
  • Reply 101 of 278
    iposteriposter Posts: 1,560member
    My $.02 so far this season....


    New England, Seattle, Eagles, Colts, Steelers


    Vikings, Falcons, Dallas, Rams, Carolina

    Jury's out: \

    Giants, Jets, S.D., Jacksonville, Packers, Bears

    Fighting for the #1 pick:

    San Francisco, Miami, KC, Cincinnati, Bucs, Bills

    'Big' Ben Roethlisberger and David Carr will be making plenty of trips to Hawaii in the future...

    When is Miami's ownership going to realize Dave Wannstedt can't coach offense, Ricky or no Ricky?

    Mikchael Vick is a tremendous physical talent, but he's putting up mediocre passing numbers so far...

    Seattle V New England is the 'Game of the Week' next weekend...
  • Reply 102 of 278
    cakecake Posts: 1,010member
    Packers got 0wned!
  • Reply 103 of 278
    rokrok Posts: 3,519member

    Originally posted by iPoster

    My $.02 so far this season....


    New England, Seattle, Eagles, Colts, Steelers


    Vikings, Falcons, Dallas, Rams, Carolina

    Jury's out: \

    Giants, Jets, S.D., Jacksonville, Packers, Bears

    Fighting for the #1 pick:

    San Francisco, Miami, KC, Cincinnati, Bucs, Bills

    'Big' Ben Roethlisberger and David Carr will be making plenty of trips to Hawaii in the future...

    When is Miami's ownership going to realize Dave Wannstedt can't coach offense, Ricky or no Ricky?

    Mikchael Vick is a tremendous physical talent, but he's putting up mediocre passing numbers so far...

    Seattle V New England is the 'Game of the Week' next weekend...

    i know this is just based on five games, but i still stand by the fact that no one can judge more than one or two teams on the quality of their first 5 games. throw in two or three wins in a row for ANY of those you mentioned, and you've got a horse-race again. eventually, someone starts winnign because everyone on their schedule starts to suck more and more. i stand by my belief that you cannot figure out who is really good until games 8-10. if you can enter game 8 at 4-4 or higher, you're legit (barring a great collapse like minnesota last year)

    re: michael vick - remember this is a new offense for him. hell, even kyle boller has had more time int he west-coast offense than vick has.

    re: miami's ownership - um, you're asking a lot from those yahoos. does huizenga still own part of them? that man has his head so far up his own ass... but hey, he owns blockbuster, so what does he care?
  • Reply 104 of 278
    buonrottobuonrotto Posts: 6,368member

    Originally posted by rok

    if you can enter game 8 at 4-4 or higher, you're legit (barring a great collapse like minnesota last year)

    Don't forget the Giants!

    Packers are in pretty deep doodoo. Their defense has been terrible. I'm a bit surprised about hwo bad it's been, but then again, I've been suspect of their corners and safeties for a while (getting by with uncalled penalties much of last year).
  • Reply 105 of 278
    pfflampfflam Posts: 5,053member

    I say that the top five are still the top five:

    Eagles, Pats, Seahawks. Colts, Jets

    Then the next tier NOT pretenders:

    NYGiants, Vikings, Jaguars, Steelers!, Broncos, Ravens

    Very GOOD teams that may surprise:

    Chargers (new 2nd favorite team Du Jour), Lions, Chiefs, Titans

    The Rams and the Cowboys fall under the catagory of Decent-troublesome-but-who-are-they-kidding teams

    Falcons and Texans are in the catagory of: they will pull of some stunners but remain low in the rankings starting around game 8 teams.

    The rest suck . . . even if they have the talent something is keeping them from playing well . . . something like the opposing team.

    BTW: what is up with that Charger Powder blue outfit? I like it, but does that mean that they no longer play with their dark blue pants and jersey and helmet? That was a great uniform too!

    Are the powder Blue uniforms some kind of 'vintage' thing? the numbers on the helmoets seem like that . . . . which is totally coolo-man

    PPSBTW: Sherman should get the ax right away . . . . his coaching was the single reason that the Packers did not beat the Eagles in last years playoffs . . . his terrible play calling in the clutch . . . and now he is running blitzs and getting burned every single time he does it . . . so what does he do? he runs more blitzs and gets burned again!!

    Not that I care . . . I can't stand the Packers . . . but I am here in Wisconsin now and have to deal with disgruntled Cheesers . . . . its better when they are nice . . .
  • Reply 106 of 278
    rokrok Posts: 3,519member

    Originally posted by pfflam

    BTW: what is up with that Charger Powder blue outfit? I like it, but does that mean that they no longer play with their dark blue pants and jersey and helmet? That was a great uniform too!

    Are the powder Blue uniforms some kind of 'vintage' thing? the numbers on the helmoets seem like that . . . . which is totally coolo-man

    yes, every year lately, san diego rolls out their original powder-blue uniforms. not sure why, but i like the change up. reminds you where your franchise came from. i think all franchises should do the same. i think it started when the nfl had their 70th anniversary or something, and every team had to wear their vintage uniform at least once. hell, the packers were nearly unrecognizable. ;-)

    personally, i hate the powder-blues, but to each his own...
  • Reply 107 of 278
    buonrottobuonrotto Posts: 6,368member
    Considering that SD had their best years as a franchise in those unis, and a notoriously poor life with the bark blue, they might be wise to revert. Chris Berman never misses the opportunity to declare that the powder blue uniforms are, in his opinion, the best unis for any sports team, ever. I suppose if the Bucaneers had any success with their citrus colors, he would have loved them just as much. For such a man's man game, they've gone through some pretty dainty color schemes for football uniforms.

    ...segue something clever here...

    There's a lot of parity in terms of talent, but a lack of passion from players. Everyone want to be the Pats, but they don't want to put the effort in, and why should they? Hell, three years on the practice squad makes for a decent pension now. Also, as much as the so-called West Coast offense makes for proficient ball movement, each coach now has their own species of it and it takes 3 years for everyone to come on board when lots of players change teams each season. I don't think players study as much either. Sometimes I think these guys just eat cheesburgers, run 50 meter sprints and do dealifts all day.

    The Packers D gets burned with or without blitzing packages. There's just not enough to go around, not enough speed, not enough size.
  • Reply 108 of 278
    iposteriposter Posts: 1,560member

    Originally posted by BuonRotto

    Considering that SD had their best years as a franchise in those unis, and a notoriously poor life with the bark blue, they might be wise to revert. Chris Berman never misses the opportunity to declare that the powder blue uniforms are, in his opinion, the best unis for any sports team, ever. I suppose if the Bucaneers had any success with their citrus colors, he would have loved them just as much. For such a man's man game, they've gone through some pretty dainty color schemes for football uniforms.

    I was stationed in S.D. for several years, around the time they started with the throwback unis. They were uber-popular with the hometown crowds, and I personally like them more than their current uniform.
  • Reply 109 of 278
    hegorhegor Posts: 160member
    I agree that the Powder Blues are the way to go for the chargers.

    Speaking of old school Chargers how about this............
  • Reply 110 of 278
    I was at the Raiders/Denver game. What an ugly affair for the Silver and Black! I've been a Raider fan since my teen's and I've seen some bad Raider teams. This performance was down there among the worst...

    There was a late 60'-somthing couple in all their Denver color glory sitting among my group of fifteen (Raider) friends. Man, they had a GREAT time hoot'n and a holler'n. Brave and maybe a touch nuts! Despite the popular image of RaiderNation, they weren't hasseled. Of course, we walked them to their car anyway.

    The Oakland crowd are not quite as insane as the LA crowd.
  • Reply 111 of 278
    buonrottobuonrotto Posts: 6,368member

    Originally posted by hardhead

    The Oakland crowd are not quite as insane as the LA crowd.

    Those weren't Raiders fans, those were looters and rioters. </tasteless joke>
  • Reply 112 of 278
    hegorhegor Posts: 160member
    The last season the Raiders were in LA I went to see the Chargers play them (the year the Chargers went to the Super Bowl). The Chargers picked them apart of course. Nothing against the Raiders, Chargers were awesome that year. Anyway two weeks prior the Steelers were there and a Steeler fan got beaten into a coma. So when I went to the game I wore nothing that would mistake me for a Charger fan. Just to be on the safe side!
  • Reply 113 of 278
    Unfortunately, the Raiders seem to have more than their lion's share of A-holes who call themselves "fans". That stabbing incident you refer to, and it's happened more than once, puts a pall on the entire RaiderNation. It's inexcusable. That particular jerk is STILL behind bars. The vast majority of Raider fans are just passionate about the team.

    Particularly at Oakland, we tend to police our own most of the time. I've been at quite a few games were some drunken or thugish A-holes started getting carried away with their harrassment of the opposing team's fans, and Raider fans stepped in to stop it before security.

    In my experience, Philly Eagle's fans are the most obnoxious overall. No offense to any AI'er Eagles fans. You are going to take some hard and ugly harrassment to see your team play the Eagles in their house. I've been there as a Raider fan and as a Oilers (RIP) fan.
  • Reply 114 of 278
    pfflampfflam Posts: 5,053member
    Big game this week: Steelers vs the Patriots

    at Heinz field in Pittsburgh!!!!

    Gonna be a telling game for my team.

    I will probably be trick or treating with my daughter when Vinniateri tries to pull off another completely undeserved win for the Pats!!

    I say:

    Steelers 18 (of all numbers)

    Pats: 17

    anybody take gentlmen (gentlpersons) bets?
  • Reply 115 of 278
    Pittsburg is an excellent team right now pfflam. However, the Chowds are on a roll. They play mistake-free(MOST of the time...) football. I don't think your team is going to be able to stop them.

    I hope Pittsburg can deflate them a notch...
  • Reply 116 of 278
    buonrottobuonrotto Posts: 6,368member
    I've seen plenty of mistakes from the Pats in recent weeks. It's just that they haven't been burned by them too much yet.
  • Reply 117 of 278
    eugeneeugene Posts: 8,254member

    Originally posted by BuonRotto

    I've seen plenty of mistakes from the Pats in recent weeks. It's just that they haven't been burned by them too much yet.

    They just got burned. 21-3. The game's not over though.
  • Reply 118 of 278
    thttht Posts: 5,630member
    Didn't see MN lose to NY, but this is the modus operandi of the Vikings for a long while. Lots of pretending. Not sure how they could fix it.

    Didn't see Houston beat Jacksonville either, but yeah! They could actually win the division this year. The Colts are like the Vikings, so I wouldn't be surprised if they fade some more. And the Jags has to come back to Earth as well. You can't win that many games at the last minute forever.

    Watching Michael Vick right now (instead of Pats v Steelers )! Cool...
  • Reply 119 of 278
    eugeneeugene Posts: 8,254member
    The Vikings game brings up a beef I have with "The NFL on FOX." FOX has on several occasions switched telecasts to more exciting football games when the normally scheduled national game is a blow-out. That happened with the Vikings game as they switched to the Cowboys/Lions game, which I was already recording on a different FOX feed. Really annoying, but FOX NFL coverage is still better than CBS's. I wish ESPN/ABC had the NFL contract, jeez.
  • Reply 120 of 278
    pfflampfflam Posts: 5,053member


    they have it this year for sure . . . . they had some major injuries and then the second string players stepped up and stepped up!!!

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