Google usurps Apple as world's most valuable brand name, report says



  • Reply 61 of 200
    taniwhataniwha Posts: 347member

    Originally Posted by Lord Amhran View Post


    Originally Posted by Taniwha View Post

    Idiot. Ever heard of stock splitting ?

    Whs the "idiot" part of your post really necessary? image

    No, I should have been more civil !

  • Reply 62 of 200

    Originally Posted by Rogifan View Post

    This is what happens when you go silent for 6+ months at a time. You basically create a vacuum, a void that others fill. You allow someone else to create the narrative. Perception then becomes reality. I'll never understand the thinking behind these long bouts of complete silence. I'm sick of other companies making news. I want Apple to be making news (and not over some stupid Beats acquisition).


    Perception then becomes imagined reality. Think of all the people that are buying into every kind of conspiracy theory... That becomes their imagined reality, however it means nothing in the long run but wasted brain cells. For centuries people believed the world to be flat but the earth remained round non-the-less.


    Companies who concern themselves with an imagined reality will be distracted from their business plan by all kinds of forces outside of their control and lose sight of what is really important. The same thing applies to people. If you want to be successful as a person or a corporation stick to what is true and follow your own star or the winds of opinion will blow you in every which way.

  • Reply 63 of 200
    cynic wrote: »
    I believe most people, including those analysts use the word "innovation" wrong. If something has been announced or shipped this year, you might be able to call it a success or a flop by now but you certainly can't call anything that short lived innovation. The original iPhone was an innovation, the original iPad was an innovation. Both changed the way people used devices in their respective class or in case of the iPad, created a completely new category.

    They shook up industries and everyone producing phones and tablets suddenly started making them look and "feel" like iDevices. Yes, more than five years after their introduction we are in a position to call those products innovative.

    Those sensationalist headlines however are completely wrong. How can one write garbage such as "Microsoft innovates by announcing Microsoft Office for Small Business Edition 2023"?

    Back on topic:

    As far as I remember, Google hasn't really shipped anything new this year and in fact even previous new products such as that Chrome dongle or Glass were no commercial successes. In fact those products, especially Glass, sucked in many ways. To me, throwing out prototype hardware most people don't even want is not being innovative. Nor is doing something in some lab under codenamed noone has ever heard about.

    In reality, Google left Android standing still for three years in a row now. The UI is dated, clunky and sluggish, security is still a mess and nothing else of interest has moved in this field. We also haven't heard anything new related to tablets for about the same three years now, almost as if Google simply abandoned that Android tablet idea silently.

    What I'm trying to say: it's probably more appropriate to give Kudos to Microsoft for releasing Office for iPad, rather than praising Google, which haven't really done anything new, nor iterative. In fact they were quite silent for a longer period than Apple is now.

    I beg to differ the chrome cast is a widely successful product and innovative. And most people in this thread are using that word wrong. Innovation means new idea, method or device. Many of the most innovative advancements of the last year were ignored. My favorite innovation was knock-on by LG. Its simple but overlooked. Just because something is not popular does not mean it was not an innovation.
  • Reply 64 of 200

    Originally Posted by Slurpy View Post


    Rogifan, you're absolutely the definition of a concern troll. Your posts are mind-numbing in their predictability and consistency. WWDC is a fucking week away, and you'restill bitching and whining as if Apple should release something a week before, or as if they will show nothing next week. 


    Do you think Apple has products ready to ship sitting in warehouse somewhere, and they're like "nah, we'll just leave them there for a few months"? If that's not the case, then by demanding that Apple release things on your schedule, you're basically demanding they release something that obviously isn't ready yet- which is defined as "shit". Maybe they're waiting on new software to justify new hardware? There's a ton of moving parts in these product releases.


    Also, you're REALLY grasping at starws trying to string together a narrative of "oh noes apple is falling because they're not releasing anything!". If you haven't noticed they blew away expectations with their last results, and the stock is the highest its been in almost 18 months. So they're doing pretty fucking fine, while they're working their asses off in order to bring meaningful products that DESERVE to be bought, not to please people like you by releasing something every 1.5 months on like clockwork. What is this magical product that you need? What Apple product are you using right now, that you are so unsatisfied with that you believe desperately needs an upgrade? If you haven't noticed by now, Apple measures twice (or 1000x) and cuts once. Thats how they do things. And if something needs longer in the oven because of that, so be it. Thats what makes them who they are, and not like all the other cookie-cutter tech companies that desperately NEED to be in the spotlight all the time, by generating empty hype for products that ALWAYS fail expectations. Apple is beyond that- but thats something you clearly have never, and will never understand. You want Apple to lower itself several notches- I for one am glad that they refuse to do that by playing by different rules. 


    Can't wait to hear more of your bitching post-WWDC. Maybe you should just take a break from Apple, instead of wining and bitching about them all the time? Go play outside- don't worry, they'll still be here when you get back. Your concern-trolling has gotten beyond boring- its pathetic. 


    You speak Truth. However, if one scrolls through the last month or so of AI you will find Apple has made some interesting announcements, that to me, look like laying stones for what we will see at WWDC. Most interesting is the announcement that iCloud will now accommodate 100 colaborators woring on Gb sized documents. Let's see if my antenna twitches about iWork will brings some big announcements in a week.


    Apple lays such subtle clues as to where they may be going that you only have to look at what MS and Google are talking about to see what they are trying to shit out the door before Apple drops the next shoe.... Analysts and pundits cannot see shit. It has to slap them across the face and even then they miss the clues. Listen to MS's last dog and pony show and you'll see what they are sweating from Apple and trying to blunt.

  • Reply 65 of 200
    cyniccynic Posts: 124member
    Originally Posted by Apple v. Samsung View Post

    I beg to differ the chrome cast is a widely successful product and innovative. And most people in this thread are using that word wrong. Innovation means new idea, method or device. Many of the most innovative advancements of the last year were ignored. My favorite innovation was knock-on by LG. Its simple but overlooked. Just because something is not popular does not mean it was not an innovation.


    Fair enough. It certainly depends how we classify success. If selling less units than even AppleTV is considered successful, then sure, certainly. I still don't think there was anything innovative about ChromeCast. It didn't offer anything new or anything we didn't see before, it was simply Google's own solution at streaming device content to a TV screen. It isn't even out long enough to judge whether it will have any impact on the industry, hence I believe it is wrong to call a new product innovative, before we even know its impact.


    When you look at company profiles these days, I'd say every other company uses the word innovative to describe itself and its products, when there is really nothing innovative about them. Once can certainly aspire to create things which will end up becoming innovations, but you can't produce "innovative products" by design.


    I believe people misuse this word a lot when in reality they mean to say "new" or "interesting".


    The original iPhone was innovative, because it changed not only how we perceived and used phones, but also an entire industry and how all other phones looked and worked radically, almost over night. The introduction of "Retina displays" was an innovation, because again it prompted an entire industry to race for pixel density. Heck, even TouchID, while considering not a new idea could be considered innovation, because it is probably the first biometric sensor that just works so easily that people actually like to use it.


    Perhaps it's a matter of opinion. But to me, an innovation is something, not necessarily commercially successful, that had an impact on existing concepts and gave new direction to an industry, often followed by competitors trying to follow this particular trend.


    I'm not sure curved TVs and phones are really innovative, unless they serve a purpose which radically changes the way we perceive them, such as being able to roll over them with a car or something. ;)

    The same goes for Glass. The idea of HUDs is old and while the concept might be interesting, I don't think technology is there, yet. One day, someone comes up with such a device, which might be truly innovative but as it stands, I haven't even seen another company trying to come up with their own glass competitor.

  • Reply 66 of 200
    Apple's been there, done that gig countless times, and effortlessly, with real-world, shipping products. What's the big deal about anti-social (Glass) vapour-ware (Flying cars)?

    As for glucose level monitoring etc, I'd wait for[B] Health Book[/B] to make its debut in a few weeks' time before crowing any premature triumphalist conclusions not backed up by seamless execution.

    [B]AirPlay, AirDrop, AirPrint, Siri, iBeacons, Accessibility SDK, FindMyiPhone, 64-Bit Mobile OS and Processor, FlyOver, Inter-App Audio, CoreMIDI, CarPlay [/B]and the striking [B]Mac Pro[/B] (all in the process of being adopted and adapted by diverse trend-setting real-world industries even as we speak) are about to be joined by a slew of ground breakers come [B]WWDC 2014[/B].

    Ladies and gentlemen, start your engines and hold on to your hats...
  • Reply 67 of 200
    realisticrealistic Posts: 1,154member

    Doesn't seem to have helped their Nexus sales much.

  • Reply 68 of 200
    hill60hill60 Posts: 6,992member

    So 44% of Google's market cap is "brand value".





  • Reply 69 of 200
    Steve Jobs had a real knack for presentation - a few of his secrets here:
  • Reply 70 of 200
    greatrixgreatrix Posts: 95member

    Sometimes - very rarely from my experience, such reports can be valuable. This one is part of a series of attempts to move the market by parasitic  American moneteers to affect the market values of v large tech companies, and these predictions are highly likely to prove valueless, just like the others recently. 


    The future of all high-tech companies is totally dependent on research and resulting product reaching the market. The two companies vary significantly in their structures and methodologies, (Apple being very much under the spell of the late Steve Jobs),  but are equally successful in bringing innovative products to market - so far.


    The real question for me is which model is likely to prove more successful in the long run. It has been suggested, by one of the founders of Apple, that Google and Apple should join forces??? A chimera if ever their was one.


    Apple is still best at its core technologies and great highly successful products, , but the world is changing rapidly.

  • Reply 71 of 200
    freediverxfreediverx Posts: 1,424member

    Originally Posted by MagMan1979 View Post


    This report lost ALL credibility when I saw the name's AT&T and Marlboro in the top 10 list...


    At this point it wouldn't surprise me if Comcast, Exxon and Goldman Sachs were on the list.

  • Reply 72 of 200
    mwhitecomwhiteco Posts: 112member

    Originally Posted by dasanman69 View Post

    That doesn't stop 4 out of 5 AI members from doing it. image

    Don't like it LEAVE!!!!!

  • Reply 73 of 200
    mnbob1mnbob1 Posts: 269member
    The innovative legal team that they helped Samsung assemble to fight Apple and destroying Motorola because they only wanted the patent portfolio must have put them over the top. Oh and don't forget that they have personal information on 100% of the Android users and 90% of the rest of us. XLabs is pure garbage and very subjective in this chart. I just read that Glass is causing severe headaches in a lot of users. Contacts that measure blood glucose? Requires very stringent FDA approval that can take years. Personally I'm trying to de-Google my life but it's difficult because they have their fingers into everything. Google if you're reading this: I was one of your early users, I believed in you, you are now too big, too powerful. Antitrust investigation would not be a bad idea except you have paid off everyone who might be capable of doing that. You make Microsoft in the Bill Gates days look like a kitten.
  • Reply 74 of 200
    rogifanrogifan Posts: 10,669member
    slurpy wrote: »
    Rogifan, you're absolutely the definition of a concern troll. Your posts are mind-numbing in their predictability and consistency. WWDC is a fucking week away, and you'restill bitching and whining as if Apple should release something a week before, or as if they will show nothing next week. 

    Do you think Apple has products ready to ship sitting in warehouse somewhere, and they're like "nah, we'll just leave them there for a few months"? If that's not the case, then by demanding that Apple release things on your schedule, you're basically demanding they release something that obviously isn't ready yet- which is defined as "shit". Maybe they're waiting on new software to justify new hardware? There's a ton of moving parts in these product releases.

    Also, you're REALLY grasping at starws trying to string together a narrative of "oh noes apple is falling because they're not releasing anything!". If you haven't noticed they blew away expectations with their last results, and the stock is the highest its been in almost 18 months. So they're doing pretty fucking fine, while they're working their asses off in order to bring meaningful products that DESERVE to be bought, not to please people like you by releasing something every 1.5 months on like clockwork. What is this magical product that you need? What Apple product are you using right now, that you are so unsatisfied with that you believe desperately needs an upgrade? If you haven't noticed by now, Apple measures twice (or 1000x) and cuts once. Thats how they do things. And if something needs longer in the oven because of that, so be it. Thats what makes them who they are, and not like all the other cookie-cutter tech companies that desperately NEED to be in the spotlight all the time, by generating empty hype for products that ALWAYS fail expectations. Apple is beyond that- but thats something you clearly have never, and will never understand. You want Apple to lower itself several notches- I for one am glad that they refuse to do that by playing by different rules. 

    Can't wait to hear more of your bitching post-WWDC. Maybe you should just take a break from Apple, instead of wining and bitching about them all the time? Go play outside- don't worry, they'll still be here when you get back. Your concern-trolling has gotten beyond boring- its pathetic. 
    And calling anyone who questions Apple's product release schedule a concern troll is pathetic too.

    In 2008 Apple announced brand new MacBook Air in Q1, in Q2 they updated iMac and released iPhone 3G, in Q3 they announced new iPods and in Q4 they announced new unibody MacBooks.

    In 2009 Apple updated the Mac line and introduced new iPod shuffle in Q1, in Q2 they announced iPhone 3GS, in Q3 they announced new iPods and updated iTunes, in Q4 they announced new iMacs.

    In 2010 Apple announced the brand new iPad in Q1, iPhone 4 in Q2, new iMac, Mac Pro, Cinema Display, iPods and Apple TV in Q3 and new MacBook Air in Q4.

    I could go back further but I don't need to. Fact is Apple releasing products across all 4 quarters was the norm in years past. I don't consider any of those products shitty or half assed. Was Apple just another cookie-cutter tech company back then? I would like to see Apple get back to a scheduled like this vs. trying to cram almost everything in in September and October.
  • Reply 75 of 200
    kerrybkerryb Posts: 270member
    Doesn't value have something to do with actual "value"?
  • Reply 76 of 200
    sipsip Posts: 210member

    Originally Posted by Rogifan View Post

    I'm sick of other companies making news. I want Apple to be making news (and not over some stupid Beats acquisition).


    Yeah, but everyone else is just making news from Betas...

  • Reply 77 of 200
    buckalecbuckalec Posts: 203member

    And so it begins! (yet again)


  • Reply 78 of 200
    MacProMacPro Posts: 19,822member
    Many people I come across seem to thing that the share price is the determining factor in a company's valuation, so in a few weeks, for many, Apple will be seen has only being a 1/7th of the value so will likely never win this award again anyway! :D
  • Reply 79 of 200
    rogifanrogifan Posts: 10,669member
    sip wrote: »
    Yeah, but everyone else is just making news from Betas...
    Samsung Galaxy S5, HTC One (M8), Amazon Fire TV, Surface Pro 3 are betas? Really?
  • Reply 80 of 200
    mnbob1mnbob1 Posts: 269member

    Originally Posted by JCC View Post

    It's that stupid Cook. I wish Steve were alive...sigh....

    Yes, we all miss Steve. NOW GET OVER IT! Tim Cook has actually done great things at Apple. The financials are some of the best ever. The iPhone 5s is the most advanced phone on the market with Touch ID, A7 64-bit processor (first to market and with OS and app implementations), M7 coprocessor (amazing capabilities), world class camera and flash (remember quality is not measured in pixels). The best tablets, iPad Air is the lightest, thinnest, fastest and the Mini now has Retina display. The iPad line has the best battery life of most of the industry. iOS 7 despite it's original problems is now stable and one of the best versions of iOS. The MacBook lineup has almost all switched to Retina displays and increased battery life. The Mac Pro is a technology giant assembled in the USA. Some things that you can't see because they happen on host servers that are accessed by the iOS devices, Siri is more accurate and has more capabilities and mapping and routing is more accurate. Siri will actually use traffic, accident reports, and construction to give you the fastest routes. I have used it several times in the past week and she is spot on.


    From the constant harping about the supposed "failure" of Apple's iPhone 5c, you'd think the phone is selling poorly. It actually outsold every Blackberry, every Windows Phone and every Android flagship in the winter quarter, including Samsung's Galaxy S4. And Apple made high profit on it.


    Under Tim's leadership Apple has issued stock dividends and stock buybacks to increase shareholder value. Apple continues to be the most profitable company in the world by selling premium products and not compromising itself by getting into the low end low profit products. Steve would never allow that to happen and neither would Tim. It drives the analysts crazy because they think Apple needs the cheap phones to compete for market share. Steve once said "Market share does not equal profit". Tim has the same belief.


    According to rumors there are some interesting products coming from Apple. The strongest rumors are for iPhones with larger displays. Possibly a new processor, NFC, and who knows what other surprises. iOS 8 is supposed to be announce at the developers conference next month with a bunch of under the hood features with (hopefully) an API for using SIRI in a 3rd party app. Rumors of a new Apple TV have been going on for quite awhile but could be stalled because of the Comcast/Time Warner merger. Steve always dreamed of getting the TV control and the cable/broadcast is the final piece to make it happen. Tim and his team have been working hard at it. A wearable device has been rumored as well. The iWatch always comes up but now I'm hearing about an in the ear device.


    So you see, Tim is doing a pretty good job. Steve is gone. I'm sorry. We all miss him too. 

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