Apple never rebadge a phone and discontinue it after 1 year. That means your "5Sc and 6c" will never see a day light.
They've hardly been making phones long enough to make assertions like that, you could say "They never release 2 new phones at once" but they did with 6 & 6+, "They never rebadge an old phone" but they pretty much did with the introduction of the 5C, whats to say they'll not change things again this September?
So, no two options (new model versus last year's model) within any form factor. Just makes sense.
Didn't want to re-quote your entire post. I think the question is what Apple does with the "free" slot. Right now we have the 5C in that slot. Does Apple keep the plastic form factor for that slot or does the 5C get nixed and the 5S replaces it? For the mid-tier my guess is Apple drops the price of the 6 $100 so you have:
6S Plus $749
6S $649
6 $549
? $450
I'm skeptical about a 4" phone filling that mid-tier slot as 1) we've seen no leaks of a new 4" phone and 2) it would signal that Apple has set a floor for larger screen iPhones at $649 which I think would be unfortunate. If the 6S gets a really nice camera upgrade (maybe OIS?) and force touch stuff I think it will provide a big enough choice that a lot of people will chose it over a discounted 6. What will be interesting is what happens with the 6S Plus. Apple decided that screen size alone wasn't enough to charge $100 more so I wonder what hardware/feature will be 6S Plus only. Also there have been rumors that entry level storage will be upped to 32GB. Who knows if that's true but I for sure expect to see 2GB RAM on the new models and possibly 32GB as starting point for storage.
THREE is a word. Three Ipads(PRO,Air,Mini), Three iPhones(6.6Plus,6C), Three Macbooks(Macbook,Macbook Air,Macbook Pro),
So, Apple can offer Mini version of iPhone 6 with smaller screen, form factor.
Sure Apple can but we're coming up on August and have yet to see any leaks of a 4" iPhone. We saw plenty of leaks of the 5C. I think if Apple was planning to launch a new 4" phone this September we would have seen leaks of it by now. iPhones always leak.
More likely they saw parts for the new iPod touch and thought it was the 6C.
Exactly, these guys sniffing the air and trying to piece together a story is a waste of people's time. The other issue is Apple works on a bunch of products which never see production.
I think they will keep the 4" Modal the only question which architecture it will be based on going forward. Also will it always be entry level from this point forward. This will dictate when we will see a new modal.
Sure Apple can but we're coming up on August and have yet to see any leaks of a 4" iPhone. We saw plenty of leaks of the 5C. I think if Apple was planning to launch a new 4" phone this September we would have seen leaks of it by now. iPhones always
It doesn't matter what Apple call it 5C or 6C or 6S Mini, long as internals are similar to it's larger siblings but in smaller form factor 4" screen, all good. And of-course bit lower price.
Make a 4,7" iPhone as the standard phone (let's say iPhone 7). Then introduce the iPhone 7P (P = plus) with a 5,5" screen and at the same time bring iPhone 7S (S = small) with a 4" screen to the market.
In the following year I'd continue this strategy and keep the last's year standard iPhone as a low cost option on the market.
What Apple thinks if they don't offer smaller version of it's larger sibling iPhone 6 than indirectly it will push users to move to larger screen iphone. Well, Apple you are wrong. People who likes smaller screen will buy used iPhones, push upgrade longer as possible and meanwhile if android offers such solution than some will move their. Every iPhone sell lost is still a lost in revenue and customer both from the Apple ecosystem.
nope on fear of canniblization. Apple would rather sell you the competition than have someone else sell it to you. just as they killed their #1 iPod model at the height of its importance to the company.
this is just the analysts making up reasons why the previous stuff they made up didn't happen.
What Apple thinks if they don't offer smaller version of it's larger sibling iPhone 6 than indirectly it will push users to move to larger screen iphone. Well, Apple you are wrong. People who likes smaller screen will buy used iPhones, push upgrade longer as possible and meanwhile if android offers such solution than some will move their. Every iPhone sell lost is still a lost in revenue and customer both from the Apple ecosystem.
which small-screened android will these users go to instead?
There is definitely a fear of canniblization of HIGHER PRICED models. Apple is okay if the high cost models canibalize the low cost models but not the other way around. That is why Apple is hard at work making the Mini signficanly weaker than the iPad.
That is why Apple got rid of the iPhone5 with the release of the 5S.
And that is why they will get rid of the iPhone6 with the release of the 6S.
incorrect. you can google it, their execs have said it time and again -- kill your darlings. they'd rather sell it to you than have their competition sell it to you.
again, iPod.
as for iPad, they made the first mini the same as the full size, just smaller, because it was a size preference.
Apple never rebadge a phone and discontinue it after 1 year. That means your "5Sc and 6c" will never see a day light.
Apple took the iPhone 5 after 1 year, changed the networking/LTE chip to add more LTE bands, stuck the innards, identical otherwise, in a new form factor and dubbed it the iPhone 5c. (The innards cost more to re-engineer than the outer case and antenna.)
• All this chatter is not seeing how Apple does things:
Apple continues to make most of their iOS products for at least 3 generations/years. Similarly carmakers typically make the same generation of car for 3-5 years, it is the way things go with mass costs more to re-engineer a product, less to keep making it same as last year, thus the price drops on the old when they produce a new model.
The iPhone 5 became 5c, but, innards were iPhone 5, so it has been produced for 3 generations, and it is on it's way out. The 5s has another year to go, but, I think they will do what they did with the 5 and put it in the c form factor.
The iPhone 6 4.7" will become the mid-tier model when 6s/6s+ come out. It would make sense for Apple to simply drop the 6+, making the 6s+ the only 5.5" model.
So, likely this fall:
iPhone 6s+
iPhone 6s
iPhone 6 (drop $100)
iPhone 5s(c)
No more 6+, and 5s goes into 5c form factor, maybe NFC chip added to enable Apple Pay. Otherwise no other major changes this year, maybe next year.
[quote]Apple may have nixed the idea of a small-screened next-generation iPhone so as not to cannibalize sales of refreshed 4.7-inch and 5.5-inch models widely expected to launch this fall.[/quote] Profit over Product.
You are wrong. Stop bringing up iPod. That is a dying unit. We are talking about Apple's cash cow here.
Tell me when in Apple's history did they try to canibalize THERE TOP END PHONE. They have done the opposite.
That's why when the 5S came out they got rid of the 5 because it would canibalize the 5S. So they made a plastic 5C so buyers could see the distinct difference between the top end 5S and mid range 5C.
Two years ago the iPadMini had the EXACT same specs as the iPadAir. The next year they gimped the Mini (slower processor) so it would not canibalize the iPad.
That you don't see this just shows you are not paying attention.
Apple needs to make their flagship offerings worth upgrading then. If Apple is worried that $100 cheaper iPhone 6 will cannibalize the 6S then clearly they know the 6S is going to be mediocre upgrade. Unless you're suggesting things like force touch and possibly OIS wouldn't get people to upgrade. Though I seem to remember you claiming Touch ID was worth a $100 premium with the iPad mini.
Also the current mid tier, non flagship phone is not plastic. I will be very surprised if Apple has two plastic iPhones in their line up. In fact I wouldn't be surprised if we see no plastic phones. If plastic was that successful you'd think the iPod touches and iPad minis would have gone plastic by now. Also if Apple is planning to announce a plastic mid-tier phone this year you'd think leaks would have come out by now. As I said in another post we saw tons of leaks of the 5C.
Apple took the iPhone 5 after 1 year, changed the networking/LTE chip to add more LTE bands, stuck the innards, identical otherwise, in a new form factor and dubbed it the iPhone 5c. (The innards cost more to re-engineer than the outer case and antenna.)
• All this chatter is not seeing how Apple does things:
Apple continues to make most of their iOS products for at least 3 generations/years. Similarly carmakers typically make the same generation of car for 3-5 years, it is the way things go with mass costs more to re-engineer a product, less to keep making it same as last year, thus the price drops on the old when they produce a new model.
The iPhone 5 became 5c, but, innards were iPhone 5, so it has been produced for 3 generations, and it is on it's way out. The 5s has another year to go, but, I think they will do what they did with the 5 and put it in the c form factor.
The iPhone 6 4.7" will become the mid-tier model when 6s/6s+ come out. It would make sense for Apple to simply drop the 6+, making the 6s+ the only 5.5" model.
No more 6+, and 5s goes into 5c form factor, maybe NFC chip added to enable Apple Pay. Otherwise no other major changes this year, maybe next year.
Yes this makes sense.
It makes no sense to make both the mid tier and low end iPhone plastic in an effort to not cannibalize the flagships if you end up selling less phones overall. There's no guarantee making the mid-tier plastic will get people to upgrade to the flagship. It could be they don't upgrade at all or they buy something else.
Look what Apple did when the 5S came out. That is the template for when the 6S comes out. For most people TouchID/A7 would not be enough reason to pay $100 for the 5S instead of the 5. That is why Apple got rid of the 5 and introduced the 5C.
To me TouchID is worth $100. But I'm not the common man. Most won't. Or are ignorant of how convient it is.
The current mid tier phone is metal because it is a totally different body style. iPhone6 is a totally different body style and larger screen so there was little threat that the 5S would cannibalize the 6.
Next year when the iPhone7 comes out I'm pretty sure we will see the 6S as the mid tier.
iPod/iPads are different animals than the iPhone. They don't sell enough of either to justify starting a whole new assembly line of plastic pods/pads.
We have not seen any leaks of a 6C because they are probably going to use the 5C case and stuff iPhone6 internals in it.
Wait, so the mid tier and the low end iPhone are going to look exactly the same but just have different internals?
Putting something in a plastic case to prevent cannibalization seems to me like its not about the product but protecting profit margins. I'm fine with the low end having differentiation (and I figured that's what the 5C was all about); heck I argued that Apple maybe should create an entire separate down market brand using Beats that could be the colorful cheaper option to their flagship devices. They could call it Beats by Apple or something. But I'm skeptical taking the 6 and sticking it in a plastic case will be successful, especially if the 5S moves to a plastic case. There's no guarantee doing that will get people to spend $100 more. And Apple shouldn't give people any reason to jump ship. Most of us here might think Android is garbage but not all Android devices are. Moto just announced a new phone today that looks like a nice piece of hardware with a great screen and supposedly a great camera. The competitors devices aren't as crappy as they used to be.
So, Apple can offer Mini version of iPhone 6 with smaller screen, form factor.
Apple never rebadge a phone and discontinue it after 1 year. That means your "5Sc and 6c" will never see a day light.
They've hardly been making phones long enough to make assertions like that, you could say "They never release 2 new phones at once" but they did with 6 & 6+, "They never rebadge an old phone" but they pretty much did with the introduction of the 5C, whats to say they'll not change things again this September?
Didn't want to re-quote your entire post. I think the question is what Apple does with the "free" slot. Right now we have the 5C in that slot. Does Apple keep the plastic form factor for that slot or does the 5C get nixed and the 5S replaces it? For the mid-tier my guess is Apple drops the price of the 6 $100 so you have:
6S Plus $749
6S $649
6 $549
? $450
I'm skeptical about a 4" phone filling that mid-tier slot as 1) we've seen no leaks of a new 4" phone and 2) it would signal that Apple has set a floor for larger screen iPhones at $649 which I think would be unfortunate. If the 6S gets a really nice camera upgrade (maybe OIS?) and force touch stuff I think it will provide a big enough choice that a lot of people will chose it over a discounted 6. What will be interesting is what happens with the 6S Plus. Apple decided that screen size alone wasn't enough to charge $100 more so I wonder what hardware/feature will be 6S Plus only. Also there have been rumors that entry level storage will be upped to 32GB. Who knows if that's true but I for sure expect to see 2GB RAM on the new models and possibly 32GB as starting point for storage.
Sure Apple can but we're coming up on August and have yet to see any leaks of a 4" iPhone. We saw plenty of leaks of the 5C. I think if Apple was planning to launch a new 4" phone this September we would have seen leaks of it by now. iPhones always leak.
I think they will keep the 4" Modal the only question which architecture it will be based on going forward. Also will it always be entry level from this point forward. This will dictate when we will see a new modal.
Sure Apple can but we're coming up on August and have yet to see any leaks of a 4" iPhone. We saw plenty of leaks of the 5C. I think if Apple was planning to launch a new 4" phone this September we would have seen leaks of it by now. iPhones always
It doesn't matter what Apple call it 5C or 6C or 6S Mini, long as internals are similar to it's larger siblings but in smaller form factor 4" screen, all good. And of-course bit lower price.
If I were Apple I would consider this:
Make a 4,7" iPhone as the standard phone (let's say iPhone 7). Then introduce the iPhone 7P (P = plus) with a 5,5" screen and at the same time bring iPhone 7S (S = small) with a 4" screen to the market.
In the following year I'd continue this strategy and keep the last's year standard iPhone as a low cost option on the market.
An iPhone 6-spec device in the new iPod form factor - even if a couple of mm thicker - would be perfect for me!
this is just the analysts making up reasons why the previous stuff they made up didn't happen.
which small-screened android will these users go to instead?
incorrect. you can google it, their execs have said it time and again -- kill your darlings. they'd rather sell it to you than have their competition sell it to you.
again, iPod.
as for iPad, they made the first mini the same as the full size, just smaller, because it was a size preference.
Especially on a click bait / story mill site like business insider.
You have made TallestSkil very unhappy
I feel a great disturbance in the supply chain. It was as if millions of sources suddenly cried out, then were silenced...
Apple never rebadge a phone and discontinue it after 1 year. That means your "5Sc and 6c" will never see a day light.
Apple took the iPhone 5 after 1 year, changed the networking/LTE chip to add more LTE bands, stuck the innards, identical otherwise, in a new form factor and dubbed it the iPhone 5c. (The innards cost more to re-engineer than the outer case and antenna.)
• All this chatter is not seeing how Apple does things:
Apple continues to make most of their iOS products for at least 3 generations/years. Similarly carmakers typically make the same generation of car for 3-5 years, it is the way things go with mass costs more to re-engineer a product, less to keep making it same as last year, thus the price drops on the old when they produce a new model.
The iPhone 5 became 5c, but, innards were iPhone 5, so it has been produced for 3 generations, and it is on it's way out. The 5s has another year to go, but, I think they will do what they did with the 5 and put it in the c form factor.
The iPhone 6 4.7" will become the mid-tier model when 6s/6s+ come out. It would make sense for Apple to simply drop the 6+, making the 6s+ the only 5.5" model.
So, likely this fall:
iPhone 6s+
iPhone 6s
iPhone 6 (drop $100)
iPhone 5s(c)
No more 6+, and 5s goes into 5c form factor, maybe NFC chip added to enable Apple Pay. Otherwise no other major changes this year, maybe next year.
Profit over Product.
Cook's Apple.
Apple needs to make their flagship offerings worth upgrading then. If Apple is worried that $100 cheaper iPhone 6 will cannibalize the 6S then clearly they know the 6S is going to be mediocre upgrade. Unless you're suggesting things like force touch and possibly OIS wouldn't get people to upgrade. Though I seem to remember you claiming Touch ID was worth a $100 premium with the iPad mini.
Also the current mid tier, non flagship phone is not plastic. I will be very surprised if Apple has two plastic iPhones in their line up. In fact I wouldn't be surprised if we see no plastic phones. If plastic was that successful you'd think the iPod touches and iPad minis would have gone plastic by now. Also if Apple is planning to announce a plastic mid-tier phone this year you'd think leaks would have come out by now. As I said in another post we saw tons of leaks of the 5C.
Yes this makes sense.
It makes no sense to make both the mid tier and low end iPhone plastic in an effort to not cannibalize the flagships if you end up selling less phones overall. There's no guarantee making the mid-tier plastic will get people to upgrade to the flagship. It could be they don't upgrade at all or they buy something else.
Wait, so the mid tier and the low end iPhone are going to look exactly the same but just have different internals?
Putting something in a plastic case to prevent cannibalization seems to me like its not about the product but protecting profit margins. I'm fine with the low end having differentiation (and I figured that's what the 5C was all about); heck I argued that Apple maybe should create an entire separate down market brand using Beats that could be the colorful cheaper option to their flagship devices. They could call it Beats by Apple or something. But I'm skeptical taking the 6 and sticking it in a plastic case will be successful, especially if the 5S moves to a plastic case. There's no guarantee doing that will get people to spend $100 more. And Apple shouldn't give people any reason to jump ship. Most of us here might think Android is garbage but not all Android devices are. Moto just announced a new phone today that looks like a nice piece of hardware with a great screen and supposedly a great camera. The competitors devices aren't as crappy as they used to be.