Blu-Ray vs. HD-DVD (2006)



  • Reply 1721 of 2106
    It would be very good business for Blu-Ray if Sony would give Apple a discount on Blu-Ray drives in iTV so that they could include a model of the iTV that also acted as a blu-ray player. Because Sony is discounting blu-ray drives to Apple, Apple doesn't have to charge much more to customers to include it as a secondary option for iTV, and Sony also wins because this pulls in Apple's media success to maybe lock in Blu-Ray as the champion in the DVD race, which would ultimately give Sony revenue on Blu-Ray DVD sales to make up for the at-loss drives they sold to Apple until the prices come down so that it is not at-loss anymore.
  • Reply 1722 of 2106
    bitemymacbitemymac Posts: 1,147member
    Originally Posted by icfireball

    It would be very good business for Blu-Ray if Sony would give Apple a discount on Blu-Ray drives in iTV so that they could include a model of the iTV that also acted as a blu-ray player. Because Sony is discounting blu-ray drives to Apple, Apple doesn't have to charge much more to customers to include it as a secondary option for iTV, and Sony also wins because this pulls in Apple's media success to maybe lock in Blu-Ray as the champion in the DVD race, which would ultimately give Sony revenue on Blu-Ray DVD sales to make up for the at-loss drives they sold to Apple until the prices come down so that it is not at-loss anymore.

    This is how a company can get a law suit and Apple's not that stupid to ruin it's reputation to push BD sales to help a sinking Titanic.... I don't think Apple can help Blu-Ray, no more than PS3 can....
  • Reply 1723 of 2106
    snoopysnoopy Posts: 1,901member
    Originally Posted by bitemymac

    . . . Apple's not that stupid to ruin it's reputation to push BD sales to help a sinking Titanic.... I don't think Apple can help Blu-Ray, no more than PS3 can....

    Doom and gloom. I'll wait to see who sinks before buying a player for movies, but we might get either console for games.
  • Reply 1724 of 2106
    bitemymacbitemymac Posts: 1,147member
    Originally Posted by snoopy

    Doom and gloom. I'll wait to see who sinks before buying a player for movies, but we might get either console for games.

    LOL..... Don't wait until the party's over. Only thing that is hurting the new formatis from you guys on the sideline missing out on HD experience.... with either BD or HD-DVD. Most of the Titles are worthy of buying even when dubble dipping. I'm sure Sony will eventually get on the ball and release a decent Hif-Def worthy titles soon in the future. Eitherway, I probably will support both format once I get my hands on the PS3, with slightly favoring HD-DVD. Meaning that if a Hi-Def movie is release on both format, I'll take the HD-DVD over BD just because of better/consistency in PQ & AQ with current releases. All in all, I'm just happy to have HD optical disc format movies at home, and have been very happy and impressed with HD-DVD. Just go out there and buy something in Hi-Def already, you're missing all the fun.
  • Reply 1725 of 2106
    Originally Posted by bitemymac

    This is how a company can get a law suit and Apple's not that stupid to ruin it's reputation to push BD sales to help a sinking Titanic.... I don't think Apple can help Blu-Ray, no more than PS3 can....

    Consider first that PS3 is made by Sony, so that's Sony helping Sony. And why would this cause a law-suite again? I'm not sure I understand -- if two companies make a contract, that is not lawsuit material. Blu-ray is hardly a sinking ship, it's only problem is that its too expensive for consumers right now, and I just came up with an idea to remedy that. Apple alone cannot help Blu-Ray, but it certainly would make a large impact.
  • Reply 1726 of 2106
    Originally Posted by icfireball

    It would be very good business for Blu-Ray if Sony would give Apple a discount on Blu-Ray drives in iTV so that they could include a model of the iTV that also acted as a blu-ray player. Because Sony is discounting blu-ray drives to Apple, Apple doesn't have to charge much more to customers to include it as a secondary option for iTV, and Sony also wins because this pulls in Apple's media success to maybe lock in Blu-Ray as the champion in the DVD race, which would ultimately give Sony revenue on Blu-Ray DVD sales to make up for the at-loss drives they sold to Apple until the prices come down so that it is not at-loss anymore.

    Originally Posted by icfireball

    Consider first that PS3 is made by Sony, so that's Sony helping Sony. And why would this cause a law-suite again? I'm not sure I understand -- if two companies make a contract, that is not lawsuit material. Blu-ray is hardly a sinking ship, it's only problem is that its too expensive for consumers right now, and I just came up with an idea to remedy that. Apple alone cannot help Blu-Ray, but it certainly would make a large impact.

    Any closed door special deal exclusive to special customer would be considered illegal uder fair trade commission. Eitherway, I don't think Sony themselves make the BD-DVD rom drive, but other OEM manufacturer like NEC does, so the pricing can't be controlled too much at this point. Also, I don't think the supply of BD-DVD rom drive can be spared to apple when the supply can barely keep up with PS3 production.
  • Reply 1727 of 2106
    wilcowilco Posts: 985member
    Originally Posted by bitemymac

    Just go out there and buy something in Hi-Def already, you're missing all the fun.

    I'll get right on it.

  • Reply 1728 of 2106
    Originally Posted by Guartho

    I didn't realize the installed user base could already play Blu-Ray movies. Silly me, I thought you needed a PS3 for that.

    at this point there are over half a million PS3s in homes, THATS "installed" read the post before you make an ass of yourself
  • Reply 1729 of 2106
    Originally Posted by Trendannoyer

    at this point there are over half a million PS3s in homes, THATS "installed" read the post before you make an ass of yourself

    I'm going to need proof of this. Link please.

    Blu-ray is still getting dominated. The PS3 should have had a tangible effect on movie sales happening BEFORE the launch as people prepared. We're after the launch and Blu-ray has ONE Top 1000 disc.

    Clearly the PS3 owners are selling their consoles or they don't care enough about movies to warrant buying them.
  • Reply 1730 of 2106
    vineavinea Posts: 5,585member
    Er what? Who the heck buys media for a player they don't have yet. Especially one as "rare" as the PS3? There might be an anticipatory uptick closer to Christmas if PS3 volumes increase and folks expect to see a PS3 in Jan or Feb.

    Beside, anytime DVE shows up in your top 10 sales you know you're in the super early adoptor phase. It ranks #7 for HD-DVD? The only people that own either format are folks from AVS forums and some lucky gamers that scored some PS3s.

  • Reply 1731 of 2106
    eckingecking Posts: 1,588member
    Originally Posted by Trendannoyer

    at this point there are over half a million PS3s in homes, THATS "installed" read the post before you make an ass of yourself

    Less than a quarter million ps3's actually shipped.
  • Reply 1732 of 2106
    bitemymacbitemymac Posts: 1,147member
    With only about 250K units shipping on the launch date... having over 500K PS3 sold units in two weeks time after launch date doesn't seem to be possible. If Sony did release another 250K unit allocation, I would've gotten my unit and bitching about BD-DVD already. Anyway, looks like Wii had a better launch than Sony. Just check out the sales # for all the stuff associated with it.

    Anyway, I would think that 250K units of PS3 would have been a significant impact on the BD-DVD sales already if the initial estimated percentage of buyers were potential BD-DVD movie buyers. It doesn't seem to be the case. So... is PS3 still the savior of BD-DVD movie market?....
  • Reply 1733 of 2106
    elixirelixir Posts: 782member
    Originally Posted by bitemymac

    With only about 250K units shipping on the launch date... having over 500K PS3 sold units in two weeks time after launch date doesn't seem to be possible. If Sony did release another 250K unit allocation, I would've gotten my unit and bitching about BD-DVD already. Anyway, looks like Wii had a better launch than Sony. Just check out the sales # for all the stuff associated with it.

    Anyway, I would think that 250K units of PS3 would have been a significant impact on the BD-DVD sales already if the initial estimated percentage of buyers were potential BD-DVD movie buyers. It doesn't seem to be the case. So... is PS3 still the savior of BD-DVD movie market?....

    so why exactly are you getting a ps3?

    the wii may have had a better launch in terms of figures but boy did they botch it with their games. besides the original playstation, the wii launch could have the worst reviewed launch lineup in recent memory, with the ps3 trailing close behind.
  • Reply 1734 of 2106
    its late so im not going searching... but to my memory there were 80,000 in japan? yes? 3 weeks ago????

    plus 400,000 in the us 2 weeks ago... plus more being air lifted in over the last 2/3 weeks... even if that was ONLY another 20,000 that gets you to 5000,000 thats where i got my figure from... again, its late,been a long day and i'll go looking for links tomorrow

    either way over the next few weeks it will be more than that (i seem to recall sony saying a planned 1 million by xmas... i know i know first it was 4 then 2 now 1)

    plus stand alone blue ray players (all 12 over them ) added into the total PS3 count.

    time will tell

    {ok so i went looking after all and OOOPS i was wrong so apologies to all concerned}

    //400,000 consoles by launch a "goal"

    Although Sony remains firm that they are on track for shipping out six million PS3 consoles by March, and despite the recent cut down to 400,000 units for North America, it is possible that we may see a shortage.

    In an interview with Bloomberg, SCEA co-chair Jack Tretton stated that the launch figures, which are already low, are not set in stone. "The honest answer is it's more of a target," he said. "Clearly we've had production issues."

    With a little over three weeks left until the North American launch, cross your fingers that Sony can get their stuff together and ship a minimum of 400,000 units on day one//

    i dont know if they managed that 400,000 figure..

  • Reply 1735 of 2106
    bitemymacbitemymac Posts: 1,147member
    Originally Posted by Elixir

    so why exactly are you getting a ps3?

    Because I'm impatient. I could wait until Fox and mostly anticipating Pixar/Disney to support both formats, but I would like to have them now at a decent price around... $500/600. I'm not much of a console gamer, but I do play PC games time to time. Well, I can use PS3 for BD-DVD for now, then give it away to my nephew in 6 months to a year or when I get a replacement (univeral player/better BD player) or when Pixar/Disney go neutral.

    Hm.... that's a good question.... maybe I dont' need it or should wait another 6 months?...

    Oh well... most of the movies I want is already or will be in HD-DVD. I should be getting my Superman classics, Superman Returns, and Mummy in couple of days....... and Harry Potter series in the near future........ I guess I don't need PS3 afterall... Thanks for asking....
  • Reply 1736 of 2106
    Originally Posted by bitemymac

    Any closed door special deal exclusive to special customer would be considered illegal uder fair trade commission. Eitherway, I don't think Sony themselves make the BD-DVD rom drive, but other OEM manufacturer like NEC does, so the pricing can't be controlled too much at this point. Also, I don't think the supply of BD-DVD rom drive can be spared to apple when the supply can barely keep up with PS3 production.

    It wouldn't be a closed door special. I just used Apple as an example. Sony should loose money by setting blu-ray players really cheap next year -- in the key year, so that they catch on, and by in 2008, the price has come down enough to make profit on the players. If Sony looses the DVD format war, they are looking at loosing a LOT of money.
  • Reply 1737 of 2106
    WHO CARES ABOUT HD OR Blu-Ray??? If either of these were any good, Apple would have included them on the iTV. Why on earth would anyone want to go out and buy a disk when they can just stream the movie over the internet (iTunes)?

    Maybe I should open a store that sells websites on disc. I'd make a lot of sales to this market.
  • Reply 1738 of 2106
    Originally Posted by ngmapple

    WHO CARES ABOUT HD OR Blu-Ray??? If either of these were any good, Apple would have included them on the iTV. Why on earth would anyone want to go out and buy a disk when they can just stream the movie over the internet (iTunes)?

    Maybe I should open a store that sells websites on disc. I'd make a lot of sales to this market.

    Major Supporting companies:

    Apple obviously thinks something about Blu-Ray.
  • Reply 1739 of 2106
    onlookeronlooker Posts: 5,252member
    Originally Posted by ngmapple

    WHO CARES ABOUT HD OR Blu-Ray??? If either of these were any good, Apple would have included them on the iTV. Why on earth would anyone want to go out and buy a disk when they can just stream the movie over the internet (iTunes)?

    Maybe I should open a store that sells websites on disc. I'd make a lot of sales to this market.

    I have to say that your argument is ridiculous.

    How can say iTV is going to be better than High Definition disk that holds 50+ gigs of data?

    I also have to say, but everybody probably knows, that I think iTV is a POS.
  • Reply 1740 of 2106
    Originally Posted by onlooker

    I have to say that your argument is ridiculous.

    How can say iTV is going to be better than High Definition disk that holds 50+ gigs of data?

    I also have to say, but everybody probably knows, that I think iTV is a POS.

    iTV is not a POS. In fact, I tried downloading TV shows from iTunes and they look perfectly fine on my large high definition television. Not to mention that iTV is not just for video, and it is not just for interfacing with computers. It is a router, it has component ports (aka DVD player, etc), it has cable ports (possible DVR), USB ports (cameras, etc), and much much more.

    The iTV will likely do what it is suppose to do very well, and what it suppose to do is very useful.

    I agree with you that there will always be a place for physical media, very high definition, special features and extra options, and that is where Blu-Ray comes in.
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