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Quote: Originally posted by Ichiban_jay or ppl that don't know that when you hit the red X button you don't actually close the program... In the store you end up with macs with a million apps open... so they go, why is it so slow? This prob…
Quote: Originally posted by Leonis True and Flase. Chinese from the Mainland China are generally very f****** cheap but Chineses from HK and Taiwan and Singapore aren't. Just to point you out that there are sites providing membership service …
Ya, I dun like e round edges in label too. But overall, Panther is much better than Jaguar. Expose is really a blessing.
Does anyone knows if 6.5 still works with my existing quicktime pro registration number??
Powermac G4 doing fine too.
I think a Powerbook G5 is still too early for WWDC 2004. End 2004 seems like a more realistic date.
I can't wait for the iTunes Store to arrive!!
I've heard and read that Apple earns almost nothing from the iTunes Music Store. Most of the profit goes to the music companies. I guess the store is more of tactic to sell more iPods and generate more publicity for Apple. But in the long run, Ap…
One more question: Are all the cameras for sale on the Apple Store iPhoto friendly??
Though I am not an American, I do hope Bush will get elected. His war on terror is making the world a safer place. Other than him, I dun think any governement has the ability or the will to battle the worldwide terror.
When I bought my iBook about 2 years back, a better and cheaper model was rolled out two weeks after my purchase. The feeling sucked!! 22 days isn't that long a wait. And besides, more credible rumours will probably come out nearer MWSF.
This sucks. Petrol prices here are rising and they have the cheek to ask for such money.
This must be the best news of the week! Lets hope attacks on poor iraqi civilians and innocent soldiers will decease. And may peace prevail in Iraq this festive season.
Try connecting at a lower speed. This may help.
The PS2 has more games and developers supporting it. That is one major plus point. Also, if u r into RPG games, the PS2 is the console for u since the final fantasy series and many other great RPG titles are PS2 only. However, if action or shooti…
An X'mas Eve wedding. This is really romantic. Congratulations!
I rather buy a BMW....
Quote: Originally posted by Kizoku Now that iPod can snyc with iPhoto for holding pictures, why not have a color screen so you can see em. Just a thought. Tats a good suggestion!! I hope Apple listens!
Its the same in Singapore. The fall invalue of US dollars does not seem to have an effect on local prices of Mac products. Wats worse is that the education discount is only a meagre 2-5%....
I bought my first mac simpy becos it looks so cool! But after using OS X, I am addicted..... I guess its an addiction.