J.D. Vance shouldn't open his mouth about Apple if he doesn't have a clue



  • Reply 41 of 111
    gatorguy said:
    It's a sad reflection on the fear-mongering negativity one side is using. Personally, I'm a huge fan of lifting us all up instead.

    I agree with the bold. But I think where we differ is how that is accomplished. 

    One side says things about lifting us up. The other side actually did things that lifted us up. 

    One side is and has been honest where they stand and the other side pretends they never stood for things they publicly pushed for. 

    Track record is what matters. You can talk all day about what a great chef you are, but The proof is in the pudding as they say. And Trump had America in a great place. Under Kamala, it’s been pure disaster. I’ll take more of the former, which actually lifted us up and didn’t just talk about it. 

  • Reply 42 of 111
    gatorguygatorguy Posts: 24,584member
    gatorguy said:
    It's a sad reflection on the fear-mongering negativity one side is using. Personally, I'm a huge fan of lifting us all up instead.

    I agree with the bold. But I think where we differ is how that is accomplished. 

    One side says things about lifting us up. The other side actually did things that lifted us up. 

    One side is and has been honest where they stand and the other side pretends they never stood for things they publicly pushed for. 

    Track record is what matters. You can talk all day about what a great chef you are, but The proof is in the pudding as they say. And Trump had America in a great place. Under Kamala, it’s been pure disaster. I’ll take more of the former, which actually lifted us up and didn’t just talk about it. 

    When he was 70, with a sharper mind, I agreed with you. I voted for him. I no longer can when he would be 82 by the end of his term, and already showing some early signs of dementia before he even gets there. Now add his proud announcement of being a day one dictator with revenge on his mind, easily triggered anger, and an exemption from laws that force some degree of restraint on the rest of us.  

    That none of those facts seem to worry you in the least is surprising. But that's why we have elections, and everyone has a vote in it. 
    baconstangspherictmayBart Yroundaboutnow
  • Reply 43 of 111
    jdwjdw Posts: 1,412member
    Well, well, well...  This kind of writing certainly is getting rather "political" for AppleInsider.  Even so, I do see AppleInsider allowing people to actually comment under more hot button articles now, which is a good thing.

    One thing that's important to note is that Vance is very much a pro-union guy, so much so that many Republicans were surprised at Trump's choice of him as VP. But agree with him or not, Vance is a slick talker and that may have been the biggest reason for Trump choosing him.

    Pro-union people will talk up anything that pertains to workers, so a "slave labor" remark is not out of line for them.  But the reality is that both sides of the political aisle, Democrats and Republicans, have voice negativity toward Apple's business practices in China, particularly about child or slave labor.  And it doesn't matter if those complaints are right or wrong with regard to what I am arguing here; namely, that political party has nothing to do with the rhetoric against Apple. Focusing exclusively on Vance only works to incite bickering on the comments between pro Trump and pro Harris factions。

    The mass media (not necessarily the tech media, but sometimes including it) in the USA has basically become a form of propaganda, not too dissimilar from what we’ve seen in lesser nations like North Korea or Russia.  Yes, there are huge differences, but the underlying problem that makes it “propaganda” is there.  More specifically, the strong bias toward a single way of thinking makes it propaganda.  It claims to be objective truth and factual reality, but it is actually highly filtered and very much one-sided. That’s why when I need to Google something about Trump, for example, I have to ignore everything written or said by MSNBC, CNN, New York Times, Washington Post, The New Yorker, Los Angeles Times, The Atlantic (thanks alot for the objectivity, Laurene Powell Jobs!), Rolling Stone, Vox, Huffington Post, Daily Beast, The Guardian, BuzzFeed, and so many more.  But when doing those news searches, I often tend to shy away from Fox News too, because I knew they have the opposite bias. I really hate bias!  Just give me the facts without all the stupid biased commentaries, for crying out loud!

    So to get objective news on any hot button politician, I cannot accept articles from any ultra biased sources, as they have a preferred candidate they wish to promote and another candidate they wish to demonize.  It is with that in mind that I viewed the article about Vance with special scrutiny.  

    Is what Vance bad?  Yes.  But so is everything similar spewed forth from Democrats.  There really isn’t one party that has bashed Apple more than the other when it comes to what Apple does in Asia, although we could be honest and blame the President’s administration for pushing more anti-trust violations against companies like Apple, which as well all know is taking place right now by the Biden DOJ. That has a far WORSE impact on Apple than anything a mere unelected candidate can say.  We should have articles on a daily basis decrying that anti-trust atrocity, and yet we don't.  As is typical of the mass media, it's all Follow the Leader.  One news media outlet releases a story, then everybody else follows.  It's always so laughable.  And it happens here on AppleInsider too, all the time.

    Let's be clear.  This article by AppleInsider has a strong left-leaning slant to it by having analyzed the recent debate with the deliberate choice to use the liberal media's talking points about the mention of pets.  The article summary is basically, "Look at how bad this guy and his running mate are; and by the way, something false was said about Apple."

    We all like Apple and want to defend it against wrongs.  But the reality is that you need to defend Apple against both left & right these days.  It’s not simply one or two guys out there wearing a MAGA hat.

    edited September 12 argonautsdw2001watto_cobra
  • Reply 44 of 111
    gatorguygatorguy Posts: 24,584member
    Apple has another reason to distrust what Vance and Trump say about the Heritage Foundation, source of Project 2025. JD Vance penned the forward for it's President book, being kept  back from sale until after the election. 

    Vance predicts that "Roberts’s book will pave the way for a new age of conservatism in which the right goes on the “offensive.", with one excerpt from JD Vance's forward here:

    “Roberts (Heritage Foundation President) understands economics and supports basic free market principles, but he doesn’t make an idol out of decades old theories. He argues persuasively that the modern financial corporation was almost entirely foreign to the founders of our nation. The closest eighteenth-century analogue to the modern Apple or Google is the British East India company, a monstrous hybrid of public and private power that would have made its subjects completely unable to access an American sense of liberty. The idea that our founders meant to make their citizens subjects to this kind of hybrid power is a historical and preposterous, yet too many modern ‘conservatives’ make such an idol out of the market that they ignore this. A private company that can censor speech, influence elections, and work seamlessly with intelligence services and other federal bureaucrats deserves the scrutiny of the Right, not its support.”

    IMO, It's impossible to take Trump at his word that he's never even read the Project 2025 recommendations and would never use them as a blueprint for his administration anyway, considering his running mate's very intimate relationship with the organization. Perhaps that's the reason for Vance being on the ticket despite some Republican leaders confusion why when there were far better selections available. 

    edited September 12 ronnsphericargonautroundaboutnowsconosciuto
  • Reply 45 of 111

    The whole point of tariffs is to increase the domestic prices of the goods that are subject to tariffs. It makes them less competitive versus the goods that don't have the tariff. The problem with just generally slapping a tariff on anything manufactured in China is the sheer volume of products that it would impact. In many cases, American consumers wouldn't have a cheaper choice. Everything would be priced higher due to the tariffs. 
    Also worth pointing out that the foreign nation (China) does *not* pay these tariffs, the US-based importers and distributors do. And they just pass it on in the form of a higher price tag, as you've described. 
    This is not necessarily true.  A seller can choose to drop their prices to better compete against the imposed tariffs and this does happen. One main goal of tariffs is to have the target country lower or remove their tariffs on the US.  This is a major reason the US has used tariffs.  Fact of the matter is the US rarely imposes tariffs on others but the same is not true of their treatment of American goods.  This also applies to European countries which impose tariffs on certain US goods. 
  • Reply 46 of 111
    anomeanome Posts: 1,544member
    gatorguy said:
    MacPro said:
    gatorguy said:
    It's a sad reflection on the fear-mongering negativity one side is using. Personally, I'm a huge fan of lifting us all up instead.

    Above all: Don't believe whatever comes out of the mouth of a selfishly-guided politician just because he said it. Most are all too happy to promote half-truths, mostly lie, or outright lie in order to "win". I'm sorry, but it is no win for us to be misled, and only find out what we were buying after he's already in office; telling us what we can and can't do without being asked again. They don't care if we agreed. They will be the ones in the power chair and will tell us, dictator style, not ask. 
    Agreed.  Yep, he should focus on aliens eating cats and dogs and Governors executing live babies; you know, real news that's fact-checked. /s
    And a few minutes ago, I believe Mr. Trump announced he will do no more debates, not even in the friendly confines of Fox News with Fox moderators. Probably for the best. 
    Well, he has to spend some time before the election recovering from being beaten to a pulp on live TV.
  • Reply 47 of 111
    He should stick with what he knows best - couches and the pros/cons of the various upholstery options
  • Reply 48 of 111

    dee_dee said:
    I’m an Apple fan but Apple has definitely been caught using slave labour, and I’ve seen no evidence they have removed all slave labour from their supply chain.  Remember all the suicides at Foxconn too?  The conditions they work in are not great. 
    Care to cite sources? Other than Truth Social that is. 
    baconstangBart Yroundaboutnowsconosciutoilarynxwatto_cobra
  • Reply 49 of 111
    XedXed Posts: 2,814member
    ssfe11 said:
    Clueless idiot. Oh and btw Springfield do you know that your pets are getting eaten?  Fido is being roasted up right now. Smh you can’t even make this stuff up!
    You do realize that body cam footage has been leaked online, right?  
    Some people have TDS so bad they forget the things actually going on, like untold numbers of Haitian migrants eating the towns pets. Horrid stuff.

    oh. But trump mentioned it so it must somehow be wrong like Kamala filling out a questionnaire showing support for sex change operations for illegal aliens in prison. It sounded so ridiculous, because such a thing would be, and yet, turns out Trump was right again. 
    The only people with TDS are MAGA who think that Trump is some sort of deity who is above the law and responsibility. But you do you. I'll never understand why you support a con man pedophile but that's your choice I will defend your right to vote for him, even if that means you're supporting fascism from a wannabe dictator and convicted rapist who did nothing but sink this county and steal from the American people while destroying our security. 
    VictorMortimermattinozargonautBart Yroundaboutnowsconosciutoilarynxwatto_cobrabaconstang
  • Reply 50 of 111
    Wesley HilliardWesley Hilliard Posts: 237member, administrator, moderator, editor
    jdw said:
    The mass media (not necessarily the tech media, but sometimes including it) in the USA has basically become a form of propaganda, not too dissimilar from what we’ve seen in lesser nations like North Korea or Russia.  Yes, there are huge differences, but the underlying problem that makes it “propaganda” is there.  More specifically, the strong bias toward a single way of thinking makes it propaganda.  It claims to be objective truth and factual reality, but it is actually highly filtered and very much one-sided. That’s why when I need to Google something about Trump, for example, I have to ignore everything written or said by MSNBC, CNN, New York Times, Washington Post, The New Yorker, Los Angeles Times, The Atlantic (thanks alot for the objectivity, Laurene Powell Jobs!), Rolling Stone, Vox, Huffington Post, Daily Beast, The Guardian, BuzzFeed, and so many more. 
    All information is biased and underneath is some basis in truth unless the source is outright lying. Hiding from sources you disagree with because you don't like the truth doesn't make you clever. It makes you ignorant and if anything, more biased. The only news sources you have left are conspiracy theorists and people willing to say anything to line their pockets.

    Whatever you believe, I wouldn't side with the ones actively trying to remove rights from its own citizens in the so-called "land of the free." White cis men with middle class or better incomes might have fared better under Trump, but no one else did. Women's rights, LGBTQ+ rights, and people of color's rights all suffered, and things would only get worse as Trump plans to attack child care, health care, social security, and retirement because he and his see government assistance as "socialism."

    The only ones that benefit from Trump are rich stock holders and business owners, which thanks to systemic racism, is majority white.

    I used to respect the Republican Party until it died and was replaced by the racist, hate filled MAGA extremists. There's nothing left of the old party. Just brainless sycophants that can't say anything bad about Trump on TV or else get razed on the failed Truth Social by the man on his gold toilet watching Fox News.

    If me wanting to see a better America where all of its citizens can prosper no matter their race, religion, or gender is "leftist propaganda," I'd hate to see what people think the country should be like. It's time for us to love our neighbor and mind our own damn business.

    BTW: The people talking about the pet thing, it's a proven hoax. The person initially spreading the lie said they never had firsthand knowledge of anyone doing it. The so-called secret bodycam footage is old and from an incident that didn't occur in Springfield nor did it involve an immigrant of any kind. Talk about propaganda, the pet eating stuff is classic racist nonsense meant to drive people to hate a specific group of people. It dehumanizes the group so you don't feel so bad when you drive them from their homes. But I suppose it's hard to know the facts if you ignore all the sources that report the news.
    muthuk_vanalingammattinozbaconstangsphericgatorguydjames4242apple4thewinBart Ymacguiroundaboutnow
  • Reply 51 of 111
    Wesley HilliardWesley Hilliard Posts: 237member, administrator, moderator, editor
    PSA: People posting so-called proof videos of the debunked racist rumors about people eating pets will just be banned without prejudice. You have been warned. The conversation has been mostly fine so far without too much mudslinging, keep it that way or we'll cut it off. Healthy discussion it's important, but we will not facilitate spreading conspiracy theories or racist nonsense.
  • Reply 52 of 111
    XedXed Posts: 2,814member

    BTW: The people talking about the pet thing, it's a proven hoax. The person initially spreading the lie said they never had firsthand knowledge of anyone doing it. The so-called secret bodycam footage is old and from an incident that didn't occur in Springfield nor did it involve an immigrant of any kind. Talk about propaganda, the pet eating stuff is classic racist nonsense meant to drive people to hate a specific group of people. It dehumanizes the group so you don't feel so bad when you drive them from their homes. But I suppose it's hard to know the facts if you ignore all the sources that report the news.
    Despite that, there was a bomb threat that would've never happened because of Trump's repeating this crazy lie the other night.

  • Reply 53 of 111
    ....one question remains unanswered: Do people in the US want to learn from these mistakes (Trump and Vance do every day and every time on purpose)? It´s a shame those kind of persons get the possibility to become leaders in our world and stay up there just because of (social) media and bad education! - Money makes the world go round (Fred Ebb, Money Money, Cabaret)
  • Reply 54 of 111
    Mike WuertheleMike Wuerthele Posts: 6,918administrator
    Xed said:

    BTW: The people talking about the pet thing, it's a proven hoax. The person initially spreading the lie said they never had firsthand knowledge of anyone doing it. The so-called secret bodycam footage is old and from an incident that didn't occur in Springfield nor did it involve an immigrant of any kind. Talk about propaganda, the pet eating stuff is classic racist nonsense meant to drive people to hate a specific group of people. It dehumanizes the group so you don't feel so bad when you drive them from their homes. But I suppose it's hard to know the facts if you ignore all the sources that report the news.
    Despite that, there was a bomb threat that would've never happened because of Trump's repeating this crazy lie the other night.

    Yup, that's covered in the piece.
  • Reply 55 of 111
    eriamjheriamjh Posts: 1,725member
    The biggest insult is Vance could not CARE LESS for the people he claims are working as slaves for Apple.   
    ronnBart Ybaconstangsphericwatto_cobra
  • Reply 56 of 111
    Mike WuertheleMike Wuerthele Posts: 6,918administrator
    jdw said:
    Well, well, well...  This kind of writing certainly is getting rather "political" for AppleInsider.  Even so, I do see AppleInsider allowing people to actually comment under more hot button articles now, which is a good thing.

    ** snip
    1: Whataboutism. It's just Vance's turn.

    2: We've been very clear for a decade how we feel about the antitrust issues, and the utter inability of politicians to make sane decisions or statements about Apple. This is a bipartisan issue.

    3: As you're aware, you don't have to read everything. If you feel like a piece is going to irritate you, you can skip it!
    Xedapple4thewinronnBart Ymacguilotonesroundaboutnowbaconstangsphericilarynx
  • Reply 57 of 111
    jdw said:
    Well, well, well...  This kind of writing certainly is getting rather "political" for AppleInsider.  Even so, I do see AppleInsider allowing people to actually comment under more hot button articles now, which is a good thing.

    ** snip
    1: Whataboutism. It's just Vance's turn.

    2: We've been very clear for a decade how we feel about the antitrust issues, and the utter inability of politicians to make sane decisions or statements about Apple. This is a bipartisan issue.

    3: As you're aware, you don't have to read everything. If you feel like a piece is going to irritate you, you can skip it!
    In the interest of point 3 you should avoid click bait headlines so an honest assessment can be made of articles to skip. 
  • Reply 58 of 111
    sdw2001sdw2001 Posts: 18,027member
    ssfe11 said:
    Clueless idiot. Oh and btw Springfield do you know that your pets are getting eaten?  Fido is being roasted up right now. Smh you can’t even make this stuff up!
    Yeah, except it’s actually happening.  
  • Reply 59 of 111
    Mike WuertheleMike Wuerthele Posts: 6,918administrator
    mattinoz said:
    jdw said:
    Well, well, well...  This kind of writing certainly is getting rather "political" for AppleInsider.  Even so, I do see AppleInsider allowing people to actually comment under more hot button articles now, which is a good thing.

    ** snip
    1: Whataboutism. It's just Vance's turn.

    2: We've been very clear for a decade how we feel about the antitrust issues, and the utter inability of politicians to make sane decisions or statements about Apple. This is a bipartisan issue.

    3: As you're aware, you don't have to read everything. If you feel like a piece is going to irritate you, you can skip it!
    In the interest of point 3 you should avoid click bait headlines so an honest assessment can be made of articles to skip. 
    The headline made it incredibly obvious that this is an opinion piece about Vance talking about Apple. And, if that wasn't enough, the lede makes that clearer.
  • Reply 60 of 111
    XedXed Posts: 2,814member
    sdw2001 said:
    ssfe11 said:
    Clueless idiot. Oh and btw Springfield do you know that your pets are getting eaten?  Fido is being roasted up right now. Smh you can’t even make this stuff up!
    Yeah, except it’s actually happening.  
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