countdown to new g5's...



  • Reply 121 of 410
    pbg4 dudepbg4 dude Posts: 1,611member

    Apple has a 10-day price protection plan. You might want to make sure of Apple's policies before you go ragging on them.
  • Reply 122 of 410

    Originally posted by PBG4 Dude


    Apple has a 10-day price protection plan. You might want to make sure of Apple's policies before you go ragging on them.

    Sorry about the pricing policy. I wasn't totally aware of that. I should've checked.

    Nevertheless, the point of my message remains. Far too many people just wait for the next religous event before making the purchase. Apple needs to get away from this. Incremental upgrades, like processor speedups, should not be tied to major events. And, rather than make a major drop in price of $600.00 only once a replacement model comes out, they should reduce the price of current products little by little until the replacement comes out. Maybe many people don't agree with this concept, certainly Apple doesn't, but pretty much every manufacturer of the major components that go into a Powermac incrementally lower their prices from the day a product comes out till the next replacement is available. Just look at the Maxtor, WDC, Seagate, Kingston, Sony, Pioneer etc.... Why not entice people to buy each and everyday of the year?
  • Reply 123 of 410
    flounderflounder Posts: 2,674member

    Originally posted by DVD_Junkie

    Sorry about the pricing policy. I wasn't totally aware of that. I should've checked.

    Nevertheless, the point of my message remains. Far too many people just wait for the next religous event before making the purchase. Apple needs to get away from this. Incremental upgrades, like processor speedups, should not be tied to major events.

    That is exactly what they have been doing for over a year now
  • Reply 124 of 410
    the 10 day return policy only applies to pre-built - not build to order.

    And the prebuilt often suck.

    EX: 1.6 g5 w/ superdrive (slower than regualr combo and a new superdrive is available online for about $140) and the video card is known to be much worse than the $40 upgrade.

    I tend to agree that apple is not competative with dell as far as upgrades, pricing and options.

    But then - they are NOT TRYING TO BE.

    Cringley had a good point recently when he said that Jobs is fine running a niche boutique computer company that leads the way.

    Though even that is up to question. Woz has been quoted saying apple doesn't really innovate anymore - ipod a recent exception -

    and APPLE DIDN'T DESIGN THIS - hard ware and softwarte already existed and they packed it.

    I can get a much faster PC than a mac for less momey. Hell, I can get a DP capable PC from dell w/ just one CPU in it and pay less - and then later add the other cpu and BINK I have a DP machine - upgradeable when I want.

    All that said - I am looking to buy a mac G5 - I'll wait another week and then buy it - yes, I may lose out on a few hunderd dollars - but I have the machine to use -

    I like th emac over the pc for most thing s- a few programs I run at work won't run on the mac so I use a PC (dell). I actually like having both and use a KVM Switch to moved back and forth - best of both worlds. I don't mind having a PC laptop and a Mac laptop and mac Desktop....

    Anyway, I've spent LOTS more on drugs than computers over the years. - and so what...

    Hell I'd hate to admit what I paid for my first Sanyo PC w/ 1 disk drive!

    The original mac cost $2495.

    For that I can get a DP 1.8 G5.
  • Reply 125 of 410
    ps5533ps5533 Posts: 476member

    Originally posted by Kurt

    I definitely agree LBB. Apple's website should have more than just the remade original commercial. What is the matter with them?

    Here Here
  • Reply 126 of 410
    709709 Posts: 2,016member
  • Reply 127 of 410
    haraldharald Posts: 2,152member

    Originally posted by maclamb

    snipped: stuff that proves that ...

    I've spent LOTS more on drugs than computers over the years.

  • Reply 128 of 410

    Originally posted by maclamb

    I actually like having both and use a KVM Switch to moved back and forth - best of both worlds. I don't mind having a PC laptop and a Mac laptop and mac Desktop....

    Maclamb - I'm looking to have a similar setup at my house. What kind of KVM switch are you using? Does it work well and what did it cost?

  • Reply 129 of 410
    jubelumjubelum Posts: 4,490member
    I think the consensus around my particular MUG is that if the G5 hits 2.6 dual, most of us will buy (our last group buy was the dual 1ghz MDD) If it is just 2.4, we're going to wait for 3.0 in the summer, which was part of the Grand IBM Covenant made by The Almighty Steve last summer.

    Most of us can afford to wait as long as it takes to get to the 2.6-3.0+ plateau.

    As for my business purchase, I know that G5 iMacs are coming, and sooner rather than later... but I needed one NOW. So I got a 17" iMac G4. Will I regret it? Mostly not... i NEEDED it. I found it for 1299... it's hard to get upset at that price. If I had to pay the full $1800, I would not be happy with having not waited.

    In short, if you HAVE TO have a PM G5 NOW, get a single processor 1.8. Nice price break for great technology that will still be great after the new duallies come out.

    DVD_Junkie, how would you like Apple to approach the situation? Tell us three or six months in advance of shipping new products and then watch as sales on current models fall...?

    Based on latest numbers, you can barely give away a G4 MDD right now. I for one, hate the "announce it today, ship it in 45 day" routine. I like knowing generally when things are going to happen with hardware for Apple, within the span of a few weeks.

    Apple's upgrades are usually NOT random happenings. They require some thinking about and research in other areas (other 970 products, new 1" hard drives for the iPod, etc)

    There will always be people pissed because they got one on the edge of an upgrade. That's what the 10 day price protection Apple offers is for. If you are buying a machine that has not been updated in 5-7 months, chances are you are going to be disappointed soon after ordering.

    It is an upgrade CYCLE.

    cy·cle __ n.

    An interval of time during which a characteristic, often regularly repeated event or sequence of events.


  • Reply 130 of 410
    I agree- I am ready to buy- using my one time ADC discount I can get a DP 1.8 configured the way I want for $1900 from Apple, or may save the ADC discount and for $1600 (using my educ disc) get a 1.6 (again configured the way I want...) and replace my wallstreet with an ibook in a month.

    So, why not just order it today?

    Well, there is a good chance apple will either drop prices (maybe allowing me to get a DP 1.8 w/o using my ADC) or a DP 2.4 will replace the DP 1.8 making the use of the ADC Disc more attractive, or a 2.0 may replace the 1.6 for about same $. OR PBs may drop.-- there is an "existential compnonet" to the momemnt that is not present yet. I think it's foolish to jump w/ just a week to go.

    Now, how long to wait.

    Well, I need the machine SOON.

    So, I have (semi-arbitrarily) set the date of Feb 3rd as the date to make the decison. Unless there is an ANNOUNCED date for upgrades- I will decide at that time. Why the 3rd? well, consensus seems to be if nothing is announced by the Tuesday after superbowl, then nothing is coming soon, and the magic of 23 (see the illuminati tilogy for more on this ;-)

    I have read somewhee that an Apple person said upgrades are unlikely as they are focusing on getting the mini-iPod out.

    so be it - 1.6 or DP 1.8 will be mine and i'll be very happy.
  • Reply 131 of 410

    Originally posted by Henrionov

    Maclamb - I'm looking to have a similar setup at my house. What kind of KVM switch are you using? Does it work well and what did it cost?


    I used th ebelkin and liked the unit - but had the weird experience of the keyboard sending unwanted, spurious keustroeks to the mac - VERY annoying. I sold it on ebay.

    I may try it again and this time call their tech support first to see if there is a known issue.

    I like the keyboard switch - two button presses and everything swithed.
  • Reply 132 of 410

    Originally posted by maclamb

    I agree- I am ready to buy- using my one time ADC discount I can get a DP 1.8 configured the way I want for $1900 from Apple, or may save the ADC discount and for $1600 (using my educ disc) get a 1.6 (again configured the way I want...) and replace my wallstreet with an ibook in a month.

    So, why not just order it today?

    Well, there is a good chance apple will either drop prices (maybe allowing me to get a DP 1.8 w/o using my ADC) or a DP 2.4 will replace the DP 1.8 making the use of the ADC Disc more attractive, or a 2.0 may replace the 1.6 for about same $. OR PBs may drop.-- there is an "existential compnonet" to the momemnt that is not present yet. I think it's foolish to jump w/ just a week to go.


    maclamb does the adc discount really knock a good percentage off the price? is it better than the edu discount? how much could one save on a dp 1.8 or 2.0 price?
  • Reply 133 of 410
    sh0ewaxsh0ewax Posts: 114member

    Originally posted by maclamb

    I agree- I am ready to buy- using my one time ADC discount I can get a DP 1.8 configured the way I want for $1900 from Apple, or may save the ADC discount and for $1600 (using my educ disc) get a 1.6 (again configured the way I want...) and replace my wallstreet with an ibook in a month.

    What is the ADC discount maclamb?

  • Reply 134 of 410
    It's the Apple Developer Connection discount, a one time discount of 20% given to registered developers. Once a year on hardware, I think...and You must pay $200 to remain on the ADC list.
  • Reply 135 of 410
    I joined the Apple Developer Connection program as a student for $99.

    Forthis I Get:

    Mailing, cool CDs with developer techy info, cool black t-shirt with logo and a complete set of Panther CDs.


    a 1 time discount of up to 20% 0 depending on machne - take a look here:

    and click on ADC Hardware Purchase Program Store.

    YOu can see soem pretty hefty discounts on the higher end stuff. I can get any one machine, + displays and iPod and accessories (ipod 15G is 239!)

    Some conditions- can't resell machine for one year- must be for student/development work only, blah blah...

    Anyway, if no updates some out in a week I'll probably get the 1.6 and upgrade my laptop in a month. If i weaken at the last moment and get the the DP 1.8 I'll have to wait longer to upgrade the laptop ($400 more for the DP) ...which is propbaly ok b/c by then they'll probably rev the laptops and I can get an ibook using my educ discount.

    The 1.6 is proably much closer to what I truly need - but the DP 1.8 will more than suffice for a year - then sell on ebay and probably get enough + some $ to get the new mid-level PM - probably a 3+DP by then! oh my gosh.
  • Reply 136 of 410

    Originally posted by maclamb

    Anyway, if no updates some out in a week I'll probably get the 1.6 and upgrade my laptop in a month. If i weaken at the last moment and get the the DP 1.8 I'll have to wait longer to upgrade the laptop ($400 more for the DP) ...which is propbaly ok b/c by then they'll probably rev the laptops and I can get an ibook using my educ discount.

    The 1.6 is proably much closer to what I truly need - but the DP 1.8 will more than suffice for a year - then sell on ebay and probably get enough + some $ to get the new mid-level PM - probably a 3+DP by then! oh my gosh.

    if no updates come out and you actually buy a 1.6 in a week i will slap you. end of story.
  • Reply 137 of 410
    why slap me? for not waiting longer or getting the 1.6?
  • Reply 138 of 410

    what kind of developers classes must you take? (i assume you can't just take one class of basket-weaving lol) i've always wanted to get into software development. this seems a great way to encourage software development on the mac.

    i saw a program called codeweaver? and it seemed like an introduction to programming. how does one get started with this? thanks
  • Reply 139 of 410
    think about it, if its not htis week, it'll be the next. i know this sounds crazy, but apple is way overdue for a release of SOMETHING. getting a 1.6 would not only be a waste of tons of money, but performance too. we all know that the dual 2GHz already stomps the single 1.6, so why buy a 1.6 when you could spend that same money on a dual 2GHz after a new release? i dunno, its your money, but i've seen the 1.6 in action, and i tihnk you'd be a lot better off jsut waiting for updates, cause they cant be too far off.
  • Reply 140 of 410
    There's no requirement you take classes - and I doubt the apple ADC police are going to come knocking on your door to check how you ar eusing the machine - my guess is it's to prevent busness from getting the machine at a severe discount if they have a student employee -

    I use it for web development using dreamweaver and some Java using eclipse ( and some Mac dev using Cocoa-Java
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