Hands on: iPad Pro with Apple Pencil



  • Reply 81 of 247
    Apple missed an opportunity by making the connector into 3 seashells not 3 circles.
  • Reply 82 of 247
    Laughing as the Microsoft Surface is smacking down this...maybe this is Apple's idea of the GarageBand Pro...total bullshit having no removable media support coupled with locked-down file managment. TOTAL SHIT...Apple Wake Up, i think people are getting sick of the Apple way of pissy little improvments, a closed file managment system and overpriced stuff that underperforms. It is a shmae to think I have been waiting for this ipad pro for this long and it underwhelms...it is just a big ipad air...NOTHING PRO ABOUT IT. Microsoft Surface Pro IS a computer, it IS set to replace the desktop/laptop paradigm and is already doing so. Microsoft is acknowledging and addressing the pro audio segment...it isn't without hickups but they have made huge strides.
    As for apple's ipad pro: would it have hurt someone's ego to have included a removable media slot? would it have hurt someone's ego to throw on a usb port or two in any flavor of the day, think usb c? that maybe would granted it the title of "pro" but a bigger retina screen with a $100 pencil...maybe iPad Sucker is a more appropriate title.

    my days as a dyed-in-wool apple loyalist may be coming to an end...NEVER thought i'd even humor the thought...maybe i will just be diversifying my platforms in the near future

    this concludes my DIATRIBE
  • Reply 83 of 247
    nolamacguy wrote: »
    this whining reminds me of this very thing -- stupid mouse caddies that you could adhere to the side of desktop computer chassis. they were lame. wish I could find a pic...

    In fairness to the OP, this is a portable device, not a desktop computer. The Surface has a slot, as does the Note. It's a thoughtful touch of the sort we used to expect from Apple.
  • Reply 84 of 247
    bkerkay wrote: »
    For the people commenting on the charging of the the Pencil and it's an accident waiting to happen of it breaking off.  According to Apple's website, the Pencil lasts for 12 hours. 15 seconds of charging, gives you 30 minutes of usage. So you can fully charge the Pencil in 6 minutes. Put the iPad Pro down, plug in the Pencil, go make a cup of coffee. Come back, you're good for another 10-12 hours.  I don't see the problem.

    +100 - I was going to post the same thing.

    Admin: Please pin to the top of the discussion. Oh right... sorry. You can't do that so that we now have to go through every misguided post and point these FACTs out individually. What a great help /s.
  • Reply 85 of 247
    rogifanrogifan Posts: 10,669member
    +100 - I was going to post the same thing.

    Admin: Please pin to the top of the discussion. Oh right... sorry. You can't do that so that we now have to go through every misguided post and point these FACTs out individually. What a great help /s.

    I expect any discussion of iPad Pro will come with massive Surface astroturfing. And of course these people will be life long Apple users who own every Apple product under the sun and were at he biggest Apple fanboys blah blah blah.
  • Reply 86 of 247

    Originally Posted by GSRennie View Post

    If you were going to use the IPad Pro for photo display, for example, how easy would it be to connect your database of photos (on an SSD, for example), to the iPad? Or are you limited to some sort of camera connector or SD card connector?

    Photo Stream.  

  • Reply 87 of 247
    tmaytmay Posts: 6,453member

    Originally Posted by SolipsismY View Post

    I don't interact with Adobe much. I thought their demo was amazing (I don't think Apple could have made that SW), and I recently had to learn InDesign for a project and found it extremely versatile. Anything I wanted to do was surprisingly possible with a little thinking or a quick search for a website or YouTube video.

    Since it can determine the angle, I would assume it has an accelerometer in there. Could it not then know when it's inverted and moving over the screen, or would that need more than a capped end with no sensors to do that right?

    According to Apple, it has two tilt sensors. I'm guessing that these are very sensitive force sensors, measuring the force of each end of a tiny rod coaxial with the pens axis of rotation; a simple algorithm calculates the angle and sends it over BT. In theory, it might be able to register acceleration but the calculation would be more complex.


    Sadly, won't work in space very well.

  • Reply 88 of 247
    wood1208wood1208 Posts: 2,921member
    One can easily make ipad pro case with secured little slide in holder for Pencil. Problem solved. Attaching to ipad is a bit ugly proposition.
  • Reply 89 of 247
    polymnia wrote: »

    Seems like a golden opportunity to build a pencil holder with a Lightning port built in. Wacom pens have always come with a weighted base on which to place the pen. Also, they are designed to hold replacement nibs (will these be necessary with the Apple Pencil?

    <img alt="" class="lightbox-enabled" data-id="62643" data-type="61" src="http://forums.appleinsider.com/content/type/61/id/62643/width/500/height/1000/flags/LL" style="; width: 500px; height: 337px">

    Notice also the rocker switch on this Wacom Art Pen. Not suggesting Apple is trying to compete on features with Wacom…but I'm hopeful that just like Macs support a superset of the functionality built into Mac input deices, perhaps more sophisticated 3rd party pen capability will be supported in iPad Pro as well.

    People should take a look at the patents Apple has on the Pencil:


    Apple appears to have considered a holding pouch at one time.

    Wacom pens and tablets are also patented up the ying-yang, and uses completely different tech. Not sure if Apple will share their patents with them or not.
  • Reply 90 of 247
    tmaytmay Posts: 6,453member

    Originally Posted by Glasses Man View Post

    Laughing as the Microsoft Surface is smacking down this...maybe this is Apple's idea of the GarageBand Pro...total bullshit having no removable media support coupled with locked-down file managment. TOTAL SHIT...Apple Wake Up, i think people are getting sick of the Apple way of pissy little improvments, a closed file managment system and overpriced stuff that underperforms. It is a shmae to think I have been waiting for this ipad pro for this long and it underwhelms...it is just a big ipad air...NOTHING PRO ABOUT IT. Microsoft Surface Pro IS a computer, it IS set to replace the desktop/laptop paradigm and is already doing so. Microsoft is acknowledging and addressing the pro audio segment...it isn't without hickups but they have made huge strides.

    As for apple's ipad pro: would it have hurt someone's ego to have included a removable media slot? would it have hurt someone's ego to throw on a usb port or two in any flavor of the day, think usb c? that maybe would granted it the title of "pro" but a bigger retina screen with a $100 pencil...maybe iPad Sucker is a more appropriate title.

    my days as a dyed-in-wool apple loyalist may be coming to an end...NEVER thought i'd even humor the thought...maybe i will just be diversifying my platforms in the near future

    this concludes my DIATRIBE

    Here's news.


    Apple showed discipline and has been able to evolve the iPad into a professional tablet, driven by ARM which will be in all likely a more profitable venture than relying on Wintel hardware; nothing against Intel for profiting from its near monopoly. Apple also has had the discipline not to cripple an already well accepted device by attempting to give it full desktop capabilities on a tablet power budget. That may happen in time, but I'm not seeing the benefit of a 2 in 1 for Apple in the near future.


    One only needs to look at the failure of the Surface RT to realize that MS totally blew its opportunity to separate itself from Intel and create some new class leading products. Instead, Surface has become a poster child for what might have been; good enough for the Wintel market, but not something that mobile focussed consumers are lusting after.


    As for the audio market, how many days will go by before the iPad Pro is repurposed by a third party into a virtual console? I'm waiting for AstroPad to link the iPad Pro to a mac as an input device. What do you think the market for that will be?

  • Reply 91 of 247
    rogifanrogifan Posts: 10,669member
    wood1208 wrote: »
    One can easily make ipad pro case with secured little slide in holder for Pencil. Problem solved. Attaching to ipad is a bit ugly proposition.
    I wonder if we won't eventually see something like that from Apple. I'm a little surprised they didn't fit it somewhere on the keyboard case. But they keyboard is optional and I'm sure some will get the pen but not the keyboard. And if you notice on Apple's website the only time they show the device connected to the keyboard is when they're specifically talking about the keyboard. That's 180° from Microsoft where you never see PR shots of the Surface without the keyboard and kickstand out.
  • Reply 92 of 247
    rogifanrogifan Posts: 10,669member
    tmay wrote: »
    As for the audio market, how many days will go by before the iPad Pro is repurposed by a third party into a virtual console? I'm waiting for AstroPad to link the iPad Pro to a mac as an input device. What do you think the market for that will be?

    If you watch the video from Jony Ive when he talks about the new connector he references 3rd party accessories. He specifically said accessories not keyboard. Makes me curious what else that may be used for in the future, Is Apple going to have some sort of 'made for iPad Pro' program where third parties are able to do more than just make keyboard cases?
  • Reply 93 of 247
    If there is any platform with a rich third-party market, it's iOS. I wouldn't worry about having a selection of cases with various clever Pencil storage solutions quite soon. Apple doesn't have to do it.
  • Reply 94 of 247
    rogifan wrote: »
    I'm always amused when people says a company should've done A instead of B. As if these things don't get prototyped like crazy before a final design is settled on. Of course that doesn't mean that companies can't make mistakes but my god this product isn't even shipping yet and already people are pissing on it saying Apple should have done this, or done that instead. :rolleyes:

    If I allowed myself... I could go into total apoplectic rage spasms at most of the commentary, as well as the ***media coverage. :no:

    For some unknown reason, the average person even HERE thinks that these products are created, designed and tested by little 5-10 person teams. Heck... that's probably too many.... because the media and commentors here think that its ALL Jone Ives, Eddy Cue, Tim Cook, and a couple of others.... that do everything at Apple. I mean what the F**** are the building a new campus for? Guessing the answer to that: to hand count the money they're raking in by being the one and only marketing geniuses on the planet. Because nobody would EVER buy this stuff because it works... and actively try to avoid any of it because it's all so full of bugs and flawed beyond human use or comprehension.

    *** I missed out on a $5000 payday because instead of being wowed by Jen Folse (and commenting here!), I was supposed to be following Twitter and updating viral sites to pull in all of the derision and rage for the "Apple's Misogynist White Boys Club Allows Adobe To Demo Them Photoshopping A Smile On Woman's Face".

    Some days, ya really have to believe in the saying, "F*** Me". :rolleyes:

    Nah... :smokey: !!
  • Reply 95 of 247
    adybadyb Posts: 205member

    Originally Posted by Rogifan View Post

    I expect any discussion of iPad Pro will come with massive Surface astroturfing. And of course these people will be life long Apple users who own every Apple product under the sun and were at he biggest Apple fanboys blah blah blah.


    Looks like Glasses Man got in just before you posted this!

  • Reply 96 of 247
    May I submit "Evidence A" to my defense of my above post?
    Laughing as the Microsoft Surface is smacking down this...maybe this is Apple's idea of the GarageBand Pro...total bullshit having no removable media support coupled with locked-down file managment. TOTAL SHIT...Apple Wake Up, i think people are getting sick of the Apple way of pissy little improvments, a closed file managment system and overpriced stuff that underperforms. It is a shmae to think I have been waiting for this ipad pro for this long and it underwhelms...it is just a big ipad air...NOTHING PRO ABOUT IT. Microsoft Surface Pro IS a computer, it IS set to replace the desktop/laptop paradigm and is already doing so. Microsoft is acknowledging and addressing the pro audio segment...it isn't without hickups but they have made huge strides.
    As for apple's ipad pro: would it have hurt someone's ego to have included a removable media slot? would it have hurt someone's ego to throw on a usb port or two in any flavor of the day, think usb c? that maybe would granted it the title of "pro" but a bigger retina screen with a $100 pencil...maybe iPad Sucker is a more appropriate title.

    my days as a dyed-in-wool apple loyalist may be coming to an end...NEVER thought i'd even humor the thought...maybe i will just be diversifying my platforms in the near future

    this concludes my DIATRIBE
  • Reply 97 of 247
    rogifan wrote: »
    If you watch the video from Jony Ive when he talks about the new connector he references 3rd party accessories. He specifically said accessories not keyboard. Makes me curious what else that may be used for in the future, Is Apple going to have some sort of 'made for iPad Pro' program where third parties are able to do more than just make keyboard cases?


    Just like the "Made for AppleTV" program.
  • Reply 98 of 247
    tmaytmay Posts: 6,453member

    Originally Posted by Rogifan View Post

    If you watch the video from Jony Ive when he talks about the new connector he references 3rd party accessories. He specifically said accessories not keyboard. Makes me curious what else that may be used for in the future, Is Apple going to have some sort of 'made for iPad Pro' program where third parties are able to do more than just make keyboard cases?

    Absolutely. I would even expect a wall dock from a third party, and I would buy one in a minute. Great for home and enterprise.


    I would even venture than Apple will partner with third parties to further develop the pen, likely providing the basic components for customizations.

  • Reply 99 of 247

    Originally Posted by Glasses Man View Post

    Laughing as the Microsoft Surface is smacking down this...maybe this is Apple's idea of the GarageBand Pro...total bullshit having no removable media support coupled with locked-down file managment. TOTAL SHIT...Apple Wake Up, i think people are getting sick of the Apple way of pissy little improvments, a closed file managment system and overpriced stuff that underperforms. It is a shmae to think I have been waiting for this ipad pro for this long and it underwhelms...it is just a big ipad air...NOTHING PRO ABOUT IT. Microsoft Surface Pro IS a computer, it IS set to replace the desktop/laptop paradigm and is already doing so. Microsoft is acknowledging and addressing the pro audio segment...it isn't without hickups but they have made huge strides.

    As for apple's ipad pro: would it have hurt someone's ego to have included a removable media slot? would it have hurt someone's ego to throw on a usb port or two in any flavor of the day, think usb c? that maybe would granted it the title of "pro" but a bigger retina screen with a $100 pencil...maybe iPad Sucker is a more appropriate title.

    my days as a dyed-in-wool apple loyalist may be coming to an end...NEVER thought i'd even humor the thought...maybe i will just be diversifying my platforms in the near future

    this concludes my DIATRIBE


    Well fracking do bud.


    You're barely coherent in your quasi foaming argument anyway, so maybe this choice to use Windows or shudder Android follows from that...


    Removable media has been on the way out forever in Apple products; seems you're not a god Apple loyalist at all because you seem to not know anything about Apple.


    You must be one of those idiot savant pinning for a SD slot Iphones for 8 years, and hoping Apple will "change its ways"

  • Reply 100 of 247
    [@]Glasses Man[/@]

    Please explain in detail how you plan to immolate yourself and spend your day when the iPad Pro sells more in a week than the Microsoft Surface 3 in a year.

    As of 7/22/2015:

    Surface: Surface tablet revenues grew 117 percent to $888 million, driven by Surface Pro 3 and Surface 3, which were launched in June 2014 and May 2015, respectively. Full-year sales rose 65 percent to exceed $3.6 billion.
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