Apple leaks G5 specs



  • Reply 821 of 1072
    applenutapplenut Posts: 5,768member

    Originally posted by Jared

    But if it were real wouldn't Apple have tried to prevent the coverage on TechTV?

    that logic is very flawed
  • Reply 822 of 1072
    jaredjared Posts: 639member

    Originally posted by applenut

    that logic is very flawed

    As I just typed, If you have noticed, all the rumors on ThinkSecret that are real have been pulled due to Apple legal. This story on the other hand has not been pulled.

    That is why I have that kind of logic.
  • Reply 823 of 1072
    ensign pulverensign pulver Posts: 1,193member

    Originally posted by Jared

    I am starting to think it is a hoax. I vote for nothing this good can come out of Monday. I will be pleased if I am wrong but I am just not getting my hopes up.

    What don't you people understand about this?

    Whether it was a mistake or a prank or a hack doesn't matter, the specs are correct. If they were not, Apple would have been forced to publicly disavow them by the end of business TODAY, not Monday in front of the whole Mac universe. Steve's gonna look like a big enough jerk as it is, he's not going to make it worse by being publicly booed for not delivering what everybody now expects.

    The specs are real.
  • Reply 824 of 1072
    Ask yourself this...

    If Apple didnt release this info who did? Apple must have done this but isnt it also true that if they claim it was a mistake it would be impossible to disprove? It inflates stock prices, financial outlooks and gives them free media attention and exposure...

    If it were a hack, wouldnt Apple have to admit it and how would it get hacked?

    I just think its odd that either way, Apple hasnt come out with a statement of recognition about the whole thing. Not even a "sorry about the false product description as of --"
  • Reply 825 of 1072
    applenutapplenut Posts: 5,768member

    Originally posted by Jared

    As I just typed, If you have noticed, all the rumors on ThinkSecret that are real have been pulled due to Apple legal. This story on the other hand has not been pulled.

    That is why I have that kind of logic.

    Apple can not threat legal action against information they published in the public domain.

    They can demand that their own .gif from their website be removed however. Notice all the graphics have been removed but the text of the specs still remains.

  • Reply 826 of 1072
    dhunterdhunter Posts: 34member
    If its true, apple just saved thousands of dollars on marketing, and advertising, as most Web savy mac users know about it now. Almost certain a sellout as soon as they get released. Apple should cut their losses on the kegacyty G4 PowerMacs and start selling the G5's now. Watch their share price and revenue rise sharply.
  • Reply 827 of 1072
    mugwumpmugwump Posts: 233member

    Originally posted by AirSluf

    El Presidente, you make and distribute good SW and I tip my hat on the very early GPUL call, but your last several days of good old-fashioned mugwummping are making me wonder about whether your sources aren't more IBM & design sided than Apple or production sided.

    Excuuuse me? Now I throw down the gauntlet.

    Strange how anyone could read this forum, this site, with literally thousands of posts of nothing more than random chat, and you take offense to one of the more quality folks around here.

    Look, to keep your sanity and to put this in perspective for you, just consider this all entertainment. And BTW, he spoke early and clearly about the audio capabilities of these Powermac G5. Now did IBM design that as well?
  • Reply 828 of 1072
    simxsimx Posts: 21member

    Originally posted by AppleExec

    I just think its odd that either way, Apple hasnt come out with a statement of recognition about the whole thing. Not even a "sorry about the false product description as of --"

    I don't think it's odd at all. Regardless of whether or not this was a mistake, hack, or intentional, Apple still wants to surprise some people come Monday. And making a statement any way would force the issue (or make them lie outright, which I don't think Apple wants to do), especially since many of us (including me to an extent) are wavering still on whether these are real specs or not.

    I also find it hard to believe that Apple would be forced to make a statement of specs that were listed on the online Apple Store for JUST A FEW MINUTES. If the specs were up there for a longer time, like an hour or a day, I could see how Apple would want to make a public statement about it. But a few minutes just doesn't convince me that Apple needs to make a statement -- especially since anybody with a few brain cells could see that something is obviously wrong with those specs when actually SELECTING the good, better, or best configuration (or whatever they call them for the PowerMacs).

    Apple's corrected the problem, and they can instruct tech support to say that they don't have a product like that, if someone calls about it. As for other comments, they can just say to wait 'til Monday, or they can just say nothing. Why is that odd at all?
  • Reply 829 of 1072
    futuremacfuturemac Posts: 242member
    call me a doubting thomas...

    i ain't gettin my hopes up this sir, not about to...

    ill belive it when i see it...

    that way if it isn't true i wont be dissapointed...

    show me the money!
  • Reply 830 of 1072
    zazzaz Posts: 177member
    A healthy dose of skepticism is in order...

    That said... many, perhaps 100s, of people saw this ON APPLES SITE.

    If this were leaked by TS or AI, etc then the doubt meter would certainly be high.

    But, really, when this came right of of Apples site...even with all the Akami info deleted...factually, any other explanation must be treated with the greater skepticism as the assertion that it was real is the most probable.

  • Reply 831 of 1072
    jante99jante99 Posts: 539member

    Originally posted by simX

    I don't think it's odd at all. Regardless of whether or not this was a mistake, hack, or intentional, Apple still wants to surprise some people come Monday. And making a statement any way would force the issue (or make them lie outright, which I don't think Apple wants to do), especially since many of us (including me to an extent) are wavering still on whether these are real specs or not.

    I also find it hard to believe that Apple would be forced to make a statement of specs that were listed on the online Apple Store for JUST A FEW MINUTES. If the specs were up there for a longer time, like an hour or a day, I could see how Apple would want to make a public statement about it. But a few minutes just doesn't convince me that Apple needs to make a statement -- especially since anybody with a few brain cells could see that something is obviously wrong with those specs when actually SELECTING the good, better, or best configuration (or whatever they call them for the PowerMacs).

    Apple's corrected the problem, and they can instruct tech support to say that they don't have a product like that, if someone calls about it. As for other comments, they can just say to wait 'til Monday, or they can just say nothing. Why is that odd at all?

    Good point: remember the tiny notice on the bottom of every product stating that the specs can change at any time.

    Every company has some statement warning that no specs are constant. Especially when they happen to change every 30 min or so.
  • Reply 832 of 1072
    bigcbigc Posts: 1,224member

    Originally posted by futuremac

    call me a doubting thomas...

    i ain't gettin my hopes up this sir, not about to...

    ill belive it when i see it...

    that way if it isn't true i wont be dissapointed...

    show me the money!

    Yeah, it's all a hoax, can't be, no way, doesn't make sense...but anyway which video card should I get, the Nvidia or the ATI.
  • Reply 833 of 1072

    Originally posted by simX

    I also find it hard to believe that Apple would be forced to make a statement of specs that were listed on the online Apple Store for JUST A FEW MINUTES. If the specs were up there for a longer time, like an hour or a day, I could see how Apple would want to make a public statement about it. But a few minutes just doesn't convince me that Apple needs to make a statement...

    The amount of time it was on the Apple site is completely irrelevant. Everybody knows about it now, and that's all that matters. It only takes a few seconds for a bomb to explode, it's the aftermath that counts.

    I'm going to try this one more time, then I'm giving up.

    1. Everybody and his dog is expecting not just G5s, but specific G5 models at 1.6, 1.8 and dual 2.0. Not to mention tons of other stuff like AGP 8x, USB 2, digital audio and a revamped system architecture.

    2. If Steve can't deliver EXACTLY that list of specs at the keynote, he will get booed and whatever he does intro will be viewed as a disappointment, even if the "real" machines are still good.

    3. Steve would never let this happen of course, so if the specs are fake, then he would have handled it through a preemptive press release that lets him save face on Monday. He's not going to go onstage and look like a jerk.

    4. He did not, because he knows he can deliver EXACTLY what we are expecting, so the specs are real.
  • Reply 834 of 1072
    futuremacfuturemac Posts: 242member
    hi Bigc

    i didn't say it was a hoax, im not getting my hopes up, and ill belive it when i see it. that way i wont be totally disappointed if it isn't real, and ill be pleasntly surprised if it is...

    i want this to be real as much as anybody else here does
  • Reply 835 of 1072
    nevynnevyn Posts: 360member

    Originally posted by Ensign Pulver

    2. If Steve can't deliver EXACTLY that list of specs at the keynote, he will get booed and whatever he does intro will be viewed as a disappointment, even if the "real" machines are still good.

    Unless, of course, the 'leaked' specs are _too_low_.

    (Ok, rampantly unlikely, but he wouldn't be booed after unveiling a dual 2.5, no way, no how.)
  • Reply 836 of 1072
    osxaddictosxaddict Posts: 131member
  • Reply 837 of 1072
    banchobancho Posts: 1,517member

    That's pretty good stuff!
  • Reply 838 of 1072

    Originally posted by OSXaddict

    Apple's reply

    Big fat typo in the middle of their headline. Ruins an otherwise funny parody.
  • Reply 839 of 1072

    Originally posted by Carlos_E

    I'm being DEAD SERIOUS. I have always lurked on these boards but never posted. The first thing I did today is email my friend who works at Apple and I asked if the listed specs are true. He said it's not. He said I better be wearing depends because I will crap my pants. I also asked about dual 17" Pbooks. He said we're good, but not that good.

    Interesting. Your friend wouldn't happen to be the Apple dude in this article, would he?

    Here's an excerpt from the excerpt in the article. Tim is this poor bastard who's trying to give a Powerpoint presentation about some ridiculous scooter design that he thinks will change the world. He's about 30 seconds into his presentation when:


    "I think it sucks!" said Jobs.

    His vehemence made Tim pause. "Why?" he asked, a bit stiffly.

    "It just does."

    "In what sense?" said Tim, getting his feet back under him. "Give me a clue."

    "Its shape is not innovative, it's not elegant, it doesn't feel anthropomorphic," said Jobs, ticking off three of his design mantras.

    "You have this incredibly innovative machine but it looks very traditional." The last word he delivered like a stab.... "There are design firms out there that could come up with things we've never thought of," Jobs continued, "things that would make you shit in your pants."

  • Reply 840 of 1072
    kidredkidred Posts: 2,402member

    Originally posted by Ensign Pulver

    Big fat typo in the middle of their headline. Ruins an otherwise funny parody.

    I don't think it's a typo, I think it's a choice of words, slang-ish. Steve's assessment would be that this is 'complete' and 'total' crap.
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