Hyundai in talks with Apple to produce 'Apple Car'

in General Discussion edited January 2021
Apple is reportedly negotiating a deal that could result in a partnership with South Korean automaker Hyundai on an electric vehicle and specialized battery technology.

Hyundai Ioniq

Citing an interview with an unnamed source, Korea Economic Daily reports Apple and Hyundai are in the process of hammering out a deal that would see the Korean company fulfill production responsibilities for a rumored "Apple Car."

The project has reportedly passed an internal review at Hyundai Motor Group, though the collaboration needs a green light from chairman Chung Eui-son.

In addition to manufacturing Apple's electric car, Hyundai will also play a role in developing the vehicle's custom battery solution. Battery operations will be handed off to Hyundai or Kia factories in the U.S., according to the source.

A report from Reuters in December claimed Apple is indeed developing "next level" battery technology to cut costs and increase potential driving range. Among the rumored advancements are a "monocell" design and new lithium iron phosphate chemical mixture.

Tesla's Elon Musk cast doubt on the Reuters report shortly after it was published.

"Tesla already uses iron-phosphate for medium range cars made in our Shanghai factory.

- A monocell is electrochemically impossible, as max voltage is ~100X too low. Maybe they meant cells bonded together, like our structural battery pack?"

Apple has been working on a branded car, referred to internally as Project Titan, since at least 2014. The initiative was thought to have been put on ice in 2016, with work reorganized toward the development of self-driving systems instead of a full-fledged vehicle. More recently, however, reports indicate that Apple has circled back to its original plans.

Earlier today, Bloomberg said Apple is working to release a branded self-driving car, though production is at least five years out. There is still a chance that Apple could decide to scrap the project and instead market its self-driving technology to established manufacturers.

Update: Hyundai has confirmed it is in discussions to produce the rumored "Apple Car," reports CNBC.

"We understand that Apple is in discussion with a variety of global automakers, including Hyundai Motor. As the discussion is at its early stage, nothing has been decided," the company said.


  • Reply 1 of 65
    DAalsethDAalseth Posts: 2,872member
    This is the first Apple Car rumour that seems partially believable. Apple hasn't even been talking to anyone about a factory. The only other option is to get someone else to build it. A big name, Audi, Ford, BMW would insist on their own branding. but a Hundai or Kia might go for it and not worry about having their own name on it. Apple could then also use one of their chassis as a platform and bolt Apple's tech and design skins on. True or not it's at least plausible.
  • Reply 2 of 65
    I sure wish it had been Toyota.
  • Reply 3 of 65
    DAalsethDAalseth Posts: 2,872member
    I sure wish it had been Toyota.
    Agreed. I have a 15 year old Prius that's been rock solid. 
  • Reply 4 of 65
    Seems plausible that Hyundai or Kia would be most open to this and have the production capacity needed. I love the Cyber Truck, so it will be a tough sell to me.
  • Reply 5 of 65
    DAalseth said:
    I sure wish it had been Toyota.
    Agreed. I have a 15 year old Prius that's been rock solid. 
    Maybe Toyota will collaborate w Tesla....
  • Reply 6 of 65
    Tesla can buy any car manufacturers w their $
  • Reply 7 of 65
    borpsborps Posts: 28member
    Why do they aim so low?
    If they want to build the best cars they'll have to go with German or Japanese engineering. Not Hyundai, yet another Korean me-too manufacturer...
  • Reply 8 of 65
    borpsborps Posts: 28member
    DAalseth said:
    A big name, Audi, Ford, BMW would insist on their own branding. 
    BMW has no problem producing Mini branded cars or basically building Rolls Royce cars without slapping their own logo on it...
  • Reply 9 of 65
    SpamSandwichSpamSandwich Posts: 33,407member
    I sure wish it had been Toyota.
    VW Group would’ve been better. They have a wide range of very high quality vehicles and the engineering know-how to build it.

    Then again, here’s the “official” quote from Hyundai.

    “We understand that Apple is in discussion with a variety of global automakers, including Hyundai Motor. As the discussion is at its early stage, nothing has been decided,” a representative from Hyundai Motor told CNBC’s Chery Kang.

    If Steve Jobs was alive and overseeing this, Hyundai would be blacklisted for a decade for merely mentioning such a thing. Cook should follow Jobs’ lead on this one.
    edited January 2021 watto_cobraramanpfaffrazorpitanantksundaramchasmcaladanianjony0
  • Reply 10 of 65
    The quote was, "We understand that Apple is in discussion with a variety of global automakers, including Hyundai Motor. As the discussion is at its early stage, nothing has been decided.” Apple is talking to a variety of manufacturers. Also, if things manifest themselves as they do with every Apple product, Apple will spec everything down to the last bolt. So it won’t matter much who they choose.
  • Reply 11 of 65
    Rayz2016Rayz2016 Posts: 6,957member
    Isn’t anyone going to rant on about building it in America?
  • Reply 12 of 65
    Rayz2016 said:
    Isn’t anyone going to rant on about building it in America?
    They have a manufacturing plant in Alabama. 
  • Reply 13 of 65
    Definitely odd that they made that statement. Not sure if they think it helps them or someone else.
  • Reply 14 of 65
    AI_liasAI_lias Posts: 435member
    borps said:
    Why do they aim so low?
    If they want to build the best cars they'll have to go with German or Japanese engineering. Not Hyundai, yet another Korean me-too manufacturer...

    Germans don’t make very reliable cars. 

  • Reply 15 of 65
    seankillseankill Posts: 566member
    Would be funny to pay $100,000 for a $60,000 Hyundai....... I wonder what Apple could be doing any different that the other guys. 
  • Reply 16 of 65
    I hope Apple picks a Japanese partner, rather than a Korean one.
  • Reply 17 of 65
    I'm still not too sure about Kia and Hyundai, but ever since they brought in former VW/Audi designer Peter Schreyer, they have made a great deal of progress. (He initially was chief design officer for the Kia division, but I just looked up Wikipedia and I see he is now "President of design management for Hyundai Motor Group.")

    With Apple's focus on QC added into the mix, I could be convinced though.

    PS: One would think Toyota would be a good partner choice given their history with HEV and PHEV, but they seem to be stuck on hydrogen fuel cell and in denial that full on BEV solutions are a good way to go. I don't think Honda quite gets the BEV approach yet either, but I guess we'll see. I'm sure Apple could convince any one of them if the numbers are good. I do generally prefer the Japanese car brands (wife currently has a 2011 Prius, and I've had Datsun/Nissan, Mazda, Toyota, and Honda along the way), however I've not been too crazy about most of the Japanese car design direction lately. (Obviously, this would be a non-issue with an Apple car).
    edited January 2021 doozydozenlongpathwatto_cobracaladanian
  • Reply 18 of 65
    who knows what's going on, but lots of rumors is a good sign
  • Reply 19 of 65
    Kuyangkoh said:
    Tesla can buy any car manufacturers w their $
    But why would they though? If you buy another company you end up with vastly different production processes and hardware... it would be a very expensive endeavor after the initial purchase. How they make cars is increasingly different from how other manufacturers do it, especially the Tesla Y, newer 3’s and the upcoming Cyber Truck. 
    It’s more likely Tesla acquires companies around artificial intelligence, battery technologies, molding/casting tech, charging, etc.
    edited January 2021 elijahgcaladanian
  • Reply 20 of 65
    I'm not convinced that any german or Japanese car manufacture is worth Apple's time, they are producing far inferior electric cars in regards to efficiency compared to Tesla. Hyundai however even beats Tesla on efficiency, so they have the Tech and quality is really great, their designs where butt ugly but that has been changing quickly and here is where Apple could come into play anyway.
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