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  • Okay, I took the plunge and did it anyway not knowing. It turns out that it leaves gfortran alone but messes with other GNU compilers. For whatever reason, gfortran needs one of them (I think gcc). So I had to download and install Xcode4 (free with …
  • Quote: Originally Posted by Ex_Spy_Guy They removed the data return module for FTM in 4.0. Can you cap the screen and post it? There are pretty good 3rd party apps that do a good job of giving noise and location diagnostics than the stock fiel…
  • What is your point? Yes, for all we know, there still may be issues but I do not see what you are getting at. I do not know about the bandwidth thing, or if that is even proof of anything, but as far as the proximity sensor is concerned, I am pre…
  • Quote: Originally Posted by Ireland No. But you could use your Apple TV iPhone or iPad remote to 'possibly' do what you're talking about. i.e. change songs on the remote without needing to see the TV interface, as in, leaving it off. ' W…
  • Quote: Originally Posted by Tulkas Depends whether your plan has Caller ID or Caller Display (sometimes called name display). Caller ID includes just the phone number. If your phones has that number associated with a contact, then it will display…
  • Okay, I think I got it by accident. When I used my macbook pro at my desk through the long cable, I was also hooking it to the external monitor. For one reason or another, it seems that connecting the external monitor was causing buzzing. My gues…
  • I had asked this in another site but I guess I will ask here too. I have about 15 months left on my plan but I am elligable for the $18 upgrade. Now, If I do it, will I have 24 months or 39? Thanks
  • Quote: Originally Posted by AppleInsider The document also mentions a new feature, Safari Reader, which adds a Reader icon to the browser and allows users to view articles "in a single, clutter-free page." Isn't this already a feature in Safar…
  • The thing you are talking about is not what I am looking for. I do not need a way to SFTP to the phone. I want to do it from the phone. WIth that said, I found a program called Briefcase which does the job. It was only $5 so I was willing to give it…
  • Thanks Marvin. The problem with the drop-down is that you select by SSID so the 8 or so base stations show up as one and the computer connects to the one with the strongest signal. Next time I am over there, I was planning on trying the manual IP…
  • Many people have no problems what-so-ever with thier mac on the access point. Also, given the school, Cartnegie Mellon University, they tend not to skimp (too much) when it comes to technology like this. The tech support said the following: -----…
  • Thanks Marvin. That worked. I had thought i tried that but I guess not.
  • First aid didn't do anything but i was p[laying around and selectedmy keychian as default. Then, i logged out and it all worked when i logged it. I do not know which thing did it but i do not care becuase it is working. Thanks guys
  • Quote: Originally Posted by Marvin If you go to the edit menu and keychain list, there should be two keychains. One has the name login and is located at /Users//Library/Keychains and one called system at /Library/Keychains. If either of these doe…
  • Where? I cannot find where to upgrade my existing music
  • I would love to see FTP better integrated into Finder. I would like to be able to mount, read and WRITE to an FTP server. It would also be great if it can do it with SFTP. I would also like to see some thumbnail browsing in Finder. I know there a…
  • The problem is I have 100+ pages of notes and this would be a very drawn out proscess. Ideally, i am looking for what Acrobat is supposed to do where i can just push scan, put a new page in, push scan and just do that,
  • I remember there being a bunch of different charging mats in production. Search through Engadget archives. The way a charging mats works is basically have a bunch of electromagnets that are changing thier magnetic field. When you put the adaptet …
  • When looking, you will pay more for it but look for an enclosure with fans. From what i hear, most external drive crashes are eaither head crashes from dropping it or overheating. I do not know any more about it but i saw a Bytecc drive with 2 f…
  • There is a free program called WhatSize. You will have to google it for the download. What it does is it lets you see where and how your drive space is being used up. It is pretty helpful.