The TextBlade keyboard is superb, but you'll have to be patient



  • Reply 181 of 1615
    Not sure how to repay 'principle' but I'd gladly contribute to paying you interest for four years, at my bank account interest rate of .01%, which is ~4 cents, if it makes you feel better.   It will have to be through paypal, etc. as you are not worth a 50 cent stamp.  You don't get an early adopter gift if you cancel, that's the deal, take it or leave it.
    No doubt you are part of the Waytools team and that sentiment is exactly how Waytools thinks about and treats its customers. Thanks for proving one of my points. 

    My message has been delivered. I recommend no one give money to the outrageously unethical people who run this company until they fulfill their obligations to the past four years worth of customers whose money they already have.

  • Reply 182 of 1615
    arkorottarkorott Posts: 100member
    Many current TextBlade users are android users.
    Good to know. Is there an App for configuration on Android then ?
  • Reply 183 of 1615
    TBD post 168 - you have much advice for others about telling the truth, and civility.

    And you’ve advised others not to buy our product

    We humbly suggest embracing your own advice.

    No material thing in this world is worth such grief. You can end it at will. 

    In our view, Apple didn’t lie to anyone by announcing AirPower.

    In delaying it, staying quiet while working, and then canceling it, Apple didn’t mistreat customers.

    They tried to do something hard, to benefit their customers.  To suggest a struggle proves ill intent, seems unfair.

    edited April 2019
  • Reply 184 of 1615
    one-off said:
    Not sure how to repay 'principle' but I'd gladly contribute to paying you interest for four years, at my bank account interest rate of .01%, which is ~4 cents, if it makes you feel better.   It will have to be through paypal, etc. as you are not worth a 50 cent stamp.  You don't get an early adopter gift if you cancel, that's the deal, take it or leave it.
    This might be off topic.  :smile:   But, since you are obviously computer literate, you might want to check out some of the Internet banks.  You can currently get over 2.5% and I believe you could have averaged almost 2% over the past 4 years for checking or savings, FDIC insured with no minimum balance and no fees.  Since it turned into a long term investment, a CD would be even better.  So, I think $8 might be more fair, though, I'm not sure why *you* would be paying unless you represent Waytools.  :wink:  (Sorry, I couldn't help myself, I'm just kidding, of course)
    I believe he is one of what Kathleen Bailey would call "Useful Idiots" -- a rather unfortunate term she coined. You can easily identify all of them on this thread. According to Bailey, when Russia tried plant anti-American propaganda like how AIDS was invented by the CIA -- something that would be ridiculous to any rational person -- the Russians needed some Americans who can amplify the message for them. To the surprise of many, they found an army of disgruntled Americans ready and willing to champion the Russian BS. It took her much more time to combat them than the Russians themselves. But after hard work, she was able to get Gorbachev to apologize to Reagan.

    Forty years later, they tried the same tactic with PizzaGate. This time they were able to amass a huge army of UI's through Facebook and other social media, and it worked to influence the American presidential election, and possibly put Trump in office. But I think they mostly won because not enough cooler heads prevailed, at least not in time.

    They're like white walkers. I don't know why or how they exist, except they obviously have years-long pent up frustration whose only outlet seems to be tribal affiliation with a message that runs against the grain of reason ("Textblade will ship!") and by aligning with one they apparently deem messiah (The Waytools Support person here that spews only cryptic, fortune cookie-like nonsense). Just ignore these UI's. They're a side-show at best, and huge time sinkholes if you engage, as they will come back with bigger and bigger walls of text. They don't matter, because they don't know any more than you.
  • Reply 185 of 1615
    Posts 176-178  on Interest Rates

    To earn 1 or 2 percent interest on your money, you can cancel and buy a savings certificate at a bank.

    We don’t offer banking products.

    We do however, offer preorder benefits that are worth much more than 10X such interest rates.
  • Reply 186 of 1615
    I would love to know why my posting privileges were revoked (a.k.a shadowbanned) at the WayTools Forum. Here is the entirety of the post that got me shadowbanned:

    "You really think the TextBlade will be relevant after we have telepathic keyboards? Wow."

    That was over a year ago, and I've gotten no explanation or guidance (or any response at all) despite asking politely over email to be reinstated several times since. WayTools_Support, can you provide any insight or help here?
  • Reply 187 of 1615
    arkorottarkorott Posts: 100member
     To suggest a struggle proves ill intent, seems unfair.

    Very true.

    I guess everybody that is engaged in the discussion here, at reddit and at WTF because they care. They care about the product, wish they had theirs / would like to receive them asap. Or at least they are still intrigued on when GR will materialize.

    I congratulate you on the civility of your last few posts. Thank you

    Olive branch: people are upset more on the way they were treated than the delays (at least me - wouldlovetobuy @ WTF *).
    Suggestion: Perhaps it would help to eliminate all the current bans as a show of good faith and start over.
    Leave the Rants section for the rants even if critical. (Unless people cross the line with insults and personal attacks please do not ban them again - which me and many others never did).

    I would also eliminate the "enforced refund" practice. People should not be scared to talk with you if they want to point out something even if you disagree. 

    Healthy debate, even with some disagreement, is so much better than just eliminating all "non-aligned" comments like in a police state.

    Edit: yes, feeling conciliatory.

    * I tried changing that very old handle at WTF a while ago and could not.
    edited April 2019
  • Reply 188 of 1615
    TBD post 168 - you have much advice for others about telling the truth, and civility.

    And you’ve advised others not to buy our product

    We humbly suggest embracing your own advice.

    No material thing in this world is worth such grief. You can end it at will. 
    This is the typical passive-aggressive message that comes before you force-cancel. I can tell you're looking for that force-cancel button, because you're dying to press it. You're also rummaging through your customers database, right? Trying to figure out who he is, so you can force-cancel, and get some dirt on him to air out in public, as you always do on people you force-cancel?

    I know you're located in santa monica, but where were you incorporated? In Russia, China or some two-bit banana republic dictatorship?

    In our view, Apple didn’t lie to anyone by announcing AirPower.

    In delaying it, staying quiet while working, and then canceling it, Apple didn’t mistreat customers.

    They tried to do something hard, to benefit their customers.  To suggest a struggle proves ill intent, seems unfair.
    Is Friday your "Throw-Apple-Under-The-Bus" day? Do you resume "Let's-Emulate-Apple" on Monday?

    First and foremost, Apple did not take people's money for AirPower, and certainly not for 4 years. And you're not Apple, don't make such comparisons. Logic dictates that you should wait a little after throwing them under the bus.
  • Reply 189 of 1615
    Mike W. asked that everyone dial it down a bit.

    In that spirit, we didn’t engage each point that was misrepresented, or the maligning of our company values. 

    We understand that baiting, and then protesting any defense - this is a thing on the Internet.  So we didn’t engage.

    Some counterparts in the discussion have dialed it back up again.

    Would be quite nice if discussion were back to substantive and civil topics.  

    Some of that actually did occur following Mike’s comment, which was great.

  • Reply 190 of 1615
    arkorott said:

    Olive branch: people are upset more on the way they were treated than the delays (at least me - wouldlovetobuy @ WTF *).
    Suggestion: Perhaps it would help to eliminate all the current bans as a show of good faith and start over.
    Leave the Rants section for the rants even if critical. (Unless people cross the line with insults and personal attacks please do not ban them again - which me and many others never did).

    Frankly, I don't care about getting reinstated to the forum. It was ONLY a method of communicating with Waytools, nothing more. Failing that it has absolutely no value, since they don't answer emails, nor their phone. 

    What they should do instead is refund everyone outside of TREG, let them keep their place in line and then email them once GR starts. Why not? They bragged more than once that they're internally funded and do not use any of the sales revenue. That means they're holding onto people's money for no reason. And forget about the early adopter gift. Who really cares? It's long become a joke anyways.

    And, until GR starts, their forum should be privatized for TREG members only, since it doesn't serve any purpose to others. Non TREG members would only go there to ask about delivery mostly, which would most likely result in a ban anyways -- a waste of effort for both parties.
  • Reply 191 of 1615
    The one bit of this I really don’t get is those who are upset at losing their place in the queue due to “forced refunds”. If they ever do ship in bulk, the delay if you order then is likely to be minimal, surely?

    in any case, reading from here: it would appear to me that unless WTF has contacted every pre-order customer every time there has been a delay, and received from every one of them written confirmation, every time, that they wish to continue to wait, that they are in fact legally required to issue “forced refunds” to everyone.

    The relevant part is pasted below. 


    If the seller is unable to ship within the promised time, it must notify you, give a revised shipping date and give you the chance to cancel for a full refund or accept the new shipping date. The seller also must give you some way to exercise the cancellation option for free — for example, by supplying a prepaid reply card or staffing a toll-free telephone number.

    • If you don’t respond — and the delay is 30 days or less — it’s assumed that you accept the delay and are willing to wait for the merchandise.
    • If you don’t respond — and the delay is more than 30 days — the order must be canceled by the 30th day of the delay period and a full refund issued promptly.

    If the seller can’t meet the revised shipping date, it must notify you again by mail, email or telephone and give you a new shipping date or cancel your order and give you a refund.

    • The order should be canceled and a refund issued promptly unless you indicate by the revised shipping date that you are willing to wait.
    • If you don’t respond to the second notice, the seller should assume that you are not willing to wait issue a full refund promptly.
  • Reply 192 of 1615
    arkorottarkorott Posts: 100member
    ericpeets said:
    Frankly, I don't care about getting reinstated to the forum.
    ok, it is for me but I understand if you think otherwise. In any case It was not meant to be only that but also eliminating the force refunding practice so people should not be concerned of "reprisals" if they had any critical but civil comments.

    I guess if it isn't ready, it isn't ready. I cannot imagine any company withholding the launch of a core product just because.

    When I got banned at the forum was because WT believed I was a shill for Planet Computers because I had used them as an example of a company that had successfully delivered their 1st gen product (Gemini) and were on a path to launch the 2nd gen (Cosmo).
    I used that example to urge them to launch despite the product was not 100% refined as it could get refined in the next releases.

    You know what ? I later got a Gemini and even though the HW was and is outstanding the SW was a huge letdown (I will not get into why here but I sold it in eBay fast).
    So the learning for me was, that (with even the example Company/Product I had come up with) if SW/ Firmware is not up to par then the whole thing comes down. So if they are working on that I am now more willing to wait a little bit longer. What are a few more months in a 4 years journey. 
    (I made these comments to WT by email as I was banned on WTF, and also on reddit)

    I got very upset about being banned and not even able to articulate my response because of the ban.

    For me at least the bans and the forced refunds are 2 practices that should be eliminated.
    That coupled with more civility on the comments both ways (no attacks, no insults, no snide comments) think would help a lot.

    Edit: I still believe they could ship to all who pre-ordered as is now because all in TREG seem perfectly happy with theirs.

    Feeling conciliatory. I am still upset but perhaps we can all move on.
    edited April 2019
  • Reply 193 of 1615
    MaggieL said:
    dabigkahuna said:

    1. How do you know it hasn't begun?
    Because they said they wouldn't start  on it until after they shipped GA, then claimed that it would take " a couple of months" to write; a claim that strains credulity.

    You're seriously talking from the POV of "You can't prove they haven't started it." 

    Do you have that actual quote? I know they said it would take a certain amount time after GR - long ago (which means no matter what was said about when they will START, that doesn't mean it would still apply), but did they specifically say work on it wouldn't even begin until after GA?

    Another, rather notable point, they have an "android" section at their main website of and in that section they show an android device running the app. Which would sorta look like they have started it. I suppose you might say it is a fake. You know, like some claimed ALL the videos were fake, but which we now know, from Treg users, people who have visited WT, and at least two reporters that they were legit.

    BTW, it isn't proper to say something hasn't begun unless you can actually show it hasn't.
  • Reply 194 of 1615
    An aside -

    dabikahuna is a paying customer, who likes to speak his own mind, and is very keen about principle.

    He will criticize or defend based on whatever he objectively thinks is true and fair.

    He’s obviously not shy of responding to statements with his own lengthy reply.  If someone picks a fight, he clearly won’t roll over.

    In looking at his record of posts, there is one thing that stands out -

    It matters who initiates, and who responds.  These lengthy back and forth debates have a genesis, outside of him.

    He pushes back when someone asserts what he sees as untrue, based on his own direct knowledge as a user.

    We’ve not seen him argue where there’s no assertion.

    For the initiator to blame him for his response  - that seems a bit contrived, and unfair to him.


  • Reply 195 of 1615
    >TBD post 168 - you have much advice for others about telling the truth, and civility.
    >And you’ve advised others not to buy our product
    >We humbly suggest embracing your own advice.

    No. I decline your advice. As a customer who gave you money 4 years ago and relied in good faith on your infinitely repeated assertions that delivery was imminent, I choose instead to engage you publicly and criticize you openly for your gaslighting, unethical behavior, and outright lies.

    >No material thing in this world is worth such grief. You can end it at will. 

    You are the cause of that grief. Ship the product and end the grief. Really, I do appreciate your replies here, because they illustrate precisely what I aimed for everyone to see - that you are kind of a sociopath who believes it is the customers fault for not disengaging after you gaslight and lie to them.

    >In our view, Apple didn’t lie to anyone by announcing AirPower.

    "Our" view? I believe you are one person. One absurd person named Mark Knighton, CEO of waytools, who is the same person posting as admin on the waytools forum.

    >In delaying it, staying quiet while working, and then canceling it, Apple didn’t mistreat customers.
    >They tried to do something hard, to benefit their customers.  To suggest a struggle proves ill intent, seems unfair.

    This is exactly what I wanted everyone to see. This unbelievably delusional behavior is the essence of the ridiculous personality behind Waytools.

    You are not Apple. You are not Tesla. You have not shipped a single product to your paying customers in 4 years. Apple did not take money up front, promise repeatedly to deliver at a date certain, for 4 YEARS, and offer a 'free gift' to encourage customers to continue allowing them to hold customer money until the next 'certain' delivery date, and the next certain date, and the next week, and month, and quarter, over and over again, for 4 YEARS. Apple delivered countless new and improved hardware and software products in the 4 YEARS that you have not delivered your little keyboard.

    Tesla communicated truthfully about delays, and ultimately delivered their product. They delivered a magical supercar and a whole slew of other fully functional technologies at an amazing price, with far less than a 4 year delay. You have not delivered a little keyboard gadget. AFTER 4 YEARS.

    Do you know  how many people read appleinsider? Are you aware of how many sincere, hard working tech professionals and entrepreneurs and managers and CEO's who strive to build companies that can be trusted by their customers read articles and comments here?

    All of Silicon Valley collectively cringes when you compare yourself to Apple and Tesla. You are the equivalent of a shady auto shop across the street from the used car lot that sells lemons. Both owned by the same man. You are a pathological liar who has not delivered a product you have repeatedly promised to deliver for 4 YEARS.

    And once again, as a postscript I wish to emphasize that I have never unfairly criticized the product in question here, or shilled for other products as part of my arguments as waytools has falsely accused many of doing and then force cancelled their orders. Thanks to the above poster who pointed out the FTC rules, which have been noted by others many times. Waytools is, if not outright breaking the law, then blatantly skirting the spirit of it, whether legally, or ethically. They lie to their customers. They are unethical. They do not deserve anyone's business until they fulfill their obligations to their existing customer base.
    edited April 2019 alexonline
  • Reply 196 of 1615

    one-off said:

    Since we are focusing on minor points:  Actually, it started with one, two, and 3 week bumps in estimated ship dates

    Maybe. I don't recall that, but if it was, it was very brief.

    What you say is true.  Problems were reported by testers, though, apparently not serious enough sour their opinion of the product.  I'm not sure why Waytools didn't allow for any serious problems when they estimated shipping, but there were plenty of problems.

    Again, people have tended to ignore the negative in the reports. While our opinion was not "soured", it has been said many times that there were lots of problems at first - yet we still liked it, we would not have recommended shipping. Even those who may not have personally had any problems, they saw enough posts from others to see their individual experience didn't justify shipping.

    I'm not "sure" why they didn't allow for serious problems, but I have repeatedly given what I think is a darn good reason. Again, no other keyboard works like this so the problems are often completely different than any prior keyboard experience would help anticipate. It is simply very hard to explain to people who haven't used it and seen for themselves. But for those who keep track, they should note that a number of Treg testers were previously making the same criticisms - and after getting it, they could see that it was harder than anyone would have expected. Now, that leaves basically two choices - one is the give credence to those who changed their opinion after having personal experience. The other, which is all too common from some, is to deride those testers in various ways.

    I don't know what problems remain today (defined as: "it isn't good enough yet"). As I posted recently, it is entirely possible they are satisfied with the present quality, but still need to clean up the code to handle the inevitable new issues that mass shipping will reveal. You may not like that approach. Heck, I may not. But it is a valid approach whether I would do it that way or not.

    I do believe there is something disingenuous in constructing an order page which clearly states that units would be shipped in the order they are placed and then, after creating a new class of customers to perform testing, claiming on blog posts and the order status page that "TextBlades Have Shipped!".  And, they did not say anything about selecting customers for a test program in the first year or so of orders.  It would be easy to overlook this inconsistency of messaging if the test period was limited to a few weeks as they initially stated.  But poorly written firmware and a pursuit of perfection has resulted in this new class of customers being able to enjoy their keyboards for years while customers who ordered earlier feel quite cheated.

    With GR, they will be in order. You need to not just look at what they did that you don't like, but what was the most likely alternative. IOW, instead of shipping to some selected customers, they could avoid your criticism only two ways. One is go strictly in order - but that would be a poor choice as they would have no ability to chose people they felt had the most interest (such as people who posted in the forums) nor any way to select specific - and varied - use categories. Not to mention choosing people they felt were more thoughtful - even when they were criticizing WT - than others.

    So, that would have been a bad choice. The other alternative would be to hire more testers. And that might have been a great choice for WT. Trouble is, it would have been a terrible choice for customers because if that was what they did, you would have gotten ZERO info except what WT itself provided which, by definition, could always be accused of bias. Thus that really would be a terrible choice for customers.

    It's true they didn't say anything about Treg in the first year. They found out the problems just kept popping up even though any specific problem was often dealt with quickly. So, learning from that, it made sense to get a bunch more people to do what they hoped was a final test. Turned out we founds more problems. But they never stated it would just be for a few weeks. They said IF it tested well, it would just be a few weeks. It didn't test well.

    The firmware isn't poorly written. The task is simply extremely complicated. Nor is it about "perfection", and WT has plainly said it isn't.
    It seems unfair to hold angry customers responsible for they way they express their feelings without holding Waytools responsible for the disingenuous behavior which caused some of the anger.

    Well, angry or not, people aren't justified to say just anything at all (such as their accusation that I was a WT employee or even Mark Knighton himself). Anger does not justify making stuff up. But I have made posts about bannings being unfair in some cases, or refunds in some cases, and, of course, the standard problem with communication. Name the valid criticism, that isn't made up, and I've probably made it myself.

  • Reply 197 of 1615
    Not sure how to repay 'principle' but I'd gladly contribute to paying you interest for four years, at my bank account interest rate of .01%, which is ~4 cents, if it makes you feel better.   It will have to be through paypal, etc. as you are not worth a 50 cent stamp.  You don't get an early adopter gift if you cancel, that's the deal, take it or leave it.
    No doubt you are part of the Waytools team and that sentiment is exactly how Waytools thinks about and treats its customers. Thanks for proving one of my points. 

    Actually, lots of doubt. So what if he agrees with WT on something? That doesn't make him part of WT in any way. If that is your definition of "proof", it is the kind of proof only a kangaroo court would use.
  • Reply 198 of 1615
    ericpeets said:
    I believe he is one of what Kathleen Bailey would call "Useful Idiots" -- a rather unfortunate term she coined. You can easily identify all of them on this thread. 
    So, once again attacking people instead of making meaningful counter arguments?
  • Reply 199 of 1615
    Maggie - post 174 - on android dev 

    We think DBK responded to your assertion that android work hadn’t even started yet.  

    He questioned how you could say that.

    The facts aren’t complicated.  We affirm that we started it, (as demonstrable in video on Samsung), and then paused while we focused on advancing the iOS releases.

    We posted that we expect it some months after we put the iOS version in general release.  That’s our strategy to focus our effort.  There’s no mystery there, we explicitly stated it many times before.  

    But you rewrote his words for him, to make a much more unreasonable statement, that is implicitly ascribed to him through quotes -

    “You can’t prove they haven’t started it.”

    Which sounds more like something Al Capone might say.

    But he didn’t say what you wrote.  Nevertheless you criticized him for it.

    Why all the subtle wordplay to make a customer or the company look bad?

    Why not just take at face value what is already known?

  • Reply 200 of 1615

    > lie to them.

    Okay, let's focus on that and apply it to last post only:

    >"Our" view? I believe you are one person. One absurd person named Mark Knighton, CEO of waytools, who is the same person posting as admin on the waytools forum.

    You don't know that. I do know that on the WTF more than one person uses that account, not only because that has been stated in the past, but also because I've seen responses posted at the same time I was carrying on a detailed conversion with Mark about the TB. As for your objection to "Our", I'm pretty sure few people would think Apple was lying. I certainly don't.

    >You have not shipped a single product to your paying customers in 4 years.
    Except for the 130 we know about. For someone who complains about "our", you might want to watch your use of the word "single".
    >All of Silicon Valley collectively cringes when you compare yourself to Apple and Tesla.
    Really? Where can I find this poll? More to the point, I suspect most people understand that WT is only making very limited comparisons to those companies that are easily understandable.

This discussion has been closed.