New PowerBooks tomorrow.



  • Reply 121 of 873
    airslufairsluf Posts: 1,861member

    Originally posted by BrunoBruin

    Oh my gawd, if one more person says "year of the laptop" I will have an aneurysm.

    Year of the laptop.

    Sorry, but I am in a bad mood right now and at least that made me smile a little.
  • Reply 122 of 873
    bihbih Posts: 44member

    Originally posted by Anonymous Karma


    while (powerbook.specifications == powerbook.oldspecifications[yesterday]) {

    struct ai_username* user;

    struct ai_post* post;

    user = ai_create_user(randomname());

    post = generate_powerbook_post();

    if (ai_post(user, post, FUTURE_HARDWARE) != 0) {




    // Infinite loop

    while(isADoucheBag("Anonymyous Karma"))

  • Reply 123 of 873
    matt31matt31 Posts: 14member

    I don't know why apple si taking so long to update the 15" Powerbook. What I can say is that the apple store has one of the 15" PB with a 7 to 10 days of shipping wait. I hope this means that we will have them in short time. No more than one week?

    I am wating Steve......
  • Reply 124 of 873
    That makes two of us..

  • Reply 125 of 873
    bill mbill m Posts: 324member
    Well, the new 15" AlBooks better get here soon... I just found a, buyer for my Ti400... I will have to buy another laptop during the next 10 days or so!

    <edit typo>
  • Reply 126 of 873
    allegroallegro Posts: 4member
    maybe in this year...
  • Reply 127 of 873
    junkyard dawgjunkyard dawg Posts: 2,801member

    Originally posted by hmurchison

    I'll let Junkyard Dawg suck his own D***K if this becomes true

    You don't have to "let" me, I do it on my own whenever I please.

    About those Powerbooks,

    New Powerbook refresh this summer. No G5 Powerbook, no way. MWSF maybe, WWDC likely.

    No doubt Apple has fully functional Powerbook G5s in the bowels of their skunkworks, but we aren't getting them until next year, and this is why: it would hurt Powermac G5 sales. Think about how many "pros" do their work on a Powerbook. A large portion (majority?) of Powerbook owners don't even own a desktop, but seeing the extra power of the new G5s, many could be persuaded into upgrading to a tower instead of a new laptop. So a delay in the Powerbook G5 leads to increased Powermac G5 sales to many who normally would not buy towers, but crave the Godspeed.

    When Apple finally releases the Powerbook G5, all of the laptop users who broke down and bought G5 towers 8-12 months ago will rush to buy Powerbooks. End result? Scads of laptop users buy BOTH a G5 desktops and laptops. If Apple had released the Powerbook G5s along with the Powermac G5s, these buyers never would have bought towers.

    Apple will no doubt give us some sweet laptop updates this summer, but look for features besides mondo power. Maybe some modest G4 speed bumps, but mostly display resolution changes, video chipsets, HDs, battery, keyboards, etc. Hopefully a drop in price.

    EDIT: G4 speed bumps, not G5!
  • Reply 128 of 873
    junkyard dawgjunkyard dawg Posts: 2,801member

    Originally posted by Chris Cuilla

    Is this sort of crass talk necessary?

    Sorry, didn't want to damage your moral sensibilities...there are places on the net where you can restore and revitalize your moral righteousness and superiority. I suggest you check them when in need of cleansing yourself of our vulgarity.
  • Reply 129 of 873
    neutrino23neutrino23 Posts: 1,563member

    Originally posted by Junkyard Dawg


    When Apple finally releases the Powerbook G5, all of the laptop users who broke down and bought G5 towers 8-12 months ago will rush to buy Powerbooks. End result? Scads of laptop users buy BOTH a G5 desktops and laptops. If Apple had released the Powerbook G5s along with the Powermac G5s, these buyers never would have bought towers. ...

    I'm not sure how the ratio of PB and Tower users would break down, but I seriously doubt they all would buy PBs. The Towers will be faster, have more options and better video cards than the PBs (as wonderful as the PBs will be).
  • Reply 130 of 873
    bankybanky Posts: 3member
    Sorry about earlier message about store being updated, it was the UK store and as far as I can tell there's nothing different?
  • Reply 131 of 873
    escherescher Posts: 1,811member

    Originally posted by banky

    Sorry about earlier message about store being updated, it was the UK store and as far as I can tell there's nothing different?

    It's ok, banky. It's actually a good sign that several people noticed short down-periods on several European and the US Apple Store. Usually short closures like this signify that the webmasters are updating the site behind the scenes in preparation for an imminent, public new product release.


  • Reply 132 of 873
    aardvarkaardvark Posts: 5member
    Well, here's my info. I placed an order for a PowerBook G4 12" Combo on 6/28, and at the time, it was listed as Same Day Shipping. Now it's set to ship on or before 7/8. When I ordered it, and up until yesterday, it was the only PowerBook listed for same day shipping, but now the 17" and the 15" Combo Drive are listed for same day shipping as well.

    So basically, who knows.
  • Reply 133 of 873
    kidredkidred Posts: 2,402member

    Originally posted by Junkyard Dawg

    Sorry, didn't want to damage your moral sensibilities...there are places on the net where you can restore and revitalize your moral righteousness and superiority. I suggest you check them when in need of cleansing yourself of our vulgarity.

    Speaking of vulgar, where are those *ahem* photos?
  • Reply 134 of 873
    cubistcubist Posts: 954member
    Really clever naming this thread "new powerbooks tomorrow" instead of "new powerbooks on 6/7" or something like that. It's like the "free beer tomorrow" signs.

    I bet the delay is Moto's fault. They promised to have the 7457's in Apple's hands by such-and-such-a-date, and didn't deliver.
  • Reply 135 of 873
    brunobruinbrunobruin Posts: 552member

    Originally posted by cubist

    I bet the delay is Moto's fault. They promised to have the 7457's in Apple's hands by such-and-such-a-date, and didn't deliver.

    Not to defend Moto, but if the rumors are correct they are actually EARLY in producing 7457s, which were not due until the end of the year or something.

    Of course, taking the long view, you could say that even delivering early is still delivering about two years late since we were supposed to see the G5-class chip a year ago...
  • Reply 136 of 873
    powerdocpowerdoc Posts: 8,123member
    according to IBM officials, The PPC 970 has the potential to be introduced in laptops, but it should take some months.

    It's clearly mean : no PPC 970 until 0,9 nm process.
  • Reply 137 of 873
    shetlineshetline Posts: 4,695member

    Originally posted by Powerdoc

    It's clearly mean : no PPC 970 until 0,9 nm process.

    Not to pick on you in particular, Powerdoc, but I keep seeing people do this: The new process will be 90 nm, which is 0.9 &micro;m -- definitely not 0.9 nm.
  • Reply 138 of 873
    rhumgodrhumgod Posts: 1,289member

    Originally posted by Powerdoc

    It's clearly mean : no PPC 970 until 0,9 nm process.

    Well, no PPC 970 in a laptop until 90nm process. We already have the PPC 970s; and ain't life grand again!!

    Nice to have (one of) the fastest personal computer in the world, if not in hand, on order?
  • Reply 139 of 873
    powerdocpowerdoc Posts: 8,123member

    Originally posted by shetline

    Not to pick on you in particular, Powerdoc, but I keep seeing people do this: The new process will be 90 nm, which is 0.9 &micro;m -- definitely not 0.9 nm.

    you are right, just typed too fast
  • Reply 140 of 873
    aquaticaquatic Posts: 5,602member
    Is today tomorrow? I don't see new PBs. Kinda surprised actually, considering the gap between the G5 and everything else, I imagine there will be a storm of updates soon.
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