When will we see a 15" Albook?



  • Reply 281 of 328
    You know something tells me that we will get a G5 powerbook. I mean they have waited and waited and waited to update the 15". Is it really because they were waiting for availability of a mobile graphics card from ATI?

    My take is this: they waited till they announced the G5 in the flagship line, the towers. Apple never seems to release more than one flagship product in one day. They are letting the G5 PowerMac have its day. I mean they made that huge promotional video! So for maximum press exposure, I think they keep it to two things at the most. This event (in my opinion) wouldn't have been successful press-wise if they had:

    -the flagship new OS update

    -the flagship new PowerMac

    -the flagship new PowerBook (the 15" is the flagship one in my opinion)

    So if one does exist, they'll send out a press release or a small apple event. This thing isn't getting a revolutionary new case design, it is getting the aluminum casing. The PowerMac has it! So if a G5 powerbook is here we already know what its going to look like, we know the G5 exists now too. So possibly a press event in a week or so isn't that unrealistic.

    My other point is this: if they aren't putting in a G5 in a powerbook and planning instead to introduce it in January, then how the heck are they going to fit an even hotter G4 in these laptops??? I mean realistically, I think that 1ghz, in my opinion, probably is the hottest they can get these things into a powerbook. I think we'll see 1.2ghz G5 soon....
  • Reply 282 of 328
    gargar Posts: 1,201member

    Originally posted by iDave

    There could be a big reason.

    the same big reason why we got small speedbump after small speedbump of the G4tower, no speedbumped imac for over 13months, still no new ibook and no new pb 15": buying time

    apple wants to be the first to have 64bits computing only (it will take some time but they will). they needed a big leap to start with, so there is space for lower-end (imac etc.) to get a G5 @1.2 or 1.4Ghz. that's why they started with a 1.6Ghz low end.

    the only problem is heat, thats why the new powermac is a perforated box. will the imac get a perforated dome for it's cooling? will the powebook get a perforated shell? i don't think so. but cooling is essential.

    apple needs the G5 in his powerbook for sure, asap, but it's possible we have to wait till mwsf2004. because of cooling and other enginering problems. but if we have to wait that long i geuss we have the complete pb-line propelled by G5's by then
  • Reply 283 of 328
    kabeyunkabeyun Posts: 81member
    As I'm sure has been posted elsewhere, it'll probably be the Motorola 7457 (G4+? G4.5?) and not the G5. The skinny from The Register, as alluded to in MacRumors.com.

    Fine by me. I just want the friggin' thing already. Apple's trying our collective patience. I may have to fold and get a Vaio.

  • Reply 284 of 328
    neutrino23neutrino23 Posts: 1,563member
    An Al 15.4" PB with a newer G4 would be great. Of course I would like a G5. But if it is not coming out _right now_ then bring on the G4. A little faster, longer battery life, brighter screen, airport extreme, backlit keyboard, better GPU. I'm ready. I've got the funds. I just need Apple to ship this.
  • Reply 285 of 328
    kabeyunkabeyun Posts: 81member

    Originally posted by neutrino23

    An Al 15.4" PB with a newer G4 would be great. Of course I would like a G5. But if it is not coming out _right now_ then bring on the G4. A little faster, longer battery life, brighter screen, airport extreme, backlit keyboard, better GPU. I'm ready. I've got the funds. I just need Apple to ship this.

    Preach on, brother man. I'm starting a new job next month that could really use the help of a PB. Unless the 15" TiBook comes bundled with a dunce cap, I have to wait.

  • Reply 286 of 328
    bigcbigc Posts: 1,224member

    Originally posted by neutrino23

    An Al 15.4" PB with a newer G4 would be great. Of course I would like a G5. But if it is not coming out _right now_ then bring on the G4. A little faster, longer battery life, brighter screen, airport extreme, backlit keyboard, better GPU. I'm ready. I've got the funds. I just need Apple to ship this.

    I agree, need a 15" 1.2 GHz with DDR and longer battery life, better screen. Been waiting to replace my 15" PB500. I'll take one now, cash-in-hand.
  • Reply 287 of 328
    pscatespscates Posts: 5,847member
    Nice to know I'm not alone.

    For the record, I'd rather have a G4 that got great battery life and reasonably low heat and all over a G5 that just demanded to be plugged in and that you couldn't hold for more than 12 seconds because it doubled as a camping stove.

    maybe the G5 just isn't meant for a portable?
  • Reply 288 of 328
    I'm with you, nothing wrong with the G4, PB. the next upgrade for the 15" will be the Dell screen 15.4" , and all the othe little things from the 17". The 15" is Apples best seller amoung the PB, so they will do everything to maX out the profit on this one. Sure wrap it with Al etc...just eye candy
  • Reply 289 of 328
    pscatespscates Posts: 5,847member
    That's all I want, basically: the guts/features/vibe of the 17" shrunk a couple of inches...

    I'll even do without the light-up keyboard, although I DO think that's a cool, "high-end user" feature and SHOULD BE ON ALL POWERBOOKS, 12", 15" AND 17"!!!

    Just as DVI and L3 cache...

    I guess we'll get it between now and Halloween. That's my guess! Any wagers?

  • Reply 290 of 328
    think back to school...huge market..then again so is xmas
  • Reply 291 of 328
    I dunno. I know a lot of people really need the battery life and what not, but by the same token I'd like to have a serious desktop replacement. To me, it would be great if they made the updated 17" with the 970, or possibly a dual processor configuration (although I think a single 970 would be snappier in terms of general use excluding intensive renderings over a dual processor G4).

    From what most people have been saying it sounds like a 15" with good battery life, less weight, and all the goodies of the 17" (plus the lesser price point) would satisfy people who travel a lot or have a desktop at home and use a laptop as an extension. They wouldn't quite need all the power, and would much rather have battery life over processor power, especially if it meant they could travel with it easily and not have to worry about finding a plug in. For those of us like myself, who want to do away with a desktop completely, a 17" with the 970 inside would better fit the bill. Despite the less battery life, and slightly heavier design, we could use the screen real estate and number crunching, and wouldn't mind plugging it in. I'm sure some people would disagree with me, but that's how I feel about it. The real issue comes up though that the Powerbook line is an entity, not singular models so much, and so it's highly unlikely that one model (such as the 17") would be updated with a PPC 970, without the 15" and possibly the 12" (although I would be amazed if they did this to the 12") being updated as well. The idea that one model retains a G4 for less power hungry apps, and one gets a G5 for serious portable computing in the same lineup is pretty slim pickins.

    Overall, I still think we will see the 970 PB before years end, again, it wouldn't be "year of the laptop" if it weren't, it would be "year of the desktop" and a new G5 tower. I think Steve Jobs said "year of the laptop" because it's possible to put a G5 into a tower and have it be everything we want it to be, but nobody thinks it's possible to put it into a laptop, so just imagine the amazement when he releases the updated 15" and 17" with PPC970's. Just reading what we're all contemplating, it's easy to see how shocked we would be if it came out in the next few months, and we're Mac nuts, not even the general public or serious PC contenders. Apple's already mopped the floor with Pentium 4, just imagine if we could also hang Intel out to dry with a mobile PPC 970. I think that's exactly what Steve Jobs is trying to do in a single season.

  • Reply 292 of 328
    dhagan4755dhagan4755 Posts: 2,152member
    Will we see the new PowerBooks this week at NECC in Seattle? Apple will be there.
  • Reply 293 of 328
    jadejade Posts: 379member
    Based on my review of major announcements from apple this year they have done a good job of spacing announcements to maximize coverage. Thay may be waiting to milk the g5/panther coverage as long as possible, then to announce a g5-64-bit laptop. Maybe in a few weeks we will see one.
  • Reply 294 of 328
    macgregormacgregor Posts: 1,434member
    I usually don't like predicting Apple delivery dates, but I bet the 15" is very close as well. I assume it will be a top-of-the-line G4+.

    I am also in the camp of "This needs to be a desktop replacement." If battery life is more important to you, get an iBook....also cheaper graphics and more robust design.

    Also off topic....I would really love to see an Aluminum iMac with ventilation holes and made more shiney, like the LCD armature! Retro and COOL!
  • Reply 295 of 328
    neutrino23neutrino23 Posts: 1,563member

    Originally posted by ConvertedFromPC

    ... For those of us like myself, who want to do away with a desktop completely, a 17" with the 970 inside would better fit the bill. Despite the less battery life, and slightly heavier design, we could use the screen real estate and number crunching, and wouldn't mind plugging it in. I'm sure some people would disagree with me, but that's how I feel about it....

    Hmmm. Why not go for the 15 inch PB for the ease of travel and when at home plug into a cinema display to get the benefit of larger real estate (and a second screen)? That is my plan. If you were going to work remotely for a few weeks on a job you could even have your cinema display shipped ahead.
  • Reply 296 of 328
    lemon bon bonlemon bon bon Posts: 2,383member
    Considering the cooling on a G5. I still don't see it.

    It seems next year all the way. Read the tea leaves all you like. But Apple won't get the Towers shipping until Sept' in volume...

    I think we'll see a DLD and iMac2 bump/headless Mac before we see a G5 Powerbook.

    1.3 G4 tops.

    A low power 970 isn't out the equation yet. But what about the power sucked by the rest of the system? In a 1 inch enclosure?

    Wanna fry eggs?

    0.09 970s aren't due until next year, surely!

    So we aint gonna see Powerbook 970 any time this year. I'd like it to.

    But it just doesn't make sense to me.

    Look for the 12 inch Powerbook to go to 1 gig. The 15 and 17 to go 1.3 G4. It's so Apple. If there's a dual 1.3 in the 17 incher? Big surprise. That's all the cpu wow you'll get this year.

    Lemon Bon Bon
  • Reply 297 of 328
    michaelbmichaelb Posts: 242member
    Didn't the story go that if you underclocked a G5 down to 1-1.2 GHz, the wattage output was no higher than a G4 7455?

    If true, that could suit a PowerBook update perfectly!

    However, I agree with you there will be no PowerBook G5 for a year.
  • Reply 298 of 328
    rolorolo Posts: 686member
    There was an update yesterday on MOSR with mention of the new G4 PBs. They may not be a paragon of rumor virtue but what they're saying now is reasonable. Even Motorola's page on the 7457 has changed. They're now saying 133 MHz bus instead of 200 and 2MB backside L3 instead of 4. My guess is that this more accurately reflects what will end up in the next PB revs.

    I'm anxiously awaiting a 15" AlBook myself but I'm only expecting a 1.2 GHz G4 with DDR266 memory and a decent GPU. I'm hoping for an announcement in the next 2 to 3 weeks with shipping to begin by August. I think the delay is mostly due to how long it's taking Mot to ramp up the 7457.

    The development cycle of the 970 is interesting. By the time it's scaled down to .09µ and suitable for inclusion in a PB, the G6 desktop will be about ready to ship and then the gripes begin about how long it's taking to get a G6 into a PB.
  • Reply 299 of 328
    pscatespscates Posts: 5,847member

    "Cool, did you see where Apple unveiled the new G6 towers today?"

    "Apple SUCKS! I want a G6 PowerBook..."

    "Hey dipshit, you just bought your G5 PowerBook two weeks ago - the morning it was announced - and it's already more than you can handle or would ever need...WHAT would you do with a G6?"

    "Yeah, well...shup up!".

  • Reply 300 of 328
    pscatespscates Posts: 5,847member
    That would be a TOTAL sweet PowerBook: 1.2GHz (more or less...okay, more!) and 2MB L3 cache. Be cool if they got the bus up a bit too, just to humor us.

    Have that on the speed/power end. Then have FireWire 800, Bluetooth, AirPort Extreme, Gigabit Ethernet, USB (think it'll be 2.0?), modem, DVI, etc. on the I/O

    1GB RAM, 60-80GBs and 2x SuperDrive on the memory/storage/optical front.

    16:10 15.4 display with same vertical resolution as before (854 pixels) and 64MB graphics) on the display.

    All in a sexy aluminum bod with - maybe - backlit keys?


    And for $799!

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