The real DaVinci Code theory...



  • Reply 41 of 133
    zab the fabzab the fab Posts: 303member

    Originally posted by JeffDM

    What you put in your previous post didn't even argue probabilites.

    Then you have to tell us how the number 11 showing up in so many loud places is not the arguement of probabilities.

    Perhaps what you mean is that you didn't realize this was the obvious arguement, which is fair. Most people react to numerology with a "save me from the devil" look on their face. I could perhaps have made it even more clear, if so I should have, my appologies, sincerely.

    Now it might surprise you all that I actually find the worshiping of numerology a bunch of (insert long list of words we're not allowed to write in here).

    My interest in the numerology within the planning of 911, is one you could compare to a cop realizing the serial killer he has been tracking for years actually use numerology to pick out his victims, only a dumb cop would ignore a sign of numerology being part of the planning in the series of crime he is investigating. Are we playing the part of the dumbed down public? Please notice I'm including myself here, I mean no disrespect to anyone.

    It would be no understatement to call me a deeply concerned citizen of earth, with perhaps too much knowledge of how the public is being mislead by those who teach them that if they are paranoid of anything else that the things they tell them to be paranoid off (terrorists) they are sick.

    I do not mean to frighten anyone, but we have a choice to face the horrible together, in forums like this one. Ofcause... it has very little to do with Mac's, but that wonderful computer is what we use to investigate these subjectmatters.


    Zab the Fab
  • Reply 42 of 133
    zab the fabzab the fab Posts: 303member

    Originally posted by JeffDM

    What you put in your previous post didn't even argue probabilites as part of numerology. Numerology has nothing to do with statistics, it is like suggesting astrology can be likened to astronomy. There are programs on the web that can cleverly take any word or phrase to prove that something is evil by adding, subtracting, multiplying based on what fits best to get a desired numerical outcome. A dedicated person, group or program can "find" anything that they want to find.

    The page that uses numerology to claim the Illuminati (or Masons or whoever) "did it" tries to claim certain things but doesn't even prove those organizations are credible.

    I do agree there are suspicious things surrounding the incidents being discussed, but using numerology to prove a conspiracy or who did it may as well use a divining rod, it's not scientific and it's not logical. Why an organization would deliberately leave these clues behind is something different, but that doesn't make logical sense either unless one was going to do some framing.

    My first respond was to our first post, not the edited version.

    Like I've been saying, I'm not trying to change anyones opinion. I believe people can make up their own mind about things, but I also believe that in order for anyone to make up their own mind, all facts have to be presented first.

    I don't think numerology can prove who did what, but I could however present us all with an interesting question: could Bin Laden arrange for the planes to have passengers that spell out 11? or how about arranging an 11 day national morning period? Would he be so set on having it happen on the 11'th of September ($) and picking out flight 77 etc. etc. ?

    Are we not told that Al Qaeda are Islamic fanatics? Where in the Koran does numerology present itself? indeed in any holy scripture? And that this is the reason to fear all muslim fanatics? Does it resemble Hitlers sacrificing of the Jews? Is this getting too much for us working slaves who has to go to work tomorrow and "believe in it all" ?

    Do we feel uncomfortable when we end up with footprints to parts of the government? Did anyone see "V for Vendetta" ?

    11 is the two horns on devil waging his war on God. 11 symbolizing chaos. ORDO AB CAOS. (not to me, please remember that, I hate numerology personally).

    I'm giving you this to contemplate becasue if my worst suspecions are right, you would all do a lot better realizing it as soon as possible, rather than later.

    Ironic how I'm writing these things hoping someone could convince me otherwise. I still have hope that I am wrong, and that the governments and the media can be trusted.

    David Ray Griffin Professor of theology.

    I want you all to know that there exists a global movement of concerned world citizens, worried there may me someone else behind problem (terrorism), reaction (outcry for safety and justice), solution (war on terror, homeland security, dismantling of civil liberties= the fourth reich).


    Zab the Fab
  • Reply 43 of 133
    splinemodelsplinemodel Posts: 7,311member

    Originally posted by Zab The Fab

    We could turn the issue away from the point and start a historic detour. Even if you proclaimed that emperor Neo also was innocent in the huge fire in Rome, the point would be missed entirely.

    Dude, it's emperor Neo! Whoa! Rock on Wyld Stalyns!

    There's an 'r' that goes in there.

    Supposedly there's a lot of embellished details in the DaVinci code. I wouldn't get too worked up about it, since it appears this is how fiction works. Despite Dan Brown's conviction to his own accuracy, a lot of historians seem to be in agreement that he's full of shit on a number of simpler items, such as the behavior and life of Mr. DaVinci. It probably goes further than just that.
  • Reply 44 of 133
    jeffdmjeffdm Posts: 12,953member
    Let's just say that, while, I am concerned about the civil liberties implications and future national and global political ramifications of the "war on terror". Still, the attempts to pin it as a conspiracy on the part of some shadow religion or organization using numerology doesn't seem that likely.

    I also don't understand why this group, whether it is hypothetical or real, would intentionally give themselves away like that. Why the people crunching the numbers didn't also show how the numbers in the names of Gulliani, the Bushes, Clinton or any other alleged major perpetrator in this hypothesis is also beyond me, maybe because their numbers don't fit, and thus would be inconvenient to the hypothesis?

    It seems to be pretty odd that Al Qaeda is playing along with it if they had nothing to do with it. It also seems pretty odd that the bombings in Spain started a process to remove Spain's involvement, which would seem to be a result that was the opposite of what such an organization would want, but would fit better into what the radical islamists would want.

    The video grabs and hand sign used to "prove" that "W" and Clinton are Freemasons doesn't necessarily fly as proof, it needs to be more than that, because it is also ASL for ILY - I Love You

    This isn't to say the odd hypotheses are wrong, it, like the official accounts, also has too many telltale inconsistencies.
  • Reply 45 of 133
    random note, it would be awesome if the Da Vinci Code was a true story. For some reason I have always kind of thought that some (in some cases many) of the things in Chirstanity seem too exagerated and lied about.

    On a different note does anyone think a Holy Grail truley does exist....even if it is just a normal cup lol
  • Reply 46 of 133
    e1618978e1618978 Posts: 6,075member

    Originally posted by Shadow Slayer 26

    random note, it would be awesome if the Da Vinci Code was a true story. For some reason I have always kind of thought that some (in some cases many) of the things in Chirstanity seem too exagerated and lied about.

    On a different note does anyone think a Holy Grail truley does exist....even if it is just a normal cup lol

    If Jesus really did have children, everyone in the world now would be one of his grandchildren.

    After 2000 years, either your genes die out (20%) or else everyone in the world is one of your decendents (80%). Some guy did a mathematical model and figured it out - you are decended from Sargon, Solomon, and Hanabal too.
  • Reply 47 of 133
    splinemodelsplinemodel Posts: 7,311member

    Originally posted by Shadow Slayer 26

    random note, it would be awesome if the Da Vinci Code was a true story. For some reason I have always kind of thought that some (in some cases many) of the things in Chirstanity seem too exagerated and lied about.

    On a different note does anyone think a Holy Grail truley does exist....even if it is just a normal cup lol

    Nothing about Chirstanity is a lie!

    Christianity, on the other hand, is full of rituals and myths just like any other religion. It's hard to believe that something could go for two, perhaps even three thousand years without all sorts of cultural diffusion taking place in the meantime. At this point I don't think there is show-stopping evidence to denounce the core parts of Christianity as farce, but the mythical fluff is definitely suspect.

    For anyone in the mood, it might be an interesting essay to consider that myth is important for widespread adoption of a religion because myth is created by men, and hence is going to be more understandable to most folks than abstract concepts of enlightenment.
  • Reply 48 of 133

    Originally posted by JeffDM

    Let's just say that, while, I am concerned about the civil liberties implications and future national and global political ramifications of the "war on terror". Still, the attempts to pin it as a conspiracy on the part of some shadow religion or organization using numerology doesn't seem that likely.

    I also don't understand why this group, whether it is hypothetical or real, would intentionally give themselves away like that.

    Are they giving themselves away? Have you seen it in the press lately? and look at people's reaction and remember what I wrote in my first post about riddles. They even told us about the bombs in WTC on 911 all over the world on the news, but we forget (just go google it). We are simply not that smart and we have a hard time believing and relating to anything that hasn't been confirmed on TV by a man wearing a tie. And they know this because that's how they "raised" us.

    It doesn't matter what clues are being left behind, most won't believe them, especially numerology. We would become very uncomfortable just considering members of our own government being implicated. So they only have to tell us not to believe in conspiracy theories and we are relieved becasue we are really just looking for a reason not to think about such a horrible possibility. We are looking for a reason to go back into our circle of concensus.

    It's not hard to get away with a crime when nobody suspects you of being the perpatraitor. It's not hard to get away with mass murder when nobody can stand to even consider that you MIGHT be the killer.


    Why the people crunching the numbers didn't also show how the numbers in the names of Gulliani, the Bushes, Clinton or any other alleged major perpetrator in this hypothesis is also beyond me, maybe because their numbers don't fit, and thus would be inconvenient to the hypothesis?

    what would it have to do with the hypothesis? If you found that the number of stairs in WTC didn't match in any numerology scheme, would that take away the points that I wrote on my list? You are free to use that exit if you wish, most do, I can't.


    It seems to be pretty odd that Al Qaeda is playing along with it if they had nothing to do with it.

    1) Al Qaeda was funded, trained by the CIA back in the 70's in the war against Russia in Afgahn.

    2) The Bin Laden confession tape is a proven hoax. look at professor Jones lecture I linked to. If you still believe that Al Qaeda and Bin Laden is anything but a strawman, well, you are free to do so, and I'll respect your opinion. I can only say that after reviewing what was originally reported in the press from Bin Laden, and after examining his "confession tape" it's simply not Bin Laden.

    Take a look at Professor Jones when he goes over this tape. It does not look like the real Bin Laden played along. But again, Al Qaeda is a CIA trained gang of warriors.

    I'm at odds with the fact that nobody want's to believe such horrible things, still, here I am, without a chance.


    It also seems pretty odd that the bombings in Spain started a process to remove Spain's involvement, which would seem to be a result that was the opposite of what such an organization would want, but would fit better into what the radical islamists would want.

    The method worked in the US, but not in Spain. So what exactly is proven?

    If I fail at a German language exam, have I proven it can't be passed? If there is no numerology in the Spain attacks, have we proven there is none in the US attacks? Do you see the reasoning here? Are we not siimply looking for an exit out of this?

    Would genuine curiosity not lead a man to follow the links given to further information?


    The video grabs and hand sign used to "prove" that "W" and Clinton are Freemasons doesn't necessarily fly as proof, it needs to be more than that, because it is also ASL for ILY - I Love You

    I'm sorry but I have no idea what you are talking about?


    This isn't to say the odd hypotheses are wrong, it, like the official accounts, also has too many telltale inconsistencies.

    If we want to live with peace and love, we must face up to the horrible things that take them away from us. The reality may be hard to face (I think they are horrible) but if we don't break the chains of fear, how will we become free from it.

    I'm concerned, especially with the lack of engagement from the public, but I think it's because they have been misled, are confused (with good reason) and are afraid.

    How can we make our surroundings look at these horrible possibility together with us, and stop these madmen?

    Ofcause, I understand most will think I'm insane(ly crazy). But matters are too serious for me to worrie about that.

    If my posts here make just one person find it in himself or herself to go and look at the evidence presented by the critics, they will find a bigger group of people right there beside them. Bigger than they might think, cause the media is in a black out.


    Zab the Fab
  • Reply 49 of 133

    Originally posted by Shadow Slayer 26

    random note, it would be awesome if the Da Vinci Code was a true story. For some reason I have always kind of thought that some (in some cases many) of the things in Chirstanity seem too exagerated and lied about.

    On a different note does anyone think a Holy Grail truley does exist....even if it is just a normal cup lol

    Your inner feeling may be right. If you are truely seeking, I can recommend the movie THE NAKED TRUTH. I'm not sure if the entire movie is there, but it might make you go order the movie at LIGHT WORKS AV.

    I can tell you it tore down the last illutions I had about that book. However! There is still a very powerfull message in those scriptures, but it's been distorted to control us. Take a look for yourself and make up your own mind about it.

    Please show the link to others so they might get a chance to do the same, thanks.


    Zab the Fab
  • Reply 50 of 133

    Originally posted by e1618978

    If Jesus really did have children, everyone in the world now would be one of his grandchildren.

    After 2000 years, either your genes die out (20%) or else everyone in the world is one of your decendents (80%). Some guy did a mathematical model and figured it out - you are decended from Sargon, Solomon, and Hanabal too.

    And this does not have anything to do with how many children they might have had? Anything is possible. Who knows?


    Zab the Fab
  • Reply 51 of 133
    e1618978e1618978 Posts: 6,075member

    Originally posted by Zab The Fab

    And this does not have anything to do with how many children they might have had?

    Not really - if you were a really prolific procreator like Solomon, it just gives you a bit of a head start and makes it less likely that your line will get wiped out eventually.

    Everyone will have 1000 decendants eventually (back then generations were 15 years, so having 1000 children directly would just save you 100 years or so).
  • Reply 52 of 133
    zab the fabzab the fab Posts: 303member

    Originally posted by e1618978

    Not really - if you were a really prolific procreator like Solomon, it just gives you a bit of a head start and makes it less likely that your line will get wiped out eventually.

    Everyone will have 1000 decendants eventually (back then generations were 15 years, so having 1000 children directly would just save you 100 years or so).

    Perhaps, it sounds plausible. On that note I'm studying a researcher who say's Solomon never was real.

    Here's another interesting thing:

    Sol = Sun in latin (and my own)

    Om = Sun in Egyptian (if I remember correctly)

    On = Sun in yet another language.


    Zab the Fab
  • Reply 53 of 133
    e1618978e1618978 Posts: 6,075member

    Originally posted by segovius

    BS. Muhammad had children with several different women and this is clearly not the case after 1600 years. Not even in the Islamic world.

    Do the math, Seg, Calculate his number of decendants and you will see that I am right.
  • Reply 54 of 133
    e1618978e1618978 Posts: 6,075member

    Originally posted by segovius

    Ok, but first let me get this clear - you are claiming that everyone on this forum - actually everyone period - is a descendant of Muhammad (or anyone else for that matter) ?

    No - most of the people in the world are - but it will take another 400 years for everyone in the world to be (unless all his children were killed or something - 20% of the time your genes get wiped out).

    A mathematician studied this - looked at gene transfer between the various races, calculated probablilties, etc. The number of decendants rises so quickly (Muhammad has, say, 3^100 slots to fill with decendants, some of which obviously have to be filled by more than one person, because that is more people than exist).

    It is a pretty good way to cure your kids out of some of their racism, btw, when they find out that they have a lot of black ancestors.

    My wife's family makes a big deal about being decended from charlemagne, but it turns out that every white person is.
  • Reply 55 of 133
    zab the fabzab the fab Posts: 303member
    Are we not forgetting the fact that while Muhammed may be a lot of people's granfather in 400 years, perhaps a WHOLE LOT OF MORE PEOPLE MIGHT BE HERE AS WELL???

    Meaning, wouldn't it require all the other bloodlines to die out for "everyone" to be someone's decendants?

    While these matters are a whole lot more comfortable to consider, they are not taking away our civil liberties as we write this, nor are they starting wars killing innocent civilians.


    Zab the Fab
  • Reply 56 of 133
    e1618978e1618978 Posts: 6,075member

    Originally posted by Zab The Fab

    Meaning, wouldn't it require all the other bloodlines to die out for "everyone" to be someone's decendants?

    No, the whole idea of "a bloodline" is misleading - we don't have bloodlines, we have a connection lattice. Think about how many ancestors you have.

    Look at a child ("X") born in 2000 - and lets suppose that a generation is 20 years (which is an over estimate once you get past 200 years ago).

    year 1800 - X has 1000 ancestors (2^10, 1024 - I rounded down)

    year 1600 - X has 1,000,000 ancestors

    year 1400 - X has 1,000,000,000 ancestors

    year 1200 - X has 1,000,000,000,000 ancestors

    year 1000 - X has 1,000,000,000,000,000 ancestors

    year 800 - X has 1,000,000,000,000,000,000 ancestors

    etc. At the same time, the population of the world goes dramatically down as you go back in time - you don't have that many people to fill into those ancestors slots.
  • Reply 57 of 133
    trobertstroberts Posts: 702member

    Originally posted by disco

    Also kinda freaky is that the new Apple store opened on the same day the DaVinci Code premiered. The new Apple store glass cube has a striking resemblace to I. M. Pei's Louvre Atrium , except its a cube and not a pyramid.

    I believe Steve said he got the idea for the glass cube from the glass pyramid. I can't recall where I read it but I am sure it was in one of the AppleInsider articles.
  • Reply 58 of 133
    placeboplacebo Posts: 5,767member
    Hiding things in riddles is retarded. All it does is instill a fleeting feeling of exhilarating conceit in the riddler and boredome in the riddled.
  • Reply 59 of 133

    Originally posted by troberts

    I believe Steve said he got the idea for the glass cube from the glass pyramid. I can't recall where I read it but I am sure it was in one of the AppleInsider articles.

    Well I've been more than once to the Louvre, and I find the Apple Cube a lot prettier..

    Although the Louvre contents are a bit more interesting ;-)
  • Reply 60 of 133
    placeboplacebo Posts: 5,767member

    Originally posted by segovius

    Only if they are crap at solving them.

    Why can't the riddler just tell us and let us enjoy the sunshine and cherry blossoms instead of wasting our time.
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