PB G5 -- coming within next 14 days



  • Reply 61 of 219
    brussellbrussell Posts: 9,812member

    Originally posted by Rhumgod

    The existing model was a 15" Titanium model, remember? They were brand new.

    Apple History

    Hmm? The 12" and 17" were added to the existing 15". The 15" wasn't updated at that time. It had been around for a few months. So that release wasn't a bump, it was an addition.
  • Reply 62 of 219
    emig647emig647 Posts: 2,455member
    Additions are welcome too.

    My biggest complaint about the current powerbook is the lowend doesn't have upgradeable video. If I could get a 15" 1.5 with 128mb vram I'd be all over it.
  • Reply 63 of 219
    rhumgodrhumgod Posts: 1,289member

    Originally posted by BRussell

    Hmm? The 12" and 17" were added to the existing 15". The 15" wasn't updated at that time. It had been around for a few months. So that release wasn't a bump, it was an addition.

    Fine. My point was that the "line" got changed. Whether or not it was the exact same size, etc they were brand new PowerBook models and the PowerBook line was updated just 2 months prior.
  • Reply 64 of 219
    gugygugy Posts: 794member

    Originally posted by BRussell

    I'll chalk that up to "just hope" then.

    Look, it just doesn't make economic sense to manufacture a new machine only to sell it for a few months. And that two month update time wasn't a new model, it was the intro of the 12" and 17" models alongside the existing model.

    Anything is possible, and maybe they'll do with the PowerBook what they did with the PowerMac two years ago - give the G4 one last update in January and then announce the G5 at WWDC. But that's just hope, and it's not based on the timeline of updates, and it's not based on any reliable information about a new G5 like there was with the PowerMac. More likely, I think they'll pull a Pismo and extend the life of the last G4 PowerBook until a new G5 is ready.

    I'll bet ya on this. No new PowerBook at WWDC. Either way I win - if I'm wrong, I can get a new PowerBook, and if I'm right, I win the bet.

    Well. Hope, maybe. I want a new powerbook! G5!

    Regarding the economic sense of it, then i disagree. The fact is the last update was very minor. Apple need to keep people buying G4 Powerbooks. Just 167mhz update is a joke after 9 months. IMHO this was just an update to fill the gap until WWDC. People were not buying PB and the sales still very low in comparison to other updates. Apple knows that. So they need to launch something good soon because they are hurt by the current sales. that's why it makes sense for them to come up with a G5 now to boost their sales in the portable market.
  • Reply 65 of 219
    emig647emig647 Posts: 2,455member
    True gugy, but a g5 may not be ready by wwdc or even this year. Fact is we dont' know wtf is going on. It could have been finished last month and started production then. There could be thousands of g5 powerbooks waiting to be launched at WWDC...then again... the g5 may not be done and we may have to wait till 2006 or 2007 or maybe never at all. Perhaps the powerbook will NEVER get a g5 and go straight to the 7448 and e600mp... I feel apple would release the powerbook g5 as soon as it was available for us.
  • Reply 66 of 219
    gugygugy Posts: 794member

    Originally posted by emig647

    True gugy, but a g5 may not be ready by wwdc or even this year. Fact is we dont' know wtf is going on. It could have been finished last month and started production then. There could be thousands of g5 powerbooks waiting to be launched at WWDC...then again... the g5 may not be done and we may have to wait till 2006 or 2007 or maybe never at all. Perhaps the powerbook will NEVER get a g5 and go straight to the 7448 and e600mp... I feel apple would release the powerbook g5 as soon as it was available for us.

    I agree. we don't know anything!

    Let's hope for the best. i makes very hard to spend my money in the current line up. Same for the powermac. it just feels you are not getting the machine you deserve for the money you are paying for.
  • Reply 67 of 219
    thttht Posts: 5,611member
    This is the current lineup:


    0999 1.2 GHz iBook 12

    1299 1.3 GHz iBook 14

    1499 1.3 GHz iBook 14

    1499 1.5 GHz Powerbook 12

    1699 1.5 GHz Powerbook 12

    1999 1.5 GHz Powerbook 15

    2299 1.7 GHz Powerbook 15

    2699 1.7 GHz Powerbook 17

    I don't see anything wrong from a business point of view if Apple updates the notebook lineup to the following at WWDC:


    0899 1.33 GHz iBook G4 12

    1099 1.42 GHz iBook G4 14

    1299 1.42 GHz iBook G4 14

    1399 1.33 GHz Powerbook G4 12 1024x512

    1499 1.50 GHz Powerbook G4 13 1152x768

    1699 1.50 GHz Powerbook G4 13 1152x768

    1899 1.50 GHz Powerbook G4 15 1280x864

    2099 1.67 GHz Powerbook G4 15 1280x864

    2499 1.67 GHz Powerbook G4 17 1440x900

    2699 1.80 GHz Powerbook G5 15 1280x864

    2999 2.00 GHz Powerbook G5 17 1440x900

    +$200 for 15" 1680x1120 screen

    +$200 for 17" 1920x1200 screen

    The laptop market is going to be the major bread winner for Apple, any PC manufacturer, in the foreseeable future. Apple will need to serve as many markets as possible, including the ultra-mobile and desktop replacements markets.

    An ultra-mobile w/o optical Powerbook G4 12 (mini) that is ~3.5 lb and ~0.9" thick with a 12" 1024x512 resolution screen would be a very tempting second computer for me. It would make a nice writing and traveling companion.

    A desktop replacement Powerbook G5 that is ~1.5" thick would be Apple's high-end desktop occupying the >$2700 laptop market.

    A new iBook G4 revision would get a slight performance upgrade and slight price drop. The current Powerbook G4 lineup gets a much needed price drop with the old Powerbook 12" turning into a Powerbook 13" so as to make it more familial to the 15 and 17 inch.

    Resolution options for 15 and 17 inch laptops for those who want it and are willing to fork over 200 dollars.

    Everyone will get what they want. This lineup is set for evolutionary upgrades, waiting on dual-core processors from Freescale and IBM to fill up the lineup in 2006. If IBM can't manufacture a 970gx with DSL, low-k and low voltage (<1.0V), than the Powerbook G5 will be heavy and hot with a 970fx, but that will be ok since it is a desktop replacement. Of course, since this satisfies everybody, Apple will never do it.
  • Reply 68 of 219
    maccrazymaccrazy Posts: 2,658member

    Originally posted by gugy

    I agree. we don't know anything!

    Let's hope for the best. i makes very hard to spend my money in the current line up. Same for the powermac. it just feels you are not getting the machine you deserve for the money you are paying for.

    The current PowerBooks are brilliant - the bus speed is pathetic and it's not a G5 but it's a great machine. I'm glad I went for the update in January. I was so fed up of G5 hoping - it looks like it was the right choice.
  • Reply 69 of 219
    giantgiant Posts: 6,041member
    Wasn't the xserve introduced at a special event a week or so after thre 2002 WWDC?
  • Reply 70 of 219
    clonenodeclonenode Posts: 392member

    Originally posted by gugy

    Sorry, completely disagree. The latest Powerbook update was minor.

    The fact we have not heard any hints from Apple recently and that they always say it's too hard to bring a G5 into Powerbook makes me think the announcement is imminent. They need to get rid of all the Powerbooks g4 they can.

    It's been almost 2 years since the introduction of G5. So the timing is perfect for such announcement.

    No. Think about product. Think about retail. Minor updates recently or not. Hate to burst your bubble or spoil your summer... but it will be at least 6 months.
  • Reply 71 of 219
    gugygugy Posts: 794member

    Originally posted by clonenode

    No. Think about product. Think about retail. Minor updates recently or not. Hate to burst your bubble or spoil your summer... but it will be at least 6 months.

    Thank god I have more things happening in my life than spoil my summer because the G5 powerbook might not be announce. It's just a computer after all folks.
  • Reply 72 of 219
    xoolxool Posts: 2,460member
    What if a special coprocessor chip is unveiled at WWDC. Would you go for a G4 PowerBook if it had this sweet new chip too?
  • Reply 73 of 219
    brussellbrussell Posts: 9,812member

    Originally posted by Xool

    What if a special coprocessor chip is unveiled at WWDC. Would you go for a G4 PowerBook if it had this sweet new chip too?

    That depends. Does this sweet new chip have numchuck and bo staff skills?
  • Reply 74 of 219
    mynameheremynamehere Posts: 560member

    Originally posted by Xool

    What if a special coprocessor chip is unveiled at WWDC. Would you go for a G4 PowerBook if it had this sweet new chip too?

    I will settle for nothing less than a G10
  • Reply 75 of 219
    I am going off to art college in July. I am going to get a powerbook to take with me because, well, wow. I have never owned an Apple before but I have wanted one for about 3 years, literally. I have not had the money to keep a PC and an Apple with my high school budget but with Graduation etc, I will be able to pull it off.

    I plan to go big and get the 17in with all the goods but I do not want to buy it and a week later see the G5 release. I know that no one knows but, does anyone have an IDEA when this could happen?

    Of course we want it to happen at WWDC but it doesn't look likely and even as someone said, they may just announce it and actually start shipping months later. I really want to take that beast to college with me but, I will wait if there is any chance the G5 will release within the next 2-3 months.

    Please give me some opinions. I am not asking for facts because I know that it's all speculation at this point.

    Thanks and as you can tell, this is my first post. I have been reading these forums for about a month, just never registered.
  • Reply 76 of 219
    maccrazymaccrazy Posts: 2,658member

    Originally posted by ryanschmidt

    I am going off to art college in July. I am going to get a powerbook to take with me because, well, wow. I have never owned an Apple before but I have wanted one for about 3 years, literally. I have not had the money to keep a PC and an Apple with my high school budget but with Graduation etc, I will be able to pull it off.

    I plan to go big and get the 17in with all the goods but I do not want to buy it and a week later see the G5 release. I know that no one knows but, does anyone have an IDEA when this could happen?

    Of course we want it to happen at WWDC but it doesn't look likely and even as someone said, they may just announce it and actually start shipping months later. I really want to take that beast to college with me but, I will wait if there is any chance the G5 will release within the next 2-3 months.

    Please give me some opinions. I am not asking for facts because I know that it's all speculation at this point.

    Thanks and as you can tell, this is my first post. I have been reading these forums for about a month, just never registered.

    Well, in theory if you bought today then two weeks would not see a new one! I think we're safe from a G5 till at least August - but it's up to you.
  • Reply 77 of 219
    gugygugy Posts: 794member
    I would wait until WWDC, then after you are safe for awhile.
  • Reply 78 of 219
    solerosolero Posts: 30member
    Hello and welcome to the forum ryan

    I'm waiting for the next PB upgrade (G4 or G5), since I think the price-power ratio in the current models are out of order. As someone else already said - the PB is a midlevel laptop dressed up to look like a highend model.

    But I can afford to wait, since I don't have an urgent need for a new PB.

    Just be careful not to be caught in the waiting game, like so many else!!!
  • Reply 79 of 219
    twotwo Posts: 17member

    Originally posted by BRussell

    I'll chalk that up to "just hope" then.

    Look, it just doesn't make economic sense to manufacture a new machine only to sell it for a few months. And that two month update time wasn't a new model, it was the intro of the 12" and 17" models alongside the existing model.

    Anything is possible, and maybe they'll do with the PowerBook what they did with the PowerMac two years ago - give the G4 one last update in January and then announce the G5 at WWDC. But that's just hope, and it's not based on the timeline of updates, and it's not based on any reliable information about a new G5 like there was with the PowerMac. More likely, I think they'll pull a Pismo and extend the life of the last G4 PowerBook until a new G5 is ready.

    I'll bet ya on this. No new PowerBook at WWDC. Either way I win - if I'm wrong, I can get a new PowerBook, and if I'm right, I win the bet.

    They aren't manufacturing a new machine. For all intensive purposes, it is the same machine with a few part bin swaps. If the powerbook sales are slowing, it doesn't make economic sense not to update it. Apple knows people want the G5 or at least something more than the current G4; as soon as they have that "something" ready for manufacturing it will be announced, recent update or not.
  • Reply 80 of 219
    maccrazymaccrazy Posts: 2,658member

    Originally posted by solero

    Hello and welcome to the forum ryan

    I'm waiting for the next PB upgrade (G4 or G5), since I think the price-power ratio in the current models are out of order. As someone else already said - the PB is a midlevel laptop dressed up to look like a highend model.

    But I can afford to wait, since I don't have an urgent need for a new PB.

    Just be careful not to be caught in the waiting game, like so many else!!!

    i left that game in Jan - I could have waited till September but got fed up.
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