Panther 7B** Builds Discussion (images on page 2 & 5)



  • Reply 281 of 1176
    vortexvortex Posts: 18member

    Originally posted by Moose

    What MOSR and ThinkSecret both left out of their reports:

    If developers who don't value their signatures keep pissing in the pool by leaking seeds, eventually the lifeguard's gonna kick us all out.


    Now THAT was punny!

    As long as developers don't illegally give away copies of their seeds, I think everything else (screenshots, reviews, etc.) is even beneficial for Apple (in terms of marketing and feedback). If Apple was really so worried about leaked Panther screenshots, their NDAs would be a *tad* more stringent and their beta-testing developer pool a little smaller.

    Following that principle... Brad, bring on dem screenshots!
  • Reply 282 of 1176
    first, thanks for the screenshots.

    well now I have a question.

    If I have installed the Panther PREVIEW, will I be able to install the final version without formating my whole disk? because it didn't work with Jaguar... You couldn't install the final version on the preview.

    dunno if anybody can answer this question because the final version isn't out yet.
  • Reply 283 of 1176
    Even though someone at Apple might be mad about all of this, especially now that 1 out of 2 mac users owns a copy of Panther, it is still good advertising, and I''m sure the people who downloaded it will buy it. Who wants to just stay on a Developer Seed?
  • Reply 284 of 1176
    moosemoose Posts: 25member

    Originally posted by mizugorou

    If I have installed the Panther PREVIEW, will I be able to install the final version without formating my whole disk? because it didn't work with Jaguar... You couldn't install the final version on the preview.

    dunno if anybody can answer this question because the final version isn't out yet.

    If you don't have the seednotes where Apple answers this question for you, and didn't read the bit where they say DO NOT INSTALL THIS ON YOUR PRIMARY MACHINE, IT COULD EAT YOUR CHILDREN, you have no business running Panther. Period.
  • Reply 285 of 1176
    moosemoose Posts: 25member

    Originally posted by ipenguin

    Even though someone at Apple might be mad about all of this, especially now that 1 out of 2 mac users owns a copy of Panther, it is still good advertising, and I''m sure the people who downloaded it will buy it. Who wants to just stay on a Developer Seed?

    While there have been no scientific studies of this, empirical evidence has led me to believe that there is significant overlap between the people who download pre-release operating system seeds and the people who download the final, shipping version of the product without paying for it.
  • Reply 286 of 1176
    valmadvalmad Posts: 49member
    " especially now that 1 out of 2 mac users owns a copy of Panther"

    I dont believe 1 out of 2 mac users OWNS a copy of Panther, as I don't think stealing something gives you ownership of it.

    But whatever..
  • Reply 287 of 1176

    Originally posted by Henriok

    I can also route system alerts through different ports than the one selected in Output.

    Cool! Does this mean I can get iTunes to output through my headphone jack and also through my USB port to my SoundSticks?

    Thanks, Harry
  • Reply 288 of 1176
    inkheadinkhead Posts: 155member

    You'd have to have some proof. It's been this way for 15 years, and the seeding still continues. Go away.


    Originally posted by Moose

    What MOSR and ThinkSecret both left out of their reports:

    If developers who don't value their signatures keep pissing in the pool by leaking seeds, eventually the lifeguard's gonna kick us all out.


  • Reply 289 of 1176
    inkheadinkhead Posts: 155member
    I submitted your paragraph to Apple as well about the IMAP. Hope you don't mind. We should all submit it.


    Originally posted by MacPulse

    Thanks for the link. Using the popup menus I was able to select Panther 10.3 and Mail.

    Here's what I wrote. Hope they read it:


  • Reply 290 of 1176
    rrrrrr Posts: 6member
    Thank you very much Henriok...


    I read once that one can use their DV device form the Audio Out pref... Correct? Any details?...

    Correct, it says

    Output > Canon DV (my DV camera) > Port: Firewire

    ...dont't know, but its v. 2.0 in Panther 7b21. Can't give you more details since i havn't got any MIDI-devices and frankly don't know what to look for. [/B]

    Well... the Audio Midi Setup ap is ver. 1.0.1 with my Jag...

    So that looks good that it's a 2.0 jump.

    THE question now is... does your DV device show up in this Audio Midi Setup ap also?

    It would be in the pop up lists under 'Default Input' , 'Default Output', and 'Selected Audio Device' ...

    That is if it even looks the same, ummm screenshot ?

    Hmmm, now I also wonder IF one has Panther on a network (or connected via FireWire) with another mac (with Panther also) would one see the 'other' computer as a device too!

    Now that would be veeerryy useful.

  • Reply 291 of 1176
    moosemoose Posts: 25member

    Originally posted by MacPulse

    Funny he should blame the IMAP server.

    Funny because all the other modern email clients (even not so modern ones) that support IMAP have this feature

    Uh. Mail supports this too. Has since either Puma or Jag. I forget which. Look at the account settings. Advanced. IMAP path prefix.

    Now, while Mail doesn't support subscriptions per se, this should be fine for 99% of users.
  • Reply 292 of 1176
    vortexvortex Posts: 18member

    It's so quiet tonight... But I think I can hear Brad pressing Command-Shift-3 repeatedly...

    Keep up the great work, Brad and all you screenshot-posting "developers"!
  • Reply 293 of 1176
    gambitgambit Posts: 475member
    The 7B28 build of Panther has administration issues. Basically, if you were an admin before, you're not after installing this build. It doesn't allow you to authenticate unless you're root. beh. Beta software: what'cha gonna do?
  • Reply 294 of 1176
    gambitgambit Posts: 475member
    Actually, everything is really fast (I can't believe how fast these builds are getting) from dragging Finder windows to web browsing. But, that authentication issue is a big drag.
  • Reply 295 of 1176
    lundylundy Posts: 4,466member

    Originally posted by alternatekev

    not sure if anyone's mentioned this or not, but i have a REALLY annoying bug where the keboard stops responding.. kind of. command-tab works, and when i log out, i can log back in fine. what happens is, every now and then (more than i'm happy with) text fields, text views and keyboard commands just stop responding to keybaord input. again, except for command-tab. it's a brand new apple keyboard, so that's not the issue. logging out and back in solves the problem. anyone else have this?

    yep. Happens in entering text fields. If you wait a few seconds it will appear sometimes.

    Installing 7B28 tonight so we'll see if this is fixed.
  • Reply 296 of 1176
    jmitchjmitch Posts: 38member

    Originally posted by rrr

    OK... I'll try asking this again.

    Please, what does Brad or ANYONE know about AUDIO/MIDI issues!

    I read once that one can use their DV device form the Audio Out pref... Correct? Any details?...

    Also, is there a new Audio Midi Setup ap?...

    (Usually found in the Utilities folder. )

    There is big need for some BIG improvements to the speed and functionality in OSX for us audio pros...

    Also any chance we can finally use mLam or Firewire to stream audio & midi channels from one computer to another already!!!

    Thanks Brad and others for any info!


    I have been running Panther build 7B21 for a while now. The audio and midi works excellent and fast with it. Much faster than in Jaguar. I have a Tascam US-428 midi recording device that interfaces with my Mac to make a pro recording studio. Yes the Audio Midi Setup is still there.


  • Reply 297 of 1176
    bartobarto Posts: 2,246member

    Originally posted by Moose

    While there have been no scientific studies of this, empirical evidence has led me to believe that there is significant overlap between the people who download pre-release operating system seeds and the people who download the final, shipping version of the product without paying for it.

  • Reply 298 of 1176
    applenutapplenut Posts: 5,768member

    Originally posted by Barto


  • Reply 299 of 1176
    moogsmoogs Posts: 4,296member
    Pirating software bayaaad, mmm-kay?

    Can we get back OT now?
  • Reply 300 of 1176

    Originally posted by Moogs

    Can we get back OT now?

    Doesn't OT usually stand for off topic.
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