iOS 8 will bring third-party keyboards, Notification Center widgets, Safari extensions



  • Reply 161 of 196
    atlappleatlapple Posts: 496member

    Well at least Apple isn't going to try and copy everything from Samsung and Google at least they aren't going to make a larger iPhone. Oh wait.

  • Reply 162 of 196
    nikon133nikon133 Posts: 2,600member
    Except that most Android users probably can't use those features with their ancient firmware revisions. Carry on.

    Is it confirmed that every iPhone that will receive iOS8 will have this (and other new) feature enabled, though. My good old 3Gs was receiving updates all the way to iOS6, but not all iOS6 features were enabled on it.

    Regardless. OP's point, I believe, is that they all borrow ideas from one another, no saints there. In that light, none of them should be throwing stones.
  • Reply 163 of 196
    kawaikawai Posts: 10member

    There are lots of Asian users who needs third party keyboards / input method that are better localized and tuned (ATOK for Japanese, faster Changjie for Traditional Chinese) for their needs. Please keep users like us in mind before arguing.

  • Reply 164 of 196

    Originally Posted by dasanman69 View Post

    So it's fine to copy something that isn't patented? Is that your official stance?


    That sounds like a GG comment. Putting words into people's mouth's so you can use them to argue a point later on.


    You can't "copy" something that's a) used in numerous devices and b) not protected by any patent.


    Which things in iOS 8 do you think are copied, and who are they copied from. Be specific please. I'm really curious where you think most tech in mobile devices actually originated from.

  • Reply 165 of 196
    Originally Posted by Gatorguy View Post

    There really isn't. Both platforms offer much the same now. Get a larger display on the iPhone and for a lot of buyers it will be a toss up.


    No, they are not "much the same now".


    iOS is more secure than Android (including being FIPS 140-2 certified). This is one reason why iOS totally dominates the Enterprise. This is a simple FACT that you can't spin no matter how hard you try. iOS also has higher quality Apps than Android, and this is especially (and painfully) true of tablets. iOS has a superior development environment for developers, and after todays announcement it's pulled much further ahead. Switching from corporate to consumer iOS is again superior. For example, they have an actual standardized gaming framework for controllers (no, Android doesn't) and creative tools for people like musicians (where Android quite literally sucks a$$).


    There were some things Android had that were missing in iOS that Apple has addressed quite well. There are things in iOS that are missing in Android that Google will have a very difficult time adding because it would require a major change to the kernel. It's easy to add higher-level features (like Google now does with Google Play Services). It's not easy to change the underlying architecture of an OS. Google Play Services can't fix these missing capabilities.


    People who think both platforms offer the same are the ones who think if they can make calls, get e-mail and post to Facebook and Twitter then they've got all they need.

  • Reply 166 of 196
    k2kwk2kw Posts: 2,077member

    Originally Posted by Ezhik View Post


    From my experience the logic always comes around to that everything was stolen from Apple. Always. Every time. Every product. Even unannounced ones. Even on features Apple never even had. It's all Apple. Apple invented fucking everything. Because it's Apple. Burning Apple juice running through our veins as we all power our souls with iOS and turn our vision into SceneKit. We power our brain with Swift and put on Beats headphones as we continue our trip through the road where every turn will lead us to Apple. Apple is love. Apple is life. 

    Even if its copying non-patented features, I am happy that Apple is in implementing them.   I'm also glad that Apple is moving up in size with the iPhone6.   I really prefer to read articles on the web on my MotoX but look forward to getting a bigger phone when the iPhone6 comes out.

    Yes its not iNNOVATION, its more refinement  - maybe that's why the kept Phil "Can't Innovate my Ass" Schindler hidden.


    What Apple showed here is that they are better than anyone else at creating a seamless, integrated and digital environment from computers down to the phone.    Microsoft may have the enterprise now, but this shows they are just not doing anything for the consumer experience - they are stuck in the 90's still.    And Android really doesn't have anything more than a footprint in desktop.


    This seemed like the first keynote where Cook seemed at ease and confident.    I'm still anxious to see the hardware.    Unfortunately Intel is behind with the Broadwell chips, but when they come out we should see many updates.   For Phones and tablets, the more models the better.

    Hopefully we will see all this at the iPod/Music event in September along with what will go on with Beats and hiDef music.

  • Reply 167 of 196
    calicali Posts: 3,494member
    atlapple wrote: »
    Well at least Apple isn't going to try and copy everything from Samsung and Google at least they aren't going to make a larger iPhone. Oh wait.

    those phablets are iPhoneys running android, which was literally stolen from Apple...*facepalm*

    I find it depressing that Giggle and Sammy etc. copied the entire concept of iPhone and photocopied the whole os but Apple takes a third party idea and "Apple is durr copycat".

    Kids, if iPhone hadn't existed we wouldn't have android or iPhoneys. You'd be showing off your flip phones and texting on this hideous thing:

  • Reply 168 of 196
    dasanman69dasanman69 Posts: 13,002member
    That sounds like a GG comment. Putting words into people's mouth's so you can use them to argue a point later on.

    You can't "copy" something that's a) used in numerous devices and b) not protected by any patent.

    Which things in iOS 8 do you think are copied, and who are they copied from. Be specific please. I'm really curious where you think most tech in mobile devices actually originated from.

    What words did I put into anyone's mouth? I asked 2 general yes or no questions. I disagree one can absolutely copy what others are doing even if it's not patented, copyrighted, etc....
  • Reply 169 of 196
    d4njvrzfd4njvrzf Posts: 797member
    Originally Posted by EricTheHalfBee View Post


    You can't "copy" something that's a) used in numerous devices and b) not protected by any patent.

    Using the literal sense of "copy", this sentence seems to contradict itself. No one is accusing Apple of "copying" in the sense of theft. Software has always evolved by cribbing features from other software and implementing them in a more attractive way (where attractiveness could be in terms of portability, performance, or general quality of code). Note for example how all photo editors are similar in functionality and will only converge as projects like Pixelmator or GIMP get around to implementing features that are currently exclusive to Photoshop. All professional video editors are more or less equivalent. All the ideas introduced by the original Unix (like unix pipes) were immediately cloned by various projects like BSDs. The networking stack in Windows uses BSD code. It wasn't until recently that people started wielding broad software patents in attempt to disrupt this sort of iterative process. 

  • Reply 170 of 196
    zerobim08zerobim08 Posts: 75member
    So it is fair to say apple is the same sh*t as everyone else wrt to stealing ideas or following others in implementing features.

    Hopefully this will put a stop to those juvenile and shameful posts that accuse the rest of the world of doing injustice to laugable never-copy-always-innovative apple.
  • Reply 171 of 196
    jungmarkjungmark Posts: 6,927member
    zerobim08 wrote: »
    So it is fair to say apple is the same sh*t as everyone else wrt to stealing ideas or following others in implementing features.

    Hopefully this will put a stop to those juvenile and shameful posts that accuse the rest of the world of doing injustice to laugable never-copy-always-innovative apple.

    There's a difference, Apple has patents and doesn't merely copy. It improves upon and integrates ideas not bolt it on as-is.
  • Reply 172 of 196
    zerobim08zerobim08 Posts: 75member
    jungmark wrote: »
    zerobim08 wrote: »
    So it is fair to say apple is the same sh*t as everyone else wrt to stealing ideas or following others in implementing features.

    Hopefully this will put a stop to those juvenile and shameful posts that accuse the rest of the world of doing injustice to laugable never-copy-always-innovative apple.

    There's a difference, Apple has patents and doesn't merely copy. It improves upon and integrates ideas not bolt it on as-is.

    Maybe it is more correct apple hides behind patents because it cannot compete openly and resorting to lawsuit to win against the competitions.

    Direct reply from notification is direct copy. No improvement whatsoever over android. Widgets in notification is just after thought as apple don't know where else to put them. Other platforms have predictive text keyboard for ages before apple implemented it exactly the same as android with predicted words appearing just above the keys. Isn't the current ios keyboard has the one predicted word next to the cursor.
  • Reply 173 of 196
    dasanman69dasanman69 Posts: 13,002member
    jungmark wrote: »
    There's a difference, Apple has patents and doesn't merely copy. It improves upon and integrates ideas not bolt it on as-is.

    I'd like to see you tell a professor that you weren't copying, but merely improved upon your test score.
  • Reply 174 of 196
    jungmarkjungmark Posts: 6,927member
    dasanman69 wrote: »
    I'd like to see you tell a professor that you weren't copying, but merely improved upon your test score.

    Plagerism is wrong. Paraphrasing is acceptable.
    zerobim08 wrote: »
    Maybe it is more correct apple hides behind patents because it cannot compete openly and resorting to lawsuit to win against the competitions.

    Direct reply from notification is direct copy. No improvement whatsoever over android. Widgets in notification is just after thought as apple don't know where else to put them. Other platforms have predictive text keyboard for ages before apple implemented it exactly the same as android with predicted words appearing just above the keys. Isn't the current ios keyboard has the one predicted word next to the cursor.

    Not this troll meme.

    So no improvement? When did you get iOS 8? Oh wait.
  • Reply 175 of 196
    dasanman69dasanman69 Posts: 13,002member
    jungmark wrote: »
    Plagerism is wrong. Paraphrasing is acceptable.
    Not this troll meme.

    How does one plagiarize a multiple choice test?
  • Reply 176 of 196
    jungmarkjungmark Posts: 6,927member
    dasanman69 wrote: »
    How does one plagiarize a multiple choice test?

    I didn't realize technology is a multiple choice exam.
  • Reply 177 of 196
    dasanman69dasanman69 Posts: 13,002member
    jungmark wrote: »
    I didn't realize technology is a multiple choice exam.

    Everything is a multiple choice exam. Copying is copying no matter how you word it. We all do it in one form or another.
  • Reply 178 of 196
    jungmarkjungmark Posts: 6,927member
    dasanman69 wrote: »
    Everything is a multiple choice exam. Copying is copying no matter how you word it. We all do it in one form or another.

    It's only a multiple choice if "other" was one of the choices.
  • Reply 179 of 196
    codyc95codyc95 Posts: 1member

    SELLING UDID ACTIVATIONS FOR $5! Email your UDID to me at [email protected] or iMessage me at the same email! 



    PayPal is only accepted!!!

  • Reply 180 of 196
    tallest skiltallest skil Posts: 43,388member
    Originally Posted by zerobim08 View Post

    Maybe it is more correct apple hides behind patents because it cannot compete openly and resorting to lawsuit to win against the competitions.

    Direct reply from notification is direct copy. No improvement whatsoever over android. Widgets in notification is just after thought as apple don't know where else to put them. Other platforms have predictive text keyboard for ages before apple implemented it exactly the same as android with predicted words appearing just above the keys. Isn't the current ios keyboard has the one predicted word next to the cursor.


    You’re completely and utterly psychotic. You don’t comprehend anything you’re saying. There is no reason for you to continue to be allowed to post here.

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