Panther 7B** Builds Discussion (images on page 2 & 5)



  • Reply 301 of 1176
    moogsmoogs Posts: 4,296member
    Yes but you know... it could stand for On Topic also.
  • Reply 302 of 1176

    Originally posted by valmad

    " especially now that 1 out of 2 mac users owns a copy of Panther"

    I dont believe 1 out of 2 mac users OWNS a copy of Panther, as I don't think stealing something gives you ownership of it.

    But whatever..

    You know what I mean.

    PS: I haven't stolen a copy and I'm not going to. I'm just pointing out that if the people like Panther the they're probably going to buy it, either that or they...whatever.

    Brad, got any more pics of the big Cat?
  • Reply 303 of 1176
    gambitgambit Posts: 475member
    By the way, there's a work around for that authentication issue. You have to start up from the Panther CD and reset the password for root (resetting the password for yourself doesn't fix it) and then log in as root and make yourself an admin again.

    This is less buggy and faster than build 21 but there are still some random issues. Not bad, though.
  • Reply 304 of 1176
    deestardeestar Posts: 105member
    Can anyone with Panther check if the carbon/cocoa colour palettes have Pantone colour libraries? This would make sense considering the large creative user base and pantone being the industry standard.

    Thanks for all the info guys
  • Reply 305 of 1176
    What about an HTML color picker built in?
  • Reply 306 of 1176
    henriokhenriok Posts: 537member

    Originally posted by deestar

    Can anyone with Panther check if the carbon/cocoa colour palettes have Pantone colour libraries? This would make sense considering the large creative user base and pantone being the industry standard.

    Pantone colour libraries are not included. Pantone should make their libraries compatible with Apple's colour picker though, if they haven't already. It is a plugin based architecture after all and it's probably quite trivial for them to support it.

    Doesn't those lirbaries cost money anyway? I'm not prepared to pay a license fee to Pantone just so I would get their library included in Panther. If they are free though.. that'd be another matter completely.
  • Reply 307 of 1176
    frykefryke Posts: 217member
    In what app would you need Pantone colours that has not included their own colour palettes, anyway? At least Adobe's apps do have the Pantone libraries afaik. Need it for TextEdit? ;-)
  • Reply 308 of 1176
    They are non-free I think, but the fees can't be expensive, considering all the other programs which include them.
  • Reply 309 of 1176
    henriokhenriok Posts: 537member

    Originally posted by Anonymous Karma

    They are non-free I think, but the fees can't be expensive, considering all the other programs which include them.

    Are you thinking of cheap applications like Photoshop and Quark XPress?
  • Reply 310 of 1176
    ludwigvanludwigvan Posts: 458member
    If anybody is interested, Kasper Jade and Slash Lanehas posted a blurb about and a handful of screenshots from Panther build 7B28. Here it is.

    I thought this line from the article was cute:


    Apple's newly threaded Mail application saw no new features as it inched forwards from 1.3 (v582) to 1.3 (v582).

  • Reply 311 of 1176
    jaredjared Posts: 639member
    I am sure this has been answered but I do not want to read all eight pages...can you change the colors of the labels or are you stuck with their color choices?
  • Reply 312 of 1176
    jasocojasoco Posts: 75member
    I think I saw a screenshot of the preferences. Yes, I believe you can.

    At least now we'll actually be able to use black or gray or white and have it actually work.

    I'm wondering if Unsanity will drop Labels X when this comes out or will they try and integrate it with the existing ability? And anyone know if the Panther Labels are backwards compatable with OS 9? And in turn with Labels X?
  • Reply 313 of 1176

    Originally posted by Jasoco

    I think I saw a screenshot of the preferences. Yes, I believe you can.

    With the caveat that I too have only seen the screenshots, I only noticed that you could rename the color labels, not change the colors themselves.

    I could be wrong, of course...
  • Reply 314 of 1176
    jasocojasoco Posts: 75member

    Not that it matters to me if you can't change the colors. I like the rainbow. But it'd be nice if we could.
  • Reply 315 of 1176
    naghanagha Posts: 71member
    has anyone tested VPC on Panther? assuming that it runs, how is the performance?

  • Reply 316 of 1176
    Have there been any improvements to the Aqua Finder in Panther (ie. making it to acting like the brushed metal Finder or 10.2's Finder instead of just the classic Finder)?
  • Reply 317 of 1176
    boemaneboemane Posts: 311member
    X11 and Panther!

    How is X11 integrated ? Do you still have to open the X11 app and use the XTerm terminal, or will it be integrated so that you can run X11 programs from the standard Terminal ?

    The way I see it, being Unix based, it should be possible to use the standard Darwin terminal to run any X11 app ?

  • Reply 318 of 1176

    Originally posted by Gambit

    The 7B28 build of Panther has administration issues. Basically, if you were an admin before, you're not after installing this build. It doesn't allow you to authenticate unless you're root. beh. Beta software: what'cha gonna do?

    Hmm, how are you installing 7b28? I don't have any of the authentication problems that some people seem to be experiencing. Everything I authenticate works just fine here, where exactly are you seeing this problem?

    I see several of these messages:


    [2003/08/08 09:57:38, 0] /SourceCache/samba/samba-41/samba/source/passdb/pdb_smbpasswd.c:startsmbfilepwent(182)

    startsmbfilepwent_internal: unable to open file /private/var/db/samba/smbpasswd. Error was No such file or directory

    [2003/08/08 09:57:38, 0] /SourceCache/samba/samba-41/samba/source/passdb/pdb_smbpasswd.c:smbpasswd_getsampwnam(1284)

    Unable to open passdb database.

    It does not affect anything actually, it's just weird because there are a LOT of them in log.smdb but everything works just fine.
  • Reply 319 of 1176

    Originally posted by Code Master

    What about an HTML color picker built in?

    Already in Jaguar's color picker. Also in Panther.


    Originally posted by Jared

    can you change the colors of the labels or are you stuck with their color choices?

    No. You can change the names but not the colors.

    Sorry, guys. No time for more info from me. I'm going to be away for a few more days.
  • Reply 320 of 1176
    gambitgambit Posts: 475member

    Originally posted by Chairman Meow

    Hmm, how are you installing 7b28? I don't have any of the authentication problems that some people seem to be experiencing. Everything I authenticate works just fine here, where exactly are you seeing this problem?

    It could potentially be from the fact that I did an archive and install from the previous release. Everyone that has that I know of ran into the authentication problem. It's easily fixed, so it's not anything to worry about, especially from a prerelease build.

    I've noticed that the keyboard and mouse don't lose funcionality like before (which would happen randomly) but iChat sometimes craps out by not allowing you to type anything until you restart it.
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