Panther 7B** Builds Discussion (images on page 2 & 5)



  • Reply 361 of 1176
    murkmurk Posts: 935member
    I'm still wondering about that new fat chick, Vicki. What's the reason for her weight gain?
  • Reply 362 of 1176
    kickahakickaha Posts: 8,760member
    Well *this* went off topic fast.

    Guys? *ahem* Title?

    Thenk yew.
  • Reply 363 of 1176
    jwilljwill Posts: 209member
    Well, putting it back on track, does iCal in Panther have more than the six colors it has in Jaguar?
  • Reply 364 of 1176
    murkmurk Posts: 935member
    Vicki is on topic. She's the new voice that is mysteriously large in size, but isn't any better in quality according to Brad.
  • Reply 365 of 1176
    Let's hear a sound byte of that blimp! Get her to say "Where's the beef?"
  • Reply 366 of 1176
    jwilljwill Posts: 209member
    But unfortunately she has nothing to do with an operating system...

  • Reply 367 of 1176
    m01etym01ety Posts: 278member

    Originally posted by jwill

    But unfortunately she has nothing to do with an operating system...


    Of course she does. A voice synthesis library that has mysteriously increased in size is a sign of impending updates to the Speech Synthesis core of Panther, which is extremely pertinent to the OS.

    What makes you say otherwise?
  • Reply 368 of 1176

    Originally posted by jwill

    Well, putting it back on track, does iCal in Panther have more than the six colors it has in Jaguar?

    It would appear as though the answer is negative.

    Nor does iCal now use 'real' checkboxes for its displays.

    I recognise that a discussion about this may already be taking place/have taken place, but: as much as it might be impractical to use a single checkbox systemwide and to let the user customise the colours (due to multi-hue buttons), it might make sense for Apple to permit programmers who know what they're doing to set each hue manually, if need be. This could cut down on resources and would make iCal more responsive *and* more of a 'true' Cocoa program in terms of its interface (barring that it is already a Cocoa application).
  • Reply 369 of 1176
    amorphamorph Posts: 7,112member

    Originally posted by andrewm

    as much as it might be impractical to use a single checkbox systemwide and to let the user customise the colours (due to multi-hue buttons), it might make sense for Apple to permit programmers who know what they're doing to set each hue manually, if need be.

    I really don't see this as a problem at all. Panther's panes now automatically darken when they're nested, dynamically, by the simple expedient of an alpha channel. Given the display layer Apple has so meticulously crafted, nothing in the world prevents them from letting people put colors or plaids or photographs or freaking QuickTime movies behind controls. They just have to implement it, and set the default to white.

    Oddly, pressure to do this might come from the Safari team. They're getting a lot of requests to allow the native widgets to be colored by CSS as they can be on other platforms - which is currently impossible, and Dave Hyatt has firmly resisted going back on using native widgets.
  • Reply 370 of 1176
    jwilljwill Posts: 209member

    Originally posted by andrewm

    It would appear as though the answer is negative.

    Nor does iCal now use 'real' checkboxes for its displays.

    I recognise that a discussion about this may already be taking place/have taken place, but: as much as it might be impractical to use a single checkbox systemwide and to let the user customise the colours (due to multi-hue buttons), it might make sense for Apple to permit programmers who know what they're doing to set each hue manually, if need be. This could cut down on resources and would make iCal more responsive *and* more of a 'true' Cocoa program in terms of its interface (barring that it is already a Cocoa application).

    Yeah, if you install third party themes you realize that a lot of applications don't use the real interface and are bloated with extra elements. The calculator has three buttons that aren't real buttons, iCal's checkboxes aren't real, iTunes uses a complete interface that's nestled in it's own resources and not the system one, Disk Copy's license agreement window has stripes from the original Aqua theme instead of using the native goes on and on. The hue would sure be good though. I remember in Palm Desktop they let you use a custom color.


    Originally posted by Amorph

    Oddly, pressure to do this might come from the Safari team. They're getting a lot of requests to allow the native widgets to be colored by CSS as they can be on other platforms - which is currently impossible, and Dave Hyatt has firmly resisted going back on using native widgets.

    Oh yeah..Windows has that. Hey, maybe what would be cool is if the interface was based on a hue color already, and Safari would just have to apply the new one for CSS. That way, it shouldn't be impossible. But I'm not that CSS experienced, so I wouldn't know for sure.

    i think that if they based all the blue elements on a hue, there'd be a lot less resources hanging around in OS X, and the system wouldn't be as big. And this should be possible. Windows did it. There should be some formula for getting every color of the aqua effect. All they'd have to do is use it every time they need to, for whatever control.
  • Reply 371 of 1176
    chrisgchrisg Posts: 239member
    iChat seems to use some type of hue shift for the chat bubbles since you can choose any color from the color picker and it will work.

    It seems like this would have been a good idea for the UI elements allowing for thousands of possibilities.
  • Reply 372 of 1176

    Originally posted by ChrisG

    iChat seems to use some type of hue shift for the chat bubbles since you can choose any color from the color picker and it will work.

    It seems like this would have been a good idea for the UI elements allowing for thousands of possibilities.

    (Bear in mind that I am still on 10.1.5, and my only experience with Jaguar was the few minutes I spent fiddling with a TiBook on display at a small Mac dealer.)

    Whoa! It can do that? Well then why the hell hasn't it made its way into the system-wide appearance yet?! They have definitely got to expand on this?
  • Reply 373 of 1176

    Originally posted by Dog Almighty

    (Bear in mind that I am still on 10.1.5, and my only experience with Jaguar was the few minutes I spent fiddling with a TiBook on display at a small Mac dealer.)

    Whoa! It can do that? Well then why the hell hasn't it made its way into the system-wide appearance yet?! They have definitely got to expand on this...

    The reason may be (I'm no expert here--I'm basically repeating what I saw elsewhere) that, whilst the iChat bubbles can be generated with a single colour, the window-titlebar bubbles, the checkboxes, and other controls are multi-hued, perhaps multiply-layered in Photoshop, or some such.
  • Reply 374 of 1176
    jwilljwill Posts: 209member
    Well, if possible, it could always generate the multi-hues from the one you choose. I think it would take some work but it would lighten the system a little.
  • Reply 375 of 1176
    panicxpanicx Posts: 37member
    the rounded label is actually a shape, this is the way it will adjust

    to even very long text, and is stored inside Finder.rsrc

    you can open up Finder.rsrc in Themepark and then with help

    of Photoshop edit very easily to any color you prefer

    Only way sofar to get other colors of labels

    iCal can be done to but is a helluvalot of work
  • Reply 376 of 1176
    jwilljwill Posts: 209member
    It's a helluvalot of work changing the systemwide color. I changed it to red once and it took me over an hour. But usually I can live with blue. What they do need to allow us to change though is the iCal colors. People do have more than 6 reasons to put something on their calendar. I may not, but it would be good to pick the color.
  • Reply 377 of 1176
    chuckerchucker Posts: 5,089member

    Originally posted by m01ety

    What makes you say otherwise?

    I guess what confuses him is the fact that a *woman* is supposed to be part of an *operating* system.
  • Reply 378 of 1176
    physguyphysguy Posts: 920member
    Has anyone played around with the encryption in Mail that is referenced in the Think Secret article today? How, in OSX/Mail do you create the Public/Private key pair for the encryption?

  • Reply 379 of 1176
    kickahakickaha Posts: 8,760member
    *laugh* No, actually, it was because there was an ad at the bottom of the screen when I read that referencing overweight dating.


    Completely done forgot about the new voice and the size of it, and connected it with the ad. D'oh. Hee.

    Carry on!
  • Reply 380 of 1176
    m01etym01ety Posts: 278member

    Originally posted by Chucker

    I guess what confuses him is the fact that a *woman* is supposed to be part of an *operating* system.

    Ooooh... Lucky for him Jerle doesn't frequent this board, or someone would have received the Crystal Sword (tm) treatment.
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