New PowerBooks '03!!!!! (merged)



  • Reply 61 of 177
    pscatespscates Posts: 5,847member
    Well, I have to chime in here for a bit, now that I'm up and aware of the new goodies. What a cool way to wake up this morning...I hit with my hands over my eyes and slowly opened them to see the new PowerBooks on the front page.

    You know what? I'm totally satisfied with this line-up. To finally see the "sweet spot" 15" model updated to all the modern goodies makes me happy (AND means I can quit thinking about it all for the first time in months).

    Coolest of all? Prices didn't go up. Also, all three models got touched, so now they're all off on equal, "let's update 'em again in 6 or so months together" footing.

    I got what I wanted/expected: a 1.2-something G4. Faster SuperDrive, FireWire 800, USB 2.0, light-up keyboard, etc. For all those who say nVidia sucks (do they? I don't know), we've got ATi 64MB graphics in the 15" and 17". They kept the 15.2 at the TiBook resolution, so that's nice.

    You've got the new aluminum bod, AirPort antenna in the display, the cool sturdy hinge, ports on the right side (USB for us right-handed m ousers...yay!). Yeah, it gained .1" in thickness. So what? Is that honestly a perceptible, deal-killing amount? I think not. Look what all you get in this model!

    Sweetest of all (and this is where my decision-making is going to be tested over the next few weeks), it seems the 12" got some of the things I was long hoping for: 1GHz, DVI, faster SuperDrive. I said - recently, in fact - that if the 12" got DVI, I'd probably get it and just use the savings to put toward a 20" Cinema Display.

    But I also qualified that saying "unless the 15" just really knocks me out...". And it does. I think this is a kick-ass PowerBook line-up. No price increases, but some good solid upgrades. Hell, the 17" gained 300MHz and dropped $300, breaking that psychological $3000 barrier (which I often called for and spoke about). How can that NOT be greeted with cheers?

    I'm thrilled because it seems that - on all three models - I got exactly what I was calling for, hoping for, wishing for, etc. A very cool Tuesday. Thanks, Apple.
  • Reply 62 of 177
    idaveidave Posts: 1,283member

    Originally posted by pscates

    Well, I have to chime in here for a bit, now that I'm up and aware of the new goodies. What a cool way to wake up this morning...I hit with my hands over my eyes and slowly opened them to see the new PowerBooks on the front page.

    You know what? I'm totally satisfied with this line-up.

    It's good to hear from someone who's completely satisfied, considering all the whiners around here.

    I'm quite happy with the upgrades too and will be ordering a shiny new 17" model soon.
  • Reply 63 of 177
    eugeneeugene Posts: 8,254member
    Regarding the batteries, does anybody know why the 12 inch PB has a 47 watt-hour battery, but the 15 inch PB has a 46 watt-hour battery?

  • Reply 64 of 177
    When Apple says that Airport Extreme is "built-in" on the 17" and high-end 15" model is it really part of the motherboard or is it just bundled with the usual Airport Extreme card already installed?
  • Reply 65 of 177
    algolalgol Posts: 833member
    Hey been busy at college and have not been able to post in a while. I bought a 1Ghz 15" TIPowerBook in May and this update doesn't even make me want to get rid of it. They look good and the prices are better, but in my experience the 1MB L3 cache really helps out and they don't have one. I think on the 15" they should have had both. Maybe no room inside for it... I don't know. Also what ever happened to the 200mhz bus? If the G4 would slowly eek its bus speed up it would be able to stay a okay chip. But 167 for 1333mhz chicp is laim aspecially with out 1mb l3 cache.

    I won't be getting a new one until the G5 comes out for them. There can't be much real performance gain in these models. Unless the 7457 has some much better shit it it. Does it????????
  • Reply 66 of 177
    I'm VERY happy with the 15' in particular... it will be an extremely nice upgrade to my current old Ti500... (broken cd drive, 20 gig drive, 2 verticle lines on display, scratched case)

    I ordered the 15' this morning at 7:30ish CST when I got up... and my 40 gig iPod should get to my office today... I'm "Mac'd" up!

  • Reply 67 of 177
    thttht Posts: 5,605member
    To clarify some things about the processor, the Powerbooks use the Moto 7457 while the iMacs use the Moto 7455 G4 processor. The 7457 has 512 KB on-chip L2 cache while the 7455 uses 256 KB on-chip L2 cache. It looks like both iMacs and Powerbooks do not have L3 cache. Given this, the Powerbooks should be about 10% faster at the same clock rate than the iMacs because of the increased on-chip cache in the 7457.

    That is, the 1.25 GHz Powerbook will be ~10% faster than the 1.25 GHz iMac while the 1 GHz Powerbook will be ~10% faster than the 1 GHz iMac.
  • Reply 68 of 177
    murbotmurbot Posts: 5,262member
    Thank you pscates. It was about time someone posted something positive in here. Seems like there is just no pleasing anyone here sometimes.

    I can't wait to hear your report on your new PowerBook. (with photos)

  • Reply 69 of 177
    eugeneeugene Posts: 8,254member

    Originally posted by Algol

    Hey been busy at college and have not been able to post in a while. I bought a 1Ghz 15" TIPowerBook in May and this update doesn't even make me want to get rid of it. They look good and the prices are better, but in my experience the 1MB L3 cache really helps out and they don't have one. I think on the 15" they should have had both. Maybe no room inside for it... I don't know. Also what ever happened to the 200mhz bus? If the G4 would slowly eek its bus speed up it would be able to stay a okay chip. But 167 for 1333mhz chicp is laim aspecially with out 1mb l3 cache.

    I wish the CHUD.kext would allow you to go from 512k to 256k enabled to see what the performance hit is like in typical benchmarks. But you're definitely right, it doesn't overcome the fact that the next level of accessable memory is going to be off as 133 or 167 MHz bus.
  • Reply 70 of 177
    thttht Posts: 5,605member

    Originally posted by TWinbrook46636

    When Apple says that Airport Extreme is "built-in" on the 17" and high-end 15" model is it really part of the motherboard or is it just bundled with the usual Airport Extreme card already installed?

    The footnotes of the data sheet says it's a card. Probably the same mini-PCI 802.11 card that Apple has been using for awhile now.
  • Reply 71 of 177

    Originally posted by murbot

    Thank you pscates. It was about time someone posted something positive in here. Seems like there is just no pleasing anyone here sometimes.

    I can't wait to hear your report on your new PowerBook. (with photos)

    Wait a second, he didn't say he was going to BUY one of the new Powerbooks. He just said he's happy with them!

    Hell, I'm happy with them (I'm happy with any update), but I think I'll wait for the g5.
  • Reply 72 of 177
    murbotmurbot Posts: 5,262member
    Well, he said he was getting a 12" to hook up to a Cinema Display, unless the 15" knocked him out, and it did.

    I think that means he's buying. I think someone is going to be hunting down 1280x854 orange desktops this morning.

  • Reply 73 of 177

    Originally posted by murbot

    Well, he said he was getting a 12" to hook up to a Cinema Display, unless the 15" knocked him out, and it did.

    I think that means he's buying. I think someone is going to be hunting down 1280x854 orange desktops this morning.

    My guess is that he will not buy!

    Apple is feeling far too much pressure at this point to put a g5 in a Powerbook. We all know it's just a matter of months...... Maybe January.
  • Reply 74 of 177
    pscatespscates Posts: 5,847member
    Just to clarify: I'm DEFINITELY buying!!!

    Barring any sudden lottery win, it'll be by the end of October (sooner if I opt for the 12"). And hell, I MIGHT just break my little "credit card for emergencies ONLY" rule and get it this weekend, sumbitch!).

    But I'm pleased with them AND buying. I just need to hunker down in the coming days/weeks and figure out which makes the most sense.

    I might get the 15" Combo Drive model (add the backlit keyboard, of course) since I've not exactly been tearing up the SuperDrive on my iMac the past 18 months...

    But I know as soon as I DON'T get the SuperDrive PowerBook, I'll win a DV camcorder in a contest and kick myself in the butt for not being able to do the whole iDVD/SuperDrive thing...

  • Reply 75 of 177
    pscatespscates Posts: 5,847member

    Originally posted by neurokid My guess is that he will not buy! :devil

    My guess is that you're wrong.
  • Reply 76 of 177
    satchmosatchmo Posts: 2,699member
    Does someone definitively know whether or not there is a L3 cache on the 15" models?
  • Reply 77 of 177
    709709 Posts: 2,016member

    Originally posted by pscates

    ...I hit with my hands over my eyes and slowly opened them to see the new PowerBooks on the front page.

  • Reply 78 of 177
    aquaticaquatic Posts: 5,602member
    They sure love to squeeze money out of us loyals.

    Terrible update, the only good thing are the new graphics and I still don't get why Apple is using NVIDIA in laptops.

    Lighted keyboard should be on all models. Free Wireless mouse with all models. And make the 12" smaller all around a little.

    Compare the 1.33ghz G4 to a Dual 2ghz G5. Never before has there been such a gap. Motorola officially sucks. Even more. This 7457 or whatever sucks. It should at least be 2ghz to keep up with the G5 and Centrino.
  • Reply 79 of 177
    bigcbigc Posts: 1,224member
    Well, not too exiting to me. Just ordered the PBTi 1GHz ($1999) and 23" ACD ($1799) refurbished for $3800 Total. (the old 17" PB went from $2999 to $2499 Refurbished since the update)

    Waiting on the PBG5...
  • Reply 80 of 177
    nofeernofeer Posts: 2,427member
    I was about to buy mywife the 12 but now i'm thinking 14" ibook, so convince me why i should get the 12pb and not the 14 ibook. Do the new PB have faster superdrives than previous PB... i don't think so. to use iDvd can't i work it up export it to toast 6 then use an external dvd burner?

    I'm a little disappointed inthe 12pb. why buy transition units. \
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