Apple leaks G5 specs



  • Reply 881 of 1072
    bka77bka77 Posts: 331member
    RDF? I know what CPR means but RDF?

    I suggest that moki posts a PGP encrypted message and posts the correct key to decode it on tuesday.

    In that message he could write what he knows but isn't allowed to say and proves for the rest of us that he isn't just making so vague comments because he doesn't know more than we do.
  • Reply 882 of 1072
    gnomgnom Posts: 85member

    Originally posted by bka77


    Reality Distortion Field

    it surrounds Jobs and drags you in if you get too close, even if you just watch a QuickTime stream.

  • Reply 883 of 1072
    bka77bka77 Posts: 331member
    Thanks GnOm
  • Reply 884 of 1072
    thegeldingthegelding Posts: 3,230member
    heavy could mean heavy...the pm could be going from plastic to metal..that surely would add quite a bit of weight.....

    as for the wrong "W" word...

    i think he means "wallaby" because australia will be the first country to get the new PMs

  • Reply 885 of 1072
    mrsparklemrsparkle Posts: 120member

    I think W = Workstation...

    I've been thinking they might have a workstation also. They dropped the number of PCI slots to three, while at the same time they seem to be making a push for the higher end users (with all of they're software acquisitions.) I'd love to see quads. The idea of a dual "low end" machine would be slightly odd, though.
  • Reply 886 of 1072
    blueboyblueboy Posts: 1member


    Apple store in NYC has palletes ready to go

    question remains what hardware will be available Monday
  • Reply 887 of 1072
    thegeldingthegelding Posts: 3,230member

    Originally posted by blueboy



    Apple store in NYC has palletes ready to go

    question remains what hardware will be available Monday

    and you haven't opened one yet?? just kidding....gotta keep at least one surprise for monday's we aren't worth losing a cool apple store job over

  • Reply 888 of 1072
    macsrgood4umacsrgood4u Posts: 3,007member



    Apple store in NYC has palletes ready to go

    question remains what hardware will be available Monday

    So who dies? Oh wait, I'm thinking of Harry Potter.
  • Reply 889 of 1072
    falkolfalkol Posts: 59member

    Originally posted by Junkyard Dawg

    It will only take Doom 3 and Half Life (or maybe just Doom 3 ), and the rest amounts to, "if you build it, they will come". If half life and doom 3 both perform significantly faster on Powermac, then gamers will begin migrating to the Mac.

    But only if these games really ship for Mac. And who knows what company acquires the interactive division of Vivendi before Half-Life 2 is released. Remember Halo and what happened to Half-Life.

    But a G5 with a current graphics card should attract developers as well as gamers - no question.

    BTW: Just realised that I was dumb enough to choose "Email Notifaction" and discovered 50 new mails on my webmail account. Thanks, people!
  • Reply 890 of 1072
    airslufairsluf Posts: 1,861member
  • Reply 891 of 1072
    ibrowseibrowse Posts: 1,749member

    Originally posted by thegelding

    i think he means "wallaby" because australia will be the first country to get the new PMs

    My, my, my... you've done it again. Way to spoil it!

  • Reply 892 of 1072
    bka77bka77 Posts: 331member

    Originally posted by FalkoL

    BTW: Just realised that I was dumb enough to choose "Email Notifaction" and discovered 50 new mails on my webmail account. Thanks, people!

    Same here!

    FalkoL: Main oder Oder?
  • Reply 893 of 1072
    airslufairsluf Posts: 1,861member
  • Reply 894 of 1072
    isegwayisegway Posts: 133member

    I suggest that moki posts a PGP encrypted message and posts the correct key to decode it on tuesday.

    This is a fantasic idea!

    Everyone seems to trust that Moki is truly 'in the know'... is there any reason for this? Not doubting here,it's just that I am a noob here and curious how he gained this trust without giving out any 'classified' info.
  • Reply 895 of 1072
    macroninmacronin Posts: 1,174member
    If it ever stopped raining around here for half a day, I would cut my grass also...

    Not that I want to go out in the Florida heat, and sweat my arse off while decapitating blades of grass...

    And anything else that gets in the way...

    About 53+ hours to go until the keynote is 'live' on the web...

    (I decided not to go to Tampa for the show...)

  • Reply 896 of 1072
    falkolfalkol Posts: 59member

    Originally posted by bka77

    FalkoL: Main oder Oder?

    Let me put it this way, because it also fits for Apple and the G5: Nie mehr zweite Liga!
  • Reply 897 of 1072
    telomartelomar Posts: 1,804member

    Originally posted by detah

    personally, i think moki's posts are retarded. if you're under an nda, why bother? ridiculously ambigious mutterings on already circulating rumors.

    i'm not trying to get you to prove anything, cuz i don't think you have squat. i just think you are annoying.

    He isn't under a NDA. If he was under a NDA he wouldn't even be allowed to hint at what was coming and it's obvious to Apple who is posting when he posts so there would be repercussions if he broke a NDA.

    Whether he chooses to not say it straight out because he's protecting people or because it's more fun his way I don't know but he definitely does have information. He has shown that time and again.
  • Reply 898 of 1072
    isegwayisegway Posts: 133member

    He isn't under a NDA. If he was under a NDA he wouldn't even be allowed to hint at what was coming and it's obvious to Apple who is posting when he posts so there would be repercussions if he broke a NDA.

    This is interesting though... he must get his info from someone under an NDA, and if he says too much he would risk getting that person in trouble. Either way, it isn't a smart thing to do considering someones job is at stake. Which makes the idea of him being 'in the know' suspect, IMO.
  • Reply 899 of 1072
    rageousrageous Posts: 2,170member
    I'm going to go out on a limb here and say that the G5 will also be at 2.5Ghz when announced, though not necessarily ready to ship immediately. I think Apple really wants that ballbusting chip...

    if not, I'll eat crow.
  • Reply 900 of 1072

    Originally posted by rageous

    I'm going to go out on a limb here and say that the G5 will also be at 2.5Ghz when announced, though not necessarily ready to ship immediately. I think Apple really wants that ballbusting chip...

    if not, I'll eat crow.

    I think Apple really wants to ship dual Power4+'s at 1.7GHz in every iMac, but what would be ideal and what reality is are often two very different things. Just because it would be nice doesn't make it practical.

    Hope you cook it before you eat it. Those things carry some nasty diseases.
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