Apple earned more than Samsung, LG, Nokia, Huawei, Lenovo & Motorola's mobile shipments combined



  • Reply 141 of 213
    Originally Posted by burts bees View Post

    Oh hiya Juanito keyboard masturbator.

    Glad you are back!

    You still sound constipated.

    Have you flushed out:

    Emerging markets

    Cheap phones yet?

    Look down and tell me what you see because that's what High-end competition looks like to Apple.

    Enjoy your keyboard masturbating. All of it is wearing you out. Push and try harder!

    It's not "all for now for you." It's bothering you so much that you keep trying harder.

    I've not made one effort to impress you with with links and stats because none are needed.

    It's in the article you refuse to acknowledge tecla boy.

    Keep hurting and stay losing. Push push constipation boy.


    ---> cheap crap + emerging markets

    Repeat  (let's hope not)


    Hmmmm... that's odd. I hit the link for AppleInsider and somehow or other I got transferred to MacRumors.

  • Reply 142 of 213

    Originally Posted by burts bees View Post

    You wanna know what's funny?

    No one. And I mean NO ONE. Is taking you seriously. I can explain why, but that's not fun.

    Just quit the rambling. You are desperately trying to fit a square peg In a round hole.

    Were Not your daddy and these confessionals are done.

    Accept that your information stays with YOU.

    Respect others here and you won't get shit thrown back at you. I've made all my points about 8 times. You ignored them so I ignore yours.

    Is that fair?

    But wait, there's more!!



    Etc etc.

    No- one-cares-what- you - have - to - say.

    No one


    Correction - No one is taking YOU seriously. Any person with an average IQ can tell you are unable to comprehend basic mathematical principles, let alone basic sentence structure. 


    Remember - it's NEVER too late to go back to school. Don't let anyone tell you otherwise.

  • Reply 143 of 213

    Originally Posted by sog35 View Post



    That's not HUGE growth at all.


    The S3 shipped 5.23 phones per month

    The S4 shipped 6.66 phones per month

    That's only an increase of 1.4 million per month.  That increase in SHIPPED phones could easily be explained by channel fill and excess phones in stock.  Lets also not forget that the S4 was available in more stores and more countries than the S3.  You could EASILY ship an extra 1.4 million phones a month. EASILY. 


    Until Samsung releases AUDITED financials that reveal S4 shipped and amount in the channel all the articles you post are total bullsheet.  Samsung has lied, cheated, and stole again and again.  So you think its not possible that Mr Shin would not lie about S4 numbers?  The same Mr Shin that is a two time convicted FELON?  The same company that has blatantly ripped off IP and then has the audacity to sue the use of FRAND patents?   The same company that has been CAUGHT paying people to bash competitors products in social media?  The same company that pays celebraties to tweet that they LOVE MY GALAXY, sent from my iPhone.  The same company that has been caught bribing government officials?  You think Mr Shin would not STRETCH the truth or flat out LIE about Galaxy shipments?  Really?  Are you that STUPID?  So stupid to take a press released as FACT, when they don't disclose unit sales in their financials?


    They are a MONTH faster to 40M than the S3 was.... guess what that means? Faster growth.


    The Note 3 is currently shipping TWICE as fast as the Note 2.... guess what that means? Faster growth.


    What am I missing that you aren't?

  • Reply 144 of 213

    I see that only one person has tried to decipher Apple's channel inventory for me.


    If nobody knows what it means then I'm wondering how relevant that data really is to the masses.

  • Reply 145 of 213
    sog35 wrote: »
    That's not HUGE growth at all.

    The S3 shipped 5.23 phones per month
    The S4 shipped 6.66 phones per month
    That's only an increase of 1.4 million per month.  That increase in SHIPPED phones could easily be explained by channel fill and excess phones in stock.  Lets also not forget that the S4 was available in more stores and more countries than the S3.  You could EASILY ship an extra 1.4 million phones a month. EASILY. 

    Until Samsung releases AUDITED financials that reveal S4 shipped and amount in the channel all the articles you post are total bullsheet.  Samsung has lied, cheated, and stole again and again.  So you think its not possible that Mr Shin would not lie about S4 numbers?  The same Mr Shin that is a two time convicted FELON?  The same company that has blatantly ripped off IP and then has the audacity to sue the use of FRAND patents? 
    he's a samsung low end user and apologist. Nothing matters to him apparently.

    Laggy interface
    Inferior screen quality
    Slow in practically every way performance
    Crippling ecosystem
    Fragmented OS
    Inferior hardware
    Etc etc etc.

    But don't let that fool him.

    Emerging markets class things up when everything else fails!!

    Watch out.. Here he comes with facts and numbers.. Get out your notepad!
  • Reply 146 of 213

    Originally Posted by burts bees View Post


    he's a samsung low end user and apologist. Nothing matters to him apparently.

    Laggy interface

    Inferior screen quality

    Slow in practically every way performance

    Crippling ecosystem

    Fragmented OS

    Inferior hardware


    Etc etc etc.

    But don't let that fool him.

    Emerging markets class things up when everything else fails!!

    Watch out.. Here he comes with facts and numbers.. Get out your notepad!


    I am NOT a Samsung user... I OWN AN IPHONE. I have NEVER owned a Samsung product. I am NOT defending something I own. I am just trying to get you to see the FACTS. Open your eyes and be enlightened!!!

  • Reply 147 of 213
    qwertyjuan wrote: »
    Correction - No one is taking YOU seriously. Any person with an average IQ can tell you are unable to comprehend basic mathematical principles, let alone basic sentence structure. 

    Remember - it's NEVER too late to go back to school. Don't let anyone tell you otherwise.

    Notice no one is spending as much time as you trying to explain your life's story to anyone who will listen.

    You make zero sense and
    Have been all day.

    You made a dumb comment based on faulty observation and have been trying ever since to save face.

    Please end this phony elevated discussion shtick. Referring to people as "sir".

    You are weird.

    These are user names so quit the goofy act and grow up. Nothing you say is ever going to be taken seriously if you won't even acknowledge the article or my questions you
    Keep hurting over..
  • Reply 148 of 213
    Originally Posted by burts bees View Post


    he's a samsung low end user and apologist. Nothing matters to him apparently.

    Laggy interface

    Inferior screen quality

    Slow in practically every way performance

    Crippling ecosystem

    Fragmented OS

    Inferior hardware


    Etc etc etc.

    But don't let that fool him.

    Emerging markets class things up when everything else fails!!

    Watch out.. Here he comes with facts and numbers.. Get out your notepad!


    You still never answered the emerging markets question... what DIFFERENCE does it make where someone lives or their skin colour? For some reason you seem to be insinuating that if I sell something to someone that doesn't live in a 1st world country I am "lowering" myself to do so.

  • Reply 149 of 213
    qwertyjuan wrote: »
    You still never answered the emerging markets question... are you racist? I seriously want to know.... what DIFFERENCE does it make where someone lives or their skin colour? For some reason you seem to be insinuating that if I sell something to someone that doesn't live in a 1st world country I am "lowering" myself to do so.

    Comon, tell me.... are you really some white supremacist from Tennessee with three teeth missing and married to your kid sister? ;)

    What about emerging markets and cheap phones = samsung/ android race to the bottom? No punch line? Oh well..
  • Reply 150 of 213

    Originally Posted by burts bees View Post

    Notice no one is spending as much time as you trying to explain your life's story to anyone who will listen.

    You make zero sense and

    Have been all day.

    You made a dumb comment based on faulty observation and have been trying ever since to save face.

    Please end this phony elevated discussion shtick. Referring to people as "sir".

    You are weird.

    These are user names so quit the goofy act and grow up. Nothing you say is ever going to be taken seriously if you won't even acknowledge the article or my questions you

    Keep hurting over..


    Acknowledge what article?? The one posted by Apple Insider? Yes... great article, however when the dust is ALL settled, Samsung(as a whole) made MORE money than Apple did last quarter. Sorry to burst your bubble... like a few years ago when you turned 21 and your mommy finally told you about Santa Claus and the Tooth Fairy. Some things are hard to take, but with time the wounds will heal!


    "or my questions you" - And what exactly is that supposed to mean? Once you re-write that in plain English I will do my best to answer whatever questions you have but were always afraid to ask! ;)

  • Reply 151 of 213
    qwertyjuan wrote: »
    Acknowledge what article?? The one posted by Apple Insider? Yes... great article, however when the dust is ALL settled, Samsung(as a whole) made MORE money than Apple did last quarter. Sorry to burst your bubble... like a few years ago when you turned 21 and your mommy finally told you about Santa Claus and the Tooth Fairy. Some things are hard to take, but with time the wounds will heal!

    "or my questions you" - And what exactly is that supposed to mean? Once you re-write that in plain English I will do my best to answer whatever questions you have but were always afraid to ask! ;)
    You haven't read it because you keep trying to convince everyone including me
    Of your life's story. You
    Try too hard and failed. You
    Screwed up the minute you opened your mouth and made a stupid observation based on incorrect math, then pounced on it the rest of the day trying to correct it and add more nonsense. The article is clear and my question was the same as I made to you a second ago and you skirt around it because you can't defend it.

    Grow up. If you're an adult, the line of questioning, the amount of rambling and your yearning to connect with other strangers is disturbing. It's nonstop. Just stop the act, jokes and desire to connect with others.

    It's not working. Your opinion stays with you.

    And only you
  • Reply 152 of 213

    Originally Posted by burts bees View Post

    What about emerging markets and cheap phones = samsung/ android race to the bottom? No punch line? Oh well..




    Seriously dude, I like to have an argument with people(something I enjoy) but.... if after this long you can't comprehend what I'm saying then you need to have an adult sit down with you and explain it to you. At first I thought you were just "kidding around" or playing "dumb", but now I am starting to realize you just aren't comprehending. 

  • Reply 153 of 213
    qwertyjuan wrote: »

    Seriously dude, I like to have an argument with people(something I enjoy) but.... if after this long you can't comprehend what I'm saying then you need to have an adult sit down with you and explain it to you. At first I thought you were just "kidding around" or playing "dumb", but now I am starting to realize you just aren't comprehending. 

    I've told you: no-one-cares-what - you- say.

    Your life's story is the stuff of desperation.

    No one is as thick headed as you because you're entirely too desperate to connect with anyone who will listen to your ramblings.

    Your observations were screwed up from
    The first post and till now it's been one desperate post to connect with others after another.

    OK.. Please stop posting creepy analogies already.
  • Reply 154 of 213

    Originally Posted by burts bees View Post

    You haven't read it because you keep trying to convince everyone including me

    Of your life's story. You

    Try too hard and failed. You

    Screwed up the minute you opened your mouth and made a stupid observation based on incorrect math, then pounced on it the rest of the day trying to correct it and add more nonsense. The article is clear and my question was the same as I made to you a second ago and you skirt around it because you can't defend it.

    Grow up. If you're an adult, the line of questioning, the amount of rambling and your yearning to connect with other strangers is disturbing. It's nonstop. Just stop the act, jokes and desire to connect with others.

    It's not working. Your opinion stays with you.

    And only you


    And what observation did I make on "incorrect math"? I promise you... if I did that I will GLADLY correct it and apologize. I am NOT above apologizing for mistakes I make. Matter of fact, I've already did it once in this very thread.


    I incorrectly read an article(reading comprehension mistake and NOT a mathematical error) and stated that Samsung made 2B MORE than Apple based on NET and OPERATING profits. However, I apologized and made it right. Regardless, Samsung STILL MADE MORE NET PROFIT THAN APPLE last quarter. I was just wrong on the exact amounts. Again, if you didn't see my apology, please scroll up until you do.

  • Reply 155 of 213
    qwertyjuan wrote: »
    And what observation did I make on "incorrect math"? I promise you... if I did that I will GLADLY correct it and apologize. I am NOT above apologizing for mistakes I make. Matter of fact, I've already did it once in this very thread.

    I incorrectly read an article(reading comprehension mistake and NOT a mathematical error) and stated that Samsung made 2B MORE than Apple based on NET and OPERATING profits. However, I apologized and made it right. Regardless, Samsung STILL MADE MORE NET PROFIT THAN APPLE last quarter. I was just wrong on the exact amounts. Again, if you didn't see my apology, please scroll up until you do.

    Omg.. You're too much. So sad
  • Reply 156 of 213

    Originally Posted by burts bees View Post

    I've told you: no-one-cares-what - you- say.

    Your life's story is the stuff of desperation.

    No one is as thick headed as you because you're entirely too desperate to connect with anyone who will listen to your ramblings.

    Your observations were screwed up from

    The first post and till now it's been one desperate post to connect with others after another.

    OK.. Please stop posting creepy analogies already.


    My life story? :???: And in which post did I mention ANYTHING about my life? You sure you aren't mixing me up with someone else buddy?

  • Reply 157 of 213

    Originally Posted by burts bees View Post

    I've told you: no-one-cares-what - you- say.

    Your life's story is the stuff of desperation.

    No one is as thick headed as you because you're entirely too desperate to connect with anyone who will listen to your ramblings.

    Your observations were screwed up from

    The first post and till now it's been one desperate post to connect with others after another.

    OK.. Please stop posting creepy analogies already.


    Actually, I don't think anyone cares what either of you say (... and I'm just here to give you a heads up). Man, it's embarrassing.


    Just saying...

  • Reply 158 of 213
    Actually, I don't think anyone cares what either of you say (... and I'm just here to give you a heads up). Man, it's embarrassing.

    Just saying...

    Apparently you did!
    A goodnight to you
  • Reply 159 of 213
    hill60hill60 Posts: 6,992member
    Originally Posted by QwertyJuan View Post



    What do cheap phones have to do with profit Mr. Bee? Do you really think Samsung(who incidentally made MORE money last quarter than Apple) cares WHO buys their phones? Are you racist? If someone from India, Africa or China buys a phone, does that make you "uncomfortable" or something? I am really struggling to see where you are coming from with this.


    Ok, I will humour you... let's pretend 98% of what Samsung makes is garbage (I can't really tell you either way as I don't own ANY of their products) does that matter if people will buy it and give them their money? Do their execs(or stock holders) sit there and worry that their products are garbage when people are obviously BUYING them? Or are they sitting back and laughing because they have tricked MILLIONS of people into buying their garbage? Probably the latter....


    Does Wal-Mart care that 98% of what THEY sell is garbage? I doubt it... they are still selling TONS of it, and making TONS of money.


    Lastly, if you are trying to insinuate that you are a better person than the person next to you holding a Note3 in their hands, you've got problems man.... SERIOUS problems. Why?? Because everyday I see just as many people on WELFARE running iPhones as I do business execs. By your lack of knowledge, inability to spell or compose a proper sentence and your love of defecation, I am guessing you fall into the former category.




    Either people can afford to buy a high end phone or not, there is nothing racist about a division of wealth.


    Samsung panders to those who cannot afford high end phones, starting at less than $50 for low end pieces of junk which make up the majority of their sales and run Android so are counted as smartphones even though they aren't really used that way, as shown by various usage metrics.

  • Reply 160 of 213
    hill60hill60 Posts: 6,992member

    Originally Posted by QwertyJuan View Post



    LOL... and HOW much of Apple's money is stored off shore for these "tax write off" purposes??


    I don't know, ask Google.

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