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Not sure if it's been posted here, but here's what happened to be Steve's last public appearance. It's him presenting the new concept to the Cupertino Counsel. Speaking for myself, it made me miss him even more-so, kind of a tear jerker, especiall…
Rumor has it Samsung's campus will have a statue of Steve Jobs in it. Yes, they're that ruthlessly shamelessly pathetic.
Firstly, Tim Cook is doing a GREAT JOB as Apple CEO. It isn't HIS FAULT that some seemingly illegal (should be) conspiracy to take his business down to benefit certain others with a dog in that race have become increasingly fabricated-ly off their…
Yes. Same here.
I've realized this too. They post odd very negative articles from UNKNOWN sources like "Valuewalk" and something or other. I have a hunch Google owns these companies incognito. The negative press behind Apple while they're doing better than t…
Quote: Originally Posted by Mikeb85 You always need an exit strategy. No stock runs up forever. There is always a 'highest' price. Not saying Apple's reached it, but to hold on to something forever is silly. The '…
Great!! Love this!! Return to true Apple spirit, class and style. This is a great testament that Apple creative is as vibrant and alive as ever.
Quote: Originally Posted by rain Stock isn't going back up any time soon. - Competition has caught up and even passed Apple in technology. - We haven't seen anything new yet that wasn't inspired by Jobs. - Apple put all of the…
See you guys at $1,000+. Fundamentals are just too good to see otherwise, and considering the info we DO have in iPhone 5 right now, unless it underperforms iPhone 4S, we'll see even more P/E contraction going forward, and nice year over year grow…
Quote: Originally Posted by RBR I certainly agree that Apple needs to concentrate more on functionality/capability than whether they can shrink the phone yet again. Jonny Ive is so fixated on artificial design that the function of…
Quote: Originally Posted by herbapou Its a horrible quarter based on apple own guidance. Apple has been beating it by a range of 28 to 60% for the last 5 years. They broke that pattern today since they pretty much came right on wit…
Quote: Originally Posted by cameronj That depends on whether they took over the company when it was doing even better than that. In which Apple wasn't, so CEO "pat on the back" is in store? Anyway, Cook has been runnin…
The real crime here is Wall Street, period. These IDIOT "ANAL-ISTS" guess random numbers, and when Apple doesn't hit it due to having NO obligation to fill an IRRELEVANT number by some empty suit who probably couldn't get a job in Apple's mailroom…
Quote: Originally Posted by Shaun, UK Does that really matter. If all the Android manufacturers collectively sell 100 million phones and Apple sells 26 million but is number one because the Android market is fragmented across ma…
LOL @ the idiot who said it'll drop "$200". This is the problem with Wall Street. Amateurs in action, not understanding what "fundamentals" even mean, cash on hand, P/E ratio, etc. Investors, stay along for the ride, buy tactfully, and …
Munster is the man. By far one of the better AAPL "Analysts" to listen to if you're going to with any. He's usually spot on.... i.e he knows a winner when he sees one, doesn't let human politics muddle his views, and knows the obvious: AAPL is a f…
I'm surprised people here can not realize what the simple answer to "what's going on here". As usual, humans overcomplicate these matters and run amuck with ridiculous "reasonings". He's not taking it obviously because being that under …
Quote: Originally Posted by island hermit I wonder how many people got nervous and sold when it sunk back to $530 the other day. They'll be puking right about now when looking at this $18 jump. [FB aint looki…
Quote: Originally Posted by Fairthrope This is what I refer to. So you said investors will never get the stock to $650 because they want something more than iPhone and iPad could give them, then what else is there? And if Mac numbers …
Quote: Originally Posted by cameronj Not checking in on a mutual fund is a hell of a lot less risky than not checking in on a single stock that gets its profits in large part based on style, which can change in a blink. Best…