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  • Apple is America's top corporate user of solar energy

    Ah, Apple-haters...

    It is sweetly typical to hear the infrastructure investment necessary to generate 330MW as "virtue signalling." 

    And the tortured logic of… Apple generates a shit-ton of clean energy with solar >> BUT there might be some unknown number of coal plants that will fire up in the event that all those solar arrays all stop working >> BUT industry isn't building nuclear plants, BECAUSE those hypothetical coal plants are backing up Apple solar farms === Apple is TEH SUCXXOR!!!

    Y'all are cute. Never change!
    StrangeDays2770 LorcazoetmbpaisleydiscochiaAppleExposedminicoffeemontrosemacsjony0
  • Review: 2017 MacBook Pro fulfills the promise of the line's redesign

    These threads are so valuable!

    i used to think Apple was doing okay until I realized that they are ignoring the valuable market of "guys who buy the cheapest possible generic computer with no regard for design or aesthetics, then never replace it sooner than eight years."

    Also, I see that because Schiller didn't dedicate 90 minutes to listing precisely how many of each model they sold, they must be hiding a terrible truth. I expect them to close and return the money to the shareholders any day now.


    Actually, I eagerly await the companion piece to this review, looking at the 13" model. I really hope AI gets numbers for the high-end model.
  • Apple Pro Display XDR 'game changer' for 'Jumanji' studio

    Soli said:
    rezwits said:
    Seems like studios will "kinda settle" by getting a Mac Pro, i.e. this will be something they don't really wa hi nt to go BACK to for some places.

    But the XDR Display SEEMS to be the reason they will really really want to be ok settling...

    I have read a few comments from people that just really only want the display!  ha
    You don't need a Mac Pro to be able to use the Pro XDR display

    "Pro Display XDR is compatible with the following Mac models running macOS Catalina 10.15.2 or later:
    • Mac Pro (2019) with MPX Module GPUs
    • 15-inch MacBook Pro (2018 or later)
    • 16-inch MacBook Pro (2019)
    • 21.5-inch iMac (2019)
    • 27-inch iMac (2019)
    • Any Mac model with Thunderbolt 3 ports paired with Blackmagic eGPU or Blackmagic eGPU Pro"
    And of course any PC that supports TB3 with a video card that push that resolution.
    I was under the impression that Apple-branded displays and displays designed for Macs (LG UltraFine 4K / 5K) only work with Macs.  Or is that incorrect?
    That is incorrect.
  • Review: Apple's new 12" MacBook boasts incremental speed improvements

    I am a MacBook user, and have spent hundreds of hours writing code on mine. I happily trade a zillion ports and CPU for its super light weight. For me the form is the function. 

    I have a Mac Pro, which does compile about 2x as fast, but usually I prefer the couch and the MacBook to my desk and the big fast machine.

    Different folks work differently and have different values. 
  • Apple to begin reopening stores in US next week

    In S.C. the test-positive percentage has been on a downward slope for 28 days. Virtually all deaths are in long-term care facilities. Daily deaths outside of nursing homes are comparable to “eaten by alligator” and “run over by own lawnmower.” The State’s hospitals are at 30% capacity.

    My daughter is an EMT in SC. She’s busy, as always, but not with COVID patients. “Flatten the curve” was to keep the hospitals from being overwhelmed. They are currently under-whelmed to the point of bankruptcy. 

    ”Daily front page news” is not really a solid criterion for making decisions.

    I think Apple is making a responsible call here.

    The most vulnerable people, of course, should not go to the mall. Kids doing home school will really be helped by this, at very low risk to anyone.