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  • Man.. this should be a sticky.. GOOD INFO. I'll keep passing it on to others.. I'm now in a search for two more 512's.. seems like all they sell is 1GB's everywhere..
  • by inboard, I meant closest to the mother board... but they're actually numbered 1 thru 4 so I assume 1 is the closest. the harder part is determining which is Riser A and which is B.. I assume top is A and bottom is B.. Now, if I added the 2…
  • The PB is an ATI9700 128mb... I think Geekbench is CPU only bench, but I haven't figured it out for sure... I took your advise and re-did the RAM and it made a difference on Xbench... read my post and see if I did it correctly... thanks a…
  • Pretty cool... using Xbench, I got a 144 score on memory before, and now a 157.. Good work! I have a the top riser with the 2x512 facing outside, and 2x1GB inboard... and the bottom riser bottom riser with the 2x1GB inboard (closest to the Mobo…
  • Quote: Originally Posted by ZachPruckowski Unix Mac - Swap your RAM around. You want it like this: Riser 1: 2x1 GB, 2x512 MB Riser 2: 2x1 GB The way you have it, you lose quad-channel bandwidth to some of that memory. And you save some …
  • I've been running it for 2 days now... here are pics if anyone is interested. http://web.mac.com/sjsamaha/iWeb/Site/Library.html
  • I paid $44 to get it sent 2-day as I HATE Fedex ground.. they've destroyed more guitars in transit for me than Pete Townsend in the 60's destroyed Strats! The Fedex Air guys are a whole different group of employees and are far more professional …
  • Yeah, last night at 10PM got an email stating that my order is due to arrive on Sept 6th! I've got all of my OWC stuff here waiting, so the minute it gets in, I'll play (and pray it all works).. and be on my wife hopefully by the end of the day.
  • Quote: Originally posted by MCQ Okay. I guess I'm not going to win the "add more to the base spec" argument then. BTO it is. Could Apple update their component upgrade prices to better reflect current commodity pricing? $100 for an upgrade …
  • I am sure Apple will make Tiger very functional on lower powered Macs.. such as all of those iBooks, and the new mini... so don't worry about it. The fact is, there are many features of 10.3.7 that aren't as usable on an eMac as they are on a dual…
  • What it needs however is a way to turn on and off the fax without digging out the system prefs every time.. There is a freeware out there that shows the fax icon in the tool bar if you are sending or receiving, but that's all it does. No on/off…
  • Quote: Originally posted by slughead use this next time: http://www.unsanity.net/ceepeeyou-111.sit it's a menu-bar item that shows the usage of each CPU been using it for years, works great and is very nice for when an app is on the brin…
  • Quote: Originally posted by Eugene Breaking news: Michael Jackson enjoys the company little boys. ipodandimac, you should spend a little more time with top. Many apps shoot well above 100%, and the ones you listed are among them. Top with…
  • too cool... I just figured it out... I'll be damned!
  • How exactly do you use a G5 as a fax anyway.. do you have to buy special software?
  • Quote: Originally posted by radiospace My bad. At the risk of repeating my conversation with Slughead above let me say this much. While I appreciate that any sound can be an issue to an audio engineer/musician, I have to remind you of the la…
  • Quote: Originally posted by macanoid? Thanks very much, glad you point out my main objectives: simplicity and elegance. I enjoyed designing it very much. Btw, I see you're using a WD 74GB Raptor System Disk, I'm thinking of getting that as well.…
  • Quote: Originally posted by Vox Barbara Try drag and drop everywhere. You won't believe, what is possible, ... blowing... Copy paste via Exposé, pure lust... I love how you can drag a file (say a text file, pdf) directly into the terminal …
  • Quote: Originally posted by nickhuober EDIT: One more thing that's better on the PC is that when a dialog box pops up (For example, "Do you want to save the changes you made to this document?") on PC you can use the right and left arrow keys to …