Blu-Ray vs. HD-DVD (2006)



  • Reply 1661 of 2106
    Originally Posted by bitemymac

    Please stop making up stories... You saw someone buying a PS3 off the shelf at BB?.... Who's dream was this? Or are you a fortune teller and can see 2 years in advance?

    I'm not sure if you've even been to local BB and to the BD or HD-DVD section, but in most stores have stacks of boxes, mostly opened, of Samsung BD players, and almost empty shelves for the Toshiba.

    Anyway, if you're not dreaming, please do tell me where I can pick up a PS3 other than ebay..... TIA!

    Idiot. Read above.
  • Reply 1662 of 2106
    bitemymacbitemymac Posts: 1,147member
    Originally Posted by icfireball

    Idiot. Read above.

    aren't ya little short?.... Obviously, you just heard about BD vs. HD-DVD, haven't ya?... I know you're excited about PS3 launch, but do little more research prior to sharing you views. Many things have changed since April of 2006 and your views are outdated.
  • Reply 1663 of 2106
    Originally Posted by icfireball

    Let's not get anal retentive here. Microsoft's xBox 360 and Sony's PS3 are certainly on topic for this forum. One has BluRay and the other (is yet to) support HD-DVD. Gaming systems were a major part of the original DVD revolution, and I suspect they will play a big part in this DVD format revolution.

    Case in point: I was at best buy today and a few guys were checking out the PS3 and the xBox. I overheard the father saying, "yea, It's 200 dollars more but it can play blu-ray DVDs". They bought the PS3.

    High definition movie playback will be crucial for these consoles, 360 doesn't do it and Microsoft are idiots for not including it out the box.

    Why? Well I really didn't understand it myself until I bought a 360 recently.

    360 plays games beautifully in 1080i high definition. However, when sticking in a DVD to watch, the drop in picture quality is actually quite unbelievable.

    PS3 won't have this problem as ALL the media content will be high definition, and it will play all your old media as well.

    Once you've gone high-def there really is no going back, for the same reason that all my hundreds of VHS movies have been in the loft for the past five years.
  • Reply 1664 of 2106
    elixirelixir Posts: 782member
    Originally Posted by icfireball

    Case in point: I was at best buy today and a few guys were checking out the PS3 and the xBox. I overheard the father saying, "yea, It's 200 dollars more but it can play blu-ray DVDs". They bought the PS3.

    i'm sorry but how am i supposed to use my brains for that statement? you said they "bought the ps3" not that they decided in the future they were going to buy it, you said "bought".

    so how did you conclude by the father saying "but it can play bluray dvds" they were going to buy one in the future? since u were so sure of it you said "they bought a ps3".

    they could have still been debating it afterwards.

    dont go telling people what to do when you cant even communicate properly.
  • Reply 1665 of 2106
    bitemymacbitemymac Posts: 1,147member
    Originally Posted by womblingfree

    High definition movie playback will be crucial for these consoles, 360 doesn't do it and Microsoft are idiots for not including it out the box.

    Why? Well I really didn't understand it myself until I bought a 360 recently.

    360 plays games beautifully in 1080i high definition. However, when sticking in a DVD to watch, the drop in picture quality is actually quite unbelievable.

    PS3 won't have this problem as ALL the media content will be high definition, and it will play all your old media as well.

    Once you've gone high-def there really is no going back, for the same reason that all my hundreds of VHS movies have been in the loft for the past five years.

    360 has a HD-DVD add on that will let you watch HD-DVD movies for $159 at CC with a coupon. It should come with free King Kong and a remote. Having this choice at this time is more appropriate, since not all gamers would care to play HD-DVD movies on their gaming console. It would also be more appealing to price sensitve consumers and wouldn't need to pay for the unwanted HD movie functions. I'm sure once the HD-DVD rom drive price comes down to reasonable level, it would most likely replace regular DVD rom drives in the future models without raising the price. I'm expecting the xbox360 price to drop or offer a great rebate program by the holidays. Some stores already provide $100 mail-in rebate and will bring down the xbox360 core price to $199 after the rebate and $199 (or $159 if CC coupon is still valid thru the holidats) HD-DVD add on option will total $399 ($358 ) vs. $499 PS3 (which is likely not be readily available).

    Actually M$ was smart enough to put in one of the best PQ HD-DVD to date for free, but Sony in the other hand placed in the average standard definition DVD like BD movie with the PS3. Not really sure who is really smarter here.....
  • Reply 1666 of 2106
    Originally Posted by bitemymac

    aren't ya little short?.... Obviously, you just heard about BD vs. HD-DVD, haven't ya?... I know you're excited about PS3 launch, but do little more research prior to sharing you views. Many things have changed since April of 2006 and your views are outdated.

    What are you talking about? I have NEVER owned a gaming gaming console in my life and I don't plan on doing so any time soon.

    I don't think you should make blanket statements about things you don't know about. My views are not outdated, because I believe them now, and I base my beliefs in current information. Obviously from my original post you can infer that I think that Sony's use of Blu Ray in it's very popular gaming gaming console, in addition to it's superior performance, features, capacity, and industry/movie studio support, will lead to it's dominance. The HD-DVD players do have one current advantage I will admit: price. Which could be a big factor if Sony arrogantly keeps its price's unnecessarily inflated.

    The closest I have come to buying a gaming console is this:

    (and I don't use it for gaming)

    or this:

    (and I hardly think that counts either)

    Originally Posted by Elixir

    i'm sorry but how am i supposed to use my brains for that statement? you said they "bought the ps3" not that they decided in the future they were going to buy it, you said "bought".

    so how did you conclude by the father saying "but it can play bluray dvds" they were going to buy one in the future? since u were so sure of it you said "they bought a ps3".

    they could have still been debating it afterwards.

    dont go telling people what to do when you cant even communicate properly.

    Again, you fail to use your brain. They DID buy it AND it was NOT in stock AND the Best Buy person said they would have more in on Friday. Let's put two and two together, and oh wait here is a concept! They purchased the PS3 to be picked up when it was in stock. I hope your brain didn't implode with the introduction of that concept. I will admit, I was a bit vague with my original post, but if you look at the meaning of the post, these details aren't important to what I was contributing to the discussion.
  • Reply 1667 of 2106
    oh mr ice, you sure they will be getting more in friday? really? that quickly? HIGHLY doubtful, so you need to just stop right there.

    xbox had more capacity, more features, blah blah, and yet ps2 had the games, right? but now when the ps3 doesn't have all the games, its gonna win because of capacity and ability? blah, its going to come down to who has the exclusives and right now i think the 360 has the better exclusives.
  • Reply 1668 of 2106

    dont be an ass, its not his fault if the store doesnt get the product in on the day they said they would, plus that day hasnt come yet, so YOU cant prove it WONT happen...

    FFS step back a LITTLE bit PLEASE.
  • Reply 1669 of 2106
    I did some back searching and didn't find any reference to this article in EE Times:

    Next-gen DVD war pre-empted?

    According to the story, Broadcom is already shipping universal decoder chipsets and NEC is working on front-end chips. I can't imagine that getting both sets of optics in player is going to be simple or cheap.
  • Reply 1670 of 2106
    hmurchisonhmurchison Posts: 12,438member
    Originally Posted by neumac

    I did some back searching and didn't find any reference to this article in EE Times:

    Next-gen DVD war pre-empted?

    According to the story, Broadcom is already shipping universal decoder chipsets and NEC is working on front-end chips. I can't imagine that getting both sets of optics in player is going to be simple or cheap.

    One product is already underway via Ricoh

    Using a 1mm thick diffraction plate with concentric grooves on each side, the new lasers can recognize what kind of disc you've inserted into a drive (be it CD, DVD, HD DVD or BD) and adjust the beam to play it. The ability to write data is further off because of the extra fire power necessary to make up for light lost to diffraction,

    I expect another vendor or two to enter the market. Universals should be announced in 2007 and maturing in 2008.
  • Reply 1671 of 2106
    Wow, Microshafties unite! You're going to have to do better there ol ye elders of the Microsoft FUD clan. In all my life, I haven't seen the proportion of FUD, lies, and outright misinformation that spews from the Microsoft camp, and sadly from some individuals here. Why? That's a good question, but needless to say, the PS3 has sold out, has more players that have penetrated the market than HD DVD, and I would say is well on its way to meeting the 1,000,000 units to be sold by the end of the year. Things are looking good for Blu-ray, especially when you see the fact that you already have the Panasonic, the Samsung, and the Philips Blu-ray standalone players on the market with Sony and Pioneers players to hit the market in two weeks.

    In regards to how well the PS3 stacks up to be in terms of Blu-ray movie playback, well, I'm reading it's the real deal...

    This thread is from individuals who have tested both sides of the street (Blu-ray and HD DVD) and have come away with their analysis with Blu-ray on the PS3 being the most impressive out of the two. The Blu-ray launch has finally really begun, and sadly (or more appropriately deservedly) I think HD DVD's days are numbered...
  • Reply 1672 of 2106
    Blu-ray can be found in the new James Bond movie, Casino Royale...

    Interesting. 8)
  • Reply 1673 of 2106
    Remember the FUD, "50GB discs are a pipe dream!" That there was no way they'd be producing and using them for movies this year?

    Yeah I did too, but reality then set in.
  • Reply 1674 of 2106
    frank777frank777 Posts: 5,839member
    Universals are a terrible idea. Why should I pay two sets of royalties because of corporate greed?

    Let the war continue and the fanboys can waste their money.

    The rest of us will jump in when there's a standard format, or maybe not at all.
  • Reply 1675 of 2106
    Originally Posted by marzetta7

    Blu-ray can be found in the new James Bond movie, Casino Royale...

    Interesting. 8)

    Good old Product Placement. :-)

    What studio is that movie from??

    Edit: Sony Pictures (I clicked the link)
  • Reply 1676 of 2106
    Originally Posted by Frank777

    Universals are a terrible idea. Why should I pay two sets of royalties because of corporate greed?

    Let the war continue and the fanboys can waste their money.

    The rest of us will jump in when there's a standard format, or maybe not at all.

    I still think that the format that has the best chance to win is the one whose backers are prepared to loose the most money over the next two or three years.

    XBox 360 success isn't as important for HD, as there are equivalent players available for about the same cost, but for BR PS3 sales are important for the time being as it's the cheapest entry into BR.

    One aspect that's often overlooked is computer storage. Even though hard drives are cheap, a 50 or 100GB disc would be great for off-site storage. For something like this slow speeds are unimportant-- just do the copy overnight.

    It doesn't really matter which format is outselling the other right now. IMO, for a HD or BR format to succeed and become anything more than a niche product like laserdiscs were, they must reach a critical mass and for that to happen they must gain broad consumer acceptance. This requires three things: a clearly acknowledge winner in the format war with the looser throwing in the towel; player prices dropping to consumer levels; and drastically reduced flat panel prices, a respected name brand 40" LCD or 42" plasma in the $800-900 range and a 46" LCD or 50" plasma at $1200.
  • Reply 1677 of 2106
    Originally Posted by icfireball

    Good old Product Placement. :-)

    What studio is that movie from??

    Edit: Sony Pictures (I clicked the link)

    The whole movie was a damn Sony ad. Sony cell phone, Sony laptop, Sony DVD player, Sony camera...And some of the shit was just ridiculous the way they worked it in. I mean, come on...

    I am surprised they didn't have a scene with Bond playing PS3, on a Sony HDTV, to practice for his card game...haha.
  • Reply 1678 of 2106
    Originally Posted by OldCodger73

    One aspect that's often overlooked is computer storage. Even though hard drives are cheap, a 50 or 100GB disc would be great for off-site storage. For something like this slow speeds are unimportant-- just do the copy overnight.

    For the cost of a 100GB bluray disk, I could potentially just buy a 250GB hard drive, load it up a lot faster, and then store that offsite. Plus, don't hard drives last longer than optical media?
  • Reply 1679 of 2106
    Originally Posted by OldCodger73

    How did this thread get hijacked by the Microsoft/Sony game argument? Now that all the game machines are out, this debate doesn't belong in Future Hardware let alone this thread.

    I value the debate between HD and BluRay. One would hope that those that want to argue the merits of XBox 360 and PS3 would start a new thread in General Discussions.

    in case you didnt realise Europe hasnt gotten the PS3 yet, so its stil FUTURE HARDWARE here at least.
  • Reply 1680 of 2106
    hmurchisonhmurchison Posts: 12,438member
    So now the official Blu-ray launch has happened eh? Sheesh what took you so long? Toshiba's second generation players are coming in 3 weeks. BD-Live (networked content) wont be available until June 2007. I'm sticking with HD DVD for the time being.
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