Celebrities That Use Macs



  • Reply 61 of 111
    andersanders Posts: 6,523member
    [quote]Originally posted by Splinemodel:


    And in response to the guy that started this whole thing.</strong><hr></blockquote>

    By that I guess you mean me.


    Yes, holier-than-thou Europeans really get on my nerves too. Actually, holier-than-thou anyone gets on my nerves, but I tend to get that crap mostly from continental western europeans and a handful of people of a certain US minority that would result in litigation if I released its identity.


    Have I ever claimed to be better than anyone else? All I did was to compare my perception of the intelligens of Bush and Clinton. Thats all. I didn´t even say I was smarter than any of those two.

    Since your comment was directed towards me please say how and why I get on your nerves.
  • Reply 62 of 111
    [quote]All I did was to compare my perception of the intelligens of Bush and Clinton. Thats all. I didn´t even say I was smarter than any of those two.<hr></blockquote>

    Obviously not, you can't even spell "intelligence"!!!

    Just kidding Anders, but since I've never really been in a flame war here, and it looks like so much fun...

  • Reply 63 of 111
    andersanders Posts: 6,523member
    [quote]Originally posted by Calvin:


    Obviously not, you can't even spell "intelligence"!!!


    Yes I can. Its you that can´t read danish


    Just kidding Anders, but since I've never really been in a flame war here, and it looks like so much fun...


    Take the user name CHEETAH, say you are from Sweden, act like a nine year old and use a lot of caps. Then I think you will get flamed so much that youwould want to be in hell to cool off
  • Reply 64 of 111
    Ah,those pesky Canadians, too European for the Americans, too American for the Europeans
  • Reply 65 of 111
    andersanders Posts: 6,523member
    [quote]Originally posted by Alex London:

    <strong>Ah,those pesky Canadians, too European for the Americans, too American for the Europeans </strong><hr></blockquote>

    Heh. Last time I was in Berlin I lived in a hostel with 80% "canadian" guests. Funny thing was some of them couldn´t name the prime minister, some talked with something I guess was a texan accent, some had S´n´S flags on their bagpacks and some even went to school with other guests that were from US.

    Do the travel guides say "Whatever you do in europe NEVER say that you are an american"? <img src="graemlins/lol.gif" border="0" alt="[Laughing]" />

    Sorry completly off topic.
  • Reply 65 of 111
    splinemodelsplinemodel Posts: 7,311member
    [quote]Originally posted by Alex London:


    SplineModel- don't be wimpier -than-thou,please tell us who you think is as bad as us appalling Europeans , and before the patriots come after me, I'm not anti-American at all, just not pro-Bush. So use your free speech.</strong><hr></blockquote>

    First of all, this is off topic so I will be brief. Obviously it's not every european that gets on my nerves. No, it's really just the ones who look at America as a zone of no culture, and champion their foolish, european union's social ideal. There are Americans who fit a similar mold, but the Euros seem to have a stronger feeling that they are aristocrats, and that they are correct because they are cultured and social.

    Again, it's not the fact that they are European, but this trait I hate deeply surfaces more in European circles.

    And it's not a Bush thing. I didn't vote for Bush myself. It's more about the fact that America only gets real respect from Europe when our troops bail you guys out of your own foolish, socially/culturally motivated wars.

    Lastly, I don't think the comment was directed at anyone here. More so, it was just a vent, fuming heat built up over a few people who I have to deal with frequently, and a warning to those who may think that their European culture makes them divine.

    [ 04-16-2002: Message edited by: Splinemodel ]</p>
  • Reply 67 of 111
    andersanders Posts: 6,523member
    [quote]Originally posted by Splinemodel:


    Lastly, I don't think the comment was directed at anyone here. </strong><hr></blockquote>

    Then please ignore my post to you above. Sorry
  • Reply 68 of 111
    Forget the topic ,this is much more interesting, you seem to have a thing about the "foolish European unions' social ideal"-what is it? Again I ask you-who are are the certain American minority you say who share it? I agree that there are "euro-snobs", same way that there are foaming-mouthed Americans. I don't think I'm divine, I'm English and self-deprecation is part of the national curriculum. And I love so much of American culture,literature,film,music,art etc. Of course I was waiting for that bit about bailing us out of wars, the "foolish socially/culturally " was a tad hypocritical all things considered.
  • Reply 69 of 111
    Forget the last post, I feel a bit different after some supper. Peace love and mis-understanding
  • Reply 70 of 111
    spotbugspotbug Posts: 361member
    Tell 'em spotbug has two Macs!

    If, on the off chance, they don't know who I... I mean, who spotbug is, just roll your eyes and mutter, "nevermind".
  • Reply 71 of 111
    ccr65ccr65 Posts: 59member
    I think the usefulness of mentioning musicians and directors that use Macs is to make the point that there are more Macs being used for serious work than PC's. Think about it for a minute. All those Wintel PC's that are purchased for offices all over the world that make such a huge difference in the sales numbers. Row after row after row of them, millions of cubicals filled with computers that hardly ever do anything but check e-mail, write documents in Word and do spread sheets and playing a game or surfing for pron while the boss isn't looking (many used by people that barely know what an icon is) while the vast majority of Macs are doing much more creative and demanding things.

    [ 04-17-2002: Message edited by: CCR65 ]</p>
  • Reply 72 of 111
    pscatespscates Posts: 5,847member
    Very true. Not to make a lame generalization, but in my experience, here's how things seem to be (or what's around me): all the PC people I know work office jobs or regular jobs in business or whatever (my Mom, all my non-graphics/musician friends, other relatives, etc.).

    They can launch Explorer, do some PowerPoint/Excel stuff, play some games and generally have no idea what's going on under the hood and tend to have perpetually ****ed-up, "is it gonna work today?" systems.

    I know exactly two P.C. users who really know what they're doing, know the OS, the underlying principles about hardware and stuff is supposed to work, can troubleshoot and talk the talk. In other words, geeks.

    But EVERY Mac user I know, even the most dumb-assed ones (and there are several...believe me), seem to be using their Macs (home and work) for all kinds of cool things. And they seem to go far beyond the typical AOL/Solitaire/print a dirty cartoon on your inkjet mode of use.

    Again, this isn't scientific or a true sampling or whatever. I KNOW THAT. But what I AM saying is that all the Mac users I know are CREATING stuff (art, design, music, poetry, writing, infographics, signage, games, scripts, etc.).

    All the P.C. users I know (FAR outnumbering the Mac users I know, by the way) basically use it for e-mail, number-crunching, surfing and gaming.

    I'm NOT saying it's good vs. bad, right vs. wrong...I'm just saying that is - in the 9 years I've been doing this stuff and in all the locations I've lived, the jobs I've had, the people I've come to know, etc. - what I see and how it is in MY experience.

    Your mileage may vary.

    Most of my PC friends even say, in some way or another, "yeah, I don't need a Mac because all I do is...".

    So it's almost like THEY themselves know something, or believe the whole "Mac is for creatives, PCs are for whatever else..." myths.

    Maybe it isn't entirely a myth?

  • Reply 73 of 111
    ccr65ccr65 Posts: 59member
    Talk to a network admin at a company that uses lots of PC's if he has any good computer user jokes. He'll have a million of them.

    There are litterally millions of these PC users that contribute to the numbers that get shoved in our faces all the time and yet I think the operative word here is "sheep".
  • Reply 74 of 111
    artman @_@artman @_@ Posts: 2,546member
    I agree with most posts here. Just get on with your life. I was harassed in school for even more pathetic things than this (weren't any computers back then).

    One way to convince these fvcktards is to just use and enjoy your Mac. If you use it for projects at school then say that you do and do the best work. Get some Apple T-shirts (preferably white on black <img src="graemlins/smokin.gif" border="0" alt="[Chilling]" /> ) and walk into class proudly displaying it. They'll probably jeer and joke, but who are the fools then? Not you.

    I have worked for others who jeered at me for wearing an Apple T-shirt. These are adults mind you. But the work I did there was appreciated...and it was done on a Mac.

    I got pushed around in high school for wearing Talking Heads and Ramones T-shirts...and they are both now in the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame...can't say that for Foreigner! <img src="graemlins/lol.gif" border="0" alt="[Laughing]" />
  • Reply 75 of 111
    Back on topic, here in the UK all the musos,producers,programmers , techies and bands that I know of use macs, Chemical Brothers, Radiohead, Apollo 440, Basement Jaxx, Jamiroquai ,St*ng's programmer (sorry I can't remember his name) to name a few 'celebrities'. In the States I guess its the same though I only really sure about NIN and Steve Vai. Oh yeah Apple got awarded a Grammy this year for services to music, go to the site and find out why. Dare to be identical?
  • Reply 76 of 111
    groveratgroverat Posts: 10,872member
    Shaq is as dumb as a rock, so maybe he could really illustrate the "easy to use" aspect.
  • Reply 77 of 111
    andersanders Posts: 6,523member
    [quote]Originally posted by groverat:

    <strong>Shaq is as dumb as a rock, so maybe he could really illustrate the "easy to use" aspect.</strong><hr></blockquote>

    Hey. That might be a good idea for a commercial. "So easy even X use one. So cool even Y use one".

    What would happen if Apple used Bush or Shaq in X´s place? <img src="graemlins/lol.gif" border="0" alt="[Laughing]" />
  • Reply 78 of 111
    gumby5647gumby5647 Posts: 241member
    Movie Stars

    Harry Anderson

    Dan Aykroyd

    Lauren Bacall

    Valerie Bertinelli

    Sandra Bullock

    Tim Burton

    Phoebe Cates

    Dabney Coleman

    Stephen Collins

    Kevin Costner

    Tom Cruise

    Geena Davis

    Danny DeVito

    Clint Eastwood

    Emilio Estevez

    Mia Farrow

    Sally Field

    Laurence Fishburne

    Harrison Ford

    Jodie Foster Mel Gibson

    Whoopi Goldberg

    Jeff Goldblum

    Tom Hank

    Goldie Hawn

    Mariel Hemingway

    Pee Wee Herman

    Dustin Hoffman

    John Hughes

    Samuel L. Jackson

    Ann Jillian

    Nicole Kidman

    Kevin Klein

    John Laroquette

    Marlee Matlin

    Matthew Modine

    Gary Oldman

    Frank Oz

    Dolly Parton

    Vanessa Redgrave



    Andrew Shue

    Christian Slater

    Wesley Snipes

    Sylvester Stallone

    Sharon Stone

    Lily Tomlin

    James Woods

    Robin Williams

    Henry Winkler

  • Reply 79 of 111
    gumby5647gumby5647 Posts: 241member
    Norm Abram

    This Old House

    Tim Allen

    Home Improvement

    Tom Brokaw

    Dateline NBC

    Drew Carey

    The Drew Carey Show

    Steve Dahl

    The Steve Dahl Show

    Roger Ebert

    Siskel & Ebert at the Movies

    Michael J. Fox

    Spin City

    Gregory Hines

    The Gregory Hines Show

    Don Imus

    Imus in the Morning

    Richard Karn

    Home Improvement

    Peter King

    MTV Sports

    Rush Limbaugh

    Rush Limbaugh

    Don Novello

    Saturday Night Live

    Adrian Paul


    Maury Povich

    Maury Povich

    Conan O'Brien

    Late Night with Conan O'Brien

    Rosie O'Donnell

    The Rosie O'Donnell Show

    Jerry Seinfeld



    The Sinbad Show, VIBE
  • Reply 80 of 111
    idudeidude Posts: 352member
    Wow! Gumby, that is a great list. I'm just gonna print it and carry it everywhere I go, if that's ok.

    To the person who suggested getting t-shirt, I'm ahead of ya. I ONLY wear mac shirts all year. That's probably why I catch so much flack. For instance, yesterday I wore a shirt that said pcs are slow (they are) and I had like 7 people swarming around me with all their mhz myth crap before a teacher came and saved me (he said that macs are faster). Today I wore one that said Windows is only good for solitare and that caused a whole lot of chaos.
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