Hamas's Spiritual Leader / Founder Killed.



  • Reply 61 of 205
    bungebunge Posts: 7,329member

    Originally posted by Eugene

    Nor did I. It was a baseless blanket statement just like yours.

    You goofed. Go reread your post. It cleary states that he/she is a Democrat.
  • Reply 62 of 205
    naplesxnaplesx Posts: 3,743member
    Who cares about this guy besides other civilian targeting thugs?

    Another terrorist dead in the war on terror. Move along, nothing to see here.
  • Reply 63 of 205
    haraldharald Posts: 2,152member

    Originally posted by NaplesX

    Who cares about this guy besides other civilian targeting thugs?

    Another terrorist dead in the war on terror. Move along, nothing to see here.

    Oh, and a load more dead Israelis too. Why don't you care about them?
  • Reply 64 of 205
    naplesxnaplesx Posts: 3,743member

    Originally posted by Harald

    Oh, and a load more dead Israelis too. Why don't you care about them?

    I do, but I don't care about this guy. The only way these guys will stop killing is if they are dead. One leader down how many to go now?
  • Reply 65 of 205
    haraldharald Posts: 2,152member

    Originally posted by NaplesX

    I do, but I don't care about this guy. The only way these guys will stop killing is if they are dead. One leader down how many to go now?

    No, you don't. Killing this guy will directly result in more dead Israelis then would otherwise be the case. He's gone, the root causes haven't, someone will fill his shoes; but someone angrier.

    More. Dead. Israelis.

    Hey everyone! NaplesX supports policies that result in more dead Israelis! NaplesX is an anti-semite!
  • Reply 66 of 205
    naplesxnaplesx Posts: 3,743member

    Originally posted by Harald

    No, you don't. Killing this guy will directly result in more dead Israelis then would otherwise be the case. He's gone, the root causes haven't, someone will fill his shoes; but someone angrier.

    More. Dead. Israelis.

    Hey everyone! NaplesX supports policies that result in more dead Israelis! NaplesX is an anti-semite!

    israelis will die regardless. Keep killing the leadership and eventually it will be understood that it is not a good position to assume. I don't like seeing anyone die, however no matter what Israel does innocent Israelis die, so I say bring down the leadership of the terrorists.

    Who cares if someone angrier comes along. Kill him to. The lesson will be learned: DON'T LEAD TERRORISTS. Pretty simple.
  • Reply 67 of 205
    haraldharald Posts: 2,152member

    Originally posted by NaplesX

    israelis will die regardless. Keep killing the leadership and eventually it will be understood that it is not a good position to assume. I don't like seeing anyone die, however no matter what Israel does innocent Israelis die, so I say bring down the leadership of the terrorists.

    Who cares if someone angrier comes along. Kill him to. The lesson will be learned: DON'T LEAD TERRORISTS. Pretty simple.

    When will this lesson be learned?

    Do you see signs of it being learned; where?

    Can you give me an example of this tactic working in history?

    What effect do you think that reducing root causes would have on terror?
  • Reply 68 of 205
    newnew Posts: 3,244member

    Originally posted by Harald

    What effect do you think that reducing root causes would have on terror?

    Root cause, schmoot cause...

    I don't believe in root causes. I think the world is divided into pure good and pure evil...

    You know who you are, and we're comming to get you...
  • Reply 69 of 205
    naplesxnaplesx Posts: 3,743member

    Originally posted by segovius

    Funny....that's exactly what the fundies say too.......

    No they say "Kill America and the Jews and go to heaven with 70 virgins"
  • Reply 70 of 205
    naplesxnaplesx Posts: 3,743member

    Originally posted by segovius

    Well, they may say that too but obviously it isn't all they say.....fundies (and non-fundies apparently) do say and believe some stupid things.....

    Here is the issue really:

    The fundies (as you call them) say they are pure good and you (the US/Israel) is pure evil.

    The US leadership/Israeli leadership say they are a force for good and the fundies are evil.

    One is right one is wrong. Which is right?

    Or don't you want to pick sides? Why not?
  • Reply 71 of 205
    haraldharald Posts: 2,152member

    Originally posted by NaplesX

    Here is the issue really:

    The fundies (as you call them) say they are pure good and you (the US/Israel) is pure evil.

    The US leadership/Israeli leadership say they are a force for good and the fundies are evil.

    One is right one is wrong. Which is right?

    Or don't you want to pick sides? Why not?

    There are fundies in the US too. That's the problem.

    Oh, and you're not allowed to ask any questions until you answer mine above. So there.
  • Reply 72 of 205
    naplesxnaplesx Posts: 3,743member

    Originally posted by Harald

    When will this lesson be learned?

    Do you see signs of it being learned; where?

    Can you give me an example of this tactic working in history?

    What effect do you think that reducing root causes would have on terror?

    I don't know.

    Yes Pakistan's turnaround, Libya's turnaround.

    I am not sure what the root cause is here. So I do not know.
  • Reply 73 of 205
    naplesxnaplesx Posts: 3,743member

    Originally posted by segovius

    You make your logical error on line 3, this is reductionist thinking. Personally I don't subscribe to either/or - why can't they both be wrong ?

    The same reason they both can't be right.
  • Reply 74 of 205

    Originally posted by NaplesX

    The same reason they both can't be right.

    Q. What color is that object?

    A1. Black.

    A2. White.

    Can they both be right?

    No, because the answers contradict each other.

    Can they both be wrong?

    Yes. There can be an unstated third, fourth or fifth answer, any one, or none, of which may be correct.
  • Reply 75 of 205
    eugeneeugene Posts: 8,254member

    Originally posted by bunge

    You goofed. Go reread your post. It cleary states that he/she is a Democrat.

    Yes, it clearly states one thing, but what does it say about his stance on the subject? Nothing.
  • Reply 76 of 205
    naplesxnaplesx Posts: 3,743member

    Originally posted by segovius

    That's what I mean - the fundies think like that too.

    Some people don't think in such terms and imo we need more of them. At least they should have a crack at solving it.

    The either/or back/white crowd haven't got anywhere near a solution in 5000 years of human 'civilization'. I think that's a good enough spin of the wheel - move over.....

    Let's take Israel, as a start:

    The palestinians need to show they value all life and stop the mindless kamikaze bombings. If they did this then Israel would no longer have a reason to retaliate in order to look like it is protecting it's people. It is going to take more than the usual week of no bombings.

    This part cannot be negotiated. Israel cannot say, "Ok look you cut your killings back by 30% and we can then negotiate for the other 70%"

    The problem is that the fundies on the palestinian side don't think Israelis are human and thus don't deserve to live. How do you aproach that line of reasoning?

    Is Israel expected to just take the bombings until such time as the Palestinian fundies decide to quit? If so, what is that magic date or body count? They proclaim they want the elimination of Israel. Do the math, it does not sound promising.

    The Al Qaeda formula is essentially the same.
  • Reply 77 of 205
    powerdocpowerdoc Posts: 8,123member
    Differents point of vue.

    The problem with Sheik Hassin, is that we occidentals see this man as a terrorist : a man who promote bombing and the death of Israel. I personnaly share this point of vue. So the death of Hassim, even if he was strike by a rocket on a weel chair do not make me cry.

    In the opposite, the arab world see Sheik Hassin like a great leader, and a symbol of the resistance against Israel. That's not my point of vue, but it's their. And wether they are wrong or not, it do not change anything : they have their martyr, and his death will promote his idears. The man was not dangerous in himself (quadraplegic), but his ideas where. By rocketing him, Sharon killed him, but did he kill his ideas ?

    I fear not. The consequences of such actions can be terrible. For the moment nothing occured. I am scared at the ideas of what ugly bombing they prepare. Sharon do not care, for the consequences, what he want's is being popular. He is even ready to get his friends into trouble.
  • Reply 78 of 205
    There is no spoon.
  • Reply 79 of 205
    scottscott Posts: 7,431member
    I found this interesting. Bold is mine.

    The Fear Factor

    Palestinians want us to forget that they're human.




    How does one respond to such a logic? It helps not to be fooled by it. Again, allow me to make the trite observation that Palestinians love their children too. To date, there has not been a single instance in which a Hamas leader sent one of his own sons or daughters on a suicide mission. I once interviewed a Hamas leader, since deceased, as he bounced his one-year-old girl on his knee. Contrary to myth, this was not a man who was afraid of nothing. Unsparing as he was with the lives of others, he was circumspect when it came to the lives of his own.

    Indeed, when one looks closely at just who the suicide bombers are (or were), often they turn out to be society's outcasts. Take Reem Salah al-Rahashi, a mother of two, who in January murdered four Israeli soldiers at the Erez checkpoint on the Gaza-Israel border. In a prerecorded video, Rahashi said becoming a shaheed was her lifelong dream. Later it emerged she'd been caught in an extramarital affair, and that her husband and lover had arranged her "martyrdom operation" as an honorable way to settle the matter. It is with such people, not with themselves, that Palestinian leaders attempt to demonstrate their own fearlessness.


  • Reply 80 of 205
    scottscott Posts: 7,431member
    Finding fault with any suicide bomber targeting civilians is like shooting fish in a barell.

    You don't think it's interesting that leadership of Hamas doesn't put its own family where it asks others to go? Don't you find it interesting they use a woman cornered by their backwards society to conduct one of these bombings under the guise that she's doing it of her own free will and to fulfill a life long dream? I do!
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