Apple's iOS 8.0.1 update breaks cellular connectivity, Touch ID support for many users



  • Reply 321 of 343
    gerrit wrote: »

    Unfortunately things going wrong at launch is pretty normal... and there's always some part that hasn't been fully tested or "someone screwed up" and it leads to problems. When I got the original iPhone, the iTunes activation service melted down and my iPhone didn't get activated for 3 days. <span style="line-height:1.4em;">The iPhone 3GS power adapters were deemed dangerous and all replaced with the green dot ones.</span>
     The iPhone 4 had antenna gate.

    And it's not just iPhones... OS X 10.3.0 had a bug that erased any connected FireWire hard drive and my launch Nintendo Wii was corrupted by its first system update.

    The important thing is that post-launch, after passing the bumps in the road, I went on to love all these things and many other people did too. Because ultimately, they really are just growing pains of otherwise great products. I think people are smart enough to recognize that... even in the face of "bad press". (Which in this case is just the online echo-chamber of click-bait headlines.)
    thats a fair and reasoned point. I still am somewhat shaken up by it because it did effect my ability to make phone calls. To me that is crucial. I still think they shouldve tested it with willing developers given that phone connectivity is the most basic feature of the phone. I wouldve had the option to easily go back to iOS 8.0.0. Instead I had to wait in line at the Apple store for hours. I dont know what Apple can do about the phone bending thing. I somewhat expect high end items to be handled with care...but thats just me.
  • Reply 322 of 343
    john.bjohn.b Posts: 2,742member
    Originally Posted by Tallest Skil View Post

    Use Photos.


    Photos isn't a shipping product.  Not for at least another month.

  • Reply 323 of 343
    Anyone having iTunes library syncing problems? Since I installed iOS8 my iPhone 5 doesn't sync my music, or at most it will sync a handful of syncs. It just quits out every time I try - very frustrating. You'd think Apple would run thorough QA and testing for everything before pushing out to public.

    Looks like you have unrealistic expectations. Software is extremely complex and it is almost impossible to check for every possible thing that might go wrong. Rest assured Apple is evaluating every problem reported.
  • Reply 324 of 343
    john.bjohn.b Posts: 2,742member


    Originally Posted by


    "Almost immediately, Apple pulled the update."


    Actually, it was online over 80 minutes by my count.  Given that people on different carriers in different countries lost all cell communication immediately after the update, that's a pretty slow killswitch.


    Edit: Worse still, it took 12 hours to release a "workaround" tech document:



    Basically says to revert to 8.0.


    Originally Posted by AdonisSMU View Post

    Originally Posted by smaffei View Post

    Still think this was a "fast tracked" update to resolve the HealthKit issues. Things that buck the normal release process usually wind up this way.

    follow the release process for a single character added into the code.


    Exactly.  I've been in IT well over 20 years, and the fast-tracked releases are the ones that cause the most problems.

  • Reply 325 of 343

    Let me guess, you guys having issues with cellular connectivity are the same imbeciles who put iPhones in your pocket and whine when they bend.  And you blamed Apple when the 4 was out because you were too stupid to hold a phone properly.  


    Would you update OS X a few days before a big project was due?  Oh wait, you're retarded so you don't do big projects.  Let me spell it out for you:  if you need to make calls, don't update your iPhone.   Wait until you have at least a week free of calls to update.  

  • Reply 326 of 343
    bigpicsbigpics Posts: 1,397member

    Originally Posted by Woochifer View Post


    .....With that, iOS 8.0.1 is a big time screw up and Apple deserves to get skewered for this. It's one thing to have new features not fully implemented, or random bugs that affect only a small number of users. It's quite another for an update to break basic functionality like cellular service and Touch ID. Apple essentially had a full month to work on this, and supposedly it had already been seeded to the carriers for testing. By all accounts, this issue was widespread, so there's no getting around the real trouble that the update has caused.


    The important thing is fixing the damage immediately, and then figuring out how this happened and ensuring that something like it never happens again.


    This is a case where I'm thankful that I use iTunes for my iOS updates, AND I have a slow broadband connection at home. The download time for the 1.9 GB installation file still showed 4 hours to go when I started reading the early forum posts about broken cellular service and Touch ID.


    I don't get it (part one)...  ...Given Apple's history (and the release of new OS's in general) I always wait until an x.0.2 or .3 update has been out and stable for at least a few days before thinking of upgrading from the previous version. 

    And if I had a six with native iOS 8 and it was working even fairly well, I'd stay on what it came with and again eschew upgrading to the same until point releases were known to be stable.

    Just a precaution with nothing of value lost for the wait.  Of course I don't wait overnight in line to get new phones, so I may simply not get what motivates people.  

    (I do grok why Apple makes a big push to move the base while the talking points of the Keynote being re-broadcast by the Apple-obsessed  tech and mainstream press are still reverberating in their heads.  They really want to be developing for only latest editions and the best time to get people motivated en masse is while there's fresh buzz, and "everybody's doing it.")


    Originally Posted by AdonisSMU View Post

    Apple normally sends these releases to devs for beta testing first.


    I don't get it (part two)... ...I can see MS or Google not being able to anticipate how an update will roll with every combo of hardware, firmware, major software across all the devices - and carriers - of their (often non-updated for gens) base... ...and why there might be issues of this size...

    ....but Apple?  They can thoroughly test every one of the combos the OS and updates are being released for.  So how can something this mission-critical get past them....??

    As in really.... ....I haven't read every comment in this blown up thread, but I'd really appreciate a reasonable hypothesis as to why these problems weren't noticed in Quality Assurance that would get me to cut the management team some slack on this....

  • Reply 327 of 343
    john.bjohn.b Posts: 2,742member
    Originally Posted by bigpics View Post


    As in really.... ....I haven't read every comment in this blown up thread, but I'd really appreciate a reasonable hypothesis as to why these problems weren't noticed in Quality Assurance that would get me to cut the management team some slack on this....


    My guess, and it's just a guess, is that the 8.0.1 codebase was fast tracked to fix the problems with HealthKit or some such, and bypassed the normal testing process every software update is supposed to go through.  Developers usually get release candidates of these updates before they go out to the real world, in part to let the developers test their own apps, and in part to test the release against real-world hardware.  For reasons that are only known to Apple, that process didn't happen with 8.0.1.  It could be that internal QA was bypassed as well, but we know for a fact that it didn't go out to the developer community.

  • Reply 328 of 343
    Originally Posted by Slurpy View Post

    Originally Posted by brlawyer View Post


    It's called Tim Cook.


    Cause Tim Cook personally wrote the code for the 8.01 update, right? Or personally reviewed it? What the **** does he have to do with a 0.01 update? Shouldn't he trust his software guys? Your line or reasoning is non-existent. 


    Please just STFU with your shitty, shitty trolling. Apple is more successful at this moment than any time in their history, and you can chalk that up to Tim Cook. A fucking software glitch (like millions in the past under Jobs) doesnt change that. Stop being a condescending, hateful prick to what is probably the best CEO alive today. Every single one of your posts is completely full of shit, but I guess your irrational, childish, baseless vendetta against Cook is what gets you up in the morning, so have fun with that. What do you want from Apple that Tim Cook is not providing you? It's easy to tear accomplished people down when you've accomplished nothing in your life, like you. 


    It is tiresome to read the level of personal abuse that you descend to. Learn to be civilized.


    There's no way a rational person can close their eyes to this issue. It shouts from the rooftops that Apple QA fails regularly in major ways. The customers have a right to quality that Apple is simply not delivering. But its worse than that. Apple wants to get into the cardless payment sector in a big way and to do that we need to be able to trust them in areas of security and software validation .. the fact that this fiasco happened at all does not give cause to trust in Apple on security and other issues relating to their obviously deficient QA framework.

  • Reply 329 of 343
    Originally Posted by aussiepaul View Post

    Use an unreleased product with no officially released feature set? Ok...

    Originally Posted by John.B View Post

    Photos isn't a shipping product.  Not for at least another month.




    Good night, people, READ POSTS BEFORE REPLYING. Do you know what context is?


    As for GPU choice, Apple has always offered only one choice of vendor...


    Totally wrong.

    But NVIDIA supports OpenCL as well, and as I said, would it kill them to offer us the choice?


    So, again, ask nVidia why they didn’t make the cut.


    Your comments, FWIW, make no sense. 


    Reading them helps with that.

  • Reply 330 of 343
    djsherlydjsherly Posts: 1,031member
    Let me guess, you guys having issues with cellular connectivity are the same imbeciles who put iPhones in your pocket and whine when they bend.  And you blamed Apple when the 4 was out because you were too stupid to hold a phone properly.  

    Would you update OS X a few days before a big project was due?  Oh wait, you're retarded so you don't do big projects.  Let me spell it out for you:  if you need to make calls, don't update your iPhone.   Wait until you have at least a week free of calls to update.  

    Ooooooh. Feel the buuuuuurn.
  • Reply 331 of 343
    haarhaar Posts: 563member
    Originally Posted by haar

    i can hear the late Steve Jobs yelling from his grave, "what does an update supposed to do?... (explanation) so why the f .*.c.k does it not do that...?"
    pscooter63 wrote: »
    It's all about context.  Some posters have "earned" acceptance of swearing because they bring appreciably more than just empty shock value to the table. 

    one does not ever need to is a sign of a bad vocabulary, yet it can be used for shock value. and in my quote from the late Steve Jobs it was used effectively. IMO

    BTW, one does not need to earn the ability to swear because it is rarely ever need... (And why this site "edits" swearing... But it should be edited, not censored.)

    I would surmise that Steve Jobs did not swear ever... (Being a "tyrant" is sometimes more effective :no)
  • Reply 332 of 343
    ...Release The Trolls!!!
  • Reply 333 of 343
    bigpicsbigpics Posts: 1,397member
    Originally Posted by Smallwheels View Post

    I want Apple to be the innovative game changing company they were for a while. Making copy cat devices and only improving upon the designs of others isn't enough. They can probably get by doing that forever. If they do they won't be innovators. They'll just be a great marketing company that happens to deal in electronics.

    I think, actually, that is part of where they're going.  Fashion and Life Style products, home automation, automobile interfaces, medical provider interfaces, payment processing, entertainment and other digital content delivery, web services (backup, iCloud apps, etc.). Because at a certain point the cash flow of those businesses could easily eclipse the revenue from the sales of Macs and iPads, i.e., devices with a clear emphasis on productivity (Mac more than iPad, natch, but still...).

    Although you'd think Angela Ahrendts, Jimmy Iovine - and pretty much everybody in the upper echelons with a finger on the pulse of their target demographics would have shot down the notion of stamping the keynote with the release of a free geeze rock album by a group that many never liked much in their prime (i.e., big but no Beatles by any means) as the way to convey growing emphasis on the "Apple is fashion and taste forward" message.  And that "gift" of course became bothersome spam to many millions. 

    I.e., pretty much part of the whole set of botches in the whole rollout.  *SMH*. (And this one's on Tim's taste.)

    PS: Semi-arbitrarily leaving the phone on the other side of the ledger as it's still the hub of those other new or re-architected businesses - altho' yeah many to most use the phones with real productivity apps - so if I recall anything about breakouts by devices, I guess that's already true.

    Down the road, however, as the smarts in wearables and IOT devices get more autonomous and even more miniaturized, and they proliferate in function and application, the phone may lose that hub status and become more just another client on a broader platform...

  • Reply 334 of 343

    Originally Posted by haar View Post

    one does not ever need to is a sign of a bad vocabulary, yet it can be used for shock value. and in my quote from the late Steve Jobs it was used effectively. IMO

    BTW, one does not need to earn the ability to swear because it is rarely ever need... (And why this site "edits" swearing... But it should be edited, not censored.)

    I would surmise that Steve Jobs did not swear ever... (Being a "tyrant" is sometimes more effective :no)

    Oh nooooo, Steve Jobs never ever sweared.  Nobody successful ever swears, only uncouth dirty people swear.  Only place one hears a lot of swearing is at seaports full of dirty sailors, whores, and hooligans!

  • Reply 335 of 343

    Yep, "fast tracked" as I thought:


    Nochimson, the customer who spent 2 1/2 hours on the phone with Apple customer serviceyesterday, said his representative was unaware there would be a software update.

    "He told me that he was not made aware that Apple was releasing 8.0.1 today," Nochimson said. "It was a shock to him that that happened. He said typically when they do software updates they know about it days in advance so they're ready for it."

  • Reply 336 of 343
    jfc1138jfc1138 Posts: 3,090member

    iOS 8.0.1? Uncharacteristically sloppy.

  • Reply 337 of 343
    haarhaar Posts: 563member

    Oh nooooo, Steve Jobs never ever sweared.  Nobody successful ever swears, only uncouth dirty people swear.  Only place one hears a lot of swearing is at seaports full of dirty sailors, whores, and hooligans!

    appleinsider forums censor swear words... soooooo.... (and most likely derogatory terms too... such as the c..t word, the n....r word, the f.g word, the f....t word, who knows maybe even the l word...)

    i am sensing a bit of sarcasm... I am not making Steve Jobs out to be a person who never swore... (how would i really know?, irrespective of the alleged reports of his "tyrant" behavior, reading his book, hearing of the respect people gave him, the reports that he loved walking and talking to people in this home neighborhood... i think The Late Steve Jobs deserves to be thought of having a legacy that is close to perfect... thus he did not swear... aside from the Late Steve Jobs quote that had swearing in it...
  • Reply 338 of 343
    asdasdasdasd Posts: 5,686member
    Looks like you have unrealistic expectations. Software is extremely complex and it is almost impossible to check for every possible thing that might go wrong. Rest assured Apple is evaluating every problem reported.

    That's just not true. Apple had a way of catching this - a release to devs. Sure some devs would have been pissed with a release which ruined cellular connections but devs are warned not to put beta releases on important devices.
    Let me guess, you guys having issues with cellular connectivity are the same imbeciles who put iPhones in your pocket and whine when they bend.  And you blamed Apple when the 4 was out because you were too stupid to hold a phone properly.  

    Would you update OS X a few days before a big project was due?  Oh wait, you're retarded so you don't do big projects.  Let me spell it out for you:  if you need to make calls, don't update your iPhone.   Wait until you have at least a week free of calls to update.  

    That's the dumbest post I have read in my time on this site. I surprised that anybody who can make that level of "argument" can type.
  • Reply 339 of 343

    Originally Posted by asdasd View Post

    That's just not true. Apple had a way of catching this - a release to devs. Sure some devs would have been pissed with a release which ruined cellular connections but devs are warned not to put beta releases on important devices.

    That's the dumbest post I have read in my time on this site. I surprised that anybody who can make that level of "argument" can type.

    Check the batteries in your snark detector dude.

  • Reply 340 of 343

    Originally Posted by sog35 View Post










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