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How about the Mac Studio gets M5 chips before anything else?!
Truly one of the most childish things President Moron has done. Whenever this nation crawls out from the pile of miscreants, ignoramuses, grifters, and plain just stupid people currently attempting to run things (or just drive everything into the…
I'm a bit perplexed by the idea of releasing an M4 Max and M4 Ultra Studio in June, and then about five months later, introducing M5 Pro and M5 Max MacBook Pros. Either just delay the Studio so it can go to an M5 or, if possible first release the …
Honestly, this is starting to remind of when Coca-Cola fiddled with the formula... complete disaster. Hey Dell, if you're reading, try this: Dell Home or Dell Personal. Dell Office or Dell Professional. That's it. There are your two tiers of co…
There comes a point where Apple is going to have to bite the bullet and flip the Indonesian government the bird and just pull completely out of the country until saner heads prevail. It’s one thing to require some investment, but constantly moving …
Pema said: Evolution not revolution. iPad 25, iPhone 25, Mac M100. Where is the new mind-blowing stuff? Overall, yes. And there is nothing wrong with that. Eventually, there will be something revolutionary, maybe solid state batt…
According to Apple Maps- it is a 1.7 miles to Apple Fifth Avenue and walking is estimated to take about 38 minutes. It is also just 1.3 miles and a 28 minute walk from Apple West 14th Street. I do know that some people associated with Apple Music …
muadibe said: Is M5 a typo? All the other reports I’ve seen have said M4. Not necessarily. If Apple waits until WWDC to introduce new Studios, they just might be M5 processors. By that point, the M4 would be a year old. Personally, I t…
Here's my two cents...coming from someone who was an Expert in a large store and provided a lot demos and sold several AVPs in the weeks after it was first available. I left Apple (for no singular reason, and do miss it a bit) back in the spring, …
As the rather secretive CEO of a company that values its secrets more than anything else, I find it really hard to believe that Tim Cook called a person known for blabbering about anything and everything to complain about the EU. If anyone here ha…
Look, leaving the EU was really an insane move for the UK. What is going to happen, is with standards like this, and probably many in other areas of life, the UK is going to adapt EU standards as their own. It just makes sense. As far as Apple,…
If these videos are true, that means someone in a production facility is stealing them and sending them out to Russia. Considering the size of the box and the security in those places, that's hard pill to swallow. The other possibility is that th…
Not unexpected considering Goldman is losing money on the card and the Fed just cut interest rates by ½ a point. At some point, other high yield accounts are going to see their rates cut too- especially if the Fed cuts rates again as expected.
ssfe11 said: These chips would be shipped to China AND India for assembly? Yup.. that's exactly how it would work. It might sounds nuts, but the costs of everything are figured out to the penny and if it was cheaper to do it elsewhere, t…
I received that survey yesterday. I do wish a couple of questions had more that just a yes or no answer- like do I wear my watch when sleeping. Overall, the answer was no, but not 100%. I will wear it about once or so a month overnight to get m…
humbug1873 said: "Layoffs at Apple are rare"!? Must be a new thing. I can remember an Apple where hire&fire was the norm. People got literally celebrated in the comm meeting for their excellent work, only to be layed off a week later etc.…
So here's the deal... and this doctor is an idiot.. or just trying to scam Apple. Former Expert here who dealt with stuff like this about ten thousand times. You buy an iPad Pro, it costs $999. You're eligible for the education discount, so now…
Oh no... Apple might only sell 300,000 (a guess) AVPs... at roughly $4000 per sale, that's just $1.2billion in revenue for the year. I think Apple should just close up shop on that news. Seriously, some of these stories are just ridiculous. Did…
I often leave comments on this site using my past experience as an Expert at an Apple Store for about 4½ years. Here I can use my pre-Apple experience- 32 years as a public high school teacher. What Eton is doing is a good thing. Students are WA…
Musk is just angry that Apple chose a competitor to his AI platform. It is really is incredible... he's had some good ideas over the years (that others have been able to execute), but he so often acts like a petulant, spoiled child. Does he real…