Samsung Galaxy Note 4 delivers poor graphics performance vs. Apple iPhone 6 Plus



  • Reply 201 of 244
    relicrelic Posts: 4,735member
    redhotfuzz wrote: »
    The problem is we're not talking about Ford vs Chevy or Playstation vs Xbox.  The Android conundrum is something entirely different, i.e. Google wants to build the same stranglehold on mobile computing that Microsoft once had on desktop computing, and as we all recall, that was not a Good Thing for us.  Google is happy to spread its "free" software to every unimaginative Asian manufacturer it can, so long as it can track the every move of its every user and sell advertising targeted at them (Hey, just like in all those dreary sci-fi movies!).  If in the process it has to kill (read: sell to the Chinese) the last remaining other American (besides Apple) smartphone manufacturer (Motorola), well, sometimes a few eggs get broken on the road to world domination.

    Then said unimaginative Asian manufacturers (see: Samsung) take the "free" Google software, add their own "creative" (see: stolen from Apple to the tune of $1 billion in damages) touches and flood the marketplace with dozens of iterative devices to corner the market, seizing its own stranglehold on hardware while gifting Google with a stranglehold on search/software, well yeah, some of us have a problem with that.

    In the meantime, Google tells everyone how Good it is ("Data collection?  Pfft, only because we love you!") and how Bad the "closed" alternative is (Apple), and the masses lap it up like ignorant fools tend to do.  Me, I know what a 90% dominant tech company does to the overall industry.  I once cheered on Google for knocking Microsoft down.  But rather than equalize the playing field, Google has simply taken their place.  Like a military coup that deposes a ruthless dictator only to install its own.  No thank you.

    Yeah, it's very much an Us Against Them situation here.  Wake up.  There's more at stake here than the logo that happens to appear on your favorite tech device.

    I own a Jolla phone, I've donated 1500 towards the NEO900 projct. I also now own two BlackBerry phones as I don't want to see another mobile OS disappear off of the market. Your idea of putting it to the man is going with another multi billion dollar corporation, oooh what a rebel. Why don't you really put it to the establishment and support some of the other guys platforms. This isn't some moral war you've engaged yourself in, and what your spewing is nothing more than run of the mill fan boy crap, I think it is you that needs to wake up. No one is forcing you to use any one particular platform, by using one over the other doesn't automatically make you superior, smarter, morally correct in any way, all it says is that you have a little more money at the end of the month to buy the gadget of your choice. At no time during your iPhone purchase did the thought, I'm sure going to stick it too Google enter in you mind, no it was, damn this is cool, I want it and the same thought goes through an individual who buys the competitions product. Every corporation is out to separate you from your wallet, there are no good or bad guys, just what you like vs. what you don't and the crap you fill in the middle to make your point.
  • Reply 202 of 244
    relicrelic Posts: 4,735member
    appleempl wrote: »
    In a way, I could care less about the graphics performance, my wife's iPhone 4 is ample for anything I will ever do- I'm retired. (I'm getting an iPhone 6 Plus because I need the larger screen for bad eyes) But. what I hate is the Android OS, it's flexible and can have many cool mods, that's cool, but when that excitement fades away, I'm left with a pretty boring and ugly mobile OS. I used Android for a while and got rid of it. I think 100s of thousands more will be leaving Android just because now Apple has larger screens and now they can go to iOS and the spectacular services that come with it.

    I think so as well, at least those who can afford one anyway.
  • Reply 203 of 244
    Originally Posted by Relic View Post

    Every corporation is out to separate you from your wallet, there are no good or bad guys.


    Nope.  There are bad guys and there are worse guys.  Google/Samsung are firmly in my worse guys bin now.  Sue me.


    I try to diversify.  I used to use Google stuff on my iPhone.  Mail, calendar, maps, Talk, you name it.  I browse with Firefox and Opera.  I use DropBox.  I use DuckDuckGo.  I often run Windows 7 in a virtual machine on my Mac.  I use Windows exclusively for work (not my choice).  I support indie software.  No, I don't own/use 18 smartphones (most of us don't) and no I won't be spending my dollars on a device from some disappearing company as some kind of philosophical statement (you really think those two (?) Blackberry phones you own will save them?  Talk about a moral war that can't be won...)


    Google once was viable for me to use for my platform diversification.  Then came Android.  And "A Future We Do Not Want."  And the "free and open" horsecrap.  Using Google stuff on my Apple devices no longer seems wise.  They have their 85% market lock.  I'm not adding to it.  For mapping I switched to Waze.  Oops, bought out by Google - time to move on again.  And around and around we go.


    Many of us iPhone users do try to spread things out.  Compare that with your proud Android fanatic, who uses Gmail, Google Calendar, Google Chat, Google Maps, Google Drive, Google Chrome....yeah, "free and open" my butt.


    In a perfect world we'd have 3 or 4 major, healthy, competitive platforms that shared similar slices of market share.  Instead we got Microsoft with a stranglehold on the desktop and now Google with a stranglehold in mobile.  You may be satisfied with this.  I'm not.


    My open distrust/dislike of Google/Samsung is no more fanboy-ish than your constant evangelization of Android/Surface/whatever on an Apple news site.  Same dance, different tune.  Whatever.

  • Reply 204 of 244

    Originally Posted by Xian Zhu Xuande View Post

    OLED has come a long way and is now an excellent top contender technology. But to call it 'far better than LCD' is completely inaccurate. There is good reading to be found over at DisplayMate: iPhone 6 Display Technology Shoot-Out.

    It is though, if you want to cite displaymate, then OLED has a lower average power consumption, better colors, actual blacks and not grey pretending to be black, better whites, better brightness shift when viewing off angle. Once you get the Apple Watch you will understand why people love OLEDs.

  • Reply 205 of 244
    tmaytmay Posts: 6,453member
    Originally Posted by Relic View Post

    I own a Jolla phone, I've donated 1500 towards the NEO900 projct. I also now own two BlackBerry phones as I don't want to see another mobile OS disappear off of the market. Your idea of putting it to the man is going with another multi billion dollar corporation, oooh what a rebel. Why don't you really put it to the establishment and support some of the other guys platforms. This isn't some moral war you've engaged yourself in, and what your spewing is nothing more than run of the mill fan boy crap, I think it is you that needs to wake up. No one is forcing you to use any one particular platform, by using one over the other doesn't automatically make you superior, smarter, morally correct in any way, all it says is that you have a little more money at the end of the month to buy the gadget of your choice. At no time during your iPhone purchase did the thought, I'm sure going to stick it too Google enter in you mind, no it was, damn this is cool, I want it and the same thought goes through an individual who buys the competitions product. Every corporation is out to separate you from your wallet, there are no good or bad guys, just what you like vs. what you don't and the crap you fill in the middle to make your point.

    I inadvertently attributed something that you responded to as your views, so I edited to remove.


    Carry on.

  • Reply 206 of 244
    Apple makes compromises to offer the best overall user experience. Sure Apple specs are something Android fanboys scoff at but they also ignore the results which are still top shelf. Samsung's Note 4 suffers in graphic benchmarks mainly because Sammy decided to spec it up with very high pixels that far outpace what the GPU can handle. This is similar in comparison to iPhone 6 Plus which is also a little slower than the iPhone 6 because they have the same GPU but Plus has a much pixel dense screen.
  • Reply 207 of 244
    There stupid display resolution is what kills it.
  • Reply 208 of 244
    relicrelic Posts: 4,735member
    redhotfuzz wrote: »

    My open distrust/dislike of Google/Samsung is no more fanboy-ish than your constant evangelization of Android/Surface/whatever on an Apple news site.  Same dance, different tune.  Whatever.

    Like I said, I use multiple OS's on different platforms, you forgot BlackBerry OS, Unix, Linux and SailFish OS, love'em all. I always post about those other platforms in threads that pertain to them, on occasion I will reply to someone who brought up a none Apple product or start a thread in AppleOutsider, but I don't go around spitting Android sucks every single chance I get, gets old after a while. If you don't like it then kindly ask for AI to stop reporting on these platforms. Would actually be the best thing possible, even hopefully cut down on all of the persistent whining about these platforms and how inferior they are to Apple. Plus you and I won't have to clash over ridiculous crap like who's penis is bigger, yours, as I don't have one, so you win, congratulations.
  • Reply 209 of 244

    Nearly 200 posts to this thread and I don't think I've seen one that gives me a reason to get the 6+ over the Note 4 I've been waiting for, and I'm still undecided at this point. Coming from a Note 1, (what can I say, money is tight) won't either one be faster than what I'm used to?

  • Reply 210 of 244

    Originally Posted by orytek View Post

    The Note is an Amplification Tool. You can use the crystals that are inside it to transmit the Energy Outward?

    Does iPhone have healing crystals?

    It has kaiburr crystals.

  • Reply 211 of 244
    They probably tested the exynos 5430 chip (32 bit) instead of the 5433 chip (64 bit) in the galaxy note 4. Power of ibrainwash Apple's PR. They have a brilliant PR and marketting department, probably most of their budget is in that department compared to R&D. Look at how they brainwashed their customers when their product was faulty, l I me the antenna death grip or the 6plus with bending issue.
  • Reply 213 of 244
    hill60hill60 Posts: 6,992member
    Originally Posted by ThePixelDoc View Post

    Before I write a word further, please see my Official Apple Fanboy badge before even thinking that I'm a Samsung fan. FYI: the only Samsung stuff I own is inside of gear, mostly that from Apple, where I have no choice in the matter.



    This time tomorrow night, Australian time I will be mounting my Nex-7 on a tripod and pointing my 300mm zoom at the moon which will be turning blood red due to a full eclipse.


    Hopefully it won't be cloudy.


    Sony Nex, Samsung NX...


    ...they are doing it again.

  • Reply 214 of 244
    gatorguygatorguy Posts: 24,591member
    orthorim wrote: »

    Samsung needs Tizen or an alternative to succeed quickly. I'm currently testing Android on a Motorola phone and it's simply crap. It's also chock full of Google services...
    if I was making a handset that would piss me off to no end.

    ...and iOS is full of Apple services. Big surprise.

    Curious which Motorola phone you are testing tho.
  • Reply 215 of 244
    gatorguygatorguy Posts: 24,591member
    orthorim wrote: »
    <div class="quote-container" data-huddler-embed="/t/182670/samsung-galaxy-note-4-delivers-poor-graphics-performance-vs-apple-iphone-6-plus/160#post_2613987" data-huddler-embed-placeholder="false"><span>Quote:</span><div class="quote-block">Originally Posted by <strong>Gatorguy</strong> <a href="/t/182670/samsung-galaxy-note-4-delivers-poor-graphics-performance-vs-apple-iphone-6-plus/160#post_2613987"><img src="/img/forum/go_quote.gif" class="inlineimg" alt="View Post"/></a><br/><br/><br />
    ...and iOS is full of Apple services. Big surprise.<br />
    <br />
    Curious which Motorola phone you are testing tho.</div></div><p> </p>

    Huh? Once again s l o w l y...

    Samsung would love its phones full of Samsung services. But they can't do that, they have to use whatever Google feeds them. Not that Google services are bad, but they're giving Google money

    Ummm. . . OK. So then Sammy hasn't been highly profitable using Android then? I imagine if they thought they make more money with their own OS they would have done so, don't you? Same with dumping Windows for their own OS if they thought the money would be better :\

    BTW, you still neglected to mention which Motorola phone (and which version of Android) you're testing.
  • Reply 216 of 244
    gatorguy wrote: »
    Ummm. . . OK. So then Sammy hasn't been highly profitable using Android then? I imagine if they thought they make more money with their own OS they would have done so, don't you? Same with dumping Windows for their own OS if they thought the money would be better :\

    What an absurd reply. Everyone knows by now that Samsung is "trying" to create their own OS. I personally don't think it's possible. I suppose they could try to do a fork of Android, or maybe even license BB which supposedly can run Android apps as is Tizen rumored to do.... but no... there's barely room for that "other" OS maker now.

    Samsung "has been" profitable with Android... as in past tense of the statement. What can they do going forward though? As @orthorim was trying to say, they don't have a lot of choices left to them. The hardware specs are peaking; the 100's of iPhone-inspired... and even original designs, have been produced; the low end is falling to around an average of ~$150.00; and the high end is going all to Apple.

    Google's getting out as much as they've ever wanted from Android... so I don't expect a lot of initiative coming from that side. 80% of the ad market is not bad, and they won't get any more... so?

    Add to the discussion: what do YOU think is left for your beloved Samsung to explore and become profitable again?
  • Reply 217 of 244
    solipsismxsolipsismx Posts: 19,566member
    What an absurd reply. Everyone knows by now that Samsung is "trying" to create their own OS. I personally don't think it's possible. I suppose they could try to do a fork of Android, or maybe even license BB which supposedly can run Android apps as is Tizen rumored to do.... but no... there's barely room for that "other" OS maker now.

    Samsung "has been" profitable with Android... as in past tense of the statement. What can they do going forward though? As @orthorim was trying to say, they don't have a lot of choices left to them. The hardware specs are peaking; the 100's of iPhone-inspired... and even original designs, have been produced; the low end is falling to around an average of ~$150.00; and the high end is going all to Apple.

    Google's getting out as much as they've ever wanted from Android... so I don't expect a lot of initiative coming from that side. 80% of the ad market is not bad, and they won't get any more... so?

    Add to the discussion: what do YOU think is left for your beloved Samsung to explore and become profitable again?

    Samsung has been profitable and I suspect they will continue to be profitable as well as the most profitable handset market, still coming in 2nd place. Not as profitable as Apple really shouldn't be a slam. However we feel about Samsung's tactics they have worked for so long that from a business standpoint I have to say that the other OEMs probably should have followed suit.
  • Reply 218 of 244
    hill60 wrote: »
    This time tomorrow night, Australian time I will be mounting my Nex-7 on a tripod and pointing my 300mm zoom at the moon which will be turning blood red due to a full eclipse.

    Hopefully it won't be cloudy.

    Hope ya get some great shots. Any chance of posting a sample her if ya do?
    Sony Nex, Samsung NX...

    ...they are doing it again.

    Apple fans like to think they are at the center of Samsung's universe... but if I'm not mistaken, they really... I mean REALLY.... dislike the Japanese first and foremost. They're just dogging the Japanese companies... unfortunate phrase... to death...:no:
  • Reply 219 of 244

    Originally Posted by SolipsismX View Post

    However we feel about Samsung's tactics they have worked for so long that from a business standpoint I have to say that the other OEMs probably should have followed suit.


    No.  At least the other OEMs still have their self-respect intact.


    Samsung has sullied its brand with its slimy practices.  And brand prestige is critical.  Samsung no longer has that.  Big mistake.

  • Reply 220 of 244
    solipsismxsolipsismx Posts: 19,566member
    redhotfuzz wrote: »
    No.  At least the other OEMs still have their self-respect intact.

    Samsung has sullied its brand with its slimy practices.  And brand prestige is critical.  Samsung no longer has that.  Big mistake.

    From a business perspective how does "self-respect" keep the lights on? If this "self-respect" equated to profits I could see how that wouldn't be a big mistake but so far I've seen no evidence that among buyers of Android-based products that they'd rather shop any other OEM but Samsung.
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