply 104 of 148
    wakefinancewakefinance Posts: 855member
    jungmark wrote: »
    Easy, unlike android, Apple gives you a choice to upgrade or not. I chose not to upgrade fir a couple months in case their were bugs. And Google has a Maps app too.

    NOW Google has a maps app, not when Apple removed it during the iOS 6 upgrade.
  • Reply 105 of 148
    jungmarkjungmark Posts: 6,927member
    NOW Google has a maps app, not when Apple removed it during the iOS 6 upgrade.

    Yup and if you wanted to wait, you don't upgrade until Google maps was released. Apple didn't force you to upgrade nor did they block Google Maps.
  • Reply 106 of 148
    steven n.steven n. Posts: 1,229member
    morzee94 wrote: »
    I do wish google and apple would both stop trying to get their maps in 3D..... The technology just doesn't work reliably enough yet. I want a maps service that shows me where to go correctly 100% of the time via walking, driving and public transport. At the moment only google are doing that, I just hope they don't ruin that with gimmicky 3D crap, keep it in earth, not in maps.

    That is why Google tried to route me UNDER the Golden Gate Bridge on a mythical road floating on the water. I have found Google Maps to have slightly fewer errors than Apple Maps.
  • Reply 107 of 148
    jlisherejlishere Posts: 1member
    Let's be honest here. The critical flaw with Apple Maps when it launched was [B]search[/B], [B]POIs[/B] and [B]geocoding[/B] - Scott Forstall simply overpromised on the product. So any criticism was justified. Hence the firings. And apology. It's much better now. But 'Apple Maps' is still a tarnished name. I'm sure there are much needed improvements coming with iOS 7.
  • Reply 108 of 148
    lightknightlightknight Posts: 2,312member
    Fanboy article, even the title is ridiculously smug.

    Not to mention the "loook, looook, it's horribly inaccurate!" "What?" " The treeeeeees, they look ugly".

    Yeah, right.

    Going to say it again: no clue about you Americans, but here, Apple Maps is useless, Google Maps works pretty well (not perfectly, but what is?).

    DED again makes himself look silly.
  • Reply 109 of 148
    lightknightlightknight Posts: 2,312member

    Oddly, this was created on an iPad 4 Retina at 2048 x 1536 -- and had to be scaled down to run on the Mac...

    Same issue here. Irritating.

  • Reply 110 of 148
    lightknightlightknight Posts: 2,312member


    Originally Posted by SolipsismX View Post

    I certainly find StreetView more useful than Flyover but you're just trying to change the subject from the fact that the anti-Apple and pro-Google crowd lambasted Apple over 1) including FlyOver which they said had zero utility, and 2) laughed at FlyOver for not perfectly rendering every image and using it as proof Apple shouldn't be doing any mapping against Google's years of experience.

    I think people ( particularly developers who got Google Maps jerked out of their hands and replaced with something pretty unusable ) were more annoyed by the fact Apple suddenly removed GMaps, than by the fact they provided Apple Maps.

    Change Management, Expectations Management. Apple's good at the second, but horrible at the first, apparently.

  • Reply 111 of 148
    radnukerradnuker Posts: 12member
    I find it interesting that the NYT or WSJ have not picked this up after the bashing of Apple Maps
  • Reply 112 of 148
    tallest skiltallest skil Posts: 43,388member

    Originally Posted by lightknight View Post

    Going to say it again: no clue about you Americans, but here, Apple Maps is useless, Google Maps works pretty well (not perfectly, but what is?).


    I thought you'd be smart enough to know you can't parrot the same lies for seven months.

  • Reply 113 of 148
    vital0gyvital0gy Posts: 39member


    Originally Posted by isaidso View Post

    The reality (as it always has been) is that google maps; good 'ol regular we-use-it-everyday google maps, has tons of errors that trip up people every single day. The difference is, that in google's case, nobody gives a f**k.  Free pass.

    Apple had a small handful of errors, and a few smeary graphics. "broken piece of crap".

    Google maps is wrong somewhere for somebody every single day. But keep puckering those lips.


    Google/Apple/Microsoft....all the same. Same stuff/different site. I prefer the aesthetic of Apple's maps, but find the traffic reporting on GM and Waze to be better in my city. So you see, there can be a space for everyone. I like Apple, I like Google. Probably why I try to steer clear of all tech sites. image

  • Reply 114 of 148
    dick applebaumdick applebaum Posts: 12,527member
    Just to be fair...

    Here's a location in Saratoga. CA, 3.2 miles from Apple HQ...

    Saratoga was/is home to:

    [*] Gene Carter former Apple VP Marketing
    [*] Bill "Coach" Campbell member Apple BOD
    [*] Saratoga HS the first commercial LAN installation June 1980 (7 Apple ][ Sharing [B][I]5 MB HDD[/I][/B] and Printer via Corvus Omninet)
    [*] Lucy & Me (Mr Lucy) owners of the best damn computer stores in Silicon Valley

    [B][U][SIZE=4]Apple Maps 2D[/SIZE][/U][/B]

    [IMG ALT=""][/IMG]

    [B][U][SIZE=4]Apple Maps 3D Flyover[/SIZE][/U][/B]

    [IMG ALT=""][/IMG]

    [B][U][SIZE=4]Google Earth 3D/SIZE][/U][/B]

    [IMG ALT=""][/IMG]

    All images were taken on an iPad 4.

    Here (no 3D image data) Google Earth provides a better image -- but it was a real PITA to position/navigate -- taking several tries and about 3 minutes.
  • Reply 115 of 148
    vital0gyvital0gy Posts: 39member


    Originally Posted by Dick Applebaum View Post

    Just to be fair...

    Here's a location in Saratoga. CA, 3.2 miles from Apple HQ...

    All images were taken on an iPad 4.

    Here (no 3D image data) Google Earth provides a better image -- but it was a real PITA to position/navigate -- taking several tries and about 3 minutes.

    This is AppleInsider... you, sir, are not allowed to be fair. I mean, unless fair means being an a$$hat to any company not named Apple. Please be prepared for 3 additional comment pages that show how much worse Google maps are for comparison purposes.

  • Reply 116 of 148
    dick applebaumdick applebaum Posts: 12,527member
    vital0gy wrote: »
    Just to be fair...

    Here's a location in Saratoga. CA, 3.2 miles from Apple HQ...

    Saratoga was/is home to:
    • Gene Carter former Apple VP Marketing
    • Bill "Coach" Campbell member Apple BOD
    • Saratoga HS the first commercial LAN installation June 1980 (7 Apple ][ Sharing 5 MB HDD and Printer via Corvus Omninet)
    • Lucy & Me (Mr Lucy) owners of the best damn computer stores in Silicon Valley


    All images were taken on an iPad 4.

    Here (no 3D image data) Google Earth provides a better image -- but it was a real PITA to position/navigate -- taking several tries and about 3 minutes.
    This is AppleInsider... you, sir, are not allowed to be fair. I mean, unless fair means being an a$$hat to any company not named Apple. Please be prepared for 3 additional comment pages that show how much worse Google maps are for comparison purposes.

    LOL ;):lol:

    Well... Google does some things better than Apple...

    However, I do not like the way Google does what it does, nor do I trust them. I try to avoid them whenever I can.

    ...But I have to be honest and true to my ethic.
  • Reply 117 of 148
    isaidsoisaidso Posts: 750member


    Originally Posted by Vital0gy View Post


    Originally Posted by isaidso View Post

    Gotta love you first post trolls.

    The reality (as it always has been) is that google maps; good 'ol regular we-use-it-everyday google maps, has tons of errors that trip up people every single day. The difference is, that in google's case, nobody gives a f**k.  Free pass.

    Apple had a small handful of errors, and a few smeary graphics. "broken piece of crap".

    Google maps is wrong somewhere for somebody every single day. But keep puckering those lips.

    Fanboyz are fanboyz...Google/Apple/'re all the same. Same stuff/different site. I prefer the aesthetic of Apple's maps, but find the traffic reporting on GM and Waze to be better in my city. So you see, there can be a space for everyone. I like Apple, I like Google, I despise irrational fanboyz with a passion. Probably why I try to steer clear of all tech sites. image

    I appreciate your position on the topic of fanboidism. Wasn't the issue though.

    I use google maps as well. My point was that Apple maps has errors; Google maps has errors. How come everyone says Apple maps is a piece of crap because it has errors, but google maps is great (and we'll just ignore it's errors)?

    The real problem, I guess, is that there isn't an appropriate word for the opposite of "fanboy". People use "troll" but that is really something else.

  • Reply 118 of 148
    isaidsoisaidso Posts: 750member


    Originally Posted by Vital0gy View Post


    Originally Posted by Dick Applebaum View Post

    Just to be fair...

    Here's a location in Saratoga. CA, 3.2 miles from Apple HQ...

    Saratoga was/is home to:

    • Gene Carter former Apple VP Marketing

    • Bill "Coach" Campbell member Apple BOD

    • Saratoga HS the first commercial LAN installation June 1980 (7 Apple ][ Sharing 5 MB HDD and Printer via Corvus Omninet)

    • Lucy & Me (Mr Lucy) owners of the best damn computer stores in Silicon Valley

    Apple Maps 2D

    Apple Maps 3D Flyover

    Google Earth 3D/SIZE]

    All images were taken on an iPad 4.

    Here (no 3D image data) Google Earth provides a better image -- but it was a real PITA to position/navigate -- taking several tries and about 3 minutes.

    This is AppleInsider... you, sir, are not allowed to be fair. I mean, unless fair means being an a$$hat to any company not named Apple. Please be prepared for 3 additional comment pages that show how much worse Google maps are for comparison purposes.

    Are you f**kn kidding?  Who are you to talk about fair? You can't even read!

    He compared Apple maps to Google EARTH. Not to Google MAPS.

    (frickn brain deads)

  • Reply 119 of 148
    vital0gyvital0gy Posts: 39member


    Originally Posted by isaidso View Post

    Are you f**kn kidding?  Who are you to talk about fair? You can't even read!

    He compared Apple maps to Google EARTH. Not to Google MAPS.

    (frickn brain deads)

    No, I'm not f'ing kidding. As I said before, YOU and YOUR ILK of all stripes are the problem. I seriously wish you all would take your brawl into the streets and be done with each other. Fanboyz of all stripes suck!

  • Reply 120 of 148
    dick applebaumdick applebaum Posts: 12,527member
    isaidso wrote: »
    vital0gy wrote: »
    Just to be fair...

    Here's a location in Saratoga. CA, 3.2 miles from Apple HQ...


    All images were taken on an iPad 4.

    Here (no 3D image data) Google Earth provides a better image -- but it was a real PITA to position/navigate -- taking several tries and about 3 minutes.
    This is AppleInsider... you, sir, are not allowed to be fair. I mean, unless fair means being an a$$hat to any company not named Apple. Please be prepared for 3 additional comment pages that show how much worse Google maps are for comparison purposes.
    Are you f**kn kidding?  Who are you to talk about fair? You can't even read!
    He compared Apple maps to Google EARTH. Not to Google MAPS.


    Here are iPad shots of Google Maps (at 2x) and Apple Maps -- side-by-side:

    400 400

    You questioned my fairness -- now, I challenge yours!
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