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  • Editorial: Will Apple's 1990's 'Golden Age' collapse repeat itself?

    My home was everything Apple until a few days ago.

    I remember the day to turn myself to Apple's Mac because I believed that Microsoft Windows was intolerable when Steve Balmer punished us for not upgrading hardware and made Windows running slower for every update.

    The story is repeating.  It's impossible and unaffordable for me to replace every Apple devices every 2-3 years.  It's also a blind-faith to put premium prices buying lagged-behind technologies just because of "security", "safety" and "privacy".  The turning point came a few days ago.

    I bought a Google Home Hub, and it immediately gave me and my family surprises.  
    1. Installation in 5 minutes.
    2. Just by saying "hey Google" or "OK Google", every one in the family can command the Google Home Hub to do something and relate them with our individual Google Accounts, all in one Google Home Hub device.  Unlike iPad and iPhone, we can only have one Apple ID in use per device.  Google Home Hub recognises individual voices instantly.
    3. With just voice, I can ask for the weather, set alarm, set timer, change volume, change brightness, play music of my choice or randomly picked up, play YouTube.  
    4. With the Google Home app and Google Assistant app on my iPhone / iPad, I can do much more, much much more than Apple Siri.

    Before the intrusion of Google Home Hub, about $150- $220, and it was already 2 year old on the market, I thought that I could be still an Apple fan for another few years.  Now, I know that I might be an escaped planet from Apple the solar system, or at least travelling in a twin-star system including Google.

    Apple, do you know what's wrong with you?

  • Messages in iCloud: Everything you need to know

    From a user perspective, If I enable Messages on iCloud, I would have to pay monthly fee for iCloud service immediately. Saving the iCloud costs in three years mean I can get a 128GB iPhone instead of a 64GB, or a 256GB iPhone instead of a 128GB.

    I am happy to stay with Messages on current “Apple cloud”.  All messages are readily searchable on all of my devices includind iPhone, iPad, multiple Macs even without internet. I don’t have any synchronisation problem among devices. Why do I need to enable Messages on iCloud? It doesn’t make any sense to me.
  • Law firm that extracted $450M settlement in Apple e-books case is going after company for ...

    1. Capacity depleted up to 20% of design should not fail to deliver peak power required by the iPhone;

    2. Running down to 30% energy left after a full charge will still provide peak power required by any iPhone;

    3. Not mentioned by any battery-gate article editors that all lithium-ion batteries have their own circuit processors managing the batteries. It should not be the iOS business to throttle it.

    4. iOS should not “assume” all batteries of the same age depleting at the same rate by the iPhone model, iOS version or the time-stamp of the battery on the iPhone and throttle the iPhones accordingly!

  • Google suffered hour-long wide outage in nearly every service, cause unknown

    70,000,000 DDoS attacks. Even Cloudflare found it difficult to handle.
  • Some M1 Mac owners encounter Bluetooth connectivity issues

    I’ve been raising bluetooth issues since 2018, especially on iMac5K. Many issues.
  • New iOS 14 feature prompts TikTok to end clipboard snooping

    this CCP spyware should be pulled off from app store completely!
  • Germany wants Apple to offer iPhone updates and parts for 7 years

    Not only updates, but also equal level and priority of services.  No planned obsolescence. No discrimination of older devices to access of services. Other nations in the world should follow Germany.
  • Hong Kong legislator urges Tim Cook to put 'values over profits, pls!'

    Tim Cook might have no idea if “one country two systems”. He might have confused and mixed up the Chinese App Store and Hong Kong App Store.

    Banning the HKMap.live is destroying “one country two system” and is destroying democracy in Hong Kong. In this way, Apple is helping a totalitarian regime to build a police state in Hong Kong.

    Tim should now listen, for the first time, to the pro-democratic policy-maker Charles Mok, and revive HKMap.live app on Hong Kong App Store.
  • iOS 15 picking up fewer upgraders two days after launch than iOS 14 did

    very hesitated to upgrade. the ghost of CSAM is still there.
    besides, will iPhone resemble Xiaomi in sensorship? Take a look in the Lithuania government report.  In Jobs era, I’d believe that the chance is nil, but not so sure today. Where’s iPhone 13 made?
    Apple talks about Privacy. I’m concerned of National Security and citizen security.
  • Apple shareholder urges action on CSAM videos

    Apple can pay hundreds of NGOs to sue Apple. That’s a way to gain global law-enforcement power like totalitarian regimes.