iOS 8 will bring third-party keyboards, Notification Center widgets, Safari extensions



  • Reply 181 of 196
    dasanman69dasanman69 Posts: 13,002member
    jungmark wrote: »
    It's only a multiple choice if "other" was one of the choices.

    None is always a choice.
  • Reply 182 of 196
    jungmarkjungmark Posts: 6,927member
    dasanman69 wrote: »
    None is always a choice.

    Nothing will advance if "none" was a choice.
  • Reply 183 of 196
    dasanman69dasanman69 Posts: 13,002member
    jungmark wrote: »
    Nothing will advance if "none" was a choice.

    None is always a choice, but it doesn't have to remain 'none' forever. How many iPhones are over 4"? None but only because Apple hasn't chosen to make one yet.
  • Reply 184 of 196
    os2babaos2baba Posts: 262member

    Originally Posted by thataveragejoe View Post


    For the Fandroids in the thread, funny how the Android collective already want the way Apple is doing 'Android-first' supposed features. LOL! Just classic.



    That's a pretty good list.  And that article is reflective about most Android publications.  They appreciate the good things Apple does.  It's just that the tables have turned and it's Apple's that been borrowing heavily from Android since iOS4 and less the other way around.  And it's a good thing.  I have no problem with any platform improving by taking inspiration from others.  We as consumers benefit.


    The key difference I think is that you will probably never see an article like this on AppleInsider.


    Ron is an Android journalist and he regularly slams Google, Samsung, HTC etc.  And I am glad.  Android's better from the efforts of its critics.

  • Reply 185 of 196
    zerobim08zerobim08 Posts: 75member
    <div class="quote-container" data-huddler-embed="/t/180422/ios-8-will-bring-third-party-keyboards-notification-center-widgets-safari-extensions/80#post_2544924" data-huddler-embed-placeholder="false"><span style="color:rgb(24, 24, 24)">Originally Posted by </span><strong style="color:rgb(24, 24, 24); font-style:normal; line-height:1.4em">zerobim08</strong><span style="color:rgb(24, 24, 24)"> </span><a href="/t/180422/ios-8-will-bring-third-party-keyboards-notification-center-widgets-safari-extensions/60#post_2544840" style="line-height: 1.4em;"><img alt="View Post" src="/img/forum/go_quote.gif" /></a><div class="quote-block"><span style="color:rgb(24, 24, 24)">Maybe it is more correct apple hides behind patents because it cannot compete openly and resorting to lawsuit to win against the competitions.</span><br /><br style="color:rgb(24, 24, 24)" /><span style="color:rgb(24, 24, 24)">Direct reply from notification is direct copy. No improvement whatsoever over android. Widgets in notification is just after thought as apple don't know where else to put them. Other platforms have predictive text keyboard for ages before apple implemented it exactly the same as android with predicted words appearing just above the keys. Isn't the current ios keyboard has the one predicted word next to the cursor.</span></div></div><p> </p><p>You’re completely and utterly psychotic. You don’t comprehend anything you’re saying. There is no reason for you to continue to be allowed to post here.</p>

    What's not true about what I posted?
    I tell you what's psychotic and shameful. Those posts that vehemently slammed samsung for copying and now praising apple for copying android.

    And please don't give me the bs excuse that samsung deserved it for copying those ridiculous rectangular and prior arts and on the other hand Apple did no wrong as it only borrowed prior technology that has proven to be very functional by android.
  • Reply 186 of 196
    dasanman69dasanman69 Posts: 13,002member
    zerobim08 wrote: »
    What's not true about what I posted?
    I tell you what's psychotic and shameful. Those posts that vehemently slammed samsung for copying and now praising apple for copying android.

    And please don't give me the bs excuse that samsung deserved it for copying those ridiculous rectangular and prior arts and on the other hand Apple did no wrong as it only borrowed prior technology that has proven to be very functional by android.

    You were incorrect about predictive keyboards. It isn't about predicting the word being typed, it's predicting the next word before you even begin to type it.
  • Reply 187 of 196
    relicrelic Posts: 4,735member
    iOS is looking pretty interesting, if the rumors are try about a larger iPhone as well I just might cave and buy one. Does anyone know if you can select another browser as a default?
  • Reply 188 of 196
    zerobim08zerobim08 Posts: 75member
    dasanman69 wrote: »
    zerobim08 wrote: »
    What's not true about what I posted?
    I tell you what's psychotic and shameful. Those posts that vehemently slammed samsung for copying and now praising apple for copying android.

    And please don't give me the bs excuse that samsung deserved it for copying those ridiculous rectangular and prior arts and on the other hand Apple did no wrong as it only borrowed prior technology that has proven to be very functional by android.

    You were incorrect about predictive keyboards. It isn't about predicting the word being typed, it's predicting the next word before you even begin to type it.

    Have you use Android keyboards lately?

    That's what the samsung, android and swiftkey keyboards do as well. These keyboards learn your typing history as well as referencing email Facebook etc.
  • Reply 189 of 196
    redhotfuzzredhotfuzz Posts: 313member
    Note to all the Google Lickers here: if you really want to compare a complete list of who had what feature first, iOS or Android, you will lose. And lose badly.

    Remember when you tools were talking about how stupid software keyboards were? I sure do.
  • Reply 190 of 196
    dasanman69dasanman69 Posts: 13,002member
    redhotfuzz wrote: »
    Note to all the Google Lickers here: if you really want to compare a complete list of who had what feature first, iOS or Android, you will lose. And lose badly.

    Remember when you tools were talking about how stupid software keyboards were? I sure do.

    There were claims of 'stupid' features/functions on both sides. Best you remember that.
  • Reply 191 of 196
    bigpicsbigpics Posts: 1,397member

    Originally Posted by SolipsismX View Post

    BTW, drinking the Kool-Aid would mean I don't think Apple could possibly have any security issues yet I clearly showed concern that allowing a 3rd-party to have access to all your keystrokes on a system is an issue. I use 1Password on my iPhone and DO NOT want any 3rd-party keyboard app being able to tell what I'm typing in to unlock my 1P database. Perhaps you should start looking at these issues as a rational and objective viewer, and not take a stance as an anti-Apple, pro-Android troll.


    A "mogul gaberator" who's not a biased scaremonger might have mentioned the articles only referred to pirated versions if he meant to be balanced.



    Originally Posted by SolipsismX View Post

    All Google Play and side loaded apps, the way we're constantly told around here that apps are so much better than the App Store because they aren't curated, are at risk because there is no method for keeping the user safe. Even Apple with their strict methodology has trouble keeping it secure because of the number of developers, apps, app updates, and infinite ways in which malicious code — by a developer — can be hid inside an app undetected. Your claims that there are no Android apps that aren't doing exactly what the customer expects of them is absolute fucking bullshit and you know it.



    Originally Posted by NexusPhan View Post


    Even if you sideload apps they are still run through Google Play's server checks for malware the same way Google chrome checks downloads on your desktop computer. Why people bypass these warning messages is beyond me.

    There are so, so, so few examples of these apps on Android and Apple in their respective App stores. I'm not saying it's 100% immune, it's just incredibly more secure than you're believing.


  • Reply 192 of 196
    solipsismxsolipsismx Posts: 19,566member
    bigpics wrote: »
    A "mogul gaberator" who's not a biased scaremonger might have mentioned the articles only referred to pirated versions if he meant to be balanced.

    Did you think that my two examples were all inclusive? Are you calming that it's impossible for a non-pirated app to be malicious? I've clearly mentioned my concerns with Apple's 3rd-party keyboard option as well as dubious non-pirated apps making their way into the App Store so in what way am I not holding putting Apple and Android on the same level when it comes to questioning security?
  • Reply 193 of 196
    dasanman69dasanman69 Posts: 13,002member
    bigpics wrote: »
    A "mogul gaberator" who's not a biased scaremonger might have mentioned the articles only referred to pirated versions if he meant to be balanced.

    I've never seen [@]SolipsismX[/@] using scare tactics by spreading FUD. His concerns are always valid. Malicious apps have snuck into the app store in spite of the vetting process, and they've definitely gotten into the Play store. Just look at brightest flashlight.
  • Reply 194 of 196
    bigpicsbigpics Posts: 1,397member
    Originally Posted by SolipsismX View Post

    Did you think that my two examples were all inclusive? Are you calming that it's impossible for a non-pirated app to be malicious? I've clearly mentioned my concerns with Apple's 3rd-party keyboard option as well as dubious non-pirated apps making their way into the App Store so in what way am I not holding putting Apple and Android on the same level when it comes to questioning security?



    Originally Posted by dasanman69 View Post

    I've never seen @SolipsismX using scare tactics by spreading FUD. His concerns are always valid. Malicious apps have snuck into the app store in spite of the vetting process, and they've definitely gotten into the Play store. Just look at brightest flashlight.


    It simply reminded me of how most articles about security breaches in Apple products start with click-bait headlines that make it sound like "run for the hills, Apple's security is broken, broken I tell you!" - and then turn out to be about "proofs of concept" that have barely (or never) occurred "in the wild" - or involve users having to do something stupid, etc., etc. - and that Apple security is still just fine.

    So when the poster states "Perhaps you should start looking at these issues as a rational and objective viewer, and not take a stance as an anti-Apple, pro-Android troll." it might behoove him to begin his own citation with, "While these examples involve users loading pirated versions of software...." As otherwise, the implication overstates the threat to Play Store users who "play" by the rules.

    That's all....

  • Reply 195 of 196
    relicrelic Posts: 4,735member
    Originally Posted by EricTheHalfBee View Post



    No, they are not "much the same now".


    iOS is more secure than Android (including being FIPS 140-2 certified).


    Android is also FIPS 140-2 certified now.

  • Reply 196 of 196
    22taps22taps Posts: 2member


    is coming soon.

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