Elizabeth Warren confirms Apple is on her big tech breakup list



  • Reply 101 of 172
    jblank said:
    Screw her, AOC, who thinks the country is barely above garbage, and the rest of these collectivist leftists that want to destroy our economic system and many great companies, Apple included.

    The Democrat Party has turned into a race towards Communism. They are radical and have the gas pedal planted to the firewall to see who can go furthest left. I'm surprised they haven't called for gulags and re-education camps for white males yet, I guess that's coming soon though.
    sir . . . SIR . . . SIR! please take a breath. and
    jblank said:

    patentcad said:
    As a life-long Democrat, it always amazes me how they manage to shoot themselves in the foot. Amazing.
    That party has lost its mind. They're so out of touch with reality and they don't seem to care.
    I’d suggest this is a pretty common problem these days.
  • Reply 102 of 172
    alandailalandail Posts: 757member
    patentcad said:
    As a life-long Democrat, it always amazes me how they manage to shoot themselves in the foot. Amazing.
    They have the easiest to win election ever, and they are trying to hand the presidency back to Trump.
    watto_cobraspliff monkeycornchipsarthosbshank
  • Reply 103 of 172
    chasmchasm Posts: 3,465member
    Forum-goers hitting the panic button over an (admittedly) half-baked political idea? Where have you guys been the last two years? LOL

    I typically have a lot of time for Sen. Warren's strongly pro-consumer stances, but this proposal (and that's all it is, folks -- you can unclench now) is poorly-researched. This idea does have a limited amount of merit in some cases (think Google no longer being allowed by law to promote their preferred apps/services over those of rivals), but she seems unaware that Google is welcome on Apple's App Store, and vice versa, as is Facebook. Amazon and Google = definitely guilty of monopoly abuse. Facebook = guilty of serious security and disclosure flaws. Apple? ... hmm ... not perfect, but not really like the aforementioned other companies on a pretty fundamental basis, a fact she doesn't seem to be yet aware of.

    Voters -- especially the more hysteria-prone posters (some of whom can be seen above) need to remember that early proposals from all sorts of candidates have a terrible track record of actually happening -- and that, even if she is successful in her bid -- she'll have to a) meet with the affected tech companies, b) make sure her proposal meets the requirements of existing law, and c) get it through Congress.

    I assure you with every spare dollar at my disposal that the odds of this proposal as enunciated presently is an inch north of zero. It's hyperbole intended to establish her "not afraid to take on big business" credentials to people who don't know her, not a serious legislative proposal. In particular, her odds of getting it through the next Congress is about as remote as aliens landing and picking the winner of the nomination next Thursday. Finally, be aware that you're going to see equally unserious trial balloons launched from all the other candidates as the race progresses -- including the incumbent.
    edited March 2019 watto_cobrabaconstangspliff monkeydavgregmuthuk_vanalingambeowulfschmidt
  • Reply 104 of 172
    chasmchasm Posts: 3,465member
    jblank said:
    That party has lost its mind. They're so out of touch with reality and they don't seem to care.
    Yes, not like the stable, mature, thoughtful other part----HAHAHAHAHAHA sorry couldn't keep a straight face on that one.
    edited March 2019 applesnorangeswatto_cobrabaconstangbshankcornchipsarthos
  • Reply 105 of 172
    slurpyslurpy Posts: 5,385member
    jblank said:
    Screw her, AOC, who thinks the country is barely above garbage, and the rest of these collectivist leftists that want to destroy our economic system and many great companies, Apple included.

    The Democrat Party has turned into a race towards Communism. They are radical and have the gas pedal planted to the firewall to see who can go furthest left. I'm surprised they haven't called for gulags and re-education camps for white males yet, I guess that's coming soon though.
    I think the concept of breaking up Apple is utterly idiotic, asinine, and counter-productive, so is your post. Literally not a single word of it is true, full of nothing but hyper-sensationalization, zealotry, and abject lies. Communism? "Destroy" our economic system? Gulags? Re-education? Maybe step out of your insane right-wing bubble for a few moments, you seem a lot more brainwashed than anyone in the "democrat" party.
    edited March 2019 watto_cobrabaconstangasdasd
  • Reply 106 of 172
    gilly33gilly33 Posts: 444member
    Whatever, lady. Nope not voting for you in 2020. 
  • Reply 107 of 172
    larryjwlarryjw Posts: 1,036member
    Warren doesn't seem to have a clue, if what has been reported is accurate. 

    The societal problems with Facebook and Google have nothing to do with selling their own products which is the focus of Warren. Microsoft certainly abused their monopoly power in the past regarding the web browser -- and it still does in many areas by not conforming to standards. 

    Apple selling some of their own products in the App Store is clearly not a problem. In fact, it's idiot to suggest it. Apple makes AppStore money by taking 30% of an app's selling price; Apple would lose significant revenues if they made attempts to kill or too heavily compete with their appStore clients. Apple might compete only in the sense that they would create an API to perform some functions which some third parties sold as libraries to developers. 

    I don't think Warren has a clue about the IT field and industry, so she must have hired staff who are clearly outside of their competence in giving her advice.
    edited March 2019 watto_cobrabaconstangbshanksarthos
  • Reply 108 of 172
    cs38 said:
    Who is John Galt?
    Couldn’t have said it better myself, scary implications.

    I don’t care what your party is, this should scare every American.  Foreign mega corps would have an unfair advantage in the global economy.  She obviously doesn’t care about the American economy.

    Why don’t we let consumers vote with their money.  For the most part, vertical integration creates more benefit to the customer.  There’s so many more important issues than Apple creating a safe and secure iOS market place and selling some goods in it.  Oh wait, they’re all free... 

    She doesn’t have any reservation, pardon the pun...
  • Reply 109 of 172
    maestro64maestro64 Posts: 5,043member
    spice-boy said:

    While I agree with Elizabeth Warren in principle, this for me is a “bridge too far”. If you break these tech companies up, there is a fragmentation of data as well as a loss of control over quality and responsibility. This for the benefit of what?
    Like it never happened before and it will spell doom for just about everything we hold dear....

    (United States v. Microsoft Corporation, 253 F.3d 34 (D.C. Cir. 2001),[1] is a U.S. antitrust law case, settled by the Department of Justice (DOJ), in which the technology company Microsoft was accused of holding a monopoly and engaging in anti-competitive practices contrary to sections 1 and 2 of the Sherman Antitrust Act.
    You know that case was about Microsoft blocking other internet browsers from being installed on Windows machine, then they integrated internet explorer into the OS even if a user did install a third-party web browser all web Traffic would be router too internet explorer. But the government did not break up Microsoft over this.
  • Reply 110 of 172
    christophbchristophb Posts: 1,482member
    When they start talking like leninist/marxist we should stop calling them simply "socialists".  There are many paths to controlling the means of production - hers being one of the more popular.
    edited March 2019 jblank
  • Reply 111 of 172

    sflocal said:
    This is a classic example of how clueless politicians are with how technology works.  The reason the iPhone and the App store are so successful is because they are meant to be together.  What exactly is her attempt at spinning-off the App store?  Does she think it will allow non-Apple approved apps to be on it?  Because if that's the case, it will be a cold-day in hell before that happens.

    Liberals just have nothing better to do.  It's scary to think that people like her may have a shot at the Oval Office.
    It's far scarier that compulsive liars like Trump and his group of tax cheats have already made it into the Oval Office. At this point nobody can bring any more shame or embarrassment to our country. 
    Trump isn’t the first and won’t be the last. Are you forgetting about President Nixon and the Watergate 7 or President Clinton’s impeachment trial? Their actions brought plenty of shame and embarrassment to the Oval Office and our Country. 

    I’m an independent and voted for Obama both times but even he couldn’t stand the annoying ways of Warren and ultimately passed her over to lead the Consumer Protection Agency that was her brainchild. 
    watto_cobrabaconstangspliff monkey
  • Reply 112 of 172
    I’m a liberal and really like Sen. Warren, but she should confine herself to what she knows something about. She obviously doesn’t know tech. 

    Oh well, only 50 other candidates to choose from. 
  • Reply 113 of 172
    silvergold84silvergold84 Posts: 107unconfirmed, member
    iTunes is an example . Apple store is the greatest store ever made. It is been revolutionary. No virus , no malware , big opportunity to create only good app thanks to rules made by Apple. That woman is too old , she don’t know about technology and about what Apple do. All the server , all that energy to let Siri and App Store exist is from green energy. She should pay attention at what other companies do : no good things. 
  • Reply 114 of 172
    djkfisherdjkfisher Posts: 131member
    wood1208 said:
    We need to split/strip Elizabeth's senatorship from winning again in next election. With this kind of attitude of top political socialism, best of best in world American companies won't be able to compete against rest in world.

    She is not very smart
  • Reply 115 of 172
    I'm old enough to remember what happened when the US Government broke up "Ma Bell."  (Bell Telephone)

    We ended up with several independent telephone companies - - some good, some not so good. Over the years, these companies have morphed into different entities, and some have been absorbed by bigger and better rivals.  Just take a look at Verizon, AT&T and Sprint.

    Was the government-forced breakup of Bell a good thing, or a not-so-good thing?  One clearly bad thing was the downturn  of Bell Labs as a pre eminent R&D laboratory. 

    Just some thoughts of someone born i  the 1920s
    watto_cobraspliff monkeycornchip
  • Reply 116 of 172
    christophbchristophb Posts: 1,482member
    Grayeagle said:
    I'm old enough to remember what happened when the US Government broke up "Ma Bell."  (Bell Telephone)

    We ended up with several independent telephone companies - - some good, some not so good. Over the years, these companies have morphed into different entities, and some have been absorbed by bigger and better rivals.  Just take a look at Verizon, AT&T and Sprint.

    Was the government-forced breakup of Bell a good thing, or a not-so-good thing?  One clearly bad thing was the downturn  of Bell Labs as a pre eminent R&D laboratory. 

    Just some thoughts of someone born i  the 1920s
    Ask Canada how much they like data rates on Rogers.
  • Reply 117 of 172
    anonymouseanonymouse Posts: 6,940member
    asdasd said:

    Breaking up successful companies isn’t a socialist idea, in fact it’s not common at all outside the US, and originates with the republicans in the late 19C in the US. Most countries with government interference outside the US; Europe, Japan, Korea, India, China ( especially) try to build up government backed companies, to play in the international market. And obviously the USSR created large state companies during its era.
    Two comments:

    First, referring to Republicans or Democrats as the originators of some policy or idea before ~1960 can be somewhat beside the point and confused. Starting in the Great Depression and through the 40s, 50s and even early 60s, both parties transformed so radically in their principles that they are effectively new parties after that that only share names with parties that went before them and stood for very different things.

    Secondly, you can't really compare the trusts that US antitrust law was targeted at to current day government backed and controlled industries in places like China, Russia and the Middle East. Companies like Standard Oil were not government backed by the choice of the government, they essentially became so powerful that they threatened to completely control the government, as well as the markets where they gained monopoly control, and used that power to have the government do their bidding when they could. The fundamental principle here is one of defense: When any entity, foreign or domestic, threatens the integrity of our institutions, our government, our constitution, then our government has a duty to act to defend against that threat.

    Facebook and Google/Alphabet in particular represent a threat of a different kind than Standard Oil, a threat that is in many ways more insidious, more fundamental and more dangerous, but I don't think Warren really understands the nature of that threat, or perhaps even why they are a threat. Her proposal doesn't really address it at all, either. It's just a bunch of left wing populist noise; the polar opposite of the ugly right wing populism we're subject to at present, and just as objectionable in its way.
    edited March 2019 baconstangcornchip
  • Reply 118 of 172
    sirlance99sirlance99 Posts: 1,297member
    joogabah said:
    Communist here.  Don’t break up Apple.  Its model is one of the best examples of effective planning under capitalism.  Democrats aren’t communist.  They’re opportunists who speak lefty to prevent the nation from going communist (which would look something like total automation + the end of social hierarchies and is closer than you’d think).  We need Apple to get us there.  

    Is Warren influenced by Apple’s competitors?  Her plan wouldn’t help the working class. 
    You understand she wants to break up Apples competition as well right?  
  • Reply 119 of 172
    slurpy said:
    jblank said:
    Screw her, AOC, who thinks the country is barely above garbage, and the rest of these collectivist leftists that want to destroy our economic system and many great companies, Apple included.

    The Democrat Party has turned into a race towards Communism. They are radical and have the gas pedal planted to the firewall to see who can go furthest left. I'm surprised they haven't called for gulags and re-education camps for white males yet, I guess that's coming soon though.
    I think the concept of breaking up Apple is utterly idiotic, asinine, and counter-productive, so is your post. Literally not a single word of it is true, full of nothing but hyper-sensationalization, zealotry, and abject lies. Communism? "Destroy" our economic system? Gulags? Re-education? Maybe step out of your insane right-wing bubble for a few moments, you seem a lot more brainwashed than anyone in the "democrat" party.

    I think this sounds exactly like Trump claiming he'll get Apple to "build their damned phones" in the US.

    A lot of chest thumping, but nothing will be done about it.

  • Reply 120 of 172
    davgregdavgreg Posts: 1,044member
    Dial back the wide brushes a little bit, folks.

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