Ousted HP CEO Carly Fiorina calls Apple's Tim Cook a hypocrite for stance on Indiana law



  • Reply 61 of 394
    chasmchasm Posts: 3,499member
    Ironically, Fiorina's comments show who the real hypocrite is. Ms. Fiorina is not only lying (or perhaps simply ignorant) about the Indiana RFA and its' **deliberate omissions and changes** specifically targeted at minority groups that marks it as very different from other states' RFAs, but she is specifically endorsing the former law. So she is saying that some people (white Christians, specifically) should have more rights than others, and that the equal protection clause of the Constitution doesn't apply to everyone.

    But she wanted to be a Senator, and now President, who is supposed to represent all people.

    If Carly Fiorina wants to yell at a hypocrite, she should talk to her mirror.
  • Reply 62 of 394
    sog35 wrote: »
    again you have failed to show ANY PROOF that Cook is hurting Apple.  


    IMO, you should keep your mouth shut until you have proof.

    You have no proof the Watch will sell, yet you rant against anyone who claims otherwise. Take your own advice if you really feel this way.
  • Reply 63 of 394
    ralphmouthralphmouth Posts: 192member

    Originally Posted by TheWhiteFalcon View Post

    Gay rights is the most pressing issue in America? Well, I didn't realize that the country was no longer in a depression, with a failing infrastructure, massive unemployment, a gargantuan national debt, failing entitlement programs, a defunct education system, a huge illegal immigration problem, and a largely ignorant populace. Clearly, 'gay rights' trumps all those. :roll eyes:


    You make a very good point but a lot of Americans do see gay rights as the next battle ground. It is the new civil rights movement.

  • Reply 64 of 394
    sog35 wrote: »
    Chinese do not look kindly at 'outsiders' who try to tell them how to run their government.

    Samsung has economic influence in the USA.  They employ over 50,000 people in the US.

    Maybe the folks of Indiana should be more like the Chinese in that regard... ;)

    50,000 is slightly smaller than the 2+ million building iPhones or iPhone components, plus the actual Apple Store employees or the upcoming Apple research center employees.
  • Reply 65 of 394
    peteopeteo Posts: 402member
    People discriminate daily. You discriminate when you choose not to associate with someone. You discriminate when you pick Chipotle over Chick-Fil-A. You discriminate in relationships-so what if the person you turned down was ugly, don't they have a RIGHT to have a relationship? How dare you discriminate like that!

    But I suspect this will fall on deaf ears.

    And the "wrong side of history" argument is just hilarious.

    Your comparing discrimination based on how you were born to picking Chipotle over Chick-Fil-A. Wow you are in fantasy land. But I suspect this will fall on deaf ears.
  • Reply 66 of 394
    peteo wrote: »
    Your comparing discrimination based on how you were born to picking Chipotle over Chick-Fil-A. Wow you are in fantasy land. But I suspect this will fall on deaf ears.

    Cherry picking is the way to a coherent argument, of course. To the block list with you, I don't want to waste time.
  • Reply 67 of 394
    apple ][apple ][ Posts: 9,233member

    Originally Posted by sog35 View Post


    If the media asks Cook his opinion about executions in barbaric countries he will say he's against it.


    His opinion does not matter in China, SA, Russia in regards to political issues.  He and Apple has ZERO to gain and everything to lose.  Why the HELL would you want the CEO to risk so much (China boycott) when he can't gain anything?  (Chinese don't like outsiders telling them how to run their government)

    I guess that I'm more pro gay than actual gay people, because I wouldn't have any issue if Apple pulled out of certain countries, like countries that execute gays.

  • Reply 68 of 394
    peteopeteo Posts: 402member
    Cherry picking is the way to a coherent argument, of course. To the block list with you, I don't want to waste time.

    Love it. You can't win (becuase obviously your wrong) so you block. The American way!
  • Reply 69 of 394
    peteo wrote: »
    Love it. You can't win (becuase obviously your wrong) so you block. The American way!

    Are you interested in an honest debate? Nope, clearly not. I just try to keep my stress levels down, and vitriolic hate is anathema to that.
  • Reply 70 of 394
    apple ][ wrote: »

    I guess that I'm more pro gay than actual gay people, because I wouldn't have any issue if Apple pulled out of certain countries, like countries that execute gays.

    Muslims are allowed to do whatever they want, at least according to the left, which is something I don't understand. Women's rights, except the Muslims can continue their debasement all they want. Gay rights, except the Muslims can keep stoning and hanging all they want. Right to do what you want, unless you're Israel in which case you should just give up your lands to Muslims.

    I don't hate Muslims, but boy do I not appreciate the free pass hypocrites give them.
  • Reply 71 of 394
    dsddsd Posts: 186member

    Carly's always been classy.



  • Reply 72 of 394

    Most of what I see are a bunch of Ad Hominem attacks on Fiorina, like that somehow discredits her argument here. What it actually does is make you look like fools because you think that logical fallacies actually prove your points. Don't get me wrong, I'm not a republican nor did I even know who she was before this article, so I have no political side of the spectrum to try to defend. But in my opinion most of what she's saying is correct.


    Sure, Tim didn't boycott Indiana, but her ultimate point is that essentially he's using Indiana to grandstand because it's easier than speaking out against the same things in the other countries that Apple does business in. So what that he's not citizen of those countries, that's not the point. You don't have to be a citizen just to speak out, which is all he's done here in the US. The problem is that Tim knows that Apple could face severe backlash that could hurt their bottomline, and therein lies the crux of what she's saying. It's not courageous to only speak when you know you won't face any adversity. Courage is speaking up in the face of it, even in the face of a possible loss. It's hypocritical to only speak against it when you know that no harm will come to you. I really like Tim and I love what he's doing at Apple, but I also know hypocrisy when I see it and just because he's doing something hypocritical doesn't make him a horrible person. It just makes him a hypocrite on this issue.

  • Reply 73 of 394
    peteopeteo Posts: 402member
    Are you interested in an honest debate? Nope, clearly not. I just try to keep my stress levels down, and vitriolic hate is anathema to that.

    Yeah it must be hard to keep your stress levels down with all these gay people around. Now with this law your all set you go get pizza with out fear of seeing or interacting with the "gays"
  • Reply 73 of 394
    apple ][apple ][ Posts: 9,233member

    Originally Posted by sog35 View Post



    That's an unrealistic expectation for a public company IMO.


    something like that would probably have to be done with a shareholder vote

    The list is not long at all, and it would have almost no significant effect profit wise imo.

  • Reply 75 of 394
    cnocbuicnocbui Posts: 3,613member
    Originally Posted by sestewart View Post

    Amen, Sister!

    Romans 1, 16-32

    So let me see if I've got this right:


    Lot had a couple blokes round who he didn't know from Adam.  A bunch of yokels came to his door and wanted to get man-friendly with the blow-ins, so Lot tried to buy them off by offering them his two virgin daughters instead - as you do - because they were just women, not entitled to have an opinion in the matter, or feelings, and though being family, were far less important to him than the unknown blow-ins feelings.


    Later, Lot decides his two daughters aren't that bad at all, in fact, they're actually quite sexy, so he decides he might as well bed both of them - well you wouldn't want to hurt anyone's feelings - and proceeds to make the most of the situation, and after a lot of hard effort there's a whole lot of begating - which after yet more begating - ends up with this bloke called Jesus something-or-other, which makes everything just fine and peachy.


    And the book all this is from is highly acclaimed as something to set your moral compass by?


    I reckon Monty Python wrote it.

  • Reply 76 of 394
    inklinginkling Posts: 773member
  • Reply 77 of 394
    mstonemstone Posts: 11,510member
    Originally Posted by TheWhiteFalcon View Post

    Muslims are allowed to do whatever they want, at least according to the left, which is something I don't understand. Women's rights, except the Muslims can continue their debasement all they want. Gay rights, except the Muslims can keep stoning and hanging all they want. Right to do what you want, unless you're Israel in which case you should just give up your lands to Muslims.

    I don't hate Muslims, but boy do I not appreciate the free pass hypocrites give them.

    Is this something they taught you on Republican Talk radio or Fox news, because it is completely wrong. Liberals disapprove of Islam as much as conservative Christians do. As far as Israel is concerned, the only thing that many liberals would prefer is that the US stop giving them weaponry and money for their military. As far as I am concerned we give away too much money in general.

  • Reply 78 of 394
    e1618978e1618978 Posts: 6,075member

    Originally Posted by peteo View Post

    Really? How can she even think of running for president after her captastic tenure as ceo of HP?

    "She has frequently been ranked as one of the worst tech CEOs of all time"

    This latest coment just proves my point. Clueless

    John Roth was worse, way worse.

  • Reply 79 of 394
    gcvgcv Posts: 18member

    I love how someone with no ethics whatsoever, who broke the law while at HP and eventually got canned, ran for public office and lost, feels as though she is in a position to criticize someone else with whom she disagrees. A paragon of virtue and sleaze. Carly reminds me of a few other self-important air heads like Sarah and Michelle who are an embarrassment to women every time they open their mouths. 

  • Reply 80 of 394
    peteopeteo Posts: 402member
    e1618978 wrote: »

    John Roth was worse, way worse.

    True.. But she wasn't much better
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