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  • Quote: Originally posted by lundy The menu name is "Show All Bookmarks", not just "Bookmarks". After you said this, I created another shortcut to "Zoom" and it worked. So, basically I can't use "Bookmarks" because it's not considered a menu…
  • Quote: Originally posted by Chucker You have restarted Safari after changing the settings, right? Thanks. I did restart Safari but my shortcut still doesn't work. Here is the hierarchy of my shortcut as seen from the Keyboards Shortcut tab…
  • Thats not a real iPod. Good effort!
  • I remember when I had 16 posts..
  • Quote: Originally posted by bergz Why don't handhelds (and ipods for that matter) have matte screens like (most) laptop screens? Look at the glare on that sucka. Or on my cell phone. --B You're my hero.
    in iGame? Comment by zygomatic March 2006
  • It's an improvement to Office XP. Thanks
  • And the magazine thinks this is funny?
    in iGame? Comment by zygomatic March 2006
  • Firefox was the cause of this. I switched to OmniWeb and everything is fine now. BTW, I really like what I see in OmniWeb. I may just have to dish out the $29 bucks at the end of the demo period.
  • Quote: Originally posted by TednDi Dude, It's quiet around here because we have discussed this already. here most recently: http://forums.appleinsider.com/showt...threadid=61184 Do you have anything new to add or is this going to be…
  • Quote: Originally posted by hmurchison Steve is a savvy leader however I hesitate to annoint him Supreme CEO simply because there have been so many poor CEO's heading Tech companies over the years when you see a decent one they tend to get too mu…
  • Quote: Originally posted by BRussell Just drag the mp3 into Garageband. Thank you! I am dragging the songs directly from iTunes into GarageBand.
  • Quote: Originally posted by thepianoguy iMovie GarageBand SoundTrack Sound Studio All allow you to add effects. How can I import a song (mp3 for example) into garage band? I've looked into this but haven't been able to. The only thing I c…
  • Quote: Originally posted by ngmapple Black 30th Aniversary Special Edition iMac in April? I think they should offer a black iMac, period. Is Apple having another KeyNote and releasing new products April 1st?
  • I know that stealing is bad and it should generally make people angry. But I like hearing when Microsoft steals another apple idea. It just makes me more proud to be a Mac freak.
  • Well, "Windows Dragon" resizes like buttah.. kinda. I love that thing.. I am going to try some of their other products.. http://www.unsanity.com/products/
  • Quote: Originally posted by bergz Window Dragon drag / resize windows by clicking anywhere. --B Very cool! Thanks..
  • Quote: Originally posted by dacloo Why is window resizing so slow on MacOSX, even with a Dual Core iMac G5? On Windows, resizing windows is smooth and fast, even on slower computers. I agree that resizing is slow. And it's also only possible …
  • Quote: Originally posted by addabox I know about it. It drives me crazy. I had to change the button mapping to get rid of it-- it's too lightly sprung and and its way to easy to depress when you're just trying to scroll. Quote: Originally …
  • Only real reason I could think of using a PDA is for contacts, calendars and email on the go. Other apps have better alternatives. However, I am a 9 to 5 guy and have no need for a PDA. I wish I did cause I like them simply because they are cool. Bu…
  • Looks l ike http://www.macband.com/ is good. I found it by doing a quick google search.. Darn google makes computing so easy..