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Quote: Originally Posted by Gatorguy The newer Pentile display isn't the same as those from two years back. When discussing Samsung's SuperAmoled 720HD display (not even the Plus version), used on both the Galaxy Nexus and the new Gal…
@AbsoluteDesignz I was responding to the story of malware installing on Android devices when sideloading. I assumed the replies would be threaded so I didn't quote the OP.
But Android is OOOOOOPEN! Isn'ty that the rallying cry of the freetards? Android is so much better than iPhone because you have the freedom to install apps from sources not controlled by Apple. Sorry, but you can't have it both ways.
Because this is a reference platform. They release a handset that is on the lower end of the scale rather than the high-end to show people and manufacturers what the minimum performance should be.
The US was the only country to have carrier exclusivity.
Quote: Originally Posted by trailmaster308 ROFLMAO....I "AM" the Desktop Administrator for two hosptials well into the 3500 node range according to my last AD scan. We do have a contract w/ Dell but no way in hell would I allow them to pre-ins…
Will iChat finally look as good as it did in Panther? Is it just me and all my immediate friends or did iChat video get worse looking under Tiger?
First, I have to say who cares where the story got posted first? Secondly, and more importantly, I have to agree that we are not really losing out here in South Florida. The Mac Store was a very small store-front operation that for the most part …
Our college graphics department was running on 2 G4 servers with OSX Server. Supporting some 1600 students. No problems. We have recently installed 2 XServes to replace them. Used Carbon Copy Cloner to dupe the drives, ran the XServe install CDs o…
Quote: Originally posted by Placebo I'm convinced that it does. Just look at the power symbol. It looks like it has been carved out and filled with lucite, so it will glow. Don't mark my words, but I think that it will. But I guess that the littl…
Sorry about the 60 pounds thing, it came from the Apple rep on the show floor.
I have posted a small gallery at my .mac site. Nothing shocking just more pics. The power button does not glow (sorry). The security device is built into the latch for the side (Ive rocks) The power cord is on the BOTTOM! DUH you PC designers.…
This is one of the worst rumors from macBoudille yet! There is no way to get that many processors in a standard box. Hell even SGI can only get 16 procs in one of their refrigerator sized units. Then they say that you could put several video cards…